What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
The Creeping Kudzu - Business Psychology:
Understanding Depression & Its Triggers - Cross-Border Business:
New Book Available Next Week! - Business Etiquette:
Etiquette & World Peace - Fitness & Health:
How to Alleviate Back Pain - Spirits & Cuisine:
How to Match Food to Your Favorite Brew - Leisure:
October's $10.6 Billon a Year Business - Travel:
2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix - Corb7 Funding Service:
Worldwide Funding Starting at $10 million - Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Companies for Sale - Updated

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
"The creeping of invasive ideas."
I was in South Carolina last week looking at properties when our realtor pointed out an ivy pant that seemed to be everywhere called Kudzu. My horticultural knowledge is lacking, and therefore, I had not heard of this aggressive plant. Perhaps I am the last to find out about this vine, but it immediately brought to mind a metaphor for the current state of the world.
Given to the United States from Japan for the 1876 centennial celebration, Kudzu was an innocent gift that has silently crept its way throughout much of the Southern United States. Growing up to 60 meters in a single year, this invasive plane has become a notorious problem for its negative impact on the environment. It competes with native vegetation, covering trees, shrubs, and structures, effectively smothering them. This can result in the loss of biodiversity and habitat. Frequently, it grows over electric lines and needs to be removed before causing fire or other harm.
Perhaps you already see where I am going with this, nevertheless, it seems a perfect metaphor for what is happening on the world stage and here at home. Somehow and very quietly, we have allowed seemingly innocent ideas to creep into business and politics. Essentially, what were once fringe or even silly concepts have “kudzued” their way into everyday life leaving us with a large segment of the population questioning capitalism and free speech. Commonsense and critical thinking is frequently replaced by ideologies that require belief without question – this coming from some of our finest “ivy league” institutions with the pun intended. Much like the Kudzu plant, many happily pronounce their victimhood as self-identity and justification for any action or inaction. Now, instead of couch potatoes we have “creeping kudzus” that cause damage.
Just random thoughts about the creeping of invasive ideas.
Kudzu Explained

International Business
Business Psychology

Understanding Depression & Its Triggers
The ability to rebound is critical to success.
For any business owner or professional, the ability to rebound from set backs is critical - your career depends upon it. Most of us periodically have bad days when we just seem to be in a bad mood but when a bad mood isn't short-lived, this might be a potential indicator of depression.
Depression is a common mental disorder that, according to the World Health Organization, affects more than 300 million people across the globe. The WHO notes that despite the fact that there are known and highly effective treatments for depression, fewer than half of those suffering from depression receive such treatments. Furthermore, in many countries, fewer than 10 percent of people with depression receive treatment.
Learning about depression and how to recognize its symptoms may compel people battling it to seek treatment for this very common and treatable disorder.
Why do I have depression?
Everyone has a bad day here or there, but people with depression may wonder why theirs are more than just a bad day. The WHO notes that depression is a byproduct of a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors. Exposure to adverse life events, such as unemployment, the death of a loved one or psychological trauma, can increase peoples' risk of developing depression.
Depression also may be caused by physical conditions. The WHO says cardiovascular disease can lead to depression.
What are the symptoms of depression?
The Mayo Clinic notes that one in 10 people whose depression goes untreated commit suicide. That only highlights the importance of recognizing the symptoms of depression and acting once any have been identified or suspected. Symptoms can include:
· Difficulty concentrating, remembering details and making decisions
· Fatigue
· Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness
· Pessimism and hopelessness
· Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness or sleeping too much
· Irritability
· Restlessness
· Loss of interest in things once deemed pleasurable, including sex
· Overeating or appetite loss
· Aches, pains, headaches, or cramps that won't go away
· Digestive problems that don't get better, even with treatment
· Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" feelings
· Suicidal thoughts or attempts
Anyone who has exhibited any of the aforementioned symptoms or even those who haven't but suspect they might be suffering from depression should visit a physician immediately. The WHO notes there are a variety of treatments available to people who have been diagnosed with depression, and doctors will determine which might be the best for each patient. To make that determination, doctors may inquire about the duration and severity of symptoms as well as family history and whether or not the patient has a history of drug or alcohol abuse.
Depression is a common mental disorder that too often goes undiagnosed. Seeking help the moment symptoms are detected or suspected can help people overcome the disorder.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

New Book Available Next Week!
A new book for uncertain times!-------
About the Author:
Jeff Corbett is an entrepreneur, author, and magazine publisher with extensive experience in the global marketplace. He remains an unwavering advocate for international business and personal freedoms. With more than two decades of operational and management experience, Jeff Corbett has developed a keen understanding of how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies, inefficient networks, and exposure to frivolous litigation resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, he has promoted an approach which allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. A believer in bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.
Previously, in 1991 Mr. Corbett co-founded Worldwide Business Consultants, Inc, which became a multimillion dollar a year business acquisition concern. WBC was a highly specialized firm that facilitated captive ownership of financial institutions such as banks, trust companies and insurance companies. In 1998, he co-authored an acclaimed book, "Behind the Offshore Veil" which was marketed through his own publishing company and Amazon.com. This work is currently in its third edition and can be found at lUniverse.com. These successes led to the development and publishing of a high-end lifestyle magazine. C&K Magazine was launched in November of 1999. As a quarterly publication C&K boasted a circulation of 110,000. Mr. Corbett served as Publisher, Editor, and frequent contributor to the magazine.
Prior to 1991, Mr. Corbett was employed as a Stockbroker with the firms of Dean Witter Reynolds and then later Kidder Peabody & co. As an investment professional, Mr. Corbett's perspectives regarding the financial markets could be heard on major radio stations or as a much in demand public speaker.
Other Books by Author:
Behind the Offshore Veil
The Complete Guide to Swiss Company Ownership
Website: www.Corb7.com
Email: contact@corb7.com
Blog: JeffCorbett.com

International Business
Business Etiquette
Etiquette & World Peace
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
With recent events in the world, onlookers have been horrified. Whatever can anyone do? I was in the grocery store and a person selling local newspapers was crying--deeply saddened over what was happening in the Middle East and that there was nothing he or anyone could do.
He is correct in the major sense. But as I was passing him, in the background of my mind, a song was singing, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." I sang it to myself as I completed my errands throughout the morning. What beautiful advice! Are there connections between peace and etiquette?
The wish for peace in the world is a promotion of harmony among people. It takes respect, understanding of other people and their views in all settings. Etiquette is also about peaceful and harmonious relationships in all situations. It means acting with civility everywhere we go.
Compromise and cooperation foster healthy relationships and etiquette-ful behavior helps us stay alert to the fact that we are not the only people in the world. With a goal of treating others with kindness and compassion, we encourage open communication, and we are a part of creating positivity and inclusiveness.
Our good manners and respectful interactions contribute to the overall sociality with others. When we greet one another, express gratitude, use polite language, we are participants in the greater good of promoting understanding and minimizing misunderstanding that can lead to conflict.
Though it’s not always possible to intercede when others impose disharmony, our own intentions of wanting to be the change we wish to see in the world can bring harmony in the smaller world of family, friends, community, and professional associations. We must exercise compassion, even as we view less compassionate acts of others.

Fitness & Health

How to Alleviate Back Pain
Our bodies change as we age.
Pain occurs for a variety of reasons. Pain may be a byproduct of overuse of a particular part of the body, or it could signal an underlying illness or condition. Sometimes injury is at the heart of aches and pains.
Daily aches and pains may be seen as a normal byproduct of aging, but that does not mean aging individuals should simply accept pain. In fact, daily discomfort can be remedied with some relatively easy techniques.
· Get moving. Lower back pain is common among adults, and most often appears when individuals are in their mid-30s and 40s. Strength training and cardio exercises can remedy this pain because these activities increase blood flow and help build core muscles, which support the spine. Support can alleviate pressure on the discs in the back. Exercising also will build strength in other areas of the body and support joints.
· Practice good posture. Sitting and standing with optimal posture can help the body feel better. The body is designed to stand in a "neutral" position that stacks the pelvis, head and torso, according to DMC Healthcare. When posture is out of whack, this puts undue stress on muscles, leading to pain. Dropping your head or shoulders also can create unnecessary tension that leads to headaches. Good posture can alleviate this.
· Exercise more often. Certain pains arise when exercising for the first time or performing a new activity. Allan H. Goldfarb, Ph.D., a professor and exercise physiologist at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, says when you do the same activity again and again, your muscles will start to get used to it and soreness will be reduced. Don't give up on exercise too soon, but include off days in your routine to give your body time to become more acclimated to increased physical activity.
· Get tested. Speak with your doctor if you have chronic pain in one or more areas. Such pain may be a sign of osteoarthritis, an inflammatory condition that is associated with aging. Rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune conditions can cause aches and pains as well, leaving the joints and tendons inflamed and a body with low energy. A doctor can rule out these conditions or help you get the therapy and medications you need.
· Increase stretching and movement exercises. Incorporate stretching and movement exercises like yoga or tai chi into your daily regimen. These activities slowly stretch areas of the body and can improve range of motion and flexibility over time.
These are just a few ways to address common aches and pains. Medical interventions, physical therapy, occupational therapy and ergonomics assessments, and massage therapy also may help to alleviate aches and pains.

Spirits & Cuisine

How to Match Food to Your Favorite Brew
Pairings are not just for wine anymore.-------
The rise of craft and home brewing has created more beer flavor profiles than ever before. In fact, there's likely a beer for everyone, whether you're a novice or connoisseur.
The Brewer's Association, a trade association that represents small and independent American craft brewers, reports that small and independent brewers collectively produced over 26 million barrels and experienced a 4 percent total market growth last year. The BA also states that these small brewers achieved a collective retail dollar take-in of $28 billion.
While wine will always have its enthusiasts, beer is fast on its heels as a popular mealtime beverage. Much in the way wines are paired with certain foods, it has become the natural course of action to pair certain foods with particular styles of beer.
"Beer is a great match for food because of the complexity of its flavors, its ability to provide refreshment and to interact with many food flavors," says Marc Stroobandt, a master beer sommelier for the Food and Beer Consultancy, UK.
Although each person has his or her preferences, here is a brief listing of generalized pairings, courtesy of the Brewer's Association and CraftBeer.com.
· American Amber Lager: Creamy risotto, wild rice, polenta
· American Pale Ale: Game birds, such as duck and quail
· Belgian-style Dubbel: Pork chops, sausage, tenderloin
· Belgian-style Flanders: Grilled ribeye, root vegetables
· Blonde Ale: Chicken, salads, salmon, nutty cheese
· Dark Lager: Barbecue, sausage, roasted meat
· Hefeweizen: Weisswurst, seafood, sushi
· Imperial Stout: Smoked goose, foie gras, strong cheeses
· IPA: Spicy foods, curries
· Porter: Roasted or smoked foods, blackened fish
The Brewer's Association recommends matching delicate dishes with delicate beers and strong dishes with assertive beers. Commonalities, like aromas and sub-flavors, also work together. A beer with roasted notes may pair well with chocolate, for example. Opposites also attract, in that a spicy food may taste best when paired with a sweet beer.
Pairing might once have been limited to matching wines with certain foods. But the booming craft beer business has popularized pairing flavorful beers with foods to make meals even tastier.


Decorating for Halloween
It's only two weeks away.-------
Many countries around the globe celebrate Halloween, which is one of the world's oldest holidays, dating back to pagan times. In countries such as Ireland, Canada and the United States, traditions include costume parties, trick-or-treating, pranks and games. Versions of the holiday are celebrated elsewhere, too.
Drive through a suburban neighborhood in October and it's likely you will find yards filled with inflatable witches, animatronic grim reapers and makeshift graveyards bearing witty sayings on tombstone and bony hands reaching out from the soil. Decorating for Halloween has become big business, with consumers spending a collective $10.6 billion in this category in the United States in 2022, according to a survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics and the National Retail Federation. In fact, decorations, particularly outdoor decorations, were the second most popular way to celebrate Halloween (candy still reigns supreme).
According to research by LombardoHome.com, which looked at Google searches across the country, Las Vegas, Denver, Baltimore, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle were the top five locations that searched the most for Halloween decorations on average per capita. Carved pumpkins, skeletons and witch cauldrons topped the list of preferred Halloween decorations in America.
Halloween is an opportunity to pull out all the stops for this fun fall celebration. The following tips can help to turn any home into a Halloween haunt to remember.
· Decide on a theme. Most people fall into one of two camps when decorating for Halloween. There are those who want their homes to be frightening and full of horrific details, and others who prefer more of a fall harvest look. Identify your preferences and then gather decorative items accordingly.
· Shop early/late. Ideally, the best time to buy Halloween decorations is the day after the holiday when prices get slashed (pun intended). This is the time to stock up on items for next year. You can save anywhere from 50 to 70 percent when buying late in the season. For those who need new items for this year's Halloween, close-out retailers like HomeGoods and TJ Maxx start putting out Halloween products in the middle of summer. Stock up as soon as you see items, as they're not likely to remain on shelves for long. By the time October rolls around, decorations may be gone.
· Subtle touches can work. Though some people just love covering every square foot of a property with all things Halloween, it's also possible to make a big impact with minimal effort. Lighting, or lack thereof, can create a spooky atmosphere. Swap existing porch lights with yellow or even black lights so everything glows. Candles flickering can add mystery. Place some battery-powered or electric candles in windows for an eerie feel. Swap out your typical curtains with purple or black ones to drape the house in even more spooky appeal.
· Wait on the carved pumpkins. Halloween seldom is complete without jack-o'-lanterns. But pumpkins often begin to degrade shortly after they're first carved. Use artificial pumpkins if you plan to decorate early; otherwise, wait until a day or two before Halloween to add freshly carved pumpkins to the Halloween scape. Children can come up with the design, but ensure only adults cut into the pumpkins.
Homeowners can quickly and easily transform their homes into spooky haunts this Halloween


2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix
November 15-19, 2023.-------
Enjoy the inaugural Las Vegas Grand Prix with one of this hospitality package!
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For More Information

Business Services
Business Tools
Worldwide Business Funding
Cutting-edge ideas.-------
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Call +1-310-415-3545
Email: contact@corb7.com

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
Corb7 International
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Email: contact@corb7.com
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For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my new site: JeffCorbett.com