What you will find in this edition
- Editor’s Note:
What is Cryptocoin Staking? - Business Psychology:
Benefits from Pet Ownership - Business Tools:
Taking Your Business Online in the Time of COVID-19! - Executive Fitness:
Why Women Need to Lift Weights! - Spirits & Cuisine:
Pizza from Naples, Italy Delivered to Your Front Door - Leisure & Style:
Knot Your Average Necktie - Corb7 International Services:
Business Listings for Sale & Free E-Book
International Business
Editor’s Note
What is Cryptocoin Staking?
Crypto currencies are seemingly going more mainstream everyday. In a general banking environment where it is now the norm to not pay depositors interest. “Crypto Staking” is also gaining in popularity as a passive income strategy. What is Crypto Staking? Well, it is broadly defined as holding cryptocurrency to verify transactions and support the network. In exchange for holding the crypto and strengthen the network, you will receive a reward. You can also call it an interest. With staking you can generate passive income by holding coins. Okay, if that did not clear it up for you then perhaps consider the following video.. We are still attempting to digest it but did think it is a term that you might want to be aware of if you are not already active in this space.,
International Business
Business Psychology
Benefits from Pet Ownership!
Pets have been kept for centuries. Statistics from various sources indicate North Americans own millions of dogs, cats, birds, small mammals, and reptiles. Pets’ affable nature and loving looks are enough for many people to welcome them into their homes, but the benefits of having a pet extends beyond their appearances and temperaments.
· Pets can help prevent loneliness. Loneliness affects people of all ages, but it is particularly problematic among seniors. Older adults who may be isolated can benefit from having a pet around. According to a study published in Aging & Mental Health, older adults who owned pets were 36 percent less likely to say they were lonely compared to those who didn’t have an animal companion.
· Pets can save lives. Pets can be trained to perform various tasks around the house and in the community. Rescue animals assist in finding people after natural disasters. Medical alert pets can help people with debilitating illnesses and assist physically impaired people with everyday tasks.
· Pets help lower allergy risks. Keeping pets around can reduce a child’s likelihood of developing allergies by as much as 33 percent, according to a study by pediatrician James E. Gern that was published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. People exposed early on to animals tend to develop stronger immune systems overall.
· Pets provide socialization opportunities. A pet can be the common denominator to strike up new friendships and connect with others. Whether walking around the neighborhood or being part of a pet obedience class or interest group, pets can help their owners expand their social circles.
· Pets can help combat stress. Talking to or stroking a pet can make stress easier to handle. A study from researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo found that, when conducting a stressful task, people experienced less stress when their pets were with them. Various other studies and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found having a pet around can lower blood pressure, ease anxiety and may even help to lessen aches and pains. Pets provide unconditional love, which can be beneficial to someone facing depression or post traumatic stress disorder.
· Pets help teach responsibility. Taking care of a pet can help children and adults become more responsible. According to the American Pet Product Association’s recent national survey, 58 percent of pet owners say their pets help teach their kids to be responsible through routine care, exercise and feeding of the animal.
Pets are more than mere companions. In fact, pets can offer numerous health and well-being benefits to people of all ages.
International Business
Business Tools
Taking Your Business Online in the Time of COVID-19
by Chelsea Lamb
It can be said that the COVID-19 pandemic truly came out of nowhere. It came as such a surprise, in fact, that many entrepreneurs proved to be unprepared for its unwelcome economic effects. Brick-and-mortars were particularly affected by social distancing rules which — though necessary in stopping the spread of the virus — have proven to be detrimental for those that rely on foot traffic.
The good news is that all hope is not lost. One could even say we’re lucky this pandemic happened in a time when we’re fully supported by technology, which has made this crisis so much easier to cope with. Of course, small businesses stand to benefit, too. So, let’s take a look at how you can ensure your small business survival — and even continued success — at this time.
Get online.
Again, technology has been a godsend during these uncertain times, and it can be the very thing that will save your small business. In fact, countless businesses have already taken the leap to digital long before the pandemic. But just because you’ve yet to undertake a digital transformation doesn’t mean that it’s too late for yours. It just means that the option is there, should you choose to take it, and there’s no better time than now to do exactly that.
With that said, it’s time to bite the bullet and create your online store — or if you already have one, expand it. Your digital transformation will also entail building an online presence through social media, as well as taking measures to reach your target audience.
Get help.
True, taking your business online seems like a straightforward enough process. However, it can also be quite daunting for a novice. Some aspects of your digital transformation may even be so technical that you’ll need an expert to execute it. In fact, hiring a specialist for certain tech tasks may even save you time and money.
A prime example is when you’re setting up a website where your customers can easily view and buy your products or services. This will require making use of an e-commerce platform, which can be overwhelming to those who are only just starting out in the world of online selling. The solution is to hire an e-commerce developer to develop this all-too-important side of your business. If you want to raise your business’s exposure and increase sales, you may also want to hire affiliate marketing specialists. Affiliate marketing professionals can help you advertise your business through online affiliates.
Get educated.
Okay, so even if you’re able to hire a freelancer for just about every tech job under the sun, it’s still a good idea to have your own know-how as you utilize the huge amount of information you can easily find online. These resources will run the gamut from building a website to marketing to using the right tech tools — to name just a few.
No doubt, learning how to market your business online will be among the most important things you should and can learn as you take your business online. At the most fundamental level, this will entail learning how to leverage social media and email to widen your reach.
There’s much to be done when you choose to take the leap and finally take your business online. But really, there’s no reason to be intimidated since you can be fully supported in this pursuit. Your small business’s digital transformation may be a long time coming, but the right help, tools, and knowledge will guarantee that you hit the ground running.
Photo via Pexels.com
Executive Fitness
Why Women Need to Lift Weights!
Strength training should be an important part of women’s workout regimens. Despite this, the National Center for Health Statistics says only about 20 percent of women lift weights. Poor advice may be to blame. Women often fall victim to false information circulating about lifting weights. By getting educated, women can do much to improve their workouts.
One of the more widely circulated myths regarding women and weightlifting is that women who lift heavy weights will get bulky. According to the exercise resource Nerd Fitness, when any person picks up progressively heavier weights as he or she gets acclimated to lifting, that individual will get stronger, but not necessarily bigger. People who “bulk up” eat and train specifically for that purpose. In addition, women simply do not have the amount of testosterone necessary to bulk up without taking added measures designed to add bulk.
IDEA Health and Fitness Network says strength training will help the average woman lose more fat than she’ll gain in muscle. One who trains two to three times a week for two months can gain roughly two pounds of muscle, but will lose 3.5 pounds of fat. Women who want to lose weight may employ strength training to reach their goals.
Strength training also can help decrease one’s risk of osteoporosis, strengthen bones, improve posture, and reduce back pain. Weight training strengthens the muscles and bones that support the body.
Women should be open to the idea of lifting weights as part of a balanced workout regimen.
Spirits & Cuisine
Pizza Handmade in Naples & Shipped to Your Door
“The Sleeping Pizza” is handmade and shipped to your front door from Naples, Italy. Sourcing only the finest, all-natural ingredients from Southern Italy with no preservatives, no additives and no GMOS, they use first-of-its-kind technology. This is where the nickname The Sleeping Pizza comes in: Within seconds of coming out of the oven, the pizzas are flash-frozen and put to “sleep” using a state-of-the-art, patented cryogenic chamber. The extremely low temperature preserves the pizza and all its fresh ingredients exactly as is ready to “wake up” in just 10 minutes when your craving for Italia calls.
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Leisure & Style
Knot Your Average Necktie
Neckties have long been a component of men’s formal wear. Most historians agree that the necktie originated in the 17th century and can be traced back to the Thirty Years’ War in Central Europe. At that time, King Louis XIII employed Croatian mercenaries who wore a piece of cloth around their necks as part of their uniforms. King Louis liked the look of these functional but fashionable pieces of fabric, and he made the ties, or cravats, mandatory attire at royal gatherings.
Ties evolved through the centuries and eventually became part of the requisite dress code of formal wear. Ties also may be a component of school uniforms, and they are often worn at weddings and other special events.
As ties change, so, too, do their appearance. Widths and lengths go in and out of fashion, as do patterns and fabrics. But one thing that remains pretty constant are the knots. Depending on who you ask, there are upwards of 18 different ways to tie a necktie knot. According to Real Men Style, a gentleman’s fashion advice site, each knot style can send a different message or complement a different shirt collar and neck. Learning to recognize which knots are best can help any man portray the desired effect. The following are some of the more popular styles of necktie knots.
Named after an old gentleman’s club, the four-in-hand knot is among the most popular knots. It is extremely easy to tie and can be worn at most informal events, says Prestige Ballrooms. These knots are often best with skinny ties. The knot also requires less of the tie’s length, making it a great choice for tall gentlemen.
The Full Windsor
Even though this is a common knot, it is not so easy to tie. It is a large knot that gets its name from the Duke of Windsor. It is considered to be the most formal type of tie knots and is best for special occasions or business meetings. The knot is firm and is less likely to slip out, says the clothing company Beau Brummel.
The Half Windsor
This knot is straight and neat and best used with medium to lightweight fabrics. Its formality falls between the four-in-hand knot and the full windsor.
The Pratt
The Pratt knot is a mix between the four-in-hand and half windsor. It’s medium in size, elegant and can be worn at weddings, on dates and for special occasions. This knot lengthens the tie, making it convenient for tall men.
Other honorable mentions include the Nicky knot, the Kelvin knot and the St. Andrew knot. Interested men can research the meanings and styles of all necktie knots to find the ones that work best for them.
Business Services
Business Acquisitions
Vintage United States Corporations:
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