What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Supply Chain Crisis & the Port of Los Angeles - Business Psychology:
Creating Your Own Vibe - Cross-Border Business:
Bermuda - Business Tools:
What is a Captive Insurance Company? - Business Etiquette:
When You are Challenged with Your Own Negativity - Executive Fitness:
The Importance of Rest - Spirits & Cuisine:
Avocado & Egg in Bacon Wrap - Leisure:
Indian Chief Motorcycle 2021 - Lifestyle & Travel:
How to Survive an International Flight - Corb7 International Services:
The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership

International Business
Editor's Note
Supply Chain Crisis & the Port of Los Angeles
In the United States this week the news was filled with accounts of the current supply chain crisis. In particular, the Port of Los Angeles was cited as dozens of cargo ships are literally waiting for weeks to unload their goods. The media blames the California Port situation on a driver shortage. Well, not so fast, as usual there is much more to that story. We took a particular interest in the story since until about five years ago we lived on the Palos Verdes Peninsula directly next to Long Beach and could see the Port of Los Angles in the distance.
California just loves regulation, and the port is no different. Traditionally, ports have been serviced by Owner Operators (non-union) and Union Drivers. Well, California under a law called AB 5 essentially prohibits Owner Operators. The law requires companies which use independent contractors in the state to prove that their workers should not instead be classified as employees. California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) into law on September 18th. It is estimated that there are 70,000 Owner Operators in the State, and various lawsuits are now underway trying to overturn this regulation. Furthermore, long term, California will require all new trucks be electric by 2035, and it is very questionable whether this technology even exists, which may be affecting investment into brand new trucks. Some “fact checkers” have attempted to explain away this regulation and claim it is not a contributing factor. Again, not so fast, anyone who has lived in California for any period of time realizes how unfriendly to business it is. Common sense would suggest a moratorium on AB 5 might be in order during this crisis, but I will not hold my breath. Welcome to California, last one to leave, please turn out the lights.
Related Article #1
Related Article #2

International Business
Business Psychology

Creating Your Own Vibe
by Toni Delos Santos90% Mental
"Color is a power which directly influences the soul" - Louise Myers
When we are in our car or at home listening to music, the music that we listen to creates different energy and emotions. Think about college football when the team runs out on the field and the band is playing a beat that gets everyone hyped up and cheering. If you are lifting weights or doing cardio, I am guessing you would be listening to something that would give you energy as opposed to relaxing music when you are getting a massage. Creating your vibe can be with music and it is also present even without any sound at in all in the colors that exist in our space.
When it comes to environment and even the clothes that you wear, colors can bring out different energy, emotion, and perception. For instance, in the article, Power Dressing | The Best Business Power Colors for Men by Mr. Kobi, suggests that the darker colored suits, such as navy and charcoal represent men with the highest authority. Although black is the darkest color, it can often give the perception of being snobbish and even a little threatening. He even states that the colors that you wear can influence whether you get the job and can also influence your performance.
Did you ever wonder why McDonald’s and several other restaurants logo is red and yellow? Red has been known to stimulate appetite and yellow attracts attention and gives a feeling of happiness. When choosing colors for your office, it is important to think about what kind of feeling and vibe helps to keep you focused and productive. While researching color psychology, there are several commonalities amongst the colors that are more commonly chosen, and the intensity of the colors also has an impact on the effect.
CDI Spaces, an interior design firm, breaks down each color and how it can influence our work space.
- Blue is an intellectual color. It represents trust, logic, communication, and efficiency. Use blue as the primary color in office areas that require focus and mental strain.
- Red is a physical color. It represents courage, strength, and excitement. It’s a great color to use in areas of the workplace that demand physical exertion.
- Yellow is the emotional color. It represents creativity, friendliness, optimism, and confidence. Incorporate yellow when you want to stimulate positivity, creativity and happiness.
- Green provides balance. It represents harmony, nature, and restoration. Green proves to be a great color in offices that require people to work long hours, since it’s the easiest color on the eyes (requiring no adjustment). It’s also a great color to use anytime a sense of balance is top priority, which is why it’s commonly found in medical offices.
- Purple is often associated with spirituality or luxury. It can promote deep contemplation or luxury, but should be used carefully, as too much (or the wrong tone) can have an opposite effect.
- Orange blends the physical (red) and emotional (yellow), creating a sense of comfort. It is often associated with food and warmth and is therefore a natural choice in kitchens. When used appropriately, it is also a fun color, making it an option for a casual office lounge.
- Grey often represents neutrality. We commonly see it used in offices attempting to look sleek or modern. However, when used inappropriately, it suggests a lack of confidence and can stimulate a depressing mood. As a result, be cautious when incorporating grey in certain spaces.
Setting ourselves up for a happy and productive day can be as simple as a can paint!

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Bermuda is the premier domicile for captive insurance. Often referred to as the “world's risk capital”, it has been a beacon of innovation, entrepreneurialism and leadership in the insurance market globally for over 50 years. Bermuda is the world's largest captive insurance domicile with 680 captives.
It is home to more than half the world’s captive insurers with nearly $60 billion in assets and more than $16 billion in annual premiums. Located 650 miles east of Cape Hatteras or an hour and a half flight from New York City, this international financial center is one of the most prestigious business addresses in the world. It offers low taxes, political stability and a sophisticated business infrastructure. Bermuda represents the third largest insurance market only trailing the United States and the United Kingdom. This jurisdiction is also known for quality and straightforward business dealings. Scandals are rare, and their banking system is impeccable. Anyone interested in establishing an international business structure in this country should be prepared for substantial expense and disclosure. For example: each insurance applicant will need to provide background information and bank references to the Bermuda Monetary Authority. In addition, the captive business plan and strategy will be investigated by the Registrar of Companies. If, however, prestige is what you desire, this tropical haven should receive serious consideration.
Location: Caribbean
Capital City: Hamilton
Population: 71,000 (2021)
Language Spoken: English
International Time: EST + 1 hour
Airline Service: Jet Blue, Air Canada, American, British Airways, Delta
Currency: Bermudian dollar Bd$ = US$1
Type of Government: British overseas territory with a high degree of internal self-government
Main industries: Offshore financial services, tourism, organized labor
Tax Treaty: Yes
OECD: Approved
Additional Notes: Over 10% of the GCP is attributed to offshore financial activity, and many large corporations are headquartered here

International Business
Business Tools
What is a Captive Insurance Company?
A captive is defined as an insurance company established in an offshore jurisdiction, created and controlled by either a parent company or professional association through which their own risk is insured. Those insured risks are frequently re-insured through a large multinational carrier.The cost of insurance represents a considerable expense for most businesses. In recent years, premiums have skyrocketed leading many professionals to explore creative cost reduction strategies. One imaginative – yet proven – strategy is the use of wholly-owned subsidiaries to meet insurance needs which can control or even cut expenditures. Captives can be established to self-insure part or all of property loss, product liability, work compensation, malpractice and virtually any other coverage. Consequently, the driving force behind the move to offshore captive insurance extends virtually across all industries, including, but not limited to medical malpractice, workers compensation, manufacturing, financial, energy-related, and real estate developers, just to name a few. Over 350 of the Fortune 500 companies in the United States have insurance captives. As a result, Captive Insurance Companies have become a growing and significant sector of the global insurance industry.

International Business
Business Etiquette

When You are Challenged with Your Own Negativity
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Being in negativity is different than having negative feelings. Feelings alone are pure – happy, calm, sad, mad. They exist to give us immediate indication of how we are doing in a situation, and they help us orient to where we are and give indication of what may be going on with others.
Negativity is fear- and worry-centered. It is about what you do not want, rather than thinking about what you do want. When you are gripped by thoughts of self-centeredness, desire to be right, being on the downside in comparing yourself others or where you should be in life, having trouble appreciating others, or finding yourself thinking rude thoughts about someone else’s worldview, it may be time to step up and face your negativity.
Is it a Feeling or a Mindset?
It’s a fact that we give more weight to threatening and seemingly bad things than to positive or happy things. When in danger, we move away, and this explains the negativity bias. It is a survival mechanism.
When we are injured, experience the death of a loved one, or lose a treasured belonging, we have feelings around those events. While those feelings may ebb and flow, they are only feelings. They do not consume you. You are still able to feel positive about life in general.
A negative in photography is a dark background, whereas positive is the lighter. The two work together to form a complete picture. It’s the same in life.
However, when your general focus is on negative things and it becomes difficult to expect and accept the good in life, you may be forming a mindset.
Embrace Your Feelings
With so much emphasis in our culture on accentuating positivity, we may forget that it is okay to feel authentic feelings that do not fall into that category. Honoring negative feelings is not selfish or inconsiderate of others. Doing so is honest and self-respecting.
Every feeling needs to be mindfully embraced as “good,” as “what is” in the moment. The negative feelings of hurt or sadness don’t feel as good in your body, but they are yours. They aren’t bad and they don’t hurt you.
Embracing your feelings, whether negative or positive, creates more self-awareness. When you give thought to why are experiencing a particular feeling in a particular moment, you can learn a lot about yourself. Aren’t you worth getting to know?
Reverse Negativity
Negative thinking is where the problem lies. Negativity centers in imagining the dark and fearful side of what-ifs. But chronic worry and fear get us nowhere.
Etiquette-fully nipping it in the bud is the only way.
- Kindly remind yourself where you are.
“John, you are in the land of negativity, going nowhere.” - Recognize what you are feeling and ask yourself if there is a valid reason for it.
- Time to “flip it” by exploring some positive what-ifs and visualization.
“What if I got the job I want?”
“What if the loan came through?”
“What if we got through a holiday dinner with only pleasant conversation?” - Make a gratitude list. There is always something to be grateful for.
- Feel good. When steeped in negativity, this may not be easy. But allow yourself to feel good and entertain positive thoughts – even if just for five minutes. You’ll find this length of time may grow with practice.
Changing a negative mindset takes work but is an ultimate form of self-kindness. Everyone deserves good in their life. When we recognize how much good is in our life already, we can’t help but adapt a positive outlook.

Executive Fitness

The Importance of Rest
Regular exercise has been linked to a host of health benefits. People who exercise regularly can lower their risk for chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and routine exercise can improve mood and potentially delay the onset of cognitive decline.
As vital as physical activity is to a healthy lifestyle, there is such a thing as too much exercise. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, rest is an important part of training. Without ample rest, the body does not have time to recover before the next workout. That lack of rest not only adversely affects performance, but also increases a person's risk for health problems, including injuries that can sideline athletes for lengthy periods of time.
Committed athletes may have a hard time recognizing when they are pushing themselves too hard, and the line between perseverance and overdoing it can be thin. Many athletes credit their ability to push themselves mentally and physically with helping them achieve their fitness goals and thrive as competitors. But it's vital that athletes learn to recognize the signs that suggest they're exercising too much. The USNLM notes that the following are some signs of overdoing it with an exercise routine.
· An inability to perform at your established level
· Requiring longer periods of rest between workout sessions
· Feeling tired
· Feeling depressed
· Experiencing mood swings or irritability
· Difficulty sleeping
· Feeling sore muscles or heavy limbs
· Suffering overuse injuries such as runner's knee, achilles tendinitis, shin splints, and plantar fasciitis
· Loss of motivation
· Getting more colds
· Unintended weight loss
· Feelings of anxiety
The USNLM urges anyone experiencing these symptoms to rest completely for between one and two weeks. After that period of rest, the body should be fully recovered. However, if any of these issues linger after two weeks, seek the advice of a health care provider. A health care provider may recommend additional rest and/or conduct a series of tests to determine if an underlying issue is causing any of the aforementioned symptoms.
Rest is as vital to an effective exercise regimen as proper technique, ensuring the body has ample time to recover and reducing the risk of overuse injuries.

Spirits & Cuisine

Avocado & Egg in Bacon Wrap!
Do you want an impressive breakfast presentation for stay over guests this holiday season? Well, if you do not mind a little work and attention to detail this meal will likely impress any visitor and make you look like a rather sophisticated chef. I have made it several times and with practice, it comes out great.


The Indian Chief Vintage 2021
Every successful business owner or professional whom we know has at least one hobby that they are crazy about. Their passion seems to move seamlessly from the boardroom to the backyard. To that end, we thought you might enjoy reviewing some of the newest toys that are out there to take pleasure in. We believe in the old axiom to “work hard and play hard.” Today, we offer a look at the latest American Indian.
At a base price of USD $20,500, the new Indian Motorcycle family might finally be poised to take market share from Harley Davidson. Maybe…. They certainly shook previously conceived notions of production motorcycles. Their last attempt to move this iconic American company forward saw their bread-and-butter product - the Indian Chief - priced close to USD $40,000. Worse than being priced way above its rival was the questionable mechanical reliability of their product with reports of nuts and bolts being literally vibrated off the solid frame proliferated. As a result, sales dropped, and dealerships closed which compounded mechanical difficulties with a lack of service. In any event, the 2021-2022 lineup has huge potential and remains true to the always pleasing lines of Indian Motorcycle.
Since 1901, the Indian Motorcycle Company – originally known as the Hendee Manufacturing Company until being renamed in 1928 – has constructed bikes that the public revered building an iconic American brand. Perhaps, however, no other major US corporation has been so snake-bitten with bad luck following poor decisions. Click for History From the time it went bankrupt in 1953, the company has seen a consistent turnover of ownership while its archrival Harley Davidson – two years its junior – dominated market share. Most recently Polaris Industries bought the Indian brand in 2011 and immediately set out to revamp and relocated production facilities.
Whether or not you ride the Indian motorcycle is a showstopper that will demand your attention. It is just plain beautiful. The devil, nonetheless, is in the details. Indian will need to demonstrate an acceptable level of mechanical reliability before dreams of touching Harley’s success will follow.

Lifestyle & Travel
How to Survive an International Flight
International travel is happening again!. Being on a plane; however, for 14 hours or more certainly has its downside and potential health risks. That is why when we came across this short video, it seemed very useful in an entertaining presentation.
Perhaps just surviving the flight is not a high enough bar. Every passenger can do his or her part to help make flying friendlier and more enjoyable. Airline etiquette, therefore, seems a worthwhile review.
Since the advent of commercial airline travel, travelers have been able to visit parts of the world that would have been nearly impossible to see in eras past. According to the International Air Transport Association, more than 8 million people will board flights around the world each day.
From the moment, they enter an airport to the time they land at their destination; travelers can expect to share intimate quarters with strangers, and responsible jetsetters know they must be on their best behavior to make the trip. For those unaccustomed to flying, the following are a few airline etiquette guidelines that can make your trip go more smoothly.
· Know what to do at security checkpoints. Airlines employ personnel to protect the public. X-ray machines will scan carry-on luggage, and you may be subject to an inspection. Listen to Transportation Security Administration employees about how to go through security checkpoints quickly and properly, and expect to remove your shoes, belts and jewelry.
· Check large baggage. Many airlines have strict size limitations for carry-on bags. Airlines also restrict how many personal bags anyone can bring into the cabin. Attempting to squeeze large bags into overhead compartments can add to the amount of time required to board the flight. When stowing bags, do so in the general bin closest to your seat rather than trying for a spot by the front of the plane for a quick exit.
· Don't rush the boarding gate. Airlines frequently give boarding privileges to premier passengers and other fliers with special needs. Remain seated until your seating group is called. Passengers with young children or elderly and disabled passengers may need additional time boarding, so allow them to board first.
· Be considerate of personal space. Personal space is at a premium on an airplane. You very well may be rubbing elbows with a complete stranger. Attempt to keep arms and legs in your seat area. Also, avoid grabbing or jostling the seat in front of you. Recline only if necessary and give the passenger behind you due warning.
· Keep conversation to a minimum. If you must converse on a flight, be considerate of your fellow passengers when doing so. Avoid speaking loudly and try to keep a conversation at a minimum, as your fellow passengers may want to sleep or quietly read a book or watch a movie while the plane is in the air.
· Have a plan when traveling with children. Children can add a different dimension to a flight. Parents should do their best to ensure kids behave. But a long flight coupled with close quarters can make that difficult. Be sure to bring along plenty of activities and some snacks to keep kids occupied on the flight.
· Get up at convenient times. Bathroom breaks may be unavoidable, but try to time them when the flight attendants are not doing meal or drink service. Avoid having too many beverages, as that will only lead to more trips to the restroom.
Most of all enjoy! For many, traveling internationally is still the thrill of a lifetime.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
"The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership"
byJeffrey H. Corbett
About the Author:
It is our mission to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy as well as make a Swiss Trust Company acquisition possible for you within the shortest possible period of time. Offering more than 25 years of hands-on personal experience, the management of Corb7 International has guided more clients to successful endeavors with Swiss Trust Companies than any other alternative source.
This operational and management experience has allowed Jeffrey Corbett to develop a keen understanding for how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies or inefficient networks resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, the Corb7 Strategic Development Solution was created by him. This in-depth approach allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. An advocate for bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.
With Corb7 international, driven leaders in international finance rely on winning strategies to cut costs, preserve wealth and capture profit from new markets within this sound business framework. A Swiss Trust Company is a rare, focused model that allows discerning entrepreneurs to employ these strategies. Whether your motivation is Profit, Privacy or Asset Protection, we are about to introduce to you a totally unique business tool - Swiss Trust Company Ownership. No other business tool is like it, offering you the capability to conduct almost limitless transactions through a prestigious European financial c enter with the assistance of highly regarded professionals.
We will provide you with a true turnkey acquisition - this will include acquiring the company, Swiss administration and a legal retainer with a top law firm located in Zurich - all for one investment. Our intent is to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy. The Trust Company you choose will have been walked through a strict due-diligence process and is guaranteed to be free of any present or past debts or liabilities.
Strategic Benefits:
- Asset Protection: Obtain a safe haven for either your personal or corporate wealth
- Profit: Acquire ownership of a “Non-Banking Financial Entity” in a major financial center
- Privacy: The ability to lower your financial profile and protect yourself from identity theft
- Gain Control: Avoid cumbersome red-tape in which will improve efficiency
- Potential Exit Strategy: Roll existing business into a STC and then listing on an exchange
- Portfolio Management: Manage portfolios of Real Estate or Securities
Additional Benefits Include:
- Political and Economic Stable Environment
- The Swiss Franc as an Independent Currency
- Own Subsidiaries and Hold Assets for Third Parties on Fiduciary Basis
- Tools like joining an SRO, applying for a light FINMA Banking License
- Efficient Network of Swiss Banks including communications by SWIFT
- Business Friendly Location
Swiss Trust Companies are available for an initial investment ranging from $70,000 to $150,000. The average client invests approximately $100,000 to acquire their company. Your outlay will increase with the age of the structure since older companies are more difficult to locate. As a rule of thumb, older Trust Companies are more appropriate for clients who wish to make their STC acquisition an operational non-banking financial entity. This type of business model typically involves portfolio management or some other activity involving third parties. The age and established corporate goodwill are also of major importance when establishing corresponding banking relationships. If a client, however, is looking to benefit from owning a Swiss Trust Company solely for asset protection, then a younger company would be more appropriate and thus require a smaller investment.
Our Service & Experience:
- Experience: More than 25 years involvement with successful STC acquisitions.
- Neutrality: If there is a better option for your business plans you will be guided in that direction.
- Education: Professional and dependable source of information.
- Professional: Our Zurich based associates provide superb administrative services with in-house SRO license.
Bottom-line: with offices in Beverly Hills & Zurich we are here to serve you.
If you wish to gain a better understanding of the benefits of owning a Swiss Trust Company, then the best way to explore whether this unique structure will fit your needs is with a 15 minute complimentary phone consultation which we would be delighted to schedule for you.
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my new site: JeffCorbett.com