What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
I Talk to Myself and So Do You! - Business Psychology:
Coping with Season Affective Disorder - Cross-Border Business:
Start Your Own Country - Business Etiquette:
Rebuilding Communication with Family! - Executive Fitness:
How to Improve Muscle Tone - Spirits & Cuisine:
Know Your Wines for the Holidays! - Leisure:
Interesting Veterans Day Facts - Travel:
How to Protect Your Home During Your Travels - Corb7 International Services:
New Offering of a Swiss Trust Company for Sale!

International Business
Editor's Note

I Talk to Myself and So do You!
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right" - Henry Ford"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." - John F. Kennedy
Yes, I talk to myself, and you do too. In fact, we all literally do it non-stop and the influence it has on our lives is amazing. It can be the difference between winning and losing. If you can learn to control your inner voice - it truly can be decisive and set you apart from your competition.
A Quick Story
It was a warm summer day far into the California Mountains above Yosemite National Park. We were a two-day climb into the high country. At 11,000 feet above sea level if something goes wrong you will find out who your friends are in a hurry. There were four of us on our annual guys' only wilderness trip. Each one of us had strapped on about 50 pounds of gear as we were making our way back to Yosemite Valley. Coming down from the High Sierras, my buddy Peter was hiking directly behind me, when he saw it roll. My right ankle announced its presence by turning completely over in my boot. Have you ever severely sprained an ankle? Well, if you have, you know the routine. Pain hits you like a wave - then for about half an hour - it is really no big deal. After that, however, the swelling and pain is likely to make it near impossible to walk much less hike up and down steep rocky grades. RICE ... rest, ice and elevation is the usual method immediately employed in this type of injury. In the wilderness, you do not have that as an option. There were only two choices. I either had to silent my mind, wrap the foot as tight as possible and continue back down the mountainside or send for help in which case life flight would take me out at my own expense and with much embarrassment. My personal motivation became crystal clear and that inner voice was made to be very quiet.
The Strangest Secret … Zen to Earl Nightingale
For thousands of years, Zen followers have preached that to obtain enlightenment the individual should strive to stay in the moment and that the past is gone while the future does not yet exist. Mediation was often referred to as a means to "quiet the noise of the monkeys" in the brain. Several prominent business philosophers over the past century have taken this concept of thought control to the next level. They believe that you actually become what you think of on a regular basis. Most notably, Earl Nightingale made a series of self-help tapes back in the 1950s through which he coined the phrase, "you become what you think about all day long." His first record named The Strangest Secret became a huge success and sold millions of copies within a very short period of time. He based much of his work in a book authored by Napoleon Hill entitled, Think and Grow Rich. Hill's classic grew out of an earlier writing assignment funded by the Andrew Carnegie in 1908. Carnegie was the Elon Musk of his time. The industrialist, who was rich almost beyond comprehension, believed that success was a process which could be outlined into a simple formula for anyone to understand and achieve. Impressed with Hill, Carnegie engaged his services to interview over 500 of the most successful men and women in the world. The ultimate aim was to discover and publish a formula for success. In the process, Hill's work became one of the best-selling books of all time, and the inner voice was acknowledged as a critical tool for achievement. All of these accomplished men knew The Strangest Secret to be true.
Successful entrepreneurs not only understand self-talk but embrace it. They frequently find themselves in high-stress situations, similar to our wilderness example, or often in a zero-sum competition when failure would have dire consequences. Over the last few years, economic factors and layoffs have forced many other individuals out of salaried corporate positions and into the risk of self-employment for the first time in their careers. Forbes Magazine recently coined the term "accidental entrepreneurs" in reference to these individuals. Anyone in a role that requires sales production must understand the importance of positive self-dialogue, although it is especially vital for these new business owners. It is a learned skill but absent a mentor; you can rest assured not a soul will teach you how to accomplish this daily. You will need to find it for yourself. Your success starts between your own ears.
Simply stated, we all have times in our lives when we must play to win. During these periods, you become reacquainted with the voice inside your head. Stress makes this ongoing dialogue within us loud and clear. Unfortunately, many of us have developed deft avoidance behaviors when it comes to working with our self-talk under normal circumstances. Worse yet, others think it corny or deny its existence. These people tend to be the same individuals who call themselves stupid or direct other derogatory remarks inward when something goes wrong. As with many things in business or life, you either control your inner voice, or it will have an uncontrollable impact on you.
Related Links
Earl Nightingale Video
Earl Nightingale Site

International Business
Business Psychology

Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
Shorter Daylight Hours can be depressing.-------
Winter can be an awe-inspiring time of year. Snow-covered landscapes and opportunities to enjoy sports like skiing and snowboarding make winter a favorite time of year for nature enthusiasts and athletes.
As fun as winter can be, many people struggle with the transition from warm weather and long, sunny days to cold weather and reduced hours of sunlight. Sometimes mistaken or misidentified as the "winter blues," this phenomenon is known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.
What is seasonal affective disorder?
According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, SAD is a type of depression. The NIH notes that a person must meet full criteria for major depression coinciding with specific seasons for at least two years to be diagnosed with SAD. The American Psychiatric Association says symptoms of SAD can be distressing and overwhelming and even interfere with daily functioning.
The APA notes that SAD has been linked to a biochemical imbalance in the brain that's prompted by shorter daylight hours and less sunlight in winter. As the seasons change, a shift in a person's biological internal clock or circadian rhythm can lead to them being out of step with their normal routines. That can contribute to various symptoms, including:
· Feeling sad or depressed
· Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
· Changes in appetite, usually eating more and craving carbohydrates
· Loss of energy or increased fatigue despite increased sleep hours
· Increase in purposeless physical activity or slowed movements or speech that may be noticed by others
· Feeling worthless or guilty
· Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
· Thoughts of death or suicide
Overcoming SAD
The weather can't be changed, but people can speak with their physicians about the following strategies to overcome SAD.
· Light therapy: According to the APA, light therapy involves sitting in front of a light therapy box that emits a very bright light. In the winter, patients typically sit in front of the box for 20 minutes each morning, and they may see some improvements within one to two weeks of beginning treatment. Light therapy is usually continued throughout the winter.
· Medication: The APA notes that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, are a type of antidepressant that are sometimes prescribed to treat SAD.
· Spending time outdoors: People with SAD who don't typically spend much time outdoors when the temperatures dip may notice their symptoms improve if they make a concerted effort to spend time outdoors in winter.
· Rearrange rooms in the home: The APA notes that rearranging rooms and furniture in a home or office to allow more natural light in during the daytime can help improve symptoms of SAD.
SAD is a legitimate concern for millions of people across the globe. Working with a physician to overcome SAD can help people successfully transition to days with fewer hours of sunlight.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Start Your Own Country
The Micronation of Sealand.
Every once in awhile we like to take a look at the colorful characters that you find internationally which have become better known by the internet.
If you have everfantasized about starting your own country to escape being told how to live your life, well rest assured that there are groups and individuals who have attempted to actually make it happen.
By definition, these countries are considered “micronations,” meaning they are an entity created and maintained as if it were a nation and/or a state, and generally carrying with it some, most or all of the attributes of a nation. Most are geographically very small ranging in size from a single square foot to half a million square miles. Personally, we find the entire concept entertaining and think you will enjoy the video we discovered on YouTube regarding "The Principality of Sealand" which is an offshore platform located of the coast of Great Britain.
Is this the smallest nation in the world? If not, it is certainly close with a fascinating beginning and history.
The Principality of Sealand is an unrecognized micronation that claims HM Fort Roughs, an offshore platform in the North Sea approximately 12 kilometres off the coast of Suffolk, as its territory. Roughs Tower is a Maunsell Sea Fort that was built by the British during World War II.
If you feel like shopping, the official site below has an online giftshop. Here you can become a Baron or Baroness or just purchase a t-shirt.
Sealand Video
Sealand Official Site

International Business
Business Etiquette

Rebuilding Communication with Family
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
When the ties that bind us reach a breaking point, we know that rebuilding communications with family members is a priority. Communication bridges link us to one another, but they tend to rip apart when trust has been lost or compromised.
Someone didn’t keep their word, information was hidden, lies were told, a mistake was made and not admitted to – any of these occasions create a situation in the family when the harmed person withdraws or becomes defensive and unfriendly. When family members pull away it’s often the case that resentment has set in.
Restoring Trust
Even though the other person may have done something really awful, in rebuilding communications with family, acknowledging errors that you have made will be critical for your etiquette-ful approach in forgiveness and thinking long-term.
The only way to restore trust and go forward is through repaired communications. As you’ve taken on the role of initiating good relationship with the family member on the outs, the first things to ask yourself are:
2- Am I willing to leave a wide communication lane for the person so that they don’t misperceive the bridge to be one-sided only?
3- Am I approaching the whole restoration project with a heart of etiquette-fulness – with respect, kindness, ready to let the other person go first, letting go of any defensiveness I may have?
Tools for Rebuilding Communications with Family
When the family member who has withdrawn agrees to meet and a time and place have been set, greet with a smile and thankfulness that they are willing to get together to talk. Aim to be direct and discreet.
- Choose an environment where it’s comfortable and communicate that you hope you each can feel safe to speak freely. (If you sense there will be a “rolling of the eyes” when you suggest this, you might come prepared to offer to use a timer. Ask the other person to play the role of timer.) Dialogue is the goal.
- Acknowledge there a problem. (Be sure to have thought this through.)
“Joan, we’ve gone through some hard times. It feels ask if communication lines are totally down. I hope we can come to understand and make things better.”
“Rory, somehow after Aunt Mary’s last Thanksgiving dinner, I’ve sensed that something was broken between us.” - Their perceptions and feelings are as valid as yours. Be open.
- Share the emotions you’ve had around the issue of the withdrawal, but do not blame.
- Be ready for the fact that there might be many “agree to disagree” moments.
- Never raise your voice and avoid sighs of frustration.
- If a specific issue requires a decision, make compromise the goal.
You may need to establish what you need going forward: truthfulness, kindness, promise to RSVP invitations, and even agreement of what’s okay to post on social media pertaining to the family. But patience on your part with go a long way in rebuilding communications with family members.

Executive Fitness

How to Improve Muscle Tone
Resistance Training is a must for your health.-------
Estimates suggest there are more than 650 skeletal muscles in the human body. Muscles perform a variety of functions that are essential to life. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones via tendons and are vital to movement.
Adding a bit more defined muscle to the body helps people look leaner. Toned muscles also help with balance, proper posture and flexibility. Achieving better muscle tone comes down to embracing a few tips.
· Embrace resistance training. Resistance training refers to exercises that rely on resistance to contract muscles. This also may be called strength training. Lifting weights or doing body weight exercises, such as pushups and pullups are some ways to strengthen and develop muscles.
· Get in the pool. Swimming is a great way to improve muscle tone. Water provides resistance and can make the body work harder through simple movements, all the while protecting against strain on joints.
· Increase sets. Each strength training exercise should consist of around 10 to 12 repetitions of two or more sets. Increase sets once a strength base is established. Select a weight that makes it difficult to complete the final three repetitions in each set.
· Lower body fat with cardio. Cardiovascular exercises help maintain good health by strengthening the body's most important muscle: the heart. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends 150 to 300 minutes a week of cardio activity. Cardio can help burn body fat, which will help reveal the muscles underneath, producing a leaner look.
· Increase protein intake. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that protein make up 10 to 35 percent of calorie intake if a person is working to gain muscle. Select lean protein sources like chicken, fish and low-fat dairy. Watch the calorie content in protein shakes, as they can add too many calories and are unnecessary in most instances unless one is interested in developing significant muscle mass
· Be patient. Depending on the consistency and intensity of a workout, it can take between four and eight weeks for muscles to begin to get toned.
Anyone who has questions about muscle tone and effective workouts to sculpt muscle should consult with a personal trainer.

Spirits & Cuisine

Know Your Wines for the Holidays!
The Holidays are Getting Close.
A glass of wine makes a nice accompaniment to a meal or something to enjoy and sip while conversing with friends in social situations. Many people have a favorite style of wine, and some even have a favorite vineyard. In addition, the popularity of wine makes it a versatile gift for the holidays or something to bring along to a holiday party as a hostess present.
Novice wine enthusiasts may be interested in learning more about wine so they can choose their wine selections for gifting and enjoyment more readily. According to the experts at Wine Enthusiast, learning to taste wine and differentiate between flavors is similar to appreciating art or music. Understanding the varietals can simplify the process of selecting wines.
· Cabernet Sauvignon: This is a full-bodied red grape heavily planted in the Bordeaux region of France. Cabernet generally has high levels of alcohol and tannins.
· Merlot: The smoothness and mild flavor of this red wine make it a great option for those who need an introduction to red wine. This wine is lower in tannins than Cabernet Sauvignon, and it tends to have a more fruity flavor profile as well.
· Cabernet Franc: This is a light- to middle-weight wine that features a high acid content and savory flavors.
· Malbec and Carménère: Similar to Merlot, these grapes originated in France but then made their way to other regions of the world. Malbec is most popular in Argentina, while Carménère is grown in Chile.
· Zinfandel: Although mostly associated with the rosé wine White Zinfandel, Zinfandel is actually a medium-bodied red wine that originated in Croatia.
· Pinot Noir: Soft tannins and high acid give this light-bodied red wine its appeal. The grapes were first widely planted in France but can now be found elsewhere.
· Chianti: Chianti is the most famous Italian red wine in North America. It's a dry red that pairs very well with food. Chianti, which comes from the Chianti region in Tuscany, is made exclusively with Sangiovese grapes, or at least 80 percent of them and other blends.
· Chardonnay: This is a medium- to full-bodied dry white wine. The Chardonnay grape is a white grape from the Burgundy region of France.
· Sauvignon Blanc: Citrus-driven and often light-bodied, Sauvignon Blanc is another dry white grape planted widely in France. It also is a parent grape to Cabernet Sauvignon.
· Pinot Gris/Pinot Grigio: Pinot Grigio is a zesty, dry white wine that is particularly associated with Italy even though it originated in France, where it is thought to be a mutation of the Pinot Noir grape. Pinot Grigio skins are not green like other white grapes, but have a gray hue, hence the name.
· Reisling: Those who prefer a sweet white wine can opt for Reisling, which can be traced to Germany. It can be a good match for those who appreciate other sweet white wines, such as Moscato or Gewürztraminer.
There are many wines to tempt palates. When gifting, the selections mentioned above can tempt foodies and budding sommeliers alike


Interesting Veterans Day Facts
November 11th is Veterans Day in the U.S.
Each November, individuals across the United States gather to remember and honor the brave men and women who devoted their lives to maintaining the freedoms U.S. residents continue to enjoy. Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11 and pays tribute to all American veterans - including the living and deceased - but especially thanks the living veterans who served honorably during war or peacetime, according to History.com.
Veterans Day originally was known as Armistice Day, which was established to commemorate the end of World War I. In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower officially changed the name of the holiday to Veterans Day in an effort to recognize all veterans.
That name change is just one of many interesting facts about Veterans Day.
· November 11, 1918, was largely considered the end of the "war to end all wars," even though the Treaty of Versailles, which officially ended World War I, was signed roughly seven months later on June 28, 1919.
· While Veterans Day is an American holiday, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and France also honor the veterans of World War I and World War II on or near November 11th. Canada celebrates Remembrance Day, while Britain observes Remembrance Sunday each year on the second Sunday of November.
· Data from the Department of Veterans Affairs says there are around 19 million U.S. veterans as of 2021.
· Arlington National Cemetery outside of Washington, D.C., holds an annual memorial service on both Memorial Day and Veterans Day. That cemetery is home to the graves of more than 400,000 people, most of whom served in the military.
· Gulf War-era veterans now account for the largest percentage of all U.S. veterans, surpassing the number of Vietnam War-era veterans by almost two million, according to the VA.
· Memorial Day is a time to remember those who died in battle or from wounds suffered in battle. However, Veterans Day honors all of the people who served their country, including both living and deceased veterans.
· The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates women make up approximately 10 percent of the veteran population. By 2025, that number is expected to climb to 12 percent.
· In 2016, President Barack Obama signed the Veterans Day Moment of Silence Act. At 3:11 p.m. (Atlantic Standard Time) on Veterans Day, a moment of silence is observed and continues for 120 seconds.
· The last living American WWI veteran died in 2011. His name was Frank Buckles.
· In 2021, 37 percent of veterans were age 70 and older, according to Pew Research. An additional 36 percent of veterans were between the ages of 50 and 69.
· The U.S. Census Bureau indicates the percentage of the American population with military experience is on the decline. In 2018, about 7 percent of U.S. adults were veterans, down from 18 percent in 1980.

Protect Your Home During Your Travels
Some ideas to protect your home while you travel.-------
Vacation often serves as a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. When relaxing and recharging away from home, the last thing vacationers want to think about is the safety of their homes and everything inside them. However, the National Council for Home Safety and Security and Statistics Canada estimate that more than two million burglaries occur in the United States and Canada every year. That underscores the importance of protecting your home at all times, including when you're not there.
· Create the impression that someone is home. Just because you're heading off for parts unknown doesn't mean you can't create the impression that life is carrying on as usual within the walls of your home. Smart home technology now enables homeowners to set timers on lights and even home electronics like televisions and radios. Homeowners also can ask neighbors to pick up their mail or halt delivery until they return from their trips. Nothing says "no one's home" as definitively as an overflowing mailbox.
· Keep quiet on social media. A Credit Sesame survey of former burglars in the United Kingdom found that 78 percent acknowledged monitoring social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter as they try to find homes to burglarize. Individuals about to go on vacation should avoid sharing that on social media.
· Stay silent while you're away as well. Social media silence should be continued while you're on vacation as well. No matter how tempting it may be to share photos from an exotic location, such posts could catch the attention of all the wrong people. A recent report from MetLife indicated that 35 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 check in from their locations via social media. That can alert criminals that no one is manning the fort back home.
· Switch from a traditional lock and key to a lockbox. Individuals who travel frequently can take a page from the realtor notebook and switch from a traditional lock and key lock system to a lockbox. Lockboxes require that a code is entered before a box containing a key can be unlocked. Homeowners who want this added measure of protection don't even need to put a key inside the lockbox, which typically covers a lock, making it extremely difficult for potential thieves to pick the lock.
Before leaving for vacation, individuals can implement various strategies and safety measures to protect their homes and their belongings while they're away.

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