Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

  • Editor’s Note:
    Promising COVID-19 Update from Switzerland!
  • Business Psychology:
    How to Handle Challenges of Social Distancing!
  • Business Tools:
  • Executive Fitness:
    Tips to Successful Training During the Pandemic
  • Spirits & Cuisine Delivered to Your Front Door:  
    The  Greatest American Cake for Mother’s Day!
  • Leisure: 
    How Adults Can Find New Hobbies
  • Corb7 International Services:
    Business Listings for Sale & Free E-Book

International Business


Editor’s Note

Keeping a Positive Focus!

Yesterday,  a very promising COVID-19 update came out of the University of Bern in Switzerland. A link to the article follows, and without getting too far ahead of the story, we thought the most fascinating element to it was the timeline.  It seems that experts feel they might be able to inoculate the entire Swiss population by October which is obviously well ahead of other timelines.   This would be tremendous news if accurate!  We will keep our fingers-crossed and remain cautiously hopeful.  Based upon our twenty-five years of business experience in Switzerland, we have never found the Swiss to be quick to make grandiose claims.

Click Here for Article

International Business

Business Psychology

How to Handle Challenges of Social Distancing!

The concept of “social distancing” was no doubt a mystery to millions of people prior to 2020. But in the wake of the outbreak of COVID-19, a novel coronavirus that was first discovered in China in late 2019 but soon spread across the globe, social distancing became a household term which we all have become too familiar with.

Social distancing, obviously,  refers to actions deliberately designed to increase the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. The American Psychological Association notes that social distancing typically requires that people stay at least six feet apart from each other while also avoiding gathering spaces such as schools, churches, concert halls, and public transportation. In an effort to prevent community spread, many state and provincial governments mandated the closure of all businesses deemed “nonessential,” forcing many working professionals to work from home full-time and temporarily putting millions of additional workers out of work.

Social distancing measures are designed to serve the greater good, and these efforts can be effective at stopping the spread of harmful viruses like COVID-19. But social distancing also can produce unwanted side effects. The APA notes that research has shown that people who are social distancing may be vulnerable to fear and anxiety; depression and boredom; anger, frustration or irritability; and stigmatization. However, the APA also notes that research has uncovered successful ways to cope with social distancing.

· Make time for fun activities. Psychologists recommend balancing time spent on news and social media with other activities unrelated to social distancing or quarantine. Make a conscious effort each day to read a book, listen to music or even learn a new language.

· Get news from reliable sources. Inaccurate information about COVID-19 can spread fear, making it even more difficult for people to cope with social distancing. The APA recommends people get their information from news outlets that rely on trusted organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

· Maintain virtual connections with others. Face-to-face interactions may not be possible, but the APA notes the value of phone calls, text messages, video chat, and social media. These channels of communication provide an opportunity to stay connected with loved ones and express emotions.

· Maintain a healthy lifestyle. The APA advises everyone to get enough sleep, eat well and exercise while social distancing. Do not cope with the issues that result from social distancing by using alcohol or drugs, which may only exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression. People also can consider their telehealth options so they can access psychotherapists to help them through.

Social distancing has proven challenging for millions of people across the globe. As difficult as social distancing can be, there are ways for people to cope and stay in touch with their loved ones. More information about social distancing is available at

International Business

Business Tools

Review: is a tutorial site offering more than 1,000 courses over a wide range of diverse content.  Their catalog is extensive, and the instructors are superb. Courses which could be lengthy and boring when presented in a traditional format are split into easy to comprehend segments.  Titles you will find include: Photography, Business, Web Design and Video.  Membership reasonably priced and in our opinion is well worth the investment. On April 10, 2015 Linked-In purchased for 1.5 billion dollars.

Visit Site


Executive Fitness

Tips to Successful Training During Pandemic!

Life changed overnight for millions of people across the globe in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, which shuttered businesses and forced many people to follow stay-at-home measures issued by their local governments. These measures not only affected the overall health of those infected with the virus, but also those who experienced no symptoms and even tested negative for COVID-19.

In recognition of the mental toll that social distancing and stay-at-home measures can take, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised people to exercise regularly. But opportunities to exercise seemingly dried up when stay-at-home guidelines were issued and gyms were shuttered. People without exercise equipment at home suddenly found themselves wondering how they could stay fit and keep their bodies in the best possible condition to fight a virus that has claimed thousands of lives. Thankfully, there are ways to stay fit and keep immune systems strong without violating stay-at-home measures.

· Access online exercise programs. Many gyms that were forced to close to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus began offering exercise tutorials and classes via social media or websites such as YouTube. These videos can be invaluable resources, teaching people how to stay fit at home even if they don’t have weights or other equipment on hand. In addition to gym-sponsored exercise tutorials, the internet is loaded with free exercise videos and advice that can help people without access to a gym get fit or maintain their fitness routines.

· Go back to the basics. Many people no doubt recall gym class from their school days. Such classes teach youngsters the basics of physical fitness without employing dumbbells or advanced exercise machines. Those same basic exercises that work for youngsters, including push-ups, sit-ups and lunges, can be effective for adults as well. If it’s been awhile since you’ve done your most recent push-up, access an online tutorial so you can be certain your form is correct.

· Do some yard work. It might not feel as high-intensity as a spinning class or a Pilates session, but yard work can be a great workout. Dust off the push mower the next time the grass needs to be cut, and get to work on pulling weeds in garden beds. The added benefit to yard work is it provides a great opportunity to get some fresh air without violating social distancing guidelines.

· Go for a jog. Perhaps the simplest way to exercise during the pandemic is to go for a daily jog. According to the Mayo Clinic, aerobic exercise repeatedly moves large muscles in the arms, legs and hips while engaging the immune system and helping it to ward off minor viral illnesses. That makes an early morning jog an especially valuable, not to mention easily accessible, way to exercise during the pandemic.

Exercise can help people maintain their immune systems in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, and there are many simple ways to fit in a little physical activity even while social distancing.


Spirits & Cuisine Delivered to Your Front Door!

Prantl’s Bakery

“Thank You, Pittsburgh, For The Greatest Cake America Has Ever Made” – Huffington Post

For 28 bucks plus shipping, their “Burnt Almond Travel Torte” may just be the best pastry you have ever ordered. All we can say is … WOW! Light, fluffy and yet crunchy, this torte blew us away, and we do not have a big sweet tooth. Prantl’s German Bakery has been located in the Shadyside section of Pittsburgh for over 100 years. It is not cheap but in our opinion very worth it. Give it a try. If you order now it will likely be at your front door by May 10th which is Mother’s Day!

Click Here to Visit Site



How Adults Can Find New Hobbies

n its 2018 American Time Use Survey, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 96 percent of people age 15 and over engaged in some sort of leisure activity on an average day. Leisure time also seems part and parcel of daily life in Canada, where the average person age 15 and over spent roughly one hour per day engaging in active leisure, which includes activities like drawing, playing an instrument and dancing, and more than two hours per day on passive leisure, such as watching television or reading books.

How people spend their leisure time might affect their perceptions about that time. For example, few people may consider watching television an “activity,” though the American Time Use Survey found that watching TV occupied more leisure time, nearly three hours per day, than any other leisure activity. Finding new hobbies that encourage active participation can make leisure time more memorable.

· Think back to your childhood. Hobbies you once enjoyed as a child may have long since been forgotten, but it can be fun to reimmerse yourself in such interests. Adults who loved to play sports as a child can no doubt find adult leagues in their area, while once budding artists might want to dust off their easels and visit a local paint and sip facility.

· Reinvent something you’re already doing. Another way to find a new hobby is to consider the things you already do and see if there’s ways to make them better. For example, cooking for a family each night might be made more enjoyable by enrolling in a cooking class, where you can meet fellow foodies while fine-tuning your culinary skills. If you love to read, start a community book club.

· Expand your horizons. It’s easy for anyone to say “no” to something new, but especially so for adults accustomed to their routines. But men and women who are willing to try anything are more likely to find something new to be passionate about than those who shy away from the unknown. You don’t have to make a big initial commitment when trying a new hobby, but approach any new ideas or suggestions with an open mind.

Finding a new hobby as an adult can be tricky. But approaching activities with an open mind may help people uncover new hobbies they can be passionate about.

Business Services

Business Acquisitions


* 112 Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1908
Price $207,800
Interested Parties Call: +1-310-415-3545

* 26 Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1994
Price $39,500

* 26 Year-Old Vintage Nevis Corporation
Established in the year 1994
Price $53,500

* 1974 Swiss Trust Company
Established 1974
Place of Incorporation Zurich, Switzerland
Interested Parties Call for Details & Price: +1-310-415-3545 

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