What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
The Big Business of Halloween 2023 - Business Psychology:
The Impact of Reading on Personal Health - Cross-Border Business:
Will an El Nino Effect 2023-24 Business? - Tools:
How to Plan for Post-Retirement Medical Expenses - Business Etiquette:
How to Be a Team Player in Today's Workplace - Executive Fitness:
Healthy Fall Harvest of Fruits & Vegetables - Spirits & Cuisine:
How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds - Leisure:
Get to Know Your Jack-O'-Lantern - Travel:
13 Historic Haunted Houses - Corb7 International Services:
New Book by Jeffrey Corbett

International Business

The Big Business of Halloween 2023
by Jeffrey H. Corbett
Entrepreneur & Author
Happy Halloween and Business is Booming!
The National Retail Federation’s annual Halloween consumer survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics revealed that total Halloween spending in 2023 is expected to reach a record $12.2 billion, exceeding the previous year’s record of $10.6 billion.
Are you cashing in on the holiday? Halloween is now the second-largest commercial holiday, second only to Christmas. In the United States alone, over 180 million Americans are expected to partake in festivities. Thus, it is safe to say that October 31st is not just for kids anymore.
Across the globe, Halloween is most commonly celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. However, it has gained popularity in many other countries in recent years, including Australia, Ireland, and parts of Western Europe. The extent and style of Halloween celebrations can vary widely from one country to another.
For adults looking to escape the routine of everyday life, Halloween offers an opportunity to use their imaginations, become anything they want or simply poke fun at their favorite political target. So, if you are attending or throwing a party, giving candy to children, carving a pumpkin, visiting haunted houses, congratulations because you are doing much more than escaping, you are pushing the business of Halloween to the main financial pages.
How Did It start? A Pagan Holiday?
It is widely believed that the ancient origins of Halloween dates back to the pre-Christian Celtic festival of Samhain, which was celebrated on the night of October 31. The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland believed that the dead returned to earth on Samhain with the end of summer. The superstitious belief of the day was that to avoid being recognized by these ghosts, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark in the hopes of being mistaken as fellow spirits. The Christian influence over the spooky holiday came as a celebration of the day before of All Saints’ Day, which is November 1st of every year and also known as All Hallows' Eve and thus the contraction of the name to Halloween. Pope Gregory IV replace the traditional pagan festival when the newer saintly holiday was melded with the well-established Celtic ceremonial rites.
In North America, trick-or-treating has been a Halloween tradition since the late 1920s and the commercialization of the holiday naturally followed. It is thought that this custom was an outgrowth of the British and Irish tradition of going house-to-house collecting food for the poor while wearing costumes at Halloween dating back to the 16th century.
Popular Customs for 2023
There is always a steady selection of classic costumes that appeal to Halloween revelers, including vampires, cats, witches, and pirates. But one only need look to pop culture to come up with costumes unique to a particular year or era. The following are some costume ideas that figure to be wildly popular in 2023.
· Barbie®: Due to the release of the mid-summer motion picture "Barbie," starring Margot Robbie as the titular character and Ryan Gosling as "Ken," there are bound to be many pink-clad trick-or-treaters traveling through neighborhoods this fall. Barbie always has had an impressive wardrobe, so fans of the film can dress up in any of her signature looks.
· Ariel: Disney has reinvented many of its popular animated classics into live-action retellings, and "The Little Mermaid" took its turn this year. Life is more fun under the sea, so costumes for Ariel the mermaid and her underwater friends and foes figure to be popular.
· Creed: Rocky's boxing spin-off series "Creed" gave fans its latest installment with "Creed III" in 2023. The boxing champ dons all-white or all-red color schemes in this movie, and fans may want to emulate that in their costumes.
· Geralt of Rivia: "The Witcher" fandom is widespread, and viewers were treated to another season of the Netflix series this summer. This is the final season with Henry Cavill in the titular role (Liam Hemsworth is reportedly set to take over), so fans may be inspired to dress the part for Halloween this year.
· Jigsaw: "Saw X" will be released on October 27, and the Jigsaw Killer might be a choice for those looking to instill fear around the neighborhood.
· Wednesday Addams: Fans took to the inspiring new Addams Family spinoff that explores life through Wednesday's eyes. With her signature black frocks and pigtails, it doesn't take much to look like this macabre teen.
· Nepo Baby: The phrase "Nepo Baby" grew wings this year with the spotlight placed on many celebrity kids whose rise to fame may have been pushed along by their successful parents. All it takes is a pair of jeans and plain white T-shirt with "Nepo Baby" on the front to pull off this look.
· Ted Lasso: The main character from the Apple TV series potentially has made his last appearance on the pitch, as the most recent season, which premiered in March, is rumored to be the show's last. Nevertheless, Lasso's goofy, down-to-earth-isms and unique look will live on through those who wear his signature mustache, jacket and visor.
Halloween costumes run the gamut of classics and pop culture references. This year people are bound to see some common threads in neighborhoods across the country.

International Business
Business Psychology

The Impact of Reading on Personal Health
Reading has many positive health benefits.
Books transport people to different times, provide a sense of escapism and introduce readers to different schools of thought. Individuals may read for pleasure and/or to expand their intellectual horizons.
It's important to note that reading also may help improve mental and physical health. With so much to gain from reading, now is a great time to embrace those book clubs, resolve to read more and explore how picking up a good book may be just what the doctor ordered.
Reduces stress
Immersing yourself in a story requires focus and concentration. According to researchers at the University of Sussex, it took just six minutes of reading for study participants to experience slower heart rates and reduced muscle tension.
Stress is one of the biggest threats to overall health, as the stress hormone cortisol can lead to inflammation in the body that may impede the immune system, according to Piedmont Health. Finding ways to reduce stress, including through activities like reading, is a win for anyone who wants to improve his or her health.
Impacts longevity
According to a recent study, "A chapter a day: Association of book reading with longevity," by Bavishi A, Slade M.D., reading exerts its influence on longevity by strengthening the mind. Reading positively impacts the way the brain creates synapses, optimizing neurological function. It also expands vocabulary, and helps with memory.
Changes the brain
A study published in Neuroreport determined reading involves a complex system of signaling and networking in the brain. As one's ability to read matures, these networks become stronger and more sophisticated. MRI scans found that brain connectivity increased throughout studied reading periods and for days afterward.
Increases empathy
Through literary fiction, readers are exposed to the situations, feelings and beliefs of others. This can help a person develop a greater ability to empathize with others, according to Healthiline.
Helps improve sleep
Reading is an effective way to wind down and relax before going to bed. It can be a positive nighttime ritual, provided one reads a paper book or utilizes an e-reader that is not backlit, as bright lights from digital devices may hinder sleep quality. In fact, doctors at the Mayo Clinic often suggest reading as part of a regular sleep routine.
Reduces depressive feelings
Individuals diagnosed with depression may feel isolated and estranged from other people. Books may reduce those feelings by helping a person temporarily escape his or her world into another. Also, books can serve as a common ground through which conversations over shared interests can begin with others.
Reading has many positive health benefits, which is why resolving to read more can be beneficial.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Will an El Nino Effect 2023-24 Business?
War, Inflation, the cost of fossil fuels and now the weather.-------
Meteorologists are saying with some confidence that people should prepare for an El Niño winter in 2023-2024. Late summer water temperatures indicated a strengthening El Niño event. Many have heard of El Niño, but may not entirely understand what it signifies.
According to the National Ocean Service, El Niño and La Niña are climate patterns in the Pacific Ocean that can affect weather worldwide. Typically, these weather patterns last nine to 12 months, but sometimes can last for years. The weather events occur every two to seven years, but not on a regular schedule. El Niño is more common than La Niña.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) notes that, during normal Pacific ocean conditions, trade winds blow west along the equator, moving warm water from South America toward Asia. Cold water rises from the depths to replace that warm water. During El Niño, trade winds weaken and warm water is pushed east toward the west coast of the Americas.
South American fishermen are credited with discovering El Niño in the 1600s. They named it "El Niño de Navidad" because it typically peaks around December. During an El Niño, weather is affected, says the NOAA. Areas in the northern United States and Canada are dryer and warmer than usual, but the Gulf Coast and Southeast experience wetter conditions with more flooding.
La Niña has the opposite effect, with stronger trade winds that push more warm water towards Asia, and the cold waters in the Pacific push the jet stream northward. This causes drought in the southern U.S. and heavy rains and flooding in the Pacific Northwest and Canada. During a La Niña year, winter temperatures are warmer than normal in the South and cooler than normal in the North.
However, all of these factors also are affected by the patterns' degree of severity. Fox Weather says strong El Niños produce warm signals across much of the Lower 48, while more moderate events can lead to warmth or extreme cold. Weaker El Niños tend to produce the coldest winters out of the three stages. There hasn't been an El Niño since the 2018-19 season, which was controlled by a weak El Niño pattern. Change is coming, though the extent of that change remains difficult to predict.
El Niño can have various effects on businesses, depending on the industry and location. Some potential impacts include:
1. Agriculture: El Niño can cause irregular weather patterns, including droughts or excessive rainfall. This can harm crop yields and livestock production, affecting food prices and the agricultural sector.
2. Energy: Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can influence energy demand. For example, warmer winters might reduce the need for heating, while increased air conditioning use during hot spells can raise electricity consumption.
3. Insurance: Increased weather-related disasters such as floods and storms during El Niño events can lead to higher insurance claims and, consequently, increased premiums.
4. Transportation and Supply Chains: Extreme weather events can disrupt transportation and supply chain logistics, leading to delays and increased costs for businesses that rely on the smooth movement of goods.
5. Tourism: El Niño’s impact on weather patterns can influence tourism, affecting businesses in destinations that experience unusual weather conditions.
6. Water-Related Industries: Sectors like water management and hydroelectric power generation can be affected by shifts in rainfall and water resources.
It’s important to note that the specific impacts of El Niño on businesses can vary depending on the strength and duration of the event, as well as the region. Businesses often need to adapt to changing weather patterns and plan for potential disruptions during El Niño events.

International Business
How to Plan for Post-Retirement Medical Expenses
Unforeseen expenses can quickly derail a retirement plan.-------
When individuals retire, they not only walk away from work, but also relinquish thier steady paychecks. For many, retirement can be a potentially risky financial endeavor. Saving for retirement is a great way to mitigate such risk, but unforeseen expenses, such as medical bills, can quickly derail a retirement plan.
Many people have a greater need for medical care as they get older. The Fidelity Investments Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate indicates health care can be one of the biggest expenses a person will take on in retirement. The average 65-year-old couple who retired in 2021 in the United States can expect to spend $300,000 on health care and medical expenses during retirement. The financial resource The Street says other studies suggest it's wise for retirees to plan to spend between $3,000 and $7,700 per year on health care.
Financial advisors warn that relying exclusively on Medicare to cover health care costs isn't going to cut it. Benefits under the Medicare program often aren't enough to pay for all of a retiree's needs. There may be gaps for chronic treatment of illnesses and specialty treatment for certain conditions. Long-term care services also typically are not covered. It's important to note that Medicare will cover general doctor's visits, but it does not cover the cost of deductibles or copays.
Individuals need to be proactive and plan for medical expenses in retirement. After housing, healthcare is the most significant expense for retirees. Health spending accounts and long-term health insurance are two options for people looking for ways to cover their health care costs in retirement.
As of 2022, people can contribute up to $3,650 for an individual or $7,300 for a family per year into a health savings account. After age 55, an additional $1,000 per year is allowed. Money in an HSA grows tax-free and it can be spent tax-free on qualified medical expenses. Once a person has Medicare, he or she no longer is eligible to contribute to the HSA, but can use money already in the account to pay for qualified medical expenses that are not covered by Medicare.
Long-term care insurance is another option, and many people invest in such an account during their 50s or 60s. The earlier an individual enrolls in a program, the lower the premium. According to Personal Capital, most policies will not start until a patient has needed assistance for 90 days and other qualifying guidelines are met. Generally speaking, long-term care insurance also is use-or-lose. If there's never a need to use the insurance, it will not be refunded. This is a risk that certain people are willing to take.
In addition to these options, people may consider gap insurance programs. When putting together a retirement plan, it can be wise to speak with financial advisors who can customize products based on their expected needs.

International Business
Business Etiquette

How to be a Team Player in Today's Workplace
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Within company cultures, "team" is a common word.
- "Our team is working to improve the process for . . ."
- "My team will be on-site to begin the project on Tuesday."
- "Our team presented the Q4 report at the conference."
Work as a Sport
There is an evolution taking place in work environments today. Lines are being blurred in the segmentation of workers. Managers and Directors are becoming Project Leaders.
For the time-being through pandemic phases, work from home offices are commonplace. But everyone remembers their open workspaces and conference rooms with glass walls, and many expect they will be revisited. In the meantime, virtual communications can make it easier to have a sense of teamwork and team play.
Transparency is key when working as a team. Each employee - or player - has an assigned role that contributes to the goal of the team. Sounds a little like baseball or football, doesn't it?
By definition, a team player:
- Understands her role and goals at work are very important, but can put them aside to work for a common goal and aim.
- Helps others succeed and shares credit for successes.
- Wants others to feel confident and notices when it’s time to give someone a compliment.
- Knows and follows the rules.
- Has an encouraging and positive attitude.
- Listens and is friendly.
- Lends a helping hand.
- Doesn’t hold anyone back by failing to perform duties.
- Is honest and forthcoming.
- Is always punctual!
The Ultimate Etiquette-ful Person
When you demonstrate and practice etiquette, you place concern for others first in a given situation, while remaining true to yourself. Though carrying through with your assigned roles in a work environment and being polite and courteous is important, it does not qualify you as a team player.
A team player takes on the equivalent of hosting roles. That is, regardless of the role you play, you help create an atmosphere of good will. You greet others, make everyone feel welcome, and are observant when it comes to others' needs. You don’t hesitate to share information and help direct when necessary.
In this sense, members of the team share in leadership. They also:
- Do their jobs in a timely and reliable way.
- Are constant learners, keeping eyes open for other views and ways things might be accomplished.
- Acknowledge the leadership roles of others.
- Give feedback at appropriate times.
- Take turns with office responsibilities.
- Appreciate and value differences of personality and working styles of other team members.
- Are attune to the maxim of “live and let live,” never participating in idle gossip and minding other people’s business.
- Quick to look for and congratulate or affirm their associates on successes.
- Use power words (otherwise known as “magic words”) of proper acknowledgement: “Thank you! … You are welcome. … I’m happy to do it. ... Please forgive a mistake I just made.”
- Volunteer to take on extra roles to help the team out and advance shared goals.
The Advantages of a Team Player
Employers are looking for people who are capable of working in a cooperative environment.
This trend is sure to continue as companies shift toward a more "open" work culture.
A productive member of a team earns a good reputation over time. Regardless of the speed at which you advance or succeed in your job, or even move on to other opportunities, the ability to function well in your group will bring positive recognition.
Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning acts. It's about keeping your team focused on a goal and motivated to do their best to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high, and the consequences really matter. It is about laying the groundwork for others' success, and then standing back and letting them shine.
~ Chris Hadfi

Executive Fitness

Healthy Fall Harvest
Great Time for Fresh Fruits & Vegetables.-------
Food is a big part of fall, and farms play a significant role in seasonal celebrations. Each fall, families plan apple picking excursions with their eyes on baking homemade apple pies. And while Halloween is made even more fun when carving jack-o'-lanterns, savvy celebrants know that carving sessions are not complete without some roasted pumpkin seeds.
The fall harvest is a great time to indulge in some freshly picked healthy foods. While the picking season may vary depending on where you live, and specifically the climate in your region, the following are some fruits and vegetables that might be ripe for the picking this fall.
· Apples: Apple-picking season typically begins in late summer and extends into fall. Many farms offer a variety of apples, which may be harvested at different times. For example, in the northeastern United States, Gala apples tend to be harvested in late summer, while Granny Smith apples may be best picked in early October.
· Beets: The Spruce: Eats notes that beets may be in season in temperate climates from fall through spring.
· Broccoli: Fresh broccoli makes a healthy addition to any dinner table, and Pickyourown.org notes that broccoli can have a lengthy harvesting season. Early harvesting may begin in May in some regions, though it's still possible to pick fresh broccoli in late October. If you want to pick fresh broccoli, The Old Farmer's Almanac recommends doing so in the morning when the buds of the head are firm and tight.
· Cabbage: If you're looking to do some late fall picking, cabbage might be for you. The online resource Harvest to Table notes that cabbage can survive under snow without being harmed, making it an ideal late fall vegetable. Spoiled outer leaves can be pulled away after harvesting without affecting the quality of the remaining cabbage.
· Peaches: People who can't wait to whip up a peach cobbler may need to do so before fall even begins. According to Pickyourown.org, peaches can be ready for picking as early as July in the northeastern United States, and the picking season generally ends around mid-September. The season is even earlier in places like Georgia, a state known for its peaches where the picking season can begin in mid-May and extend through early August depending on the variety.
· Pumpkins: Thanks in part to Halloween decor and the popularity of pumpkin pie as a Thanksgiving dessert, pumpkins are synonymous with the fall harvest. And pumpkin picking season aligns perfectly with each of these holidays, typically beginning in early or mid-September and extending deep into October.
Fall is a great time of year to pick fresh fruits and vegetables at a local farm.

Spirits & Cuisine

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
An Autumn treat.-------
Carving jack-o'-lanterns is a Halloween tradition that both adults and children enjoy. It's hard to resist an opportunity to carve a funny or scary face into a pumpkin that will soon make its way to the front porch, but there's another irresistible element to carving pumpkins as well.
Roasted pumpkin seeds make for a tasty, tempting treat. Seeds must be removed before carving pumpkins, so turning them into a savory snack is a great way to make use of them and cook up some fuel for family carving sessions.
Roasting pumpkin seeds is a straightforward process, though some people may have their own techniques to make seeds more flavorful. The following recipe for "Pumpkin Seeds" from the Food Network reflects various ways to prepare this beloved snack, ensuring that people with varying tastes can no doubt find a way to incorporate their favorite flavors into this Halloween staple.
Pumpkin Seeds
1. Seed the pumpkin: Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Using a spoon, scrape the pulp and seeds out of your pumpkin into a bowl.
2. Clean the seeds: Separate the seeds from the stringy pulp, rinse the seeds in a colander under cold water, then shake dry. Don't blot with paper towels; the seeds will stick.
3. Dry them: Spread the seeds in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet and roast 30 minutes to dry them out.
4. Add spices: Toss the seeds with olive oil, salt and your choice of spices (see below). Return to the oven and bake until crisp and golden, about 20 more minutes.
5. Sweet Toss: with cinnamon and sugar (do not use salt in step 4).
6. Indian Toss: with garam masala; mix with currants after roasting.
7. Spanish Toss: with smoked paprika; mix with slivered almonds after roasting.
8. Italian Toss: with grated parmesan and dried oregano.
9. Barbecue Toss: with brown sugar, chipotle chile powder and ground cumin.


Know Your "Jack-O'-Lantern"
Time for pumpkin carving.-------
The toothy grins of jack-o'-lanterns are as much a part of Halloween as candy corn and costumes. Even though these carved pumpkins have become synonymous with Halloween, the festive gourds weren't always tied to the October holiday.
The history behind jack-o'-lanterns is not entirely known and there are multiple origin stories, but people may have been making these carvings for centuries.
One tale traces the origin back to Ireland and a popular Irish myth. According to History.com, the tradition involves a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack." As the story goes, Stingy Jack invited the devil to share a drink with him. Being the cheapskate his name implies, Jack didn't want to pay for the drinks, and he convinced the devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy the beverages. After the devil transformed, Stingy Jack instead pocketed the money and placed it next to a silver cross, which prevented the devil from changing back into his original form. Jack made the devil promise that should Jack die, he wouldn't claim his soul. Eventually Jack freed the devil, but not before he tricked him again with another con.
When Stingy Jack eventually died, legend states God would not allow such a trickster and unsavory character into heaven. The devil could not claim Jack's soul as promised, but he was upset by the tricks Jack had played. In turn, the devil then sent Jack off to wander the dark night infinitely with only a burning coal to light the path. Stingy Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip and has been traversing the planet ever since. Irish storytellers first began to refer to Jack's specter as "Jack of the Lantern." Eventually the name was shortened to "Jack O'Lantern."
There are other origin stories regarding jack-o'-lanterns. Some say the term originated in 17th century Britain, where it was often customary to call men whose names were unknown a common moniker like "Jack." Night watchmen who carried lanterns might have been called "Jack with the lantern."
Other theories connect jack-o'-lanterns to the Celtic pagan practice of hallowing out root vegetables and carving them with grotesque faces. Illuminated by coal or candles, these items served to ward off evil spirits. When settlers came from Europe to America, where turnips and other root vegetables were scarce, they used native pumpkins instead.
Jack-o'-lanterns are often seen lighting up the Halloween night. There are various theories regarding the origins of the carved gourds. While the truth may never be fully known, it's fun to learn about the various origin stories connected to this popular symbol of Halloween.
Tips for Carving
A refresher course on carving one can help those who haven't dusted off their carving skills since last fall.
· Don't carve too early. Though it can be tempting and fun to carve a jack-o'-lantern once the calendar turns to October, it's unlikely the finished product will make it all the way to October 31. Horticulturists indicate that jack-o'-lanterns have a shelf life of roughly five to 10 days, though an especially cold October could shorten that life expectancy even further. If you want your jack-o'-lantern to greet trick-or-treaters on Halloween, wait to carve it until a few days before the big day.
· Use a dry-erase marker to outline the design. It's easy to make mistakes when carving a jack-o'-lantern, especially if this is your first time using a carving knife since last year. Use a dry-erase marker to trace the design onto the pumpkin before you make a cut.
· Avoid severing the stem. When many people envision jack-o'-lanterns, the image in their minds is one in which the top of the pumpkin is removed so candles or lights can be effortlessly placed inside. However, the custom pumpkin carving experts at New York-based Maniac Pumpkin Carvers note that removing the top cuts off the vine, which supplies the pumpkin with nutrients and moisture, even after it's been cut. A whole in the back of the pumpkin can provide easy access when placing candles or lights inside, and cutting here won't cut off the nutrient and moisture supply a pumpkin needs to avoid drying out.
· Scoop everything out. The interior of a pumpkin will be loaded with seeds, which can be removed and later roasted to make a savory snack. In addition to removing the seeds, be sure to get all of the pulp out. Pulp left in the pumpkin will soon get moldy and that can shorten the lifespan of the jack-o'-lantern. In addition, when removing the interior, try scraping the front inner wall of the pumpkin thin, which may make it easier to carve.
· Avoid candles when lighting the interior of the jack-o'-lantern. Candles might seem like the most authentic and even spooky way to light the interior of the pumpkin, but the heat produced by a burning candle can shorten the life expectancy of the jack-o'-lantern. An LED light won't give off much heat and will provide ample illumination.
A few simple tips can help Halloween celebrants ensure their jack-o'-lanterns make it all the way to the big day at the end of October.

13 Historic Haunted Houses
Some fun ideas.-------
Haunted houses can provide some interesting insight into history while also satisfying Halloween lovers' need to be scared out of their wits. The following are a handful of locations that may not be for the feint of heart.
"House of Death," New York City: Located in the picturesque West Village neighborhood of Manhattan, the "House of Death" at 14 West 10th Street was built in the 1850s and was once the home of Mark Twain. Twain's ghost is one of many reported sightings inside the brownstone, where paranormal investigators have reported seeing visions of a lady in white as well as a gray cat.
Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California: This architectural wonder in San Jose was once the residence of Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester, an heiress to the Winchester® Repeating Arms fortune. The 24,000 square foot Winchester Mystery House is reported to be haunted by everyone who was ever killed by a Winchester® rifle. The labyrinthine home includes cut-off staircases and halls that lead to nowhere among its 160 rooms, many of which Sarah Winchester added to provide a place to stay for the many spirits she believed were haunting the house.
The Marr Residence, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada: Built in 1884, the Marr Residence is the oldest house in Saskatoon that is still standing in its original location. Visitors to this popular tourist attraction insist they have encountered ghosts during their visit. While no one knows for certain, those ghosts may be the spirits of soldiers who were wounded during the Northwest Resistance armed conflict in 1885. The Marr Residence was one of three homes in Saskatoon that served as a field hospital during that conflict.
LaLaurie Manson, New Orleans: Located on Royal Street in the heart of New Orleans' famed French Quarter, LaLaurie Mansion was built by Marie Delphine MacCarthy Blanque LaLaurie in 1832. Madame LaLaurie was a slave owner who was rumored to be especially cruel, even refusing to provide the key to the slave quarters when area residents arrived at the property to help put out a fire in 1834. Victims of Madame LaLaurie's cruelty are believed to haunt the property to this day, and passersby have reported hearing screams coming from the home, which is not open to the public.
Casa Loma, Toronto, Canada: This gothic revival castle was completed in 1914. It is built with secret passageways and hidden storage areas. Legend has it that ghosts have been spotted on the property for years. The estate is transformed into a haunted house for Halloween each year.
Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California: When Winchester Rifles heiress Sarah Winchester lost her husband and infant daughter, a psychic medium told her it was payback by the spirits of all of the people harmed by Winchester rifles. She was told to build a house large enough to accommodate all of the angry spirits. The Winchester Mystery House has 160 rooms, secret passageways, upside-down columns, and staircases to nowhere to confuse spirits. Visitors have experienced all sorts of unexplained phenomena within the walls of the house.
Raynham Hall, Norfolk, England: Within this English hall, a mysterious "Brown Lady," rumored to be Lady Dorothy Walpole, supposedly roams. She was captured on film in the December 1936 edition of Country Life.
Driskill Hotel, Austin, Texas: This historic landmark was opened in 1886 by cattle baron Jesse Driskill. It has a well-known history of paranormal activity following the deaths of guests, which include two honeymooning women who took their own lives in the same room 20 years apart.
Larnach Castle, Dunedin, New Zealand: The lone castle in New Zealand is a beautiful building set amid misty gardens. It is rumored that the castle's builder, a politician named William Larnach, witnessed the death of his daughter and two wives in the house before taking his own life on the property. Larnach's ghost supposedly watches over the castle and is responsible for paranormal events.
Poveglia, Venice, Italy: The island of Poveglia is a short ride from Venice, and used to be a quarantine zone for people suffering from the plague. The island later housed a psychiatric hospital. Many people attest to the island being a prime spot for paranormal activity.
One if by Land, Two if by Sea, New York City: Located in the West Village neighborhood of Manhattan, this restaurant once was the carriage house of Aaron Burr. The eatery supposedly is haunted by upwards of 20 ghosts, including Burr and his daughter, Theodosia.
Port Arthur, Australia: Port Arthur is filled with reports of paranormal spectacles. The spot originally was a penal colony in the 19th century where prisoners endured mandatory church services and solitary confinement to correct poor behavior.
Rose Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica: Rose Hall once was the residence of plantation owner John Palmer and his English-born wife, Annie. She poisoned him to take control of the plantation and fortune. Annie was known as The White Witch by slaves on the property because she practiced voodoo and tortured workers, never mind killing her second and third husbands as well. It is said The White Witch, who is encased in a stone tomb on the property, still roams the grounds as a spirit and terrorizes guests.
Halloween celebrants who can't wait to be scared this October 31 can make the day even more frightening by learning about the many houses across the globe that are believed to be haunted by ghosts from years past.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions

New Book Now Available!
A new book for uncertain times!
"Global Common Cents"
Jeffrey H. Corbett
"How to Achieve Successful Cross-Border Business Structuring
For Profit & Asset Protection"
About the Author:
Jeff Corbett is an entrepreneur, author, and magazine publisher with extensive experience in the global marketplace. He remains an unwavering advocate for international business and personal freedoms. With more than two decades of operational and management experience, Jeff Corbett has developed a keen understanding of how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies, inefficient networks, and exposure to frivolous litigation resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, he has promoted an approach which allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. A believer in bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.
Previously, in 1991 Mr. Corbett co-founded Worldwide Business Consultants, Inc, which became a multimillion dollar a year business acquisition concern. WBC was a highly specialized firm that facilitated captive ownership of financial institutions such as banks, trust companies and insurance companies. In 1998, he co-authored an acclaimed book, "Behind the Offshore Veil" which was marketed through his own publishing company and Amazon.com. This work is currently in its third edition and can be found at lUniverse.com. These successes led to the development and publishing of a high-end lifestyle magazine. C&K Magazine was launched in November of 1999. As a quarterly publication C&K boasted a circulation of 110,000. Mr. Corbett served as Publisher, Editor, and frequent contributor to the magazine.
Prior to 1991, Mr. Corbett was employed as a Stockbroker with the firms of Dean Witter Reynolds and then later Kidder Peabody & co. As an investment professional, Mr. Corbett's perspectives regarding the financial markets could be heard on major radio stations or as a much in demand public speaker.
Other Books by Author:
Behind the Offshore Veil
The Complete Guide to Swiss Company Ownership
Website: www.Corb7.com
Email: contact@corb7.com
Blog: JeffCorbett.com
For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my new site: JeffCorbett.com