What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Censorship by Omission? - Business Psychology:
How to Overcome Mental Fatigue - Cross-Border Business:
The World's Premier Haven - Business Tools:
International Strategies for Profit & Asset Protection - Business Etiquette:
Common Sense Etiquette - Executive Fitness:
To Stretch or Not to Stretch? - Spirits & Cuisine:
South African Meat Pies Delivered to Your Door - Leisure:
Own Your Own Tuscan Vineyard - Travel:
2023 Indy 500 - Corb7 International Services:
"The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership"

International Business
Editor's Note

Censorship by Omission?
Hidden in plain sight behind the daily headlines coming out of Washington D.C. is the newly minted Hunter Biden laptop story. Of course, it is new only in the sense that the New York Times and other media outlets have recently decided to report on a story that has literally been available to be discovered for 16 months. Do you remember that not so long ago you would get banned on social media for the mention of it? It makes one ask why now? We have a gut feeling that it has something to do with the grand jury looking into various of Mr. Biden’s business activities. In any case, our purpose in writing about it is not Mr. Biden or even his father the President. It is much more important. We are concerned about the state of our media and the ramifications on business.
Turn on any news broadcast and it seems like all you will hear are cries of fake news or a daily pronouncement that the world is coming to an end. We have become a society of extremes, and the once cherished middle ground has been obliterated. Recently, I heard the perfect description used by a television pundit when he termed the current circus we are watching as an “apocalyptic hamster wheel.” It certainly does not seem far-fetched to believe business is likely to be hurt if we do not get some return to civil order.
Not so long ago in the United States, virtually every city had two major newspapers, several local television stations (plus radio stations) for current event reports and the three major networks (ABC, CBS and NBC) which people relied on for their national and international news. Then in 1980, the 24-hour news network CNN broke ground and established itself as a force. For approximately 20 years, it seemed like everyone somewhat respectfully coexisted. With the advent of the Internet and the eventual development of social media, however, all hell has broken loose. Gone is the illusion of objectivity and news is now commoditized, often existing as little more than cheerleaders and propaganda machines. Essentially, the media – to remain competitive - has sold its objectivity to become foot soldiers for whatever side they advocate.
There is no such thing anymore as a neutral broadcasting.
Thus, the social media phenomena changed news, politics, and business forever and not for the better. The consumer, of course, is more informed than ever before but are we receiving quality information or just junk food for the mind? Perhaps even more ominous, social media has been weaponized and ridicules behavior from fringe characters has become common. We have become desensitized to this element, and a social media mob mentality now exists, which overreacts with outrage at the slightest incident. This newfound power to establish “crowds” or to "cancel" someone can bring out base and childish behaviors. To be so easily offended is to tip your hand as being simple and narrow minded, nevertheless, it can also be dangerous for all of us. To use an American baseball term, we are left with no one calling balls and strikes – everyone is simply rooting for their team.
Politics and the media have a tremendous effect on business and an objective media would be an extremely stabilizing force for all of us. It would hold politicians accountable. For example, the current push towards socialism – a system that has virtually never worked but appeals to the good nature of man – is especially troubling and not being thoroughly examined. Again, not so long ago many of the policies being proposed would have been appalling to most everyone. The Genie, nevertheless, is out of the proverbial bottle and where this will end is anyone’s guess. One thing is for sure; however, both business and wealth are very portable. If pandering politicians start hiking punitive tax to extreme levels, you will see both quickly exit for more favorable ground leaving little left behind. Perhaps then the level heads will return to having a dominant influence.
In conclusion, we must ask a simple question of the media. Has Fake News now become censorship by omission?

International Business
Business Psychology

How to Overcome Mental Fatigue
Ideas to Overcome a Very Real Problem.
Fatigue and exhaustion are often discussed in terms that characterize the physical effects that they have on the body. However, mental fatigue can be just as draining as physical exhaustion, even if its symptoms are not as evident as achy muscles or tired feet.
The online medical resource WebMD notes that mental fatigue typically arises when individuals focus on mentally challenging tasks for extended periods of time. Many individuals also experienced mental fatigue during the pandemic. Pandemic-related restrictions forced individuals across the globe to confront a number of unforeseen, unexpected challenges, including a sudden shift to remote work and school closures that forced working parents to juggle the rigors of their careers with the difficulties of remote learning. That upheaval contributed to prolonged mental fatigue for many individuals.
Much like athletes need routine breaks from exercise to let their muscles recover, individuals need to look for ways to give their overworked minds a chance to recuperate from fatigue. Each person is different, but these strategies can help people overcome mental fatigue.
· Take breaks from the news. Overconsumption of news is one potential contributor to mental fatigue. That's especially so in the digital age, when the latest headlines are never further than a smartphone away. The Johns Hopkins Women's Mood Disorders Center notes that limiting news consumption during stressful times can be an effective way to reduce symptoms of stress, including mental fatigue.
· Schedule time to relax. The pressure to feel as if you should always be doing something, whether it's working, taking care of your family or tackling a to-do list around the house, can contribute to mental fatigue. Schedule time to relax and make a concerted effort to keep that time open. Avoid using scheduled relaxation time to work on household chores or check work emails. Instead, use this time to do something you find genuinely relaxing, even if that activity feels like you're doing "nothing."
· Spot the signs of mental fatigue. Another way to overcome mental fatigue is to learn to recognize its symptoms. Recognition of these symptoms allows individuals to use them as alarm bells that alert them when it's time to take a step back and unwind. WebMD notes that mental fatigue symptoms include mood-related issues like increased irritability or anger; difficulty concentrating that makes it hard to finish tasks; zoning out; difficulty sleeping; and engaging in unhealthy behaviors, including overconsumption of alcohol.
The signs of mental fatigue may not be as instantly recognizable as the symptoms of physical exhaustion. But mental fatigue can be just as dangerous as physical tiredness if left unchecked.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

The World's Premier Haven
Simply One of the Best.
A Switzerland is often called “the world’s premier business haven” with its exceedingly friendly business culture and a world-class infrastructure second to none. One of the most important industries within Switzerland is the iconic banking sector. One-third of the world’s wealth resides in this tiny nation. Tradition, integrity, and trust are adjectives that all aptly describe this international business destination.
Though relatively small, Switzerland has only 8.1 million inhabitants - 16% of those living in Switzerland are foreign citizens, pointing to the cosmopolitan nature of the population - the World Economic Forum’s "Global Competitiveness Report" recently ranked Switzerland's economy as the most competitive in the world. While the four national languages of Switzerland are German, French, Italian and Romansch, most professionals speak working English. In addition, Switzerland is one of the oldest democracies in the world, established in 1848.
For the last thirty years, the Federal Executive has consisted of a coalition between the country's main political parties, assuring balance neutrality and free enterprise. This tiny landlocked country has been successfully competing in favor of Direct Foreign Investment for seemingly countless years. With a long-standing history of neutrality – it has not been in a state of war since 1815 – an iconic banking infrastructure has been developed. Even through the resent global economic crisis not one Swiss bank approached failure. There can be little doubt that the stability of the Swiss banking system and its financial institutions have contributed mightily to this country’s success. Controversies aside, the Swiss have become the world’s banker with a standing estimate that one-third of all current wealth resides here.
Several universal factors contribute to this relatively small nation's ability to compete on the global scale which enhances its reputation:
- Social peace and political stability
- A leading economy with currency and price stability
- Highly professional international banks that focus on privacy
- First-rate infrastructure
- High productivity combined with extraordinary product and service quality
- First-class and world-renowned universities and technical institutes
This week Switzerland made a virtually unprecedented move which further enhances its international standing by joining sanctions against Russia. This was done because it was the moral thing to do and at great financial sacrifice.
Supporting Article

International Business
Business Tools
International Strategies for Profit & Asset Protection
Seven Proven Strategies.-------
1) Trust Companies
A Trust Company is a business entity organized specifically for entering into Fiduciary, Trustee or Agent relationships with individuals or organizations to administer assets. It may act as a portfolio manager, executor, guardian, trustee, custodian of assets, fiscal agent and paying agent for corporations and governments who have issued bonds and provide services such as estate planning etc. Trust Companies frequently have numerous other financial powers, which are only limited by the jurisdiction in which they are established. Trust Companies are not required to exercise all of the powers that they are granted.
In general, a Trust Company is usually owned by one of three types of structures: an independent partnership, a bank, or a law firm. It is frequently seen as an effective alternative to bank ownership. The primary benefits are asset protection (either corporate or personal) and resolution to specific or unique business problems.
Jurisdiction of Preference
- Switzerland
2) Bank Ownership
Bank ownership is not appropriate for every organization because it can be very expensive and time consuming. Thus, it cannot offer an immediate solution to business needs. The rewards, however, may be well worth it. After the tragedy of 9/11, international banking laws and regulations have changed. The bank-chartering process can be an endurance test easily lasting 18-months even in the most accommodating of jurisdictions. Often the complexity of the application provides not only the ability for extensive due diligence but discourages unqualified applicants from even starting the process. In effect, this marathon “weeds out” those parties that are not fully committed to bank ownership.
A bank is defined as an organization usually a corporation chartered by a government which does most or all of the following: receives demand deposits and time deposits, honor instruments drawn on them, and pays interest on them; discounts notes, makes loans and invests in securities; collects checks, drafts and notes; certifies depositor's checks; and issues drafts and cashier's checks. The bank charter is an agreement that governs the manner in which the bank is regulated and operates. It authorizes the existence of the bank by the agency which is primarily responsible for protecting the public from unsafe banking practices.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Cayman Islands
- St Vincent
3) Captive Insurance Companies
A Captive Insurance Company is an insurance company that primarily insures the risks of businesses, which are related to it through common ownership usual a parent company. The entity can be domiciled and licensed in a wide number of jurisdictions both domestically or offshore. It is estimated that about 80% of the Standard and Poor 500 companies own one or more captive insurance companies. Using a captive is commonly accepted risk management technique.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Bermuda
- St Vincent
- British Virgin Islands
4) Special Purpose Vehicles
A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a financial entity created for the purpose of fulfilling a very specific or temporary objective. It is separated from the sponsoring or parent and may be controlled by several companies working together. SPVs are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk. A company will transfer assets to the entity for management or to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk. In certain jurisdictions, specific ownership percentages may be required.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Ireland
- Jersey
5) Asset Protection Trusts
An Asset Protection Trust is a legal structure that splits the beneficial enjoyment of trust assets from their legal ownership. A Trust is simply a contract between the people who wish to protect assets (the Grantor) and the person who will manage the assets (the Trustee) for the benefit of all Beneficiaries which may include the Grantor other individuals.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Cook Islands
6) Foundations
Foundations can trace their origin to approximately 100 years ago in Western Europe. A Foundation is a separate legal entity, without members or shareholders, and is generally established to reflect the wishes of the founder, who may be an individual or a corporate entity. These wishes are contained within the Foundation's Deed of Incorporation and Articles of Association. Foundations can be established for a fixed or indefinite period of time and can be used for charitable, commercial or for family purposes. They are often used for estate planning purposes and as an alternative to Asset Protection Trusts.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Liechtenstein
- Panama
7) Offshore IPOs
Taking a privately held entity public offshore might be an excellent means to solve specific and unique business problems or raise equity for a current subsidiary. A very detailed process, it needs to be only handled by an experienced firm.
Locations of Preference:
- Frankfurt Exchange
- Berlin Exchange
- Bermuda

International Business
Business Etiquette

Common Sense Etiquette
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
I’ve been re-reading a delightful book written by Eleanor Roosevelt in 1962 titled Book of Common-Sense Etiquette, in which she says:
“Etiquette is not just a matter of knowing how a lunch or dinner should be served, or what the “proper” behavior is in this or that situation. There are many correct ways of behaving in almost any situation, and many proper ways of doing those things for which there are precise rules in formal etiquette books. Yet the formal rules always have had a signal usefulness, and are worthy of respectful attentions, and even though we have renounced some of them, we ought not to belittle this impulse that brought them into being, for it is the very essence of man’s desire to achieve self-respect and dignity.”
Common sense must speak to the rules of etiquette such that good manners end up prevailing.
Developing Good Manners
As children, we instinctively fed ourselves hand to mouth. But when we were taught to use a spoon and fork, ask for an item to be passed to us, and learned that others also would like items passed to them, practical knowledge melded into a social sense that can only develop through experience with other people.
When a child learns to say “Please” and “Thank you,” and smiles at the other person when he says it, he is not only learning manners but also adding to his bank of social knowledge. Manners are a combination of recognition of others and specific know-how. The guiding codes are the rules of etiquette.
Each of us try to act with sound judgment and aim for sensible action in all that we do. Etiquette serves in gaining the practical knowledge that we apply to our ever-changing social and professional situations. It helps us live reasonably and kindly, and desiring it is commonsensical.
Many things we do in the spirit of courtesy and in line with common sense every day:
- Opening and holding doors for others.
- Reciprocating the sharing of dinner with those who invite you to their table.
- Extending verbal courtesies such as “It’s my pleasure,” “Please,” “Thank you,” and “May I?” when interacting with other people.
- Insisting that children need to help with dinner and chores as a regular part of learning to coexist within a family.
- Returning phone calls and emails within a short period of time.
Regardless of your line of work, courtesy and civility are basic to professional conduct.
- Take ownership for the level of work produced.
- Cooperate with colleagues and management.
- Prove dependable and trustworthy and show up on time.
- Give the benefit of doubt.
- Look for the positives and aim for the bright side, taking the proverbial “high road” at every turn.
- Never announce something really important in a text message.
- Keep your focus on where you are, who you are with and why you are there.
- Being clear and concise shows respect for the people with whom you are communicating.
- Actively listen with intention of finding value in what others say.
- Keep the Golden Rule active, doing to others what you would have them do and be with you.
Aiming to be respectful in all of our interactions and following through by keeping our word and taking responsibility for our own behavior develops strength of character. Doing what we know ultimately works is common sense.

Executive Fitness

Understanding the Confusion of Stretching
An Important Component to Your Workout.-------
Fitness and health care professionals generally agree that stretching is an important component of an effective workout regimen. However, there remains some confusion as to when to stretch and which stretches athletes should perform to maintain optimal health and flexibility.
The Harvard Medical School notes that stretching was once believed necessary to warm up muscles and prepare them for activity. However, the Mayo Clinic now notes that stretching should not be considered a warmup activity. Rather, the general consensus among health care professionals is that individuals should first warm up their bodies for five to 10 minutes with some light exercise, such as low-intensity walking or jogging. In addition, the Mayo Clinic notes that some research has suggested that pre-event stretching adversely affects athletes' performance. That may be a concern for competitive athletes and can add to the confusion non-competitive fitness enthusiasts have about the importance of stretching. Individuals who exercise to improve their overall health can stretch after their five- to 10-minute warmup and then again after completing their cardio and strength training. Competitive athletes can consult their coaches and trainers about when to stretch and which stretches to perform.
When stretching, all people, including competitive athletes and individuals who exercise as part of their health care routines, should focus on proper form. Numerous online tutorials indicate how to stretch the various muscle groups in a way that improves flexibility and decreases injury risk.

Spirits & Cuisine

Panbury's Meat Pies
A South African Favorite.
Located in Atlanta Georgia, Panbury’s is bringing the tradition of the hand pie to America by recreating South African, British, and Australian favorites in a new unique style. American potpies, Aussie meat pies, Jamaican patties, English pasties, and cuisines from around the world inspire Panbury’s flavorful, heaping-full hand-pies. Beef, Lqmb, Chicken and Veggie pies are all available to be shipped.
209 Edgewood Ave SE.
Atlanta Georgia, 303030
Suite 104
Phone 404-500-1279
To Order

Own Your Own Tuscan Vineyard!
The Food, Weather & Language are Intoxicating.
We love Italy. The food, weather, people & language are simply intoxicating. It is obvious that we are not alone. All throughout the Internet, you can find information about traveling to this beloved vacation spot. Many, however, dream about living in Italy. Perhaps you have even contemplated retiring to your own rustic farmhouse, like the one depicted in the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun." Recently, we came across the video above which delves into the particulars of buying property in this wonderful location and thought it worthy to bring to your attention.
A range of tax incentives, relatively lower prices and the potential for working remotely has kindled the desire to buy a first or second home in Italy. There are some restrictions on who can and can’t buy property in Italy, however, it’s largely seen as a “no restrictions” country. Within the video an attorney discusses the basics that you should be aware of if this move is a consideration.


2023 Indy 500
An American Classic.
Do you have an interest in attending the Indy 500 next year?
The Indianapolis 500 is a must-attend Bucket List event. If not entertaining your very best clients, this would also be an amazing trip with a group of family or friends.
Indianapolis 500
Enjoy watching the greatest drivers in the world compete at the famous Brickyard in Indianapolis, IN. You can experience one of America’s most attended sporting events with first class amenities. Build your Indy 500 package with options such as PIT passes, behind-the-scenes track tour, VIP concerts, and race day suite access
The Princeton group has access to an exclusive package for next year.
The dates are May 26-29, 2023.
This package includes the following:
- Accommodations at The Westin downtown Indianapolis
- 4 VIP Tickets for an exclusive behind the scenes garage tour, lunch at St. Elmos and 4 VIP parade tickets
- 4 Tower Terrace Suite Tickets for the Indy 500 with premium food & drinks and police escort
- Dedicated on-site support leading up to and during the entire event
- Annual Rights for future years
Total Price: $20,900
Princeton Group is dedicated to providing you the best possible five-star experience. With over 35 years of direct industry experience, our team will work with you prior and during the event to ensure your event program is a stunning success!
Click Here for More Information