Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

What you will find in this edition

  • Editorial:
    Intentional Business and the US Tribal War
  • Business Conferences:
    Three Important 2020 Business Forums
  • Business Tools:
    Little Known but Important Swiss Organizations
  • Fitness:
    Five Myths of Weight Loss Debunked!
  • Cuisine:  
    Slow Cooking for Quick Holiday Meals
  • Travel: 
    Pet Passports!
  • Services:
    Swiss Trust Companies Explained

International Business


Tribal Civil War

The 2016 US Presidential Election certainly would appear to be the facilitator of the current political crisis facing the United States. Turn on any news broadcast and it seems like all you will hear are cries of fake news or a daily pronouncement that the world is coming to an end.  We have become a society of extremes, and the once cherished middle ground has been obliterated.  Recently, I heard the perfect description used by a television pundit when he termed the current circus we are watching as an “apocalyptic hamster wheel.”  It certainly does not seem far-fetched to believe business is likely to be hurt if we do not get some return to civil order.

Not so long ago in the United States, virtually every city had two major newspapers, several local television stations (plus radio stations) for current event reports and the three major networks (ABC, CBS and NBC) which people relied on for their national and international news. Then in 1980, the 24-hour news network CNN broke ground and established itself as a force.  For approximately 20 years, it seemed like everyone somewhat respectfully coexisted.  With the advent of the Internet and the eventual development of social media, however, all hell has broken loose. Gone is the illusion of objectivity and news is now commoditized, often existing as little more than cheerleaders and propaganda machines.  Essentially, the media – to remain competitive – has sold its objectivity to become foot soldiers for whatever side they advocate. There is no such thing anymore as a neutral broadcasting.

Thus, the social media phenomena changed news, politics and business forever and not necessarily for the better.  The consumer, of course, is more informed than ever before but are we receiving quality information or just junk food for the mind?  Perhaps even more ominous, social media has been weaponized and ridicules behavior from fringe characters has become common. We have become desensitized to this element, and a social media mob mentality now exists, which overreacts with outrage at the slightest incident. This newfound power to establish “crowds” can bring out base and childish behaviors.  To be so easily offended is to tip your hand as being simple and narrow minded, nevertheless, it can also be dangerous for all of us.   To use an American baseball term, we are left with no one calling balls and strikes – everyone is simply rooting for their team.

Politics and the media have a tremendous effect on business and an objective media would be an extremely stabilizing force for all us. It would hold politicians accountable.  For example, the current push towards socialism – a system that has virtually never worked but appeals to the good nature of man – is especially troubling and not being thoroughly examined.  Again, not so long ago the policies being proposed would have been appalling to most everyone.   The Genie, nevertheless, is out of the proverbial bottle and where this will end is anyone’s guess. One thing is for sure; however, both business and wealth are very portable. If pandering politicians start hiking punitive tax to extreme levels, you will see both quickly exit for more favorable ground leaving little left behind. Perhaps then the level heads will return to having a dominant influence.

International Business

Upcoming Business Conferences

Networking & Continuing Education

Here are three upcoming business forums which provide good networking and learning opportunities.

* Swiss & Liechtenstein STEP Alpine Conference
When:  January 16 -17th, 2020
Where: Interlaken, Switzerland

Click here

* Entrepreneur Global Forum
When:  January 26, 2020
Where: Dubai / UAE 

Click Here

* World Captive Insurance Forum
When:  January 27 -29th, 2020
Where: Miami

Click Here

International Business

Business Tools

Noteworthy Professional Organizations

Below are two professional organizations based in Switzerland that we wanted to bring to your attention.  You may especially find these resources useful if you are considering establishing a Trust Company hub or accomplishing estate planning in Europe.

SATC – The Swiss Association of Trust Companies 
(established 2007)
SATC link

STEP – Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners 
(established 1992)
STEP link


Executive Fitness

Five Myths About Weight Loss Debunked!

Losing weight is a popular New Year’s resolution every year. Roughly 50 percent of people age 20 and older acknowledge they tried to lose weight over the past 12 months, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Successful weight loss requires hard work and patience. Still, many myths abound, and people may think there are quick fixes to shedding a few extra pounds. Debunking some of those myths can help people adopt more realistic weight loss strategies.

Myth #1: Avoid carbs to lose weight. A healthy diet is comprised of a mix of foods that include carbohydrates. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans indicate that carbohydrates, such as those found in vegetables, fruits and whole grains, are a foundation of healthy eating. Carbs also provide much-needed fiber.

Myth #2: You can target specific fat loss. Exercising and eating healthy can produce overall weight loss and diminish fat concentrations in certain parts of the body, indicates the healthy eating source Eat This, Not That. But each body is unique, and where people lose fat varies. Gender is one factor that can affect people’s figures. Exercise can tone muscles in key areas to help make a person appear thinner in those regions, but it will not necessarily make fat go away in one place over another.

Myth #3: Eating fat makes you fat. Fat is very calorie-dense and common in junk foods, which is why it can get a bad rap. However, as long as calorie intake is within a healthy range – even if some calories are from fat – weight gain will not occur from fat alone, says Healthline. The body needs healthy fats to function properly.

Myth #4: Crash diets will make weight fall off. Dramatically cutting calories can lead to nutritional deficiencies and have an adverse effect on weight loss. The body may slow its rate of metabolism to conserve calories, as a crash diet may fool your body into thinking you are starving. It’s better to stick to a gradual decrease in calories while still consuming the daily recommended amounts based on your age and other factors.

Myth #5: Tons of exercise will make the pounds disappear. Research has repeatedly indicated that exercise can help boost weight loss. However, the real way to shed pounds is primarily linked to diet. According to Shawn M. Talbott, Ph.D., a nutritional biochemist and former director of the University of Utah Nutrition Clinic, weight loss is generally 75 percent diet and 25 percent exercise. People see the biggest short-term results when they eat smart.

If losing weight is your New Year’s resolution, get the facts before adopting a weight loss regimen.


International Spirits & Cuisine

Slow Cooking for Quick Holiday Meals

Kitchen gadgets come and go, but one mainstay continues to deliver tasty meals with ease.

The Crock-Pot®, dubbed the original slow cooker, was invented in 1940 by Irving Nachumsohn. This slow cooker was created to cook a traditional stew eaten on the Jewish sabbath. Because faithful Jews are forbidden from cooking on the sabbath, Nachumsohn found the stew could easily be prepared prior and allowed to cook unattended, then carried to dinner, meeting the sabbath requirements. It was another 30 years before the slow cooker garnered widespread acclaim. That newfound popularity developed when more women entered the workforce and needed convenient ways to prepare meals at home without affecting their work schedules.

While slow cookers can make for successful meals, knowing how to use them to their fullest potential can increase the propensity for delicious, easy dishes. Here are some tips and tricks.

· Prepare ingredients the night before. By handling the items for recipes the evening prior, you’ll have everything you need ready to put in the slow cooker and set to cook for the day.

· Preheat the cooker. Add ingredients to a slow cooker that is already warmed up for best results.

· Arrange for easy cleanup. Specially designed slow cooker liners can cut washing time dramatically and help prolong the surface of the internal crock.

· Don’t add dairy until the meal is almost finished cooking. Cooking dairy products for long periods of time can cause them to curdle. Save them for the last steps when using a slow cooker.

· Exercise caution with tender veggies. The same wait-until-later approach should also apply to vegetables, beans and pastas, which can lose their integrity and become mushy if cooked for hours. Leave them for last.

· Inexpensive cuts of meat are fine. Inexpensive cuts are often high in fat or connective tissue, which will break down during long, moist cooking. Consider browning meat before putting it in the cooker for even more flavor.

· Layer ingredients appropriately. Place hard ingredients like potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables at the bottom of the cooker where they will cook more readily.

· Stick to the low setting. As much as possible, cook using the low setting to allow for slow, gentle heat to bring out the flavors. Ginny Thomas, a training manager for Crock-Pot®, says she has been sticking with this advice for over a decade as a key tip.

Many traditionally prepared meals can be converted to slow cooker recipes. Utilize cookbooks and online resources to make delicious, slow-cooked meals.


Living & Traveling Offshore

Pet Passports in the EU

Many pet owners now take their pets along with them when traveling. The convenience of bringing pets along may outweigh the costs associated with traveling without pets. Plus, pet owners may rest easy knowing their pets are safe.

People who plan to travel overseas with their pets may have to take some pre-travel steps in order to take their furry friends along. The U.S. Department of State recommends pet owners visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service website to review the requirements for taking pets overseas. Certification to travel with certain animals varies from country to country. Some countries may need particular documentation, while others may require a quarantine period or inspection by the visiting country’s veterinary staff. Animals coming into the United States from elsewhere are subject to specific health requirements before being allowed entry into the country.

To facilitate the process, some pet owners have inquired as to a “pet passport.” A pet passport was popularized in the European Union so that certain pets could travel freely through EU member countries. The passport is valid for the life of the pet as long as its rabies vaccine is kept up-to-date. The United States does not issue pet passports.

Many countries require proof that an animal is healthy, which is known as a veterinary or sanitary certificate and is issued by a veterinarian, before allowing pets entry. Additional information, such as proof of tapeworm testing and treatment as well as a “Declaration of Non-Commercial Transport,” which is proof that the animal is traveling and not being sold or given away, may be needed. Other APHIS-required certifications also may be mandated, and particular breeds or species of animals may not be permissible for transport.

When compiling a pet passport for travel, travelers are strongly urged to visit
or to learn more about leaving Canada with a companion animal.

It is always wise to confirm with the embassy of a destination country as to its requirements for allowing animals to enter into the country, as doing so can make traveling with pets go as smoothly as possible.

Business Services

Business Acquisitions


A Swiss Trust Company is a Non-Banking Financial Business Model that will operate for you as a holding entity and a flagship structure adding prestige and operational authority to any venture.  This totally unique corporate structure perpetuates the legacy and tradition of the Swiss financial industry and transitions smartly into any business undertaking that you may embark on.

Swiss Trust Companies are not banks but come as close as you can get without actually being a licensed Swiss bank. Thus, many of the authorities and advantages a bank provides become available to ownership without a large capital requirement and with much lower ongoing costs. Vintage Swiss Trust Companies bestow enormous advantages upon its owner due to its history and date of incorporation, which include the opportunity for profit & asset protection.

* Free E- Book:  “The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership”
Click Here for Your Free Copy

Introduction to Corb7 International, Inc.

• Corb7 International is an independent service provider geared to the global entrepreneurial sector

• Specializing in Captive Acquisitions & Business Funding

• Headquartered in Beverly Hills, California with representative offices in Zurich, Switzerland

• We take business beyond borders and narrow our focus to save international business owners time and money

• Our mission is to discover, create and implement cutting-edge business strategies.

Why Us?

Your success is our goal! With offices in Beverly Hills & Zurich, we are here to serve you. It is our mission to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy as well as make a Swiss Trust Company acquisition possible for you within the shortest possible period of time. Offering more than 25 years of hands-on personal experience, the management of Corb7 International has guided more clients to successful endeavors with Swiss Trust Companies than any other alternative source. We will provide you with a true turnkey acquisition – this will include acquiring the company, Swiss administration and a legal retainer with a top law firm located in Zurich – all for one investment.

Swiss Trust Companies require specialized Swiss based organizational services. Our Zurich based associates provide superb administrative services in addition to having the all-important in-house SRO license. This is a preeminent firm with over 100-year history, and all companies placed by us are held in trust with our Zurich legal associates until transfer of ownership. This provides you the ultimate peace of mind. The Trust Company you choose will also be FATCA and OECD compliant in addition to having been walked through a strict due-diligence process guaranteeing it to be free of any present or past liabilities.

Finally, unlike our competitors, we do not sit on a portfolio of Swiss Trust Companies and hope for you to fail or default on annual fees so the company can be resold next year for their own profit – at your expense. Corb7 International is an independent, service provider, and we are vested in your success. We specialize in Captive Acquisitions & Business Funding on a global scale. Thus, we can offer you unparalleled insights with an unmatched network of contacts developed over 25 years providing you the best opportunity for success.

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