What you will find in this edition
- Editor’s Note:
One Year Ago - Business Innovation:
Encrypted Debit Card for Your Protection! - Business Tools:
Worldwide Business Funding - Executive Fitness:
How to Avoid the “Quarantine 15”! - Spirits & Cuisine:
Tips for Outdoor Entertaining in 2020 - Leisure & Style:
Black Friday, Cyber Monday & Giving Tuesday - Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Company for Sale
International Business
Editor’s Note
One Year Ago
According to Chinese government data reviewed by the South China Morning Post, the original case of the novel coronavirus emerged on November 17, 2019, exactly one year ago yesterday.
International Business
Business Innovation
Encrypted Debit Card for Your Protection
If eCommerce was starting in 2020 instead of 1992 when a merchant terminal cost $4,000 and VISA and MasterCard instructed us all to start typing in our card data, then we would all be using our iPhones and Android phones to make online payments and purchases and no one would see our card data and no web merchant would be hacked as no cards would be found by hackers. Instead, today 4,929,926,187 https://internetworldstats.com/stats.htm global Internet users are typing in their card data and risking hacking and identity theft.
CT Checkout (https://ctcheckout.com), now enables consumers to use their encrypted prepaid debit cards on their CT Checkout apps to shop and make donations online and no one sees their card data.
Web merchants only pay an astounding 1.05% + $0.15 when paid by an encrypted prepaid debit card as compared to an average 3% and higher. They keep their current type in your card choice at their checkout page, and they now can win No Knowledge disputes where their customer says to the card issuer that he does not have any knowledge of the transaction. The card issuer asks the disputer: Who had your iPhone or Android phone? Who knew how to open your phone? Who knew how to log into your CT Checkout app? The dispute is over before it begins, and the web merchant never has her sales proceeds pulled from her merchant account as happens today.
An encrypted prepaid debit card transaction to a web merchant now places the customer’s smart phone as their own terminal making the purchase between the customer and the web merchant. This is a fundamental shift to ECOMM and we project that by 2022, the days of typing in your card data and risking hacking and identity theft will have been ended by the card issuers.
We have named this new method of online payment a CTEC (Consumer Terminal Encrypted Card) transaction where the customer and the web merchant and the card issuer all win. We currently stand alone in the potential billion dollar plus global CTEC marketplace.
Interested readers can sign up for their free $10 prepaid debit card which is reflected by their encrypted prepaid debit card on their CT Checkout app at https://ctcheckout.com/signup/ and interested web merchants can sign up at https://ctcheckout.com/webmerchants/.
Additional information for web merchants is at https://ctcheckout.com/merchant-faqs/
CT Checkout started advertising our encrypted card service this year in October to sign up consumers to receive their free $10 encrypted prepaid debit cards and recently began advertising to sign up web merchants.
We pay an ongoing 25% of our revenues generated from a specific web merchant to a finder who has introduced us to that merchant.
Click our translate button to see how we can partner with other countries to open their own ECOMM encrypted card payment service.
Interested reader web merchants can contact us at webmerchants@ctcheckout.com and consumers can request their free $10 encrypted prepaid debit card at consumerterminal@ctcheckout.com. Or leave us a message at 800-886-4961.
International Business
Business Tools
Worldwide Business Funding!
Through our associates, we can arrange Senior and Sub-debt worldwide financing for companies who cannot obtain adequate bank financing. Our proprietary associations and colleagues operate as an international clearinghouse, representing several hundred non- traditional money sources that are specifically geared to fund troubled or growing companies. These are generally non-bank lenders that provide financing to companies who cannot obtain adequate capital to further develop or maintain their businesses.
Client Profile:
Any company or entity that is unable to secure commercial financing through traditional sources particularly if funding needs are immediate. (i.e., developmental stage companies or companies with losses, negative net worth, tax liens, chapter 11, personal credit problems of principals, etc.). In general, clients will need between 1% -5% of funding request on hand.
Loan Range:
$1,000,000.00 and Up
No Upfront Fees:
We require a small retainer that will be credited against our closing fee, but only after the client has received and accepted our funding sources proposal with specific terms and conditions outlining the financing. Those terms will be based on the client’s representations made on one of our funding worksheets. The initial work that we perform on any new account is at our expense and involves an internal review and analysis of the transaction followed by further review with a specific lender/ investment firm. The lender will be selected on the basis of your industry type, geographic location, loan size, credit profile, type and mix of collateral, etc. The lender must express a defined interest in providing a proposal with specific terms, based on the representations that have been made by the client. We work on a non-exclusive basis and the borrower may choose to accept other financing or pursue other available options at a later date that would preclude a closing from occurring. In that event, the retainer will have covered our costs. This is non-negotiable.
Funding Services Fees:
We typically earn a success fee at closing of 1% to 3% on the funded amount, determined primarily by the loan size but also by the type of transaction and other factors.
To discover if you qualify:
Please click on the following link and fill out the form at the bottom of the page:
Executive Fitness
How to Avoid the “Quarantine 15”
Social distancing has led to some surprising and some not so surprising side effects. Many business owners have been pleasantly surprised to learn how smoothly their employees have transitioned to working remotely. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the effects of stay-at-home orders have led to some predictable feelings of restlessness and cabin fever.
One unforeseen consequence of social distancing noted by many people is the “quarantine 15,” a term used to refer to weight gained while under stay-at-home orders. An inability to get out and about coupled with the proximity of kitchen can make it easy for people to gain weight as they observe stay-at-home orders. However, there are various ways people can avoid gaining weight while social distancing.
· Adhere to a routine. The wellness resource UCI Health notes that lack of structure has been a common side effect of social distancing. But people should adhere to a routine even if they’re working from home or have been laid off or furloughed. A routine with established mealtimes can help people avoid random snacking that can contribute to weight gain.
· Drink more water. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics notes that mild dehydration can be mistaken for feelings of hunger. Keep track of how much water you’re drinking each day, resolving to drink more if you’re not consuming enough. If you’re not having any water after your morning cup of coffee, the mid-afternoon urges to eat may be signs of mild dehydration and not hunger.
· Make time for exercise. Exercise is essential to maintaining a healthy weight. Social distancing has given many people more free time than they know what to do with. Fill the boredom with exercise, utilizing online tutorials to engage in weight-free exercises if necessary. Go for daily strolls around the neighborhood or, if possible, purchase some home gym equipment.
· Set goals. One of the ways to stay the course when beginning a fitness regimen is to set goals. Whether you’re exercising for the first time in years or replacing regular workouts at a fitness center with exercising at home, set reasonable goals, including how many days a week you hope to exercise and how many pounds, if any, you hope to lose each week.
The quarantine 15 has been an unforeseen consequence of social distancing. Avoiding such weight gain while adhering to social distancing guidelines can be easier than people may think.
Spirits & Cuisine
Tips for Outdoor Entertaining in 2020
Upon the arrival of cold weather, people tend to move indoors and limit their time spent in the elements. For those who live in places where there are restrictions placed on indoor entertaining and gatherings, it may be challenging to find ways to spend time safely together as temperatures drop.
The COVID-19 virus as well as other respiratory viruses are spread from person to person through respiratory droplets released into the air while coughing, talking or sneezing, states the Mayo Clinic. A person is more likely to inhale these droplets from an infected person while indoors, especially when they’re in close contact with that person. When outdoors, there is a lower risk of contraction.
Outdoor entertaining in winter may be challenging, especially in regard to keeping everyone warm. The following are some solutions that can help people stay warm and have fun outside.
Invest in Fire Pits
Fire pits are an affordable way to heat a patio or another outdoor area. They can be great places for friends and family to gather around and enjoy special occasions. They’re readily available from garden centers and home improvement retailers at a variety of price points.
Permanent fire pits can be built by a homeowner or professionally built by masonry experts.
Install an Outdoor Fireplace
A step up from a fire pit, outdoor fireplaces not only add warmth, but also improve the ambiance and value of an outdoor entertaining area. Set up outdoor furniture right next to an outdoor fireplace and you have a cozy alternative living room where everyone can gather.
Explore Outdoor Heating Systems
Few things are more effective at warming up outdoor entertaining areas than patio heaters and infrared heaters. These devices are far more effective than average fire pits or fireplaces. One or two heaters will be enough to keep a large entertaining area warm.
Keep Cozy Options Available
Guests should dress warmly, but having a basket of throw blankets, scarves and parkas available for extra warmth while mingling is helpful. Use outdoor rugs to insulate from the cold from the ground up.
Serve Hearty Foods and Beverages
Stews, chilis, soups, and other hot foods can help guests warm themselves up from the inside out. Warmed cider, hot chocolate and mulled wines also can be served to help people stay warm.
Get Moving
Incorporate activities that encourage guests to move around and stay warm. Beanbag tosses, dancing and even sports like flag football can keep guests’ blood flowing.
Entertaining outdoors doesn’t have to stop when the weather cools. Find ways to stay comfortable and safe when entertaining outside in the cold.
Leisure & Style
Black Friday, Cyber Monday & Giving Tuesday
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday quickly approaching, we thought it might be enjoyable to take a look at their origins. Black Friday marks the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. Come Black Friday, shoppers strive to get the lowest prices on gifts for their loved ones. Much of the focus of Black Friday is on finding the best deals, but it can be interesting to take a breath and learn how this phenomenon developed and how it has evolved over the years.
“Black Friday”
The term “black Friday” was originally associated with gold prices and manipulation on the part of speculators Jay Gould and James Fisk. This scandal occurred in September 1869. Commodity prices plummeted 50 percent as a result, and the term “black Friday” was coined to refer to that drop. The phrase “black Friday” also became famous for all the wrong reasons in 1966. Philadelphia police used it to refer to the Friday traffic jams and crowding in downtown stores from tourists and shoppers who flooded into the city in advance of the Army-Navy football game held the Saturday after Thanksgiving each year. Bigger crowds and rowdiness contributed to long hours and stressful shifts for local police.
“Black Friday Reinvented”
The retail industry started using the term “Black Friday” in the late 1980s. Spin doctors turned previously negative connotations into positive ones by associating the phrase with stores turning a profit and moving accounting ledgers from “red to black” thanks to big year-end sales. Retailers and consumers rallied around low-cost “door busters” and other discounted prices. Interestingly enough, according to the National Retail Federation, Black Friday really hasn’t been the most lucrative day for retailers over the years. In fact, greater profits and larger crowds are often seen on the last Saturday preceding Christmas.
“Shopping Evolves”
While Black Friday may have been the catalyst, in recent years shoppers have made the entire weekend of Black Friday a lucrative one for retailers. Many stores now open on Thanksgiving and extend sales through the entire weekend. Small Business Saturday and Sunday promote patronizing mom-and-pop stores. Cyber Monday emerged when online shopping became a popular way to grab deals, and it marks the close of the opening weekend of the holiday shopping season. With COVID-19, the obvious change will be a substantial shift to online shopping this year.
While Black Friday and Cyber Monday are some of the more widely known retail holidays, Giving Tuesday is becoming pretty popular in its own right.
Giving Tuesday
Celebrated on the Tuesday following American Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday helps raise awareness that charity is an important component of the holiday season. The nonprofit services company Neon says nearly one-third of all annual giving occurs in December, with 12 percent happening over the final three days of the year. Giving Tuesday is positioned right in the midst of the most popular time for charitable giving.
What makes Giving Tuesday unique is that it is largely fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. The day was actually created by the 92nd Street Y, a cultural center in New York City that has been instrumental in bringing diverse groups of people together with the goals of giving back through service. The 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation came together in 2012 to help form a day that was focused on the generosity of giving during the holiday season. Thus, Giving Tuesday was born.
Technology and social media play a large role in uniting people for Giving Tuesday. Founding partners included Mashable, a technology website, Skype and Cisco. But the success of Giving Tuesday is thanks in large part to the general public, who have both spread the word and made their own contributions to charity.
The global Giving Tuesday movement helped raise more than $300 million online across more than 150 countries in recent years. Should you like to participate here is the link: GivingTuesday
Business Services
Business Acquisitions

Vintage Swiss Trust Companies:
* 18-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company
Established 2002
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
Price: $78,800
For Details on these listings, Explore Additional Opportunities or Complimentary Consultation:
Call: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
* Vintage Swiss Trust Companies provide an excellent International Haven from Domestic Political Instability.