Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

SWIFT Membership Alternative

For over 20 years, we have taken great pride in providing unique and straightforward answers to our clients while offering the best possible service. To that end, we have initiated a relationship with a service provider who offers low cost SWIFT access on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. Easy to use, cost-effective and reliable, it lets you exchange all SWIFT messages and file types and use secure browser services from SWIFT and market infrastructures.

This service meets the needs of all types of SWIFT customers, including: banks, trust companies, investment managers and broker/dealers.

Salient points and Benefits:

– Connect to SWIFT with little upfront investment
– Low operational costs and overhead
– Connect directly to SWIFT without using a third party
– No need for to maintain costly SWIFT infrastructure at your site

It is our hope that our proposal exceeds your expectations and ultimately leads to much success for you. If you have the need for this service, we look forward to you becoming one of our newest & valued clients.

Corb7 International will require a US$2,500 retainer for this service.

Call for a Consultation: +1-310-601-3115 or Email:

Business Advisory & Publishing Firm

Our Roles & Services to Assist You:

CONSULTANT: Working on your behalf as an International Business Advisory we target acquisitions and corporate structures which will reduce regulatory red-tape, lower costs, raise capital or open new avenues to profit.

AUTHOR: Geared to our entrepreneurial readership, we currently write a monthly newsletter and weekly blog that is uniquely educational and entertaining. Our second book will be out this year.

PUBLISHER: We are proud to announce that in 2013 we will publish a new interactive magazine which will provide you yet another tool to keep on the cutting-edge of competitive advantage.

ADVOCATE: We have always been and remain to this day a stanch believer in free markets and the entrepreneurial spirit. To that end, we frequently publish or share information which is intended to either inspire or enlighten.

Posted in: Business Tools, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized on January 8, 2015

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