Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

What you will find in this edition

  • Editor’s Note:
    Asset Protection Plan for Only $24.95 per Month!
  • Business Psychology:
    Entrepreneurship & Depression
  • Business Tools:
    The Cook Islands a South Pacific Paradise!
  • Executive Fitness:
    How to Design a Fitness Room at Home
  • Spirits & Cuisine:
    Bison Delivered to Your Front Door
  • Leisure:
    How to Handle Traveling as Economies Reopen
  • Corb7 International Services:
    Business Listings for Sale & Free E-Book

International Business


Editor’s Note

Asset Protection Plan for Only $24.95 per Month!

It is my sincere pleasure to introduce this amazing product line to your attention. This is an asset protection service which is available to you or your clients if you reside in either  United States or Canada.  Our society has become the most litigious to ever exist.  As such, there can be no better asset protection plan than to have fast and affordable access to quality legal advice – just by touching the screen of your smartphone. I believe so strongly in the product that I immediately took a plan for both my family and my business.

As the video below explains, this program can protect your family for as little as $24.95 per month or your business for as little as $39.00 per month. It does this much like an insurance policy would but in this instance it gives you immediate access to a top law firm in your area via an app on your phone and many services will never encounter additional charges. In addition, an outstanding Identity Theft Plan is also available for on $9.95 per month. I think you will find the 10 minute video engaging and well worth your time.

Plan Overview

International Business

Business Psychology

Entrepreneurship and Depression!

Owning your own business is a dream that many have and some actually explore.  Over the last decade or so, entrepreneurship.has become trendy and cool.  As with many things, however, reality is often much different than expectations.  Speaking from personal experience, owning a business can be difficult and at times lonely as you face its various challenges.   We think the benefits far outweigh any negatives but that does not diminish the stark reality that depression can hit hard.  Thus, we thought it important to offer these perspectives from several entrepreneurs that we respect and who present their ideas in an entertaining way.

Gary Vaynerchuk

International Business

  Business Tools

The Cook Islands a South Pacific Paradise!

Located in the South Pacific, the Cook Islands is a nation of 15 islands which are scattered over a vast area, with political links to New Zealand. In 1901, the Cook Islands became a New Zealand colony but after a push for self-government in the 1960’s, it developed an autonomous free association with New Zealand in 1965. As a result, it administers its own affairs, nevertheless, Cook Islanders are also New Zealand citizens.  As a point of geographical reference, the Cook Islands are an approximate 10-hour direct flight from Los Angeles on Air New Zealand.

Regarding cross-border business planning, this jurisdiction is best known for its Asset Protection Trust construct.  In review, an Asset Protection Trust is a legal structure that splits the beneficial enjoyment of trust assets from their legal ownership. A Trust is simply a contract between the people who wish to protect assets (the Grantor) and the person who will manage the assets (the Trustee) for the benefit of all Beneficiaries.

Cook Islands
Location:  1850 miles NE of New Zealand
Capital City:  Avarua
Population:  17,459
Language Spoken:  English
International Time:  EST + 16 1/2 hours
Airline Service:  Air New Zealand, Virgin Australia
Currency:  New Zealand dollar
Type of Government:  Self-governing under Constitution, in free association with New Zealand
Main industries:  Agriculture and manufacturing
Tax Treaty:  Yes
OECD:  Approved

Additional Notes:  Passed legislation in the early 1980s that allows for a high degree of flexibility, simplicity and administrative ease for offshore sector.


Executive Fitness

How to Design a Fitness Room at Home

People exercise for many different reasons. Exercise can improve one’s appearance, reduce the risk for illness, alleviate stress or anxiety, and even help pass some time. Exercise is often a social activity, but in the wake of social distancing guidelines issue in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, many people have found themselves looking for ways to exercise at home.

Building a home fitness room has never been a more timely project, and such a project can continue to provide rewards even when life returns to some semblance of normalcy. Here’s how to successfully stock a home gym.

· Find a dedicated space. A home gym will be limited by the amount of space that can be devoted to workouts. Possible fitness room locations include a spare bedroom, a garage, a basement, or an enclosed patio. Measure the space so you can pick and choose equipment that will fit. Leave some floor space empty for movement exercises or mat activities.

· Keep the space bright. Darkness can sap energy levels, so invest in mirrors and adequate overhead lighting to make the space inviting. Natural light can make the exercise area more enjoyable.

· Consider the flooring. New flooring can protect against damage and make an area more conductive to working out. Rubber mats can offset echoes and reduce the noise of running on a treadmill or setting down heavy weights.

· Use space-saving equipment. A home gym space will likely not be as expansive as the space inside a traditional fitness center. Thankfully, many activities do not require a lot of space or equipment. Classic exercises like squats, lunges, push ups, and sit ups require little gear but still produce results. Figure out which equipment you like the most and invest in two or three key pieces. Dumbells of various weights, a medicine ball and a yoga mat can be all you need to create a versatile, effective workout. A TRX system and a door-mounted pull-up bar also are great space-saving options.

· Have a TV hookup. A home gym may benefit from a smart TV that you can use to stream workout videos or catch up on the latest news while running the treadmill or using the stationary bike.

A home gym is beneficial year-round, and can be especially valuable when social distancing guidelines are put in place.


Spirits & Cuisine

Bison Steaks Shipped to Your Door

Family owned and operated, Nebraska Bison offers premium bison and elk meat with no antibiotics, no growth hormone and no steroids shipped directly to your front door.  We like these type of businesses because when you buy directly from ranchers  you get the highest possible quality while supporting a critical industry.

Nebraska Bison Company
Click Here to Order



How to Handle Traveling As Economies Reopen!

Communities that have reopened or are on the cusp of reopening are feeling a complicated mix of emotions. While most people are no doubt happy to get out of the house, whether it’s to return to work or visit a favorite restaurant in person, those same people are probably somewhat hesitant to stray too far from home. Such feelings have made some wonder if it’s safe to travel.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that travel increases a person’s chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. But not all travel is the same, and the CDC notes there are different levels of risk associated with different types of travel.

· Air travel: Time spent in security lines and airport terminals brings travelers in close contact with other people and frequently touched surfaces. While airplane cabins are filtered, which makes it difficult for viruses and other germs to spread through the air, social distancing is difficult on crowded flights. That difficulty can increase the chances of airline passengers spreading COVID-19 to each other.

· Bus/train travel: Social distancing on buses and trains also is difficult, increasing the likelihood that COVID-19 will spread among passengers.

· Car travel: Short car trips can be safe, but long car trips involve pulling over for gas, food and restroom breaks. That puts drivers and their traveling companions at risk of exposure to COVID-19 from other travelers or contaminated surfaces.

· RV travel: Recreational vehicles, or RVs, are typically equipped with restrooms and kitchenettes, which can cut down on the need to make potentially risky pitstops. But RVs also tend to be parked in overnight RV parks so travelers can sleep. Such places may make travelers vulnerable to COVID-19.

Much is still unknown about COVID-19. In fact, many people do not even know if they have had the virus or not. Scientists suspect that millions of people have been exposed to the virus but produced no symptoms. Because of that uncertainty, many people are willing to travel as economies reopen. The CDC recommends that such people adhere to local travel restrictions and take steps to anticipate travel needs before departing so they can minimize the chances that they are exposed to the virus.

· Bring enough medicine to last you for the entire trip. If need be, call your physician and request refills to serve as a safety net in case medication is lost during your travels.

· Pack enough alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60 percent alcohol) and keep it within reach at all times during your trip.

· Bring cloth face coverings to wear in public places. The CDC advises such coverings be routinely washed, so bring enough clean coverings to last the trip if you will not have access to a washer and dryer.

· Prepare food and water for your trip. Pack non-perishable food in case restaurants and stores are closed.

Travel remains risky, even as economies reopen. People who intend to travel can take certain precautions to make their trips as safe as possible.

(Please consult your local laws and regulations before publishing this story to confirm its content aligns with mandates currently in place in your city.)

Business Services

Business Acquisitions


Vintage United States Corporations:

* 25-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation

Established in the year 1995
State of Wyoming
Price: $52,472

* 52-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation

Established in the year 1968
State of Nevada
Price: $89,083

* 112-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation

Established in the year 1908
State of Nevada
Price: $218,800

Vintage Swiss Trust Companies:

* 46-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company [SOLD]

Established 1974
Place of Incorporation Zurich, Switzerland
Price: $120,000

* 18-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company [NEW LISTING]

Established 2002
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
Price:  $78,800 

For Details on these listings,  Explore Additional Opportunities or Complimentary Consultation:

Call:  +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)

Free Book

Asset Protection & Profit!

* Free E- Book:  “The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership”

Click Here for Your Free Copy

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