What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Tupac & The Las Vegas Strip - Business Psychology:
Create Positive Change! - International Business:
The Templeton Effect - Business Etiquette:
Eye Contact is Crucial for Success - Fitness & Health:
How to Design a Healthy Diet After 50! - Spirits & Cuisine:
Fall Harvest of Healthy Fruits & Vegetables - Leisure & Travel:
Fall Festival Weekend Ideas - Corb7 Publications:
Free E-Book - Corb7 Funding Service:
Funding Any Project, Any Where! - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
81-Year-Old Swiss Trust Companies Available!

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Tupac & The Las Vegas Strip
A nagging question.
Some recent news came out of Las Vegas that made me think of an interesting story that I’d like to share. It also made me think of a nagging question that has bothered me since 2017.
Last week, after 27 years, the Las Vegas police department made an arrest in the shooting death of Tupac Shakur. Tupac was an American rapper, who is widely considered one of the most influential and successful rappers of all time. A Los Angeles man has been charged with his 1996 killing. The murder occurred during a Mike Tyson fight weekend when the heavy weight champion fought at the MGM in Las Vegas.
Rap isn’t my thing, but the news did make me think of a time we were in Vegas when another Mike Tyson fight was occurring at the MGM Grand. My wife and I were staying at the Mandalay Bay Resort when the infamous Tyson vs. Holyfield fight occurred at the MGM. It was June 28,1997 and 'The Bite Fight” was about to make sports history down the Las Vegas Strip from where we were. This bout was a rematch between the two fighters, with Holyfield having won their first encounter. The fight gained notoriety due to an incident in the third round when Mike Tyson bit off a piece of Evander Holyfield’s ear. Tyson was disqualified for his actions, and chaos erupted.
We were not really interested in the fight and had been out to dinner when upon returning to the resort it was obvious that the casino had an unusual buzz going through the entire building. Something big was up, so we hurried upstairs to turn on the television for the news. Reports were saying something about disqualification and Tyson’s actions, but it was unclear or unbelievable what had occurred. So, I figured I’d go back down to the Sports Book in Mandalay Bay and see what was happening. It was the only time in my many visits to Vegas that I saw a near riot. The sports book was not going to pay off even though Holyfield had won – claiming it was a disqualification and not a victory. Fortunately, they quickly came to their senses and reversed that decision, which prevented any further problems.
Meanwhile, later that night, down the street at the MGM, local news casts would show the police with guns drawn surrounding the MGM Grand in response to hearing shots fired. That’s story was quickly knocked down – not once making the national news - with the claim that the officers had just heard stands being collapsed within the facility. That story never made sense to me. Anyone who is familiar with weapons would certainly know the difference.
Fast forward many years and we were again in Las Vegas two weekends ago for the Pittsburgh Steelers vs. the Las Vegas Raiders football game. It was our first-time staying at the Mandalay Bay – which is now directly across from the new football stadium - since years before the tragic mass shooting incident that occurred on October 1, 2017. As you may recall, a gunman named Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It was one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history resulting in the deaths of 58 people and injuring hundreds more, but no clear motive was ever established.
People come to Las Vegas from all over the world for world-class entertainment and gaming. But ever since the “Bite Fight” and the reports of shots fired – then no shots fired – at the MGM; I find myself questioning news reports. How could a motive for the 2017 Mandalay Bay shooting never have been established? Was he just a disgruntled high-roller gambler as reports claim, or something else? Why was a final stamp not ever placed on this case? I realize this is old news but is it representative of how world events are currently reported? How many major news events are quickly in and then out of the headlines as the public moves on to the next shiny object? Does the media still place pressure on investigative agencies to hold them accountable.
It just seems like this story was swept under the rug, and those victims deserve better.
For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my blog: JeffCorbett.com

International Business
Business Psychology

Create Positive Change
3/4 of 2023 is gone.
If you Didn't Get 100% out of 2023 so far, go grab it in the 4th Quarter!
1) Control What You Can Control - It's simple but it's true. You can't control what people are saying and thinking about you. You can't control the competition that is coming after your business. You can't control most things in life but you can control your attitude, your effort and your actions.
2) Create Inside-Out - The world can be like a pot of boiling hot water. You can be like a carrot that gets weakened when placed in the pot or you can be like an egg that gets hardened (bitter, angry, uncaring) in a tough environment. Or you can be like the coffee bean that transforms the water into coffee. Instead of being impacted by the heat and difficult conditions, it instead transforms the environment it's in. The noise, media, negativity, and criticism only have power over you if you let it. If you know the truth that you create from the inside-out, not outside in, then you won't your circumstances define you. Instead you will be like the coffee bean and work to define your circumstances. When you know the power is on the inside and you create the world with your beliefs, passion, positivity, purpose, work ethic, soul and spirit you become a powerful force in the world.
3) Focus on Solutions instead of Complaints - When things are not going well and you are being bombarded with negativity it's easy to complain. But great leaders don't complain. They focus on solutions. If you are complaining, you are not leading. If you are leading you aren't complaining. Instead of focusing on where you are, think about where you want to go and what you want to create. Instead of complaining about what’s holding you back, think about solutions that will propel you forward.
4) Embrace Change - There's a myth that people don't like change. We actually like what change produces. We just don't like the messy transition required to create the change. Individuals and organizations that thrive embrace the entire process of transition and change knowing it leads to improvement and growth. Throughout history we see that individuals and organizations that embrace the waves of change ride it to a successful future. Those who resist the wave get crushed by it.
5) Stay Positive and Do the Work - It may sound cliché but it’s a huge key to success. Through challenges, adversity and negativity you must simply stay positive and continue to do the work. You control what you control. Tune out the noise. Focus on solutions. Work hard every day. Embrace change, work together as a team, and create positive change from the inside out. Over time performance improves, the numbers rise, confidence grows, people feel and see the change and then everyone starts talking about why you are succeeding instead of failing.

International Business
International Business

The Templeton Effect
Offshore strategies mirroring onshore business.-------
One of the best examples of how to mirror an onshore strategy with an offshore and thus legally have a presence in both market places is the Templeton Group.
The founder, John Templeton was an investor and mutual fund pioneer who became a billionaire by promoting global diversification through his funds. .For more information click here. To this day, the Franklin Templeton Group frequently mirrors an onshore fund strategy (within the US) with an offshore fund often established in the Bahamas which offers more lenient regulatory environment.

International Business
Business Etiquette
Eye Contact is Crucial for Success!
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
Making eye contact is a natural part of daily life for most people. You probably don't even realize how many times each day you do it.
When you look directly at someone with a relaxed facial expression you use one of the best methods of acknowledging that person. It is a vital component of every meaningful conversation.
Creating Connections
Have you ever noticed how babies meet or follow your gaze? If you look directly at a baby, they will look into your eyes. Look away, and they follow your eyes to the change of direction. Studies support this, proving that eye contact is a natural, human habit.
Why? Because humans want connections with other humans. And the eyes have it.
This is where the term "love at first sight" comes from. The simple act of locking eyes with someone lets you know instantly if there is an attraction. The longer the eyes meet, and the frequency of those glances, are a telltale sign of how strong the attraction is. Keep this in mind the next time you attempt to get the attention of a potential special someone.
Eye Contact Opens and Closes Communication
When you first meet someone, etiquette guides you to look them in the eye as you shake hands. It's a global response indicating that you acknowledge this person and validate their presence. You are giving the gift of two things all humans crave – acknowledgement and validation – with one look and the touch of your hand.
At a recent coaching and network event a student commented to a person with whom he was shaking hands, “You know, you looked away and lost my eye contact. Doesn’t that negate your handshake?”
Because it was a learning event, I had encouraged feedback with one another, so the person’s comment was considered polite. The operating rule is the eyes stay connected until the handshake ends.
Communication scholars agree with our own experience, that eye contact, as a medium in conveying presence, emotion, and intention plays a vital role in communication. It also helps you remember what is being said and works against distraction.
When you establish visual contact with someone else, you signal that you
- are listening
- are attentive
- are interested in the other person
- the other person is important.
Eye contact is a vital part of your facial expression and integral to the curiosity of wanting to connect with another. When your face is relaxed and holds a smile, your eyes appear warm and accepting. Using that expression while looking directly at someone acknowledges that person and makes you someone they will remember.
However, when you have something more serious or solemn to say, a gentle locking of eyes lets the other person feel your respect for them, even though you might be at odds on the message.
People who are sight-challenged naturally angle their face in the direction of the person with whom they are shaking hands or talking. “Eye contact” then means turning the face in the direction of the sound of the voice of the other person, thus engaging other senses.
When striving to be recognizably respectful, it is important to understand the practices of cross-cultural communication when visiting other places. In every culture staring is considered rude, so glancing away momentarily at various intervals is a necessity.
Eye Contact as a Life and Self-Awareness Skill
Eye contact, being vital for so many communication skills, requires masterful practice. There's rarely a bad time to use this skill. When doing so, you make someone feel they have your full attention, they are important, and they are being heard. Use this method of connecting with another person when . . .
- You are participating in a conversation
- You say hello, arrive at a meeting, see a friend at a party
- You are introduced to someone
When you meet someone's gaze with a smile, you instantly create a positive connection in that person's mind. This is important when you are entering a job interview, need to comfort someone, or are attracted to someone.
But remember, staring or holding a gaze too long can make others uncomfortable. Maintaining good eye contact leaves room for blinking and looking away for a bit. This provides a little relief, especially if you are concentrating on making sure you are doing it correctly. I use the term, “long glances” as an alternative way to think about it.
Misunderstandings in all relationships, even when people believe they are listening, is common. Establishing eye contact allows the parties focus on the conversation and on reading facial expressions, enabling them to find understanding and to empathize.
It is said the eyes are the windows of the soul. As you peer into those belonging to other people, make sure yours are "open" as well. Human connections are sometimes the best gifts we can offer.

Fitness & Health

How to Design a Healthy Diet After 50!
Our bodies change as we age.------
A balanced diet is an integral element of a healthy lifestyle for men, women and children alike. But while kids and young adults might be able to get away with an extra cheeseburger here or there, men and women approaching 50, 60 or 70 have less leeway.
According to the National Institute on Aging, simply counting calories without regard for the foods being consumed is not enough for men and women 50 and older to maintain their long-term health. Rather, the NIA emphasizes the importance of choosing low-calorie foods that have a lot of the nutrients the body needs.
But counting calories can be an effective and simple way to maintain a healthy weight, provided those calories are coming from nutrient-rich foods. The NIA advises men and women over 50 adhere to the following daily calorie intake recommendations as they attempt to stay healthy into their golden years.
· Not physically active: 1,600 calories
· Somewhat active: 1,800 calories
· Active lifestyle: between 2,000 and 2,200 calories
· Not physically active: 2,000 calories
· Somewhat active: between 2,200 and 2,400 calories
· Active lifestyle: between 2,400 and 2,800 calories
When choosing foods to eat, the NIA recommends eating many different colors and types of vegetables and fruits. Phytochemicals are substances that occur naturally in plants, and there are thousands of these substances offering various benefits. The Produce for Better Health Foundation notes that a varied, colorful diet incorporates lots of different types of phytochemicals, which the PBH says have disease-preventing properties.
The NIA also advises that men and women over 50 make sure at least half the grains in their diets are whole grains. Numerous studies have discovered the various benefits of whole grains, which are loaded with protein, fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients. Whole grains have been shown to reduce the risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.
Another potential hurdle men and women over 50 may encounter is a change in their sense of smell and taste. A person's sense of smell may fade with age, and because smell and taste are so closely related, foods enjoyed for years may no longer tantalize the taste buds. That can be problematic, as many people instinctually add more salt to foods they find bland. According to the U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, older adults should consume no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day. That equates to roughly 3/4 teaspoon of salt. Older men and women should resist the temptation to use salt to add flavor to foods, instead opting for healthy foods that they can still smell and taste. In addition, men and women should mention any loss of their sense of smell to their physicians, as such a loss may indicate the presence of Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease.
Maintaining a healthy diet after 50 may require some hard work and discipline. But the long-term benefits of a healthy diet make the extra effort well worth it.

Spirits & Cuisine

Fall Harvest!
Fall is a great time for fresh fruits & vegetables.-------
Food is a big part of fall, and farms play a significant role in seasonal celebrations. Each fall, families plan apple picking excursions with their eyes on baking homemade apple pies. And while Halloween is made even more fun when carving jack-o'-lanterns, savvy celebrants know that carving sessions are not complete without some roasted pumpkin seeds.
The fall harvest is a great time to indulge in some freshly picked healthy foods. While the picking season may vary depending on where you live, and specifically the climate in your region, the following are some fruits and vegetables that might be ripe for the picking this fall.
· Apples: Apple-picking season typically begins in late summer and extends into fall. Many farms offer a variety of apples, which may be harvested at different times. For example, in the northeastern United States, Gala apples tend to be harvested in late summer, while Granny Smith apples may be best picked in early October.
· Beets: The Spruce: Eats notes that beets may be in season in temperate climates from fall through spring.
· Broccoli: Fresh broccoli makes a healthy addition to any dinner table, and Pickyourown.org notes that broccoli can have a lengthy harvesting season. Early harvesting may begin in May in some regions, though it's still possible to pick fresh broccoli in late October. If you want to pick fresh broccoli, The Old Farmer's Almanac recommends doing so in the morning when the buds of the head are firm and tight.
· Cabbage: If you're looking to do some late fall picking, cabbage might be for you. The online resource Harvest to Table notes that cabbage can survive under snow without being harmed, making it an ideal late fall vegetable. Spoiled outer leaves can be pulled away after harvesting without affecting the quality of the remaining cabbage.
· Peaches: People who can't wait to whip up a peach cobbler may need to do so before fall even begins. According to Pickyourown.org, peaches can be ready for picking as early as July in the northeastern United States, and the picking season generally ends around mid-September. The season is even earlier in places like Georgia, a state known for its peaches where the picking season can begin in mid-May and extend through early August depending on the variety.
· Pumpkins: Thanks in part to Halloween decor and the popularity of pumpkin pie as a Thanksgiving dessert, pumpkins are synonymous with the fall harvest. And pumpkin picking season aligns perfectly with each of these holidays, typically beginning in early or mid-September and extending deep into October.
Fall is a great time of year to pick fresh fruits and vegetables at a local farm.

Leisure & Travel

Fall Festival Weekend Ideas
Pumpkins, Cider & Wagon Rides.
Just as summertime is synonymous with concerts and carnivals, fall is a prime time for its own opportunities for seasonal entertainment, such as harvest festivals. Certain features overlap between summer carnivals and fall festivals, but the latter offers some unique offerings as well. The following are some things to expect when fall festival season hits full swing.
1. Seasonal fare
Many fall harvest festivals are built on the foods harvested in the fall for that region. In Wisconsin, that may be cranberries, while in Massachusetts it could be oysters. Apples also turn up in many areas starting in September. For those who can't wait to bite into food picked at the peak of its season, a fall harvest festival can't be beat.
2. Wagon rides
Farms and the tools of the farming trade are part of harvest festivals. Wagons transporting crops are a classic sight, even if they're no longer heavily relied upon on the farm. Rather than a cargo bed full of corn or apples, harvest festivals tote families around on wagon rides or on hay bale beds towed by tractors.
3. Apples galore
Candied and caramel apples and many other apple products feature prominently at many harvest festivals. Apple fritters, apple turnovers, apple pies, fried apples, and others are bound to be sold by vendors, along with traditional fair foods, like funnel cakes.
4. Cider stations
Lemonade stands that are staples of summer give way to hot or cold cider offerings come the fall. Cold ciders are perfect for an unseasonably warm fall day while warm varieties are tailor-made for days when there's a chill in the air.
5. Pumpkin patches
Fall harvest organizers pick and display pumpkins in fields to make it easier for youngsters to find the perfect pumpkin for Halloween carvings. It's a sea of orange this time of year, and things may get more colorful with non-edible gourds in shades of white or yellow.
6. Leaf-peeping opportunities
Some festivals are geared around chances to view the fall foliage that abounds in primarily rural areas. A mountain or forest backdrop adds vibrant color to any event. Coastal areas may set up fall foliage cruises that let guests see the leaves from a new perspective.
7. Corn mazes
Fall festivals set up adjacent to or on farms may have corn mazes for the kids. These mazes may be kept up throughout October and repurposed into haunted mazes for older kids looking to get a scare for Halloween.
8. Wine tastings
Many grape varieties are harvested in the fall, so fall harvest festivals may capitalize on that and invite local vineyards to set up tables providing tastings of their vintages. Vineyards also may host their own fall festivals, featuring sips and snacks with live music.
Fall offers a host of entertaining festivals geared around the harvest season. These festivals are ideal ways for people to see the sights and nibble on seasonal delights along the way.

Business Services
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