Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

“Advocate for International Business”

Random Thoughts!    

* Tax Season in the US  
At this point, perhaps it should go without saying but pay your taxes!  If you are involved with international business then you are a high profile target.  There are no tax benefits for US citizens by going offshore.  As many nations move towards worldwide income tax, this is also true in many other jurisdictions. We would suggest that you plan accordingly. 

* Swiss Trust Companies
Trust companies are great tools but there is a lot of bad information about these entities on the internet.  One myth is that you can buy a Swiss Trust Company (STC) with an in-place and operational SWIFT membership. This is simply not true.  As a new owner, you would need to apply for membership.  To that end, we have a better option which are less expensive.  In any case, if anyone would suggest otherwise that should be a huge red flag.   

Upcoming Events:

Several conferences which you may want
to place on calendar

– Bermuda Captive Insurance Conference     
  June 2-4, 2014 (Bermuda)
  Please Click Here

– European Insurance Forum
  May 15-16, 2014 (Dublin, Ireland)
  Please Click Here 

– Canadian Captive Insurance Summit 
  May 28-29, 2014 (Calgary, Canada)
  Please Click Here

– Offshore Alert Conference 
  May 4-6, 2014 (South Beach / Miami,  Florida)
  Please Click Here

Articles You May Have Missed:

Swiss and British regulators initiated a currency probe:  
  Click Here for Video

Swiss Bank May Plead Guilty:
  Please Click Here 

United States FDIC Failed Bank List:
  Please Click Here

Is Gibraltar the New Cayman Islands?
  Please Click Here

Did You Know?

CAMEL RATING:  Rating measuring the soundness of a bank.  The term is an acronym that stands for Capital, Asset Management, Earnings and Liquidity.

DE NOVO:  A newly chartered bank, as opposed to a bank acquired through an acquisition.

DUTCH AUCTION:  Defined as an auction system in securities underwriting where the issuer gradually lowers the price until a responsive bid is met.  Buyers can bid any prices they want, and securities are sold at a single price to all buyers whose bid price is at or higher than the auction-set price.  The U.S. Treasury Department has occasionally used the Dutch auction technique in auctions of Treasury securities.

Our Roles & Services to Assist You:


CONSULTANT:Working on your behalf as an International Business Advisory we target acquisitions and corporate structures which will reduce regulatory red-tape, lower costs, raise capital or open new avenues to profit.


AUTHOR: Geared to our entrepreneurial readership, we currently write a monthly newsletter and weekly blog that is uniquely educational and entertaining. Our second book will be out early next year.


PUBLISHER: We are proud to announce that in 2013 we will publish a new interactive magazine which will provide you yet another tool to keep on the cutting-edge of competitive advantage.


ADVOCATE: We have always been and remain to this day a stanch believer in free markets and the entrepreneurial spirit. To that end, we frequently publish or share information which is intended to either inspire or enlighten.

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