What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
The Trillion Dollar Coin
- Business Psychology:
Create Positive Change
- Cross-Border Business:
Antigua & Barbuda a Hidden Treasure
- Business Tools:
Swiss Light Banking License
- Business Etiquette:
Hosting a Dinner Again
- Executive Fitness:
Peanut Butter Can Pack a Punch
- Spirits & Cuisine:
Food Trucks, Pop-ups & Ghost Restaurants
- Leisure:
Knot Your Average Necktie
- Lifestyle & Travel:
Travel Tips for Thanksgiving in the US
- Corb7 International Services:
The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership

International Business
Editor's Note
The Trillion Dollar Coin
This week in the United States the debt ceiling is in the news. Well, by chance last week, I came across a phrase that I had not heard of before called “the Trillion-dollar Coin.” It is an implausible concept; I doubt many have heard of it, and thought it worth a mention. Basically, it relates directly to raising of the debt ceiling and was first proposed as an alternative conceptual strategy in 2011. The theory is the government could mint a coin out of platinum with a face value of $1 trillion, which could then be used to reduce the national debt. There you go, problem solved – only in Washington D.C. could this tactic be discussed and worthy of consideration. Related Article
International Business
Business Psychology
Create Positive Change
3/4 of 2021 is Gone! If you didn't get 100% out of 2021 so far, go grab it in the 4th quarter!1) Control What You Can Control - It's simple but it's true. You can't control what people are saying and thinking about you. You can't control the competition that is coming after your business. You can't control most things in life but you can control your attitude, your effort and your actions.
2) Create Inside-Out - The world can be like a pot of boiling hot water. You can be like a carrot that gets weakened when placed in the pot or you can be like an egg that gets hardened (bitter, angry, uncaring) in a tough environment. Or you can be like the coffee bean that transforms the water into coffee. Instead of being impacted by the heat and difficult conditions, it instead transforms the environment it's in. The noise, media, negativity, and criticism only have power over you if you let it. If you know the truth that you create from the inside-out, not outside in, then you won't your circumstances define you. Instead you will be like the coffee bean and work to define your circumstances. When you know the power is on the inside and you create the world with your beliefs, passion, positivity, purpose, work ethic, soul and spirit you become a powerful force in the world.
3) Focus on Solutions instead of Complaints - When things are not going well and you are being bombarded with negativity it's easy to complain. But great leaders don't complain. They focus on solutions. If you are complaining, you are not leading. If you are leading you aren't complaining. Instead of focusing on where you are, think about where you want to go and what you want to create. Instead of complaining about what’s holding you back, think about solutions that will propel you forward.
4) Embrace Change - There's a myth that people don't like change. We actually like what change produces. We just don't like the messy transition required to create the change. Individuals and organizations that thrive embrace the entire process of transition and change knowing it leads to improvement and growth. Throughout history we see that individuals and organizations that embrace the waves of change ride it to a successful future. Those who resist the wave get crushed by it.
5) Stay Positive and Do the Work - It may sound cliché but it’s a huge key to success. Through challenges, adversity and negativity you must simply stay positive and continue to do the work. You control what you control. Tune out the noise. Focus on solutions. Work hard every day. Embrace change, work together as a team, and create positive change from the inside out. Over time performance improves, the numbers rise, confidence grows, people feel and see the change and then everyone starts talking about why you are succeeding instead of failing.

International Business
Cross-Border Business
Antigua & Barbuda a Hidden Treasure
Antigua and Barbuda is an independent Commonwealth country comprising its 2 namesake islands and several smaller ones. Positioned where the Atlantic and Caribbean meet, it's known for reef-lined beaches, rain-forests and resorts. Its English Harbor is a yachting hub and the site of historic Nelson's Dockyard. In the capital, St. John's, the national museum displays indigenous and colonial artifacts .Whether a small or large enterprise, business owners seeking to conduct business in Antigua and Barbuda must register their business. Antigua & Barbuda have welcomed offshore banking since 1982. One noteworthy statutory requirement is that Offshore Banks must maintain a minimum capital of US$5 million. Of this amount, US$1.5 million must be deposited and kept in a bank licensed to do business in Antigua and Barbuda. Major events: In January of 2016, Antigua and Barbuda agreed to abolish personal income tax.Antigua and Barbuda
Location: Eastern Caribbean Sea, 250 miles SE of Puerto Rico
Capital City: St. Johns
Population: 82,000 (2008)
Language Spoken: English
International Time: EST + 1 hour
Airline Service: Continental, Delta, American, US Airways, Windward Islands AIR
Currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar EC$2.70 = US$1
Type of Government: Independent Parliamentary Representative Democracy
Main industries: Tourism, manufacturing and international banking
OECD: Approved

International Business
Business Tools

Swiss Light Banking License
To boost innovative financial companies, the Swiss parliament has simplified the regulatory requirements for Fintech companies which accepts public deposits. This regulatory simplification, which was implemented on January 1, 2019, allows for a “Swiss Light Banking License”. The regulatory change will greatly reduce the financial requirements for FinTech companies that accept public deposits.Under previous regulation, the operations of many FinTech companies often fell within the scope of the Swiss Banking Act and therefore required a full Swiss banking license from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This Class One Swiss Banking License carries a substantial financial and organizational obligation, and has an onerous licensing process, which has kept many companies out of the Swiss market. For that specific reason, the Swiss Federal Council and Swiss Parliament created a legal framework for FinTech companies.
The new regulations include a “sandbox exemption”, that allows FinTech companies to engage in certain activities which under the previous rules would have triggered the need for a banking license. In general. these companies may accept deposits up to a maximum of CHF 100 million without a full banking license, so long as such assets are not invested or interest bearing.
Two years after this new legislation was put in place it continues to gain popularity with start-ups. Related Article

International Business
Business Etiquette
Hosting a Dinner Again
by Candace Smith The Etiquette Blog Candace Smith Etiquette Hosting a dinner with friends is bound to feel a little awkward after the roller coaster of the past year and a half. Resuming social pleasantries, we felt so comfortable with before the pandemic will come easy for some people but may challenge others. It is exciting, though, to break out of isolation mode with those who are post-vaccination. When the comfort level of your guests allows, it’s time to let the good times roll . . . again!
Determine Your Guests’ Readiness
People you are close to don’t want to let you down, but they might find themselves not yet ready to have dinner with friends. Conducting an invitation pre-test could be helpful.
- Phone or text friends for the purpose of checking on their “dinner out” readiness. “Charles, I’m thinking about having six people over for dinner this weekend. Would you like to be invited, based on your readiness to be out and about?”
- If the person responds in the affirmative, you have an excellent opportunity to check or re-check for food preferences or allergies. “Celeste, I apologize, I don’t recall if you have a food allergy or sensitivity.”
- When you have your guest list pre-checked, send them an invitation by email.
Hosting Your Dinner with Friends Welcome your company as you always do with a warm greeting, letting them know where to place coats and handbags. For a light touch, you might say, “Make yourself at home! If you’d like, you can wash your hands just down the hall, and I have hand sanitizers placed around the house.” Though it may be a casual dinner with friends, take care to set the table in a way that makes your guests smile. Use your favorite china. Make the settings colorful with a decorative tablecloth or placemats and colorful napkins. Remembering that guests are out of practice dining together, a well-set orderly table sets the tone for civility.
Dinner Conversation Starters Besides complimenting the chef, dinner conversation should be pleasant, just as conversation while dining always has been. You may find that things are just as they were before, and it feels as if you are continuing right where you left off. As the host, introject into the conversation your joy that everyone came.
As is always the habit for social gatherings, have topics in mind to use in case the flow of conversation lags at any point. Topics to get things started:
- “Well, jumping in where we left off the last time we saw each other, what’s going on?”
- Have ideas for perfect vacations changed? Any plans?
- Funny things about creeping out of survival mode.
- Goals for projects that you’re thinking about starting.
- Funny animal or pet stories.
- Humorous anecdotes about your own socially acquired introversions.

Executive Fitness
Peanut Butter Can Pack a Punch
A nutritious, well-balanced diet is a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. Many foods provide a host of vitamins and nutrients, and that includes some that aren't traditionally associated with eating right. That includes peanut butter, an item many people have in their pantries but few might characterize as "healthy."Though peanut butter may pack a more nutritional punch than people realize, it's important that shoppers check labels when choosing a jar to take home from the grocery store. Added sugars, vegetable oil and trans fats can reduce the nutritional value of peanut butter. Shoppers who want to eat more peanut butter for its nutritional value should look for products that do not contain any additives or trans fats. An analysis of various peanut butter brands conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture found that the amounts of partially hydrogenated oils in 13 brands was so small that levels of trans fats were undetectable. So consumers should be able to find healthy peanut butter at their local grocery stores.
So what's so healthy about peanut butter?
According to WebMD, peanut butter is a good source of:
· Vitamin E
· Niacin (B3)
· Manganese
· Vitamin B6
· Magnesium
The fats in peanut butter also may promote a healthy body. Oleic acid is one such fat and it has been linked to a host of cardiovascular benefits. When substituted for other fats, oleic acid has been shown to help people maintain a healthy cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Maintaining healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels and a healthy blood pressure are some ways for individuals to reduce their risk for heart disease.
Peanut butter may not be the first food people associate with a healthy diet. But the right peanut butter can pack quite a nutritional punch, which supports the notion that a healthy diet need not lack flavor.

Spirits & Cuisine
Food Trucks, Pop-Ups & Ghost Restaurants
Restaurants serve foods in many different ways. Food trucks, pop-up restaurants and ghost restaurants are growing in popularity, and each offering has its own unique way of catering to customers.· Food trucks and stands are small units instead of large brick-and-mortar restaurants. Normally they serve a small menu of a singular type of food that is prepared quickly to order.
· Pop-up restaurants enable chefs, owners and guests to try new foods and restaurant concepts. Pop-ups typically open briefly for a limited period of time in unconventional locations, such as shipping containers or unused buildings. Pop-up restaurants generate buzz because of their short life spans.
· Ghost restaurants are delivery-only, virtual restaurants. They have flexibility to alter their menus on the fly and can charge lower prices due to minimal overhead costs.

Knot Your Average Necktie
Neckties have long been a component of men's formal wear. Most historians agree that the necktie originated in the 17th century and can be traced back to the Thirty Years' War in Central Europe. At that time, King Louis XIII employed Croatian mercenaries who wore a piece of cloth around their necks as part of their uniforms. King Louis liked the look of these functional but fashionable pieces of fabric, and he made the ties, or cravats, mandatory attire at royal gatherings.Ties evolved through the centuries and eventually became part of the requisite dress code of formal wear. Ties also may be a component of school uniforms, and they are often worn at weddings and other special events.
As ties change, so, too, do their appearance. Widths and lengths go in and out of fashion, as do patterns and fabrics. But one thing that remains pretty constant are the knots. Depending on who you ask, there are upwards of 18 different ways to tie a necktie knot. According to Real Men Style, a gentleman's fashion advice site, each knot style can send a different message or complement a different shirt collar and neck. Learning to recognize which knots are best can help any man portray the desired effect. The following are some of the more popular styles of necktie knots.
Named after an old gentleman's club, the four-in-hand knot is among the most popular knots. It is extremely easy to tie and can be worn at most informal events, says Prestige Ballrooms. These knots are often best with skinny ties. The knot also requires less of the tie's length, making it a great choice for tall gentlemen.
The Full Windsor
Even though this is a common knot, it is not so easy to tie. It is a large knot that gets its name from the Duke of Windsor. It is considered to be the most formal type of tie knots and is best for special occasions or business meetings. The knot is firm and is less likely to slip out, says the clothing company Beau Brummel.
The Half Windsor
This knot is straight and neat and best used with medium to lightweight fabrics. Its formality falls between the four-in-hand knot and the full windsor.
The Pratt
The Pratt knot is a mix between the four-in-hand and half windsor. It's medium in size, elegant and can be worn at weddings, on dates and for special occasions. This knot lengthens the tie, making it convenient for tall men. Other honorable mentions include the Nicky knot, the Kelvin knot and the St. Andrew knot. Interested men can research the meanings and styles of all necktie knots to find the ones that work best for them.

Lifestyle & Travel

Travel Tips for Thanksgiving in the U.S.
Thanksgiving is on the horizon in the United States, and that's welcome news to people who can't wait to celebrate the holiday season with their loved ones. Though millions of people stayed home for Thanksgiving in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rising vaccination rates suggest the holiday travel season will be back in full swing this November.Uncertainty spurred by the Delta variant may compel some people to stay home or delay making holiday travel plans. However, a recent survey from the vacation rental site Evolve found that 32 percent of travelers were not factoring the Delta variant into their travel plans at all. In addition, just under 47 percent of the more than 5,000 travelers surveyed months in advance of the holiday season indicated they would not consider canceling their trips until much closer to their departures. That data points to what could be a very unpredictable and busy holiday travel season.
With that unpredictability in mind, prospective travelers can consider these tips as they make plans to travel this Thanksgiving.
· Recognize the travel timeline might be different. The successful rollout of three COVID-19 vaccines has allowed life to return to some semblance of normalcy, but millions of professionals are still working from home full-time. Remote working has afforded people more flexibility in regard to when they can travel this Thanksgiving. The online travel and bookings experts at Priceline reported in September that the busiest travel day for Thanksgiving at that point was Monday, November 15. That's a week and a half prior to Thanksgiving. A return to in person learning may limit families' ability to travel so early, but travelers who can work remotely and don't have to take school into consideration should recognize that the travel timeline has changed. That could make booking early flights more difficult and expensive than it used to be.
· Pack light. Travelers who intend to fly this Thanksgiving may want to avoid checking any luggage. Baggage fees can be expensive, but many airlines also have been forced to confront new issues that hadn't been a problem in the past. For example, in June American Airlines was forced to cancel hundreds of flights due to pandemic-related staffing shortages. Staffing shortages can lead to confusion and last-minute cancellations, which may increase the likelihood that travelers' luggage is lost or temporarily misplaced. By packing just a carry-on bag, travelers can ensure they have everything they need when they arrive at their destination.
· Check the weather forecast. Extreme weather has become the norm as the effects of climate change continue to become more apparent. Late November has not traditionally been a stormy season in many parts of North America, but it's still important that travelers stay abreast of the weather forecasts on and around Thanksgiving. Knowledge of the forecast may spur travelers who are driving to change their travel dates so they aren't caught in storms. Those who intend to fly may not have such flexibility, but it still pays to know the forecast. If a storm is coming, air travelers can give themselves extra time to get to the airport or even book rooms at airport hotels so they won't have to drive to the airport during a storm.
The 2021 Thanksgiving weekend figures to be both busy and unique.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions

"The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership" by Jeffrey H. Corbett
About the Author: It is our mission to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy as well as make a Swiss Trust Company acquisition possible for you within the shortest possible period of time. Offering more than 25 years of hands-on personal experience, the management of Corb7 International has guided more clients to successful endeavors with Swiss Trust Companies than any other alternative source.This operational and management experience has allowed Jeffrey Corbett to develop a keen understanding for how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies or inefficient networks resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, the Corb7 Strategic Development Solution was created by him. This in-depth approach allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. An advocate for bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.
With Corb7 international, driven leaders in international finance rely on winning strategies to cut costs, preserve wealth and capture profit from new markets within this sound business framework. A Swiss Trust Company is a rare, focused model that allows discerning entrepreneurs to employ these strategies. Whether your motivation is Profit, Privacy or Asset Protection, we are about to introduce to you a totally unique business tool - Swiss Trust Company Ownership. No other business tool is like it, offering you the capability to conduct almost limitless transactions through a prestigious European financial c enter with the assistance of highly regarded professionals.
We will provide you with a true turnkey acquisition - this will include acquiring the company, Swiss administration and a legal retainer with a top law firm located in Zurich - all for one investment. Our intent is to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy. The Trust Company you choose will have been walked through a strict due-diligence process and is guaranteed to be free of any present or past debts or liabilities.
Strategic Benefits:
- Asset Protection: Obtain a safe haven for either your personal or corporate wealth
- Profit: Acquire ownership of a “Non-Banking Financial Entity” in a major financial center
- Privacy: The ability to lower your financial profile and protect yourself from identity theft
- Gain Control: Avoid cumbersome red-tape in which will improve efficiency
- Potential Exit Strategy: Roll existing business into a STC and then listing on an exchange
- Portfolio Management: Manage portfolios of Real Estate or Securities
Additional Benefits Include:
- Political and Economic Stable Environment
- The Swiss Franc as an Independent Currency
- Own Subsidiaries and Hold Assets for Third Parties on Fiduciary Basis
- Tools like joining an SRO, applying for a light FINMA Banking License
- Efficient Network of Swiss Banks including communications by SWIFT - Business Friendly Location
Swiss Trust Companies are available for an initial investment ranging from $70,000 to $150,000. The average client invests approximately $100,000 to acquire their company. Your outlay will increase with the age of the structure since older companies are more difficult to locate. As a rule of thumb, older Trust Companies are more appropriate for clients who wish to make their STC acquisition an operational non-banking financial entity. This type of business model typically involves portfolio management or some other activity involving third parties. The age and established corporate goodwill are also of major importance when establishing corresponding banking relationships. If a client, however, is looking to benefit from owning a Swiss Trust Company solely for asset protection, then a younger company would be more appropriate and thus require a smaller investment.
Our Service & Experience:
- Experience: More than 25 years involvement with successful STC acquisitions.
- Neutrality: If there is a better option for your business plans you will be guided in that direction.
- Education: Professional and dependable source of information.
- Professional: Our Zurich based associates provide superb administrative services with in-house SRO license.
Bottom-line: with offices in Beverly Hills & Zurich we are here to serve you.
If you wish to gain a better understanding of the benefits of owning a Swiss Trust Company, then the best way to explore whether this unique structure will fit your needs is with a 15 minute complimentary phone consultation which we would be delighted to schedule for you.
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my new site: JeffCorbett.com