Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

What you will find in this edition

  • Buying A Citizenship
  • Stick-on Soles for the Beach
  • Whatsapp



Buying Your Citizenship

During a recent rebroadcast of the CBS news show 60 Minutes, they touched on a subject that we periodically get asked about but do not offer.  It appears that many individuals have an interest in obtaining second citizenship, which seem to have recently increased with the tentative state of world peace.   Numerous countries provide a means to obtain citizenship and a secondpassport by applying for residency and then spending a certain amount of time in their country.  Others, however, have become more aggressive in their purist of foreign investment and open doors much wider.  We thought it might be of interest to share this report with you.

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Executive Fitness

NakeFit Stick-On Soles

With the summer of 2017 in full swing, we thought this a timely product review. The solution to burning your feet on hot sand or cutting them on rocks may have arrived via the Italian producers Nakefit with their futuristic looking stick-on sole invention. Touted as a throw away the flip-flop, the soles are available in a variety of sizes for both adult and children and can be shipped to any country in the world. Family packs containing ten female, male and baby stick-on-soles can be ordered.  Nakefit is designed in Italy and is produced without harming people, animals or the environment.

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Company WebsiteNakeFit



With 1.2 billion monthly active users today, the world’s second-largest social network is still surprisingly unknown to many. Hence, we thought it worth taking a closer look at here.

WhatsApp is a free to download messenger app for smartphones. WhatsApp uses the Internet to send messages, images, audio or video. The service is very similar to text messaging services however, because WhatsApp uses the Internet to send messages, the cost of using WhatsApp is significantly less than texting.

Founded in 2009 by ex-Yahoo employees it started as a small startup and swelled to 250,000 users in just a few months. In 2014, WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for Nearly $19 Billion price tag.

Below is a closer look at this service.

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Company WebsiteWhatsApp

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