Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
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What you will find in this edition

  • Feature:
    A Better Business Plan is a Must!
  • Business Tools:
    Which American Express card is Best for Your Business?
  • Business Psychology:
    Pros and Cons of Early Retirement
  • Executive Fitness:
    Five Reasons to Try Apple Cider Vinegar!
  • Spirits & Cuisine:
    Pierogies from Pittsburgh
  • Lifestyle & Travel:
    Plan Your Fall Foliage Trip Now!
  • Corb7 International Services:
    Swiss Trust Companies for Sale!

International Business


A Better Business Plan is a Must!

Great ideas often inspire people to start a business. But ideas alone don’t make a business. Startup founders will likely need to develop a business plan to get their ideas off the ground and begin operations. Also, many startups require some measure of outside funding to turn their ideas into businesses, and that’s where banks and venture capital firms come into the equation. Banks and venture capitalists will no doubt require prospective startups to provide business plans before they will consider funding them. Even startup owners who don’t intend to seek funding from venture capitalists or lending institutions should develop a detailed business plan, which can serve as a guidebook that keeps on track toward achieving their goals.

Businesses large and small can benefit from drafting business plans before beginning operations. A business plan is a description of a business’ projected future, and this document will spell out exactly what a business owner plans to do and how he or she will put that plan in motion.

Forbes says that entrepreneurs can benefit from business plans because the process of developing them will help business owners understand which type of business he or she would like to create and the type and amount of funding and other resources that will be needed to get the business functioning. Although business plans may be optional, one instance in which they are often required is when entrepreneurs are seeking funding. That’s because lenders often require business plans to weigh the risks and benefits of investing in a potential business.

Entrepreneurs can use templates to draft business plans and then fill in specific details. Here are some components to include in the plan.

· Executive summary: This is a synopsis of the entire plan with all of the essentials briefly discussed. Include the reasons why the business will be successful.

· Business description: In this section, entrepreneurs can provide a profile of the company. Information can include location, size, planned operations, and the target market.

· Industry analysis: Here business owners discuss the market in which the business will be competing, including how large the market is and whether or not there are any trends affecting this type of endeavor.

· Marketing, products and sales: In this portion of the plan, owners mention the products or services being offered. Strategies for branding, marketing and how the product/services will be sold also are included.

· Operations: The operations portion of the plan will detail the processes the business needs to address on a daily basis to be successful.

· The team: In the business plan, entrepreneurs should also identify the personnel who will be helping to run the company, including why these people are qualified for the job.

International Business

Business Tools

Which AMX card is Best for Your Business?

International Business

Business Psychology

Pros & Cons of Early Retirement

A lifetime of working compels many people to look forward to their retirement. Some people even work to retire early. But what are the advantages of early retirement beyond starting a life of leisure? And are there any detriments to this plan?

A  recent survey by the financial services provider TIAA-CREF found that 37 percent of Americans plan to retire before age 65. However, many of them will not have control over the matter. Those who do may want to consider the pros and cons of early retirement.


Many people seek early retirement so that they can live a life free of the constraints of schedules. In retirement, time becomes, more or less, a retiree’s own.

Leaving a job can be a boon to a person’s health as well. Relieving oneself of the pressures and stresses of professional life can free up the mind and body. Stress can affect mental and physical health, taxing the heart and contributing to conditions such as depression or anxiety. According to the Mayo Clinic, stress can cause headache, muscle and chest pain and contribute to trouble sleeping.

The earlier the retirement, the more opportunity to travel before health issues begin to limit mobility. Early retirement also can be a way to volunteer more or even start a new job opportunity – one where workers have greater control over their schedules and careers.


One of the disadvantages of early retirement is a loss of income. Contributions to retirement accounts also ceases at retirement. This can lead to financial setbacks if adequate savings were not allocated for retirement. According to the resource Wealth How, some people who retire early fear outliving their savings.

While retiring early may be good for health, it also can have negative consequences. An analysis from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that retirement can lead to declines in mental health and mobility as well as feelings of isolation. Retiring early may jump start these health implications.

Another consideration is that health insurance provided by an employer typically ends at retirement. That means having to pay out of pocket until a person ages into government-subsidized healthcare, such as Medicare in the United States, at age 65.


Executive Fitness

Five Reasons to Try Apple Cider Vinegar!

Vinegar is a fermented liquid made from a wide array of ingredients that is used primarily to preserve and flavor food. But the uses for vinegar are almost as extensive as the variety of flavors it’s available in.

The word “vinegar” comes from the French “vin aigre,” or “sour wine.” Vinegar is a diluted solution of acetic acid that forms with the fermentation of grapes, apples, rice, corn, and many other ingredients.

Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, is a type of vinegar that has recently skyrocketed in popularity due to its purported health benefits. ACV is formed from cider or apple must and has a long history as a home remedy, making it the most popular type of vinegar in the natural health community. The following are just a handful of the purported benefits credited to ACV.

1. ACV improves healthy gut flora. Like other fermented foods and beverages (think yogurt and kombucha), ACV is rich in enzymes and probiotics. Probiotics can aid in digestion and make sure that the digestive system is working efficiently. According to the health and wellness team at MyFitnessPal, unpasteurized ACV can deliver probiotics and energize digestion. Others say that ACV can assist with easing an upset stomach by addressing unhealthy bacteria. Some remedies suggest that the pectin in ACV can help soothe intestinal spasms as well.

2. ACV can be used as a disinfectant. ACV and other vinegars can kill harmful bacteria or prevent them from multiplying, according to Healthline. ACV has historically been used as a disinfectant and natural preservative and may help reduce instances of E. coli. Those same antibacterial properties also may help head off infections of the throat. Reader’s Digest indicates that gargling with ACV can soothe a sore throat and create an acidic environment in the esophagus that most germs can’t survive.

3. ACV contributes to feelings of fullness. Many people insist that ACV helps with weight loss. According to dietician and certified diabetes instructor Katie Rankell at UC Irvine Medical Center, ACV has been shown to lower blood sugar by reducing the absorption of carbohydrates, while also contributing to feelings of fullness that can help people avoid overeating.

4. ACV naturally lowers cholesterol. A 2016 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found consumption of the acetic acid found in ACV reduced serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in rats. More research is needed to determine if humans can reap similar rewards.

5. ACV can treat dandruff and other skin ailments. The acidity of ACV changes the pH of the skin and scalp, making it harder for yeast to grow. Applying ACV to the scalp can inhibit dandruff. It also can be used as a toner that exfoliates the skin and makes it less oily.


Spirits & Cuisine

Pierogies From Pittsburgh

Pierogies are dumplings filled with various stuffings of cheese or meat. Originating from Central and Eastern Europe, a pierogie is made by wrapping unleavened dough around a savory or sweet filling and cooking in boiling water or pan-frying. Nothing is more Polish than a pierogie and where else to go for the best pierogies in the United States than Pittsburgh! Hidden in the McKees Rocks section of the city – just a few miles from downtown “Pierogies Plus” is nothing short of a jewel. What a find! With all due respect to Mrs.T’s frozen rendition of the same item, you will want to immediately try these easy to order pierogies.

Pierogies Plus, Inc.
342 Island Avenue
McKees Rocks, PA, USA
Phone: 412-331-2224

Click Here to Order


 Lifestyle & Travel

Plan Your Fall Foliage Excursion!

Autumn means different things to many people. Students may embrace the dawn of a new school year, while others might embrace the crisp weather after a season of heat. One of the more widely enjoyed aspects of autumn is the chance to take in the brilliant foliage.

Although New England may be renowned for its bright, orange, red and yellow panoramas, dazzling displays of foliage can be witnessed anywhere temperatures descend enough for deciduous trees to shed their leaves.

The first step to a successful fall foliage excursion is to find the right spot. The Catskill and Adirondack Mountains of New York, Amish Country in Pennsylvania, the Great Lakes from Michigan to Ohio, and many other areas can be great places to witness nature at its most colorful. To make the most of fall foliage road trips, drivers can keep the following suggestions in mind.

· Get off the highway. To see great fall vistas, take a detour from major thoroughfares and visit small towns and mountain passes. Invest in some maps, as cellular networks may be inaccessible in remote locales.

· Avoid tourist-heavy areas. Drivers may prefer less crowded roadways to accompany the great scenery. Such drivers should visit areas that are not tourist meccas. Any area that plays home to forests and sprawling landscapes will do.

· Go on foot. To get the best photos, head out at sunrise or sunset. Soft, golden light dappled by leaves will bring out the golden tones in photos. Going on foot will help you discover the nuances of the season and slow down for a change.

· Don’t overlook overcast days. Traveling in the rain may not be fun, but overcast days might be ideal. On such days, the sun won’t be too warm and drown out the colors.

· Bring along binoculars. Wildlife is often mobile and abundant in the fall, as animals scurry to feed and gather supplies before the winter. As a result, autumn is a great time to spot wildlife that’s normally hiding in thickets and woodland areas.

· Plan for stops along the way. Don’t forget to bring some spending money in the form of cash so that you can enjoy the small farm stands and shops that often dot rural landscapes. Pick up farm-fresh produce or choose a plump pumpkin. Yard sales also are abundant this time of year. Small shops may not take credit cards, so if you plan to buy, cash is king.

Trees begin shedding their leaves as early as the beginning of September in Canada and the northern United States. As the days press on, the fall finery will gradually shift southward. For those who can afford to take a weekday off, do so, as weekends might be overcome with fellow nature enthusiasts.

Business Services

Business Acquisitions


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