Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

What you will find in this edition

  • News & Events
  • Business Tools
  • Asset Protection
  • Executive Fitness
  • International Spirits & Cuisine
  • Business Success

International Business

News & Upcoming Events

Bermuda Captive Insurance Conference  
The Bermuda Captive Conference, which was shifted from its regular calendar slot in June to September 10–13, 2017, due to the America’s Cup competition.
Click Here for Details & Registration

America’s Cup Competition
On May 26, 2017, Bermuda will host the 35th America’s Cup. The eyes of the world will turn to the iconic Great Sound where the best sailors on the fastest boats will battle for the oldest trophy in international sport. Racing starts with the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Qualifiers on 26th May.
Click Here for Details

Cyber-Espionage Attacks & Ransom Demands are on the Increase

Cyber-espionage is the most common type of attack seen in manufacturing, the public sector, and now education, warns the Verizon 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report.
Click Here for Article

International Business

Tools for the Business Owner 

“The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline” 
Self-discipline is a subject that has always fascinated us and remains the lynchpin for business and personal success. Too frequently, however, individuals have viewed it solely in terms of sacrifice. This program which only requires minutes a day examines how you can focus on both strategic and tactic strategies to gain desired outcomes. We utilized this program over 20 years ago, and the principals hold true to this day.  Similar to many self-improvement programs, the subheadings can be kind of corny, but nevertheless, we give this presentation our highest recommendation.

Highlights Include: 
* 10 Dominant Characteristics of Achievement
* Creating Sensory-Rich Visions of Success
* Winning via Persistence & Perseverance
* Power Planning

Click Here to Visit Site

International Business

Feature Article 

Asset Protection:  
 The advances of modern society have caused our lives to move at a faster pace than ever before, mostly due to the computer age and instinct access to information via the internet.  For many, this may not only be disheartening but precarious. Wealth, fame and business success are just a few factors that can make an individual a target for unwarranted probes by those who are less than scrupulous.

Reaching epidemic proportions, statistics now show that US citizens have a one in four chance of being sued during their lifetime. This trend extends far beyond the United States and successful individuals are being targeted in any number of jurisdictions. Business owners and professionals are the most likely to be sued; also included in that grouping are physicians, plastic surgeons, stockbrokers, law enforcement officials and real estate developers. Governing rules of civil procedures have been liberalized; consequentially legislators have made the process of taking legal action much easier than ever before. Results can be devastating, and products such as liability insurance are rarely enough to cover all eventualities. Traditional approaches to asset protection, such as utilizing a corporate veil to limit shareholder liability, are likewise seldom good enough. For instance, most liability insurance policies do not cover some of the most common reasons for civil litigation. Frequently excluded are: sexual harassment, wrongful termination, negligence or any type of punitive damages. In addition, policy limits are often severely under the multi million dollar judgments being handed down. As a result, the use of offshore vehicles has been brought to the forefront of asset protection and financial planning.


Not too long ago a fascinating piece of writing appeared in Forbes Magazine with the premise being that litigation is actually a much greater threat to American wealth than taxes. According to the article, this is due to American citizens being exposed to an infinite amount of liability through an overworked system of litigation. Thus, high-net worth individuals are putting “unlimited assets” at risk. This article goes on to state that “contrary to the popular vision of offshore banking, the true purpose of offshore accounts and corporate structures for many wealthy clients is to protect a lifetime of earnings and savings not from being taxed, but from being wiped out in a major lawsuit–say, a medical malpractice or a class-action securities litigation against an executive.”

Below we present an interesting YouTube Video regarding asset protect.  As always, we suggest that you consult with a professional before implementing any strategy.


Executive Fitness

Intermittent Fasting
One of the fastest growing fitness trends is intermittent fasting.  It can be defined by several different methods but it seems the most common is a 16 hour fast followed by an 8 hour eating period.  Frequently, the athlete just skips breakfast and allows the body to go into ketosis which is defined as a normal metabolic process when the body does not have enough glucose for energy, it burns stored fats instead; this results in a build-up of acids called ketones within the body.  Certainly the process has detractors, but came across this presentation and thought it interesting and worthy of your review.  We are not providing this as diet advice to any individual.


Spirits & Cuisine   

Prantl’s Bakery

For 28 bucks plus shipping, their “Burnt Almond Travel Torte” may just be the best pastry you have ever ordered. All we can say is … WOW! Light, fluffy and yet crunchy, this torte blew us away, and we do not have a big sweet tooth. Prantl’s German Bakery has been located in the Shadyside section of Pittsburgh for over 100 years. It is not cheap but in our opinion very worth it. With Mother’s day this weekend we thought it an excellent time to bring it to your attention.

Click Here to Visit Site



Business Success

Premiere Concierge enables their clients to be able to offer their employees, executives, customers, members and/or residents the type of Personal Executive Concierge Services delivered to premium guests in a five star resort. Please click on the picture shown above for a video presentation.

Business Services

Corb7 International
Think 7 Continents – Think a World of Opportunity”

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