Review of recent client Case Studies
After a comprehensive review of recent client Case Studies, I grouped the common reasons for a Swiss Trust Company acquisition into the following main categories. This will provide you a snapshot as to whether a Swiss Trust Company would be appropriate for your business needs.
• Bearer Shares and Anonymity of Investors
1 . Asset protection
2 . Privacy
• Corresponding banking relationships
1 . Work directly with other banking institutions
2 . Collateralization of assets
3 . Ease of interaction with various international markets
4 . ForEx trading
5 . European presence
• Prompt acquisition
• Money Management
1 . Raise Capital
2 . Accept funds
3 . Distribute funds to various markets
4 . Increased ability to engage in trust service activities
5 . Management contracts for portfolio management
• Issue Financial Instruments
1 . Letters of Credit
2 . Safe Keeping Receipts
3 . Loans
4 . Promissory Notes
• SWIFT/Euroclear facility
1 . Ease of interaction with various international markets
2 . ForEx trading
• Going Public
1 . European presence
2 . Raise Capital
3 . Work directly with other banking institutions
Posted in: Miscellaneous, Swiss Trust Company, Uncategorized on June 2, 2010
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