Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

What you will find in this edition

  • Feature: 7 Global Strategies for Asset Protection & Business Development!
  • Business Psychology: Understanding Depression and Its Triggers
  • Acquisition Opportunities: Own 42-Year-Old Trust Company!
  • Executive Fitness: How to Exercise with HIIT
  • International Spirits & Cuisine:   Five Reasons You Need Apple Cider Vinegar!
  • Living & Traveling Offshore:  Travel Benefits for Ages 50 Plus!
  • Corb7 International Services: Free E-Book

International Business


7 Global Strategies for Asset Protection & Business Development!

1) Trust Companies

Trust Company is a business entity organized specifically for entering into Fiduciary, Trustee or Agent relationships with individual or organizations to administer assets.  It may act as a portfolio manager, executorguardiantrustee, custodian of assets, fiscal agents and paying agents for corporations and governments who have issued bonds and provide services such as estate planningstock registrationshare transfer, etc. Trust Companies frequently have numerous other financial powers which are only limited by the jurisdiction in which they are established. Trust Companies are not required to exercise all of the powers that they are granted

In general, a Trust Company is usually owned by one of three types of structures: an independent partnership, a bank, or a law firm.  It is frequently seen as an effective alternative to bank ownership.  The primary benefits are asset protection (either corporate or personal) and resolution to specific or unique business problems.

Jurisdictions of Preference:
* Switzerland
* British Virgin Islands
* Ireland

2) Bank Ownership 

Bank ownership is not appropriate for every organization because it can be very expensive and time consuming.  Thus, it cannot offer an immediate solution to business needs.  The rewards, however, may be well worth it.

After the tragedy of 9/11, international banking laws and regulations have changed. The bank-chartering process can be an endurance test easily lasting 18-months even in the most accommodating of jurisdictions.  Often the complexity of the application provides not only the ability for extensive due diligence but discourages unqualified applicants from even starting the process.  In effect, this marathon “weeds out” those parties that are not fully committed to bank ownership.

We would be happy to discuss establishing a new bank with you in detail and assist with the application process if appropriate.   You will need to plan carefully though and fees could likely reach $100,000 or more.  The option of looking for an established institution can also be an attractive alternative and we certainly have opportunities that present themselves from time-to-time.  In general, however, obtaining ownership of an existing bank will also require much time and expense.  It should also be noted that an existing bank also offers other challenges such as potential bad loans or troubled obligations which are difficult to trace since accounting standards vary from country to country.

A bank is defined as an organization usually a corporation, chartered by a government which does most or all of the following: receives demand deposits and time depositshonors instruments drawn on them, and pays interest on them; discounts notes, makes loans, and invests in securities; collects checksdrafts, and notes; certifies depositor’s checks; and issues drafts and cashier’s checks. The bank charter is an agreement that governs the manner in which the bank is regulated and operates. It authorizes the existence of the bank by the agency which is primarily responsible for protecting the public from unsafe banking practices.

Jurisdictions of Preference:
* Vary according to the qualifications and goals of the potential owners

3) Captive Insurance Companies

Captive Insurance Company is an insurance company that primarily insures the risks of businesses which are related to it through common ownership usual a parent company.    The entity can be domiciled and licensed in a wide number of jurisdictions both domestically or offshore. It is estimated that about 80% of the Standard and Poor 500 companies own one or more captive insurance companies.Using a captive is commonly accepted risk management technique.

Reasons for forming a captive insurance company include:
1. Instances when insurance cannot be purchased from commercial insurance companies for a business risk. In many instances companies within an industry form a joint captive insurance company for that reason.
2. In very specific cases, premiums paid to a captive insurance company may be deductible as a business expense for tax purposes according to the Internal Revenue Service. It is important to note that the IRS has established very strict guidelines to qualify for tax benefits and the use of a professional is critical.  The rule of thumb is that the insurance company will need to be adequately capitalized and offer sufficient third party (non-related) insurance to qualify.
3. Insurance can be obtained through the international reinsurance market at a more favorable premium, with higher limits of coverage.
4. Investment returns can be obtained directly on its invested capital.

Jurisdictions of Preference:
St. Vincent & the Grenadines

4) Special Purpose Vehicles

Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a financial entity created for the purpose of fulfilling a very specific or temporary objective. It is separated from the sponsoring or parent company and may be controlled by several companies working together.  SPVs are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk.  A company will transfer assets to the entity for management or to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk.  In certain jurisdictions specific ownership percentages may be required.

Jurisdictions of Preference:

5) Asset Protection Trusts

An Asset Protection Trust is a legal structure that splits the beneficial enjoyment of trust assets from their legal ownership. A Trust is simply a contract between the people who wish to protect assets (the Grantor) and the person who will manage the assets (the Trustee) for the benefit of all Beneficiaries which may include the Grantor other individuals.
Due to the nature of our work, Corb7 International has excellent working relationships with international attorneys that can assist you with any of your needs regarding this type of vehicle.

Jurisdictions of Preference: 
* Cook Islands

6) Foundations

Foundations can trace their origin to approximately 100 years ago in Western Europe.  A Foundation is a separate legal entity, without members or shareholders, and is generally established to reflect the wishes of the founder, who may be an individual or a corporate entity. These wishes are contained within the Foundation’s Deed of Incorporation and Articles of Association. Foundations can be established for a fixed or indefinite period of time and can be used for charitable, commercial or for family purposes.  They are often used for estate planning purposes and as an alternative to Asset Protection Trusts.

Jurisdictions of Preference: 

7) Offshore IPOs

Taking a non-US based entity public offshore might be an excellent means to solve specific and unique business problems or raise equity for a current subsidiary.  A very detailed process, it needs to be handled by only an experienced firm.

Locations of Preference:
Frankfurt Exchange
* Berlin Exchange
* Bermuda

International Business

Business Psychology

Understanding Depression and Its Triggers

For any business owner or professional, the ability to rebound from set backs is critical – your career depends upon it.

Most of us periodically have bad days when we just seem to be in a bad mood but when a bad mood isn’t short-lived, this might be a potential indicator of depression.

Depression is a common mental disorder that, according to the World Health Organization, affects more than 300 million people across the globe. The WHO notes that despite the fact that there are known and highly effective treatments for depression, fewer than half of those suffering from depression receive such treatments. Furthermore, in many countries, fewer than 10 percent of people with depression receive treatment.

Learning about depression and how to recognize its symptoms may compel people battling it to seek treatment for this very common and treatable disorder.

Why do I have depression?

Everyone has a bad day here or there, but people with depression may wonder why theirs are more than just a bad day. The WHO notes that depression is a byproduct of a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors. Exposure to adverse life events, such as unemployment, the death of a loved one or psychological trauma, can increase peoples’ risk of developing depression.

Depression also may be caused by physical conditions. The WHO says cardiovascular disease can lead to depression.

What are the symptoms of depression?

The Mayo Clinic notes that one in 10 people whose depression goes untreated commit suicide. That only highlights the importance of recognizing the symptoms of depression and acting once any have been identified or suspected. Symptoms can include:

· Difficulty concentrating, remembering details and making decisions

· Fatigue

· Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness

· Pessimism and hopelessness

· Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness or sleeping too much

· Irritability

· Restlessness

· Loss of interest in things once deemed pleasurable, including sex

· Overeating or appetite loss

· Aches, pains, headaches, or cramps that won’t go away

· Digestive problems that don’t get better, even with treatment

· Persistent sad, anxious or “empty” feelings

· Suicidal thoughts or attempts

Anyone who has exhibited any of the aforementioned symptoms or even those who haven’t but suspect they might be suffering from depression should visit a physician immediately. The WHO notes there are a variety of treatments available to people who have been diagnosed with depression, and doctors will determine which might be the best for each patient. To make that determination, doctors may inquire about the duration and severity of symptoms as well as family history and whether or not the patient has a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Depression is a common mental disorder that too often goes undiagnosed. Seeking help the moment symptoms are detected or suspected can help people overcome the disorder.

International Business

Acquisition Opportunities

Own an 42-Year-Old Trust Company!

33 page PowerPoint Presentation is Available!

Free consultation to interested parties which will be supported by a 33 page PowerPoint
presentation reviewing the benefits of owning such an old financial institution.

Call Us Now: +1-310-601-3115 (USA)
Click Here for Free Consultation


Executive Fitness

Explore the Benefits of HIIT

Many new programs are available at fitness centers that allow fitness-minded individuals to test their mettle. Recently, one of the more popular fitness regimens is HIIT, and it’s probably available at a fitness center near you.

HIIT is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training. The American College of Sports Medicine says HIIT held steady among the top fitness trends for 2018. The crux of HIIT is sustained, intense exercise followed by active recovery periods. WebMD says that HIIT can be used with any type of cardio workout, including rowing, jumping rope, stair climbing, and more. Many gyms also build programs around HIIT that may include “boot camp” workouts that utilize equipment or body weight exercises to burn calories.

A typical HIIT training sessions lasts about 30 minutes. Workouts are performed at 80 to 90 percent of a person’s maximal heart rate, which is the number of times the heart will beat in a minute without overexerting itself. Recovery periods are not entirely rest. They tend to be shorter than active periods, and come in at around 40 to 50 percent of the maximal heart rate. The workout will alternate between the working and recovery periods.

HIIT workouts can be effective at boosting metabolism and helping people burn calories faster. They also help to develop physical endurance. The science behind the workouts has to do with EPOC, or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. The fitness lifestyle resource Daily Burn says that HIIT will help burn more fat and calories than regular steady workouts because EPOC\0x2008 is an oxygen shortage in the body that occurs during the intense portions of the HIIT workouts. During recovery, the body will ask for more oxygen, creating an afterburn and a metabolic disturbance. The fitness guide Fitness Blender states that the intense training will result in the body burning calories at a higher rate for up to 48 to 72 hours after exercising.

People may see greater results by doing HIIT workouts three times a week for half of the duration than they would if they were performing more typical workouts more frequently. For those whose schedules are already jam-packed, HIIT can be a more efficient way of exercising.

HIIT requires a strong baseline fitness level, so beginners or those who have been out of the gym for some time are urged to start slowly. Also, since HIIT causes high demand on the heart and respiratory systems, so it’s essential to discuss the regimen with a doctor to find out if HIIT is a smart choice depending on your medical history.

Those considering participating in HIIT workouts are urged to discuss the possibilities with a knowledgeable trainer at a neighborhood gym.


International Spirits & Cuisine

Five Reason to Try Apple Cider Vinegar!

Vinegar is a fermented liquid made from a wide array of ingredients that is used primarily to preserve and flavor food. But the uses for vinegar are almost as extensive as the variety of flavors it’s available in.

The word “vinegar” comes from the French “vin aigre,” or “sour wine.” Vinegar is a diluted solution of acetic acid that forms with the fermentation of grapes, apples, rice, corn, and many other ingredients.

Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, is a type of vinegar that has recently skyrocketed in popularity due to its purported health benefits. ACV is formed from cider or apple must and has a long history as a home remedy, making it the most popular type of vinegar in the natural health community. The following are just a handful of the purported benefits credited to ACV.

1. ACV improves healthy gut flora. Like other fermented foods and beverages (think yogurt and kombucha), ACV is rich in enzymes and probiotics. Probiotics can aid in digestion and make sure that the digestive system is working efficiently. According to the health and wellness team at MyFitnessPal, unpasteurized ACV can deliver probiotics and energize digestion. Others say that ACV can assist with easing an upset stomach by addressing unhealthy bacteria. Some remedies suggest that the pectin in ACV can help soothe intestinal spasms as well.

2. ACV can be used as a disinfectant. ACV and other vinegars can kill harmful bacteria or prevent them from multiplying, according to Healthline. ACV has historically been used as a disinfectant and natural preservative and may help reduce instances of E. coli. Those same antibacterial properties also may help head off infections of the throat. Reader’s Digest indicates that gargling with ACV can soothe a sore throat and create an acidic environment in the esophagus that most germs can’t survive.

3. ACV contributes to feelings of fullness. Many people insist that ACV helps with weight loss. According to dietician and certified diabetes instructor Katie Rankell at UC Irvine Medical Center, ACV has been shown to lower blood sugar by reducing the absorption of carbohydrates, while also contributing to feelings of fullness that can help people avoid overeating.

4. ACV naturally lowers cholesterol. A 2016 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found consumption of the acetic acid found in ACV reduced serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in rats. More research is needed to determine if humans can reap similar rewards.

5. ACV can treat dandruff and other skin ailments. The acidity of ACV changes the pH of the skin and scalp, making it harder for yeast to grow. Applying ACV to the scalp can inhibit dandruff. It also can be used as a toner that exfoliates the skin and makes it less oily


Living & Traveling Offshore

Travel Benefits for Ages 50 & Up!

One of the best things about aging is being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor without as many obligations as you might have had when you were a younger adult. For example, many men and women have a lot more freedom to travel once they turn 50.

Many of today’s older adults have a wealth of discretionary time, and those who focused on retirement planning from an early age have the money to fund a recreational lifestyle. Travel companies and other businesses understand that Baby Boomers and other seniors are valuable customers and are rolling out the red carpet with a bevy of discounts and perks.

AARP Services, Inc. has long been a trusted resource in senior-based information and resources. The organization continues to broker relationships with various companies to arrange deals on travel-related services and products for older men and women. Members of AARP can link directly to deals through the organization’s website.

In addition to companies that work with AARP, many other travel companies have discounts or other perks available to men and women over 50. All consumers need to do is inquire about such benefits. When in doubt, log on to the company’s website or give their customer service department a call.

Here are some other ways to secure deals on travel and other services.

· Do some networking. Fellow seniors who log in to chat rooms or who are members of social clubs may have the inside scoop on age-based travel deals. Learn the ropes from others who have been there before you and take notes on which companies offer the best deals.

· Read the fine print. Understand the details of senior discounts and compare them to other promotions offered to anyone, regardless of age. You may be able to get a better deal or combine offers if you’re not locked into a senior plan. Also, check the dates when deals are valid to ensure you can travel when you want to.

· Always carry proof of age. Whether it is a driver’s license, AARP card, passport, or birth certificate, carry proof of your age at all times. You do not want to miss out on a discount because you cannot verify you are 50 or older. Though being mistaken as younger could be a boost to your ego, it will not benefit your bottom line.

· Explore airline perks. Men and women 55 and older may be eligible for “golden-agers” discounts at major airlines. Such deals are not typically advertised, so you may need to speak with an airline representative to secure the discount. Seniors also can request special services, such as baggage assistance, priority seating and a ride to the gate, at the airport.

· Try negotiating with vendors. If you cannot find a senior discount, consider negotiating with vendors for deals. Local hotels or businesses may prove more flexible than national chains. It never hurts to ask for a senior discount.

· Embrace flexibility in scheduling. Unlike students or business travelers, seniors tend to have freedom with regard to the days of the week when they can travel. You have the flexibility to go and come as you please without having to coordinate with vacation time or school breaks. Use this to your advantage and travel during off-peak times when crowds will be small and rates may be lower.

Don’t feel down if you’re approaching another milestone birthday. Entering into your golden years gives you access to a variety of perks and discounts that can save you time and money on travel.

Business Services

Free E-Book!

The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership
Jeffrey H. Corbett

About the Author
It is our mission to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy as well as make a Swiss Trust Company acquisition possible for you within the shortest possible period of time. Offering more than 25 years of hands-on personal experience, the management of Corb7 International has guided more clients to successful endeavors with Swiss Trust Companies than any other alternative source.

This operational and management experience has allowed Jeffrey Corbett to develop a keen understanding for how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies or inefficient networks resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, the Corb7 Strategic Development Solution was created by him. This in-depth approach allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. An advocate for bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.

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