Cross-Border Business Planning
The United States is the Largest “Tax Haven” In the World!
The United States as a Haven for Privacy:
Since 2014, 97 jurisdictions have agreed to impose new disclosure requirements for bank accounts, trusts, and other investments held by international investors. Of the nations the OECD asked to sign on, only a few have declined. Those nations are Bahrain, Nauru, Vanuatu and the United States. Thus, with a stable economy as the backdrop, the United States has seen a huge influx of foreign investment and become one of the few remaining jurisdictions where advisers are actively promoting accounts that will remain secret from overseas authorities. As a result, at least for Non-US citizens, the United States has become the largest haven for privacy in the world.
While offering secrecy to Non-US citizens is not against the law, U.S. firms are not permitted to knowingly help overseas customers evade foreign taxes. Still, for clients with a legitimate need for secrecy, especially from countries where political instability can threaten a family’s fortune, the United States offers a potentially attractive solution.
Related Articles:
Forbes Article
Bloomberg Article
Washington Post Article
Swiss Trust Company Ownership with a U.S. Bank Account
The Best of Both Worlds?
We would suggest that the combination of owning a bearer share Swiss Trust Company – which extends the authority to manage third party funds – with a corresponding bank account in the United States offers Non-US Citizens the best current privacy structure in the world.
For details and if interested
Call +1-310-601-3155
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Posted in: Miscellaneous, Swiss Trust Company, Uncategorized on June 12, 2016
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