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SWIFT Membership via a Swiss Trust Company

What is SWIFT?

Established in 1973, with its headquarters in Belgium, SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is a global provider of secure financial messaging services. This service is considered one of the most proficient and economical methods to send payment instructions to correspondent banks. A member-owned cooperative, SWIFT allows financial organizations to conduct business operations promptly and with confidence. More than 9,000 financial institutions in 209 countries trust it every day to exchange millions of standardized financial messages. Thus, SWIFT provides the framework for an international communication system between major financial institutions via bank-to-bank transfers. To that end, a SWIFT number which represents membership to this cooperative has historically only been issued to commercial banks and security firms preserving its considerable prestige. In recent years, however, membership has also been extended to other Non-Banking Financial Institutions that have the ability to meet a very strict qualification process.

Similar Organizations

Euroclear, Clearstream & ACH

It was founded in 1968 as part of J.P. Morgan & Co. Euroclear is a user owned and governed Brussels, Belgium based financial services company that specializes in the settlement of securities transactions as well as the safekeeping and asset servicing of these securities. Euroclear settles domestic and international securities transactions, covering bonds, equities, derivatives and investment funds in more than 90 countries.

A European clearing house that supports over 2500 different companies in 80 locations worldwide. Similar to Euroclear. Clearstream is a leading European supplier of post-trading services. The wholly owned subsidiary of Deutsche Börse ensures that cash and securities are promptly and effectively delivered between trading parties. Clearstream International was formed in January 2000 through the merger of Cedel International and Deutsche Börse Clearing

Automated Clearing House (ACH)
ACH is an electronic network for financial transactions in the United States. This service processes large volumes of credit and debit transactions in batches. Examples of ACH credit transfers include vendor payments and direct deposits. Federal Reserve Banks are collectively the nation””””s largest automated clearinghouse operator

Benefits of Swift

Prestige, Cost Reduction, Speed & Profit

Increase Profile and Cut Costs
Seeking more corporate visibility and less cost to manage transactions? A SWIFT membership might be the business tool you need to lower cost through a reusable communication infrastructure. SWIFT enables its customers to automate and standardize financial transactions, thereby lowering costs, reducing operational risk and eliminating inefficiencies from their operations.

Transferring funds internationally has become synonymous with delays. This can result in lost business opportunity not to mention the aggravation of addressing a laundry list of questions from your banker who is now required to police their clientele. A SWIFT membership brings the due-diligence in-house and can make transfers instantaneous.

By using SWIFT, member customers can also create new business opportunities and revenue streams since they can offer their services to third parties

Gaining Membership via a Swiss Trust Company

In terms of currency transfer, SWIFT is the 2,000 pound gorilla. Given that banks make up the majority of membership into this network, most business owners rely on these same institutions in order to access services. A select group of private trusts and fiduciary companies, however, have gained membership to SWIFT and consequently brought services in-house. The application process and subsequent operation of membership requires an experienced administrator plus obtaining ownership of an older Swiss Trust Company. In most cases the Trust Company needs to be a minimum of twenty years old. This course of action usually takes three to four months with a cost of approximately $50,000 which covers application fees and setup of processing site. A systems operator will also need to be hired at additional cost. Targeting and acquiring ownership of a Trust Company in Switzerland will also require an additional investment. While this may seem like a lot of work – keep in mind that you are setting up a business which will likely have a strong resale value.

What is a Swiss Trust Company?
A Swiss Trust Company is not a bank or a Trust but a privileged corporate entity with exceptional capabilities. Owning a Swiss Trust Company offers you the opportunity for Profit, Privacy and Asset Protection. In today””””s world often business and personal interests are intertwined. With these turbulent times, often individuals are looking offshore, not for tax reasons, but to secure a nest egg far away from current economic struggles and political uncertainty. To that end, there is no more effective means to protect yourself than with a bearer share Swiss Trust Company which can accommodate your requirements in total privacy.

With all of the wealth, economic prosperity and prestige associated through Switzerland, it seems obvious that is a location of preference and the structure of choice is a Swiss Trust Company. A Swiss Trust Company is an ideal entity because it combines privacy, stability and can offer financial services to non-Swiss citizens. It is commonly used by international entrepreneurs and venture capital firms as their "parent" company and can be combined with other structures to make a tremendous business tool.

What else can a Swiss Trust Company do?
A Swiss Trust Company is able to offer a broad range of financial services to its shareholders, related subsidiaries and clients. It can often be utilized as an alternative to captive bank ownership and is much less expensive and time consuming.

A Swiss Trust Company is authorized, but not limited to, conduct the following business activities for your benefit:

– The power to loan money
– The power to issue financial instruments
– The power to offer a complete range of fiduciary services
– The power to provide re-insurance services
– The authority to issue debit and credit cards
– The ability to monetize assets
– The ability to provide portfolio management services
– The ability to create correspondent banking relationships
– The ability to facilitate membership to SWIFT
– The ability to facilitate membership to EuroClear
– The ability to facilitate membership to Clearstream … and much more

The key to remember is that Swiss Trust Companies allow each owner or shareholder to implement an exact model according to personal preferences and their own unique strategies.

Industry Sectors

Who Owns Swiss Trust Companies?

Mining Industry
– Oil Industry
– Precious Metals
– Film Production
– Internet Commerce
– Gaming
– Financial Services
– Manufacturing
– Real Estate
– Import / Export
– Shipping


The current economic crisis presents not just challenges but also opportunity. Many of us are considering new options to get lean and cut costs, and those measures will not expire when the economy turns around. By taking necessary steps today to gain control of your money, you will see greater profits in the future. SWIFT, EuroClear and Clear Stream memberships offer opportunity and are very prestigious. Even thought these memberships are primarily issued to retail and commercial banks they can also be obtained by Swiss Trust Companies.

A Swiss Trust Company is a very unique structure. It is a business tool which combines the Swiss culture of self-regulation and privacy with a functioning entity that can be utilized for asset protection, estate planning or as an alternative to private bank ownership. Swiss Trust Companies are also extremely inexpensive when compared to the time and money that would be spent elsewhere attempting to acquire either a captive bank or a trust company. All things considered, there may not be a comparable corporate structure in the world.

Copyright 2011 by Corb7 International, Inc

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