Book & Blog Reviews: Business, Politics & Inspiration
International business and entrepreneurship is always intertwined with politics, personal motivation, sales and government regulation. Here are some recent books and blogs related to those subjects which we have read and thought it very worth while to bring to your attention.
Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero
by Chris Matthews
I’ve read a number of books on John F Kennedy over the years and this work ranks among the best – a very worthwhile addition to any library. Chris Matthews touches upon everything from the Cuban missile crisis – to the Berlin airlift – to JFK’s personal shortcomings. Chris Matthews has created a well-written and informative study of JFK’s life; a meaningful read no matter your personal political leanings during a presidential election year.
Crush It!
by Gary Vaynerchuk
You can often see Vaynerchuk appearing on CNN for various technology segments. Many find his antics over the top. Personally, I find him entertaining in small doses. In any case, his book; Crush It is a very useful read for anyone concerned about marketing via social media. Essentially, the book encourages people to determine what they are passionate about and pursue monetizing it via the internet. It argues that sweat equity is all ones needs to build a meaningful brand via the web.
Taken Captive
by R. Wesley Sierk III
There has been a lot of recent interest regarding the subject of Captive Insurance Companies. Although we have pointed to this work on several occasions previously it still remains one of the best books on the subject. We highly recommend to anyone considering that type of structure.
Linked- In:
If you are a member of the professional group Linked-in the discussion groups listed below might be of interest to you. Membership to the group is usually required.
Captive Insurance and Risk Retention Group Network
The Captive Insurance and Risk Retention Network is comprised of international managers, re/insurors, brokers, consultants, regulators, & buyers who are interested in the design, implementation, management and continuous improvement of captive & RRG strategies
Global Private Equity & Venture Capital
Exclusively for professional private equity & venture capital investors, business angels and entrepreneurs. In the Group you will be able to raise funds for your ventures, contact directly to leading investment professionals, find interesting proposals to invest your capital, discuss news from different industries and accelerate careers/business through referrals from investment industry.
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Jeffrey H Corbett Linked-In Profile
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Posted in: Miscellaneous, Productivity, Uncategorized on June 1, 2012
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