Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

Welcome to our blog. For more than 20 years, we have written about the benefits of doing business in Switzerland via Swiss Trust Companies and Swiss Trust Company Ownership. Therefore, much of our focus here might frequently be the advantages of owning a Vintage Swiss Trust Company. We will, however, also cover many other topics relevant to international business such as asset protection, captive insurance, captive banks, and opening new markets. It is our hope that you enjoy and come back often.

Fraud Alert!

Posted On March 3, 2015
The US Tax Fraud Scam United States –  In the United States, the deadline to file your taxes is April 15th, which is quickly approaching.  With this cutoff date, a large increase in tax scams happens every year. Below is a notice published by the public company MoneyGram, they issue a stern warning that everyone residing […]... Read more

Tools for the Business Owner: “”

Posted On February 23, 2015
What is Visit Site Review: is a tutorial site offering more than 1,000 courses over a wide range of diverse content.  Their catalog is extensive, and the instructors are superb. Courses which could be lengthy and boring when presented in a traditional format are split into easy to comprehend segments.  Titles you will find […]... Read more

7 Offshore Strategies for Asset Protection & Business Solutions

Posted On January 23, 2015
1) Trust Companies A Trust Company is a business entity organized specifically for entering into Fiduciary, Trustee or Agent relationships with individuals or organizations to administer assets. It may act as a portfolio manager, executor,guardian, trustee, custodian of assets, fiscal agent and paying agent for corporations and governments who have issued bonds and provide services […]... Read more

The Historic Bond Fraud

Posted On January 21, 2015
Historic Bond Fraud – Historical bonds are those bonds that were once valid obligations of American or international entities but are now worthless as securities. They have become a favorite tool of scam artists. We mention them here in response to several recent conversations. Please use extreme caution since there seems to be an uptick […]... Read more

Tools for the Business Owner: Funding!

Posted On January 15, 2015
Every day we pursue our passion to find or create unique tools which provide business owners, and those striving for individual success, a competitive advantage. Below we introduce just such an item and offer you our perspective on its significance. We hope you find it to be useful and very much appreciate your taking a […]... Read more

Tools for the Business Owner:

Posted On January 8, 2015
SWIFT Membership Alternative For over 20 years, we have taken great pride in providing unique and straightforward answers to our clients while offering the best possible service. To that end, we have initiated a relationship with a service provider who offers low cost SWIFT access on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. Easy to use, cost-effective and reliable, […]... Read more

Thank You for Supporting Our Publications!

Posted On December 23, 2014
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for following our various publications throughout the year. Our monthly readership consistently exceeds 10,000 which we find very exciting! Your support is very much appreciated and never taken for granted. Best wishes for a great 2015!!! The staff at Corb7 International... Read more

Clear & Present… Critical Thinking

Posted On December 9, 2014
Monday was laundry day. At the start of every new week, you did your washing and ironing. That's the way it was... Read more

Fraud Alert! The Iraqi Dinar “Investment” Opportunity

Posted On October 9, 2014
The Iraqi Dinar “investment” opportunity is a scam that has been around for a number of years and yet recently has been regaining much of its former popularity. This opportunity is pitched as a way to profit from a nearly worthless Iraqi Dinar that is “sure” to appreciate in the future. Since we have been […]... Read more

Remembering 9-11-01

Posted On September 11, 2014
It was 1986, and I was in New York for the first time. My associate and I were in “The City” on business. As young stockbrokers who were changing firms, we were required to travel to Wall Street for additional training. During off hours, like most visitors, we toured New York as much as possible. […]... Read more

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