“Advocate for International Business”
There is an undeniable trend in business. The global economy which is being driven by the Internet might just be the largest business event of our lifetime. With that being stipulated, we feel it more important than ever for entrepreneurs to secure a business-friendly hub of information in addition to having creative avenues of funding for their projects. In the March issue of our newsletter, we highlight two very important opportunities within the Funding and Captive Strategies Sections below. We hope you enjoy the entire read and do not forget to check out our website for weekly updates.
Upcoming Events:
Conferences for Your Calendar:
– Captive Insurance Companies Association Conference
March 8-10, 2015 (Orlando, FL)
Please Click Here
– The Bermuda Captive Insurance Conference
June 8-10, 2015 (Southampton, Bermuda)
Please Click Here
Monthly Featured Videos:
“The Data Brokers”
“The Gary Vaynerchuk Perspective ” – Uncensored Discussion
Funding Strategies:
Business Project Funding Program
Our funding program is exciting and really rather simple. In an effort to provide value added services to our clients, we have established an affiliate relationship with a well-established funding agent. This gives you the potential to raise capital for projects that might have previously been sent to the back-burner.
It offers the following:
- No Upfront Fee, No Financials & No Collateral is needed.
- Lines of Credit can be used for any purpose to grow your business.
- Entire process only takes approximately 30 days.
- $50,000-$150,000 is typical range of lines that are approved.
Unfortunately, you must be a United States based business.
Captive Strategies:
Swiss Trust Companies
At the risk of seemingly pounding the same old drum; we felt it important to address several more points pertaining Swiss Trust Companies. We continue to be amazed at the information that can be found on the Internet regarding Swiss Trust Companies (STCs) and not in a good way. Frankly, most of it are either misleading or completely wrong. STCs are a great business tool but not a magic wand. They are not a tax shelter and will need to be appropriately capitalized once acquired. Perhaps most importantly, you will need to have an excellent administration team on the ground in Switzerland, who should be an SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization) for both anti-money laundering compliance and auditing reasons. Finding the right fiduciary firm on your own can be a challenge since many accounting, and law firms are not familiar with Trust Company issues in Switzerland. In many ways, this industry is still in its infancy. All-in-all, however, it is still one of the best corporate structures we have seen from the standpoint of everything that can be accomplished and asset protection for ownership.
Free E-Book!
You may want to review our new E-Book “The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership.” It is free and on our website. Free E-Book
Our New Magazine:
Our new magazine “Little Taste of Home” is now online. This is a cuisine and lifestyle periodical designed to bring you the best ethnic food from across the United States to your doorstep. Best of all it is free!
Visit us at LittleTasteofHome.com: Please Click Here
Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
Our Roles & Services to Assist You:
CONSULTANT: Working on your behalf as an International Business Advisory we target acquisitions and corporate structures which will reduce regulatory red-tape, lower costs, raise capital or open new avenues to profit.
AUTHOR: Geared to our entrepreneurial readership, we currently write a monthly newsletter and weekly blog that is uniquely educational and entertaining. Our second book will be out this year.
PUBLISHER: We are proud to announce that in 2013 we will publish a new interactive magazine which will provide you yet another tool to keep on the cutting-edge of competitive advantage.
ADVOCATE: We have always been and remain to this day a stanch believer in free markets and the entrepreneurial spirit. To that end, we frequently publish or share information which is intended to either inspire or enlighten.