Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

“Advocate for International Business”


There  is an undeniable trend in business. The global economy which is being driven by the Internet might just be the largest business event of our lifetime. With that being stipulated, we feel it more important than ever for entrepreneurs to secure a business-friendly hub of information in addition to having creative avenues of funding for their projects.  Visit Our Website

Be sure to take a moment to view the video below entitled “The History of Taxes.”  we think you will find it entertaining and fascinating!

Upcoming Events: 

Conferences for Your Calendar:

– The Bermuda Captive Insurance Conference     
June 8-10, 2015 (Southampton, Bermuda)
Please Click Here

Monthly Featured Videos:    


An Entertaining History of Tax”


“The Internet & the Future of Privacy


Business Success – Toys:

An American Icon Returns … Again   

Every successful business owner or professional that we know has at least one hobby that they are crazy about.  Their passion seems to move seamlessly from the boardroom to the backyard.  To that end, we thought you might enjoy reviewing some of the newest toys that are out there to take pleasure in. We believe in the old axiom to “work hard and play hard.” Today, we offer a look at the latest American Indian

At a base price of USD $20,000 the new Indian Motorcycle family might finally be poised to take market share from Harley Davidson.  Maybe….  They certainly shake previously conceived notions of production motorcycles. Their last attempt to move this iconic American company forward saw their bread and butter product – the Indian Chief – priced close to USD $40,000.  Worse than being priced way above its rival was the questionable mechanical reliability of their product.  Reports of nuts and bolts being literally vibrated off the solid frame proliferated. As a result, sales dropped and dealerships closed which compounded mechanical difficulties with a lack of service.  In any event, the 2015 lineup has huge potential and remains true to the always pleasing lines of Indian Motorcycle. Whether or not you ride the Indian motorcycle is a showstopper that will demand your attention.  It is just plain beautiful.  The devil, nonetheless, is in the details.  Indian will need to demonstrate an acceptable level of mechanical reliability before dreams of touching Harley’s success will follow.

Captive Strategies:

Swiss Trust Companies 

The number-one reason for owning a Swiss Trust Company in Eastern Europe is not surprisingly – political uncertainty.   Learn More by scheduling a Free Consultation!

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Our New Magazine:

Our new magazine “Little Taste of Home” is now online. This is a cuisine and lifestyle periodical designed to bring you the best ethnic food from across the United States to your doorstep.  Best of all it is free!

Visit us at Please Click Here

Our Services:



CONSULTANT:Working on your behalf as an International Business Advisory we target acquisitions and corporate structures which will reduce regulatory red-tape, lower costs, raise capital or open new avenues to profit.


AUTHOR: Geared to our entrepreneurial readership, we currently write a monthly newsletter and weekly blog that is uniquely educational and entertaining. Our second book will be out early next year.


PUBLISHER: We are proud to announce that in 2013 we will publish a new interactive magazine which will provide you yet another tool to keep on the cutting-edge of competitive advantage.


ADVOCATE: We have always been and remain to this day a stanch believer in free markets and the entrepreneurial spirit. To that end, we frequently publish or share information which is intended to either inspire or enlighten.

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