What you will find in this edition
Editor's Note:
Two Years Ago Today -
Business Psychology:
The Importance of Transferable Skills - Cross-Border Business:
Hong Kong 2021 - Business Tools:
Body Guard Protection App! - Business Etiquette:
What to do About Appalling Dining Habits - Executive Fitness:
Exercise Creates a Healthier You! - Spirits & Cuisine:
Unique Ways to Cook Thanksgiving Turkey - Leisure:
How to Handle the Return of Black Friday - Lifestyle & Travel:
Travel Tips for Thanksgiving 2021 - Corb7 International Services:
$20,000 Saving on a Swiss Trust Company

International Business
Two Years Ago Today
According to Chinese government data reviewed by the South China Morning Post, the original case of the novel coronavirus emerged on November 17, 2019, exactly two years ago today. Perhaps it would be a good time for all of us to take a moment to remember those that have passed from this dreadful disease and reflect on how our world has changed. Best wishes for a productive week as those of us in the United States prepare to spend next week's Thanksgiving Holiday with family again.

International Business
The Importance of Transferable Skills
by Toni Delos Santos90% Mental
“People with highly transferable skills may be specialists in certain areas, but they're also incredible generalists - something businesses that want to grow need.” — Leah Busque
When a student is applying to different colleges, their GPA and test scores are not the only determining factors. What separates students that are competing for a spot in a top school when they have the same academic abilities? It comes down to their involvement is outside activities. Being well-rounded in areas outside of academics is how they determine who has the most potential to succeed at the school.
In 2008, Malcom Gladwell’s book, “Outliers,” was a game changer for many people. His theory that high level performance is directly linked to the number of hours that an athlete puts into his training. He coined the term the 10,000-hour rule. This rule is that a person doesn’t reach their peak until they put in 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. This theory strongly supported sport specialization at a very young age. It was thought that if a player showed a certain amount of talent in a particular sport, they would need to also put in the maximum amount of practice to become an elite athlete. Tiger Woods is an example of someone that started playing golf at age 2 and went on to become one of the greatest golfers of all time.
David Epstein, author of, “The Sports Gene” and “Range” disproved this theory and talks about Roger Federer and how he played an array of sports until finally focused on becoming one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Epstein references British-American Psychologist, Robin Hogarth defines two different types of learning environments as kind and wicked. Golf and chess are examples of a kind learning environment where the rules are defined, and feedback is immediate and accurate. A wicked learning environment is one in which human behavior is involved such as playing basketball and feedback may or may not be accurate.
Many years ago, most people worked for one company throughout their whole career and very rarely thought of changing careers. Fast forward to 2021, and people are switching careers, companies, and positions on a steadier basis. They can achieve great success in a different industry or field of work because of the skills that they have acquired in their previous positions. Having the ability to assess a situation and solve problems is an invaluable skill that can only be acquired through wicked learning.
The more experiences that a person has had throughout their life translates into the number of skills that they have acquired along the way. Remember the value of these skills when you are moving into your next endeavor.

International Business
Cross-Border Business
Hong Kong 2021
After more than 150 years of British rule, Hong Kong reverted back to the Chinese on July 1, 1997, causing grave concern even then about its future. Hundreds of millions of dollars became flight capital and left this location. Canada became a huge benefactor of this exodus since many investors not only moved their money there but established second citizenships in this North American location.
Hong Kong is also interesting because it is an example of how a nation can change. Prior to 1841, it was an island with a tiny population of approximately 3,000. Hong Kong became a textbook case of a nation short on natural resources; where poverty and crime could have easily over run this nation. Instead, low taxes and a business philosophy of nonintervention became a source of enormous prosperity. By embracing this “laissez-faire” philosophy, Hong Kong positioned itself for the long-term success it enjoyed. Its strategic location in the Asian Pacific region resulted in it becoming one of the busiest harbors in the world and the third largest financial center, behind only New York and London.
The Sino-British Joint Declaration, signed by both Great Britain and China in 1984 provided for a policy of “one country, two systems” until 2047. Of course at this point, it is almost universally agreed upon that China has violated that agreement which has resulted in the current state of political unrest. The macro lessons to be derived from the Hong Kong issue are self-evident - perhaps think twice before trusting the Chinese government to uphold long-term agreements.
Hong Kong's Captain America Jailed
Hong Kong's Security Law Explained

International Business
Business Tools
Body Guard Protection via an App!
Order a personal body guard for a night out via this revolutionary app!
International Business
Business Etiquette
Appalling Dining Habits
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Should you tell someone their dining habits are disgusting?
Inappropriate or negative dining habits are generally not recognized by the person committing them, and so they would not know that their behavior is offensive. As no offense is intended, it would be rude to tell them you were annoyed by habits that you find disgusting. Etiquette errs on the side of “not.”
As Emily Post said, “Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.”
A Persistent Issue
Annoying dining habits are a conundrum, and some find it a difficult problem to deal with or resolve. Whether or not one is taught dining etiquette skills, being human makes us perfectly imperfect. Therefore, annoyances will sometimes creep to the surface during social occasions.
Are any of these familiar to you? A knife scraping on the plate…smacking or licking fingers…licking the back of the knife…slurping…biting the spoon with your teeth…eating with a mouth full of food…tossing the napkin on the table during the meal or not using it at all…reaching across the table to spear something with a fork… The list goes on.
Eating involves all the senses, and sound and visual sensitivities can be difficult to handle when you are present with someone whose dining skills are not up to par. Dining etiquette isn’t so much a specific set of rules as it is a bundle of civility skills pertaining to eating a meal with others.
Discussing Dining Habits
There are meals shared with people once, or once in a while, and then there are meals shared with people on a regular basis. When you are in a close relationship with someone, you are probably sharing many meals together in any given time frame. And if you find their dining habits truly annoying, it may be worth having a conversation about.
If or when you decide to let someone know that you are bothered by the way they eat, keep these points in mind:
- Embarrassing or shaming someone is never etiquette-ful.
- “Disgusting” is not a nice word to use when referencing another’s behavior.
- Humor can be employed, but only one-to-one.
“Tom, you’re going a little overboard with enthusiastic eating sounds!”
“Chris, hey go easy on that plate!”

Executive Fitness
Exercise Creates a Healthier You!
by Nancy HovdeLife Empowerment Coach
I have learned that progress in anything takes first believing in yourself, then creating an action plan, followed with effort. During life’s most challenging times exercise has always been my anchor for my physical, mental and spiritual health. When we workout regularly, we are much more in tune with our bodies. Exercise benefits our brain power, improves our moods, helps keep depression away and allows us to develop a deeper connection with our inner-spirit. Exercise can help us feel more positive about life and can help us create more meaningful relationships with others.
Sadly, some of us do not enjoy working out and are not receiving the maximum benefits that exercise can provide us. Some of us even experience a phase where we are no longer motivated and fall off track. Exercise isn’t just for physical health benefits. When we can learn to experience the feeling that our body, mind and spirit are one, there is no more resistance.
As a lifestyle coach, I share with my clients how the mind and conscience work together on sending signals to our feelings and our feelings help us become aware of how a movement or exercise can make us feel in the moment, right now. Noticing that movement and how the movement feels can be very enlightening. Any creative movement done with the right mental focus and movement can support an overall sense of well being.
Take a moment to reflect on how yoga, weight training, walking, running and all exercise, can offer a new way of embracing exercise, a way of living and moving in our bodies that feels good, natural, effortless. We can see effective results when we choose a type of exercise that is fun and makes us feel good on all levels.
Have you ever thought about how effort equals strength? I have found this to be true when my body has pumped and stretched to get up difficult hills. I realize that my mind is learning about how effort equals strength. This is an incredibly empowering feeling that I’ve carried over into other areas of my life when difficult situations arise. Each time I climb these difficult hills I notice progress. Progress motivates me to do it again. During life’s challenges, I’ve noticed when I am feeling my best I feel strong physically, mentally I’m more confident and somewhere deep inside my soul, I am able to carry a quiet inner strength.
If exercise isn’t your thing or you’ve become bored with your same routine, I suggest trying something new that will be fun and challenging where you can track your progress. Often when we choose to try a new sport or exercise we begin to get re-inspired to take the best care of ourselves and to view exercise with all its benefits, in a more holistic way and its effects for mind, body and soul.
Here are a few ideas to get re-inspired:
- Running – Mix it up: sand runs, treadmill, indoor track, outdoor track, hills, parks, beaches. Go solo and enjoy listening to your tunes, or go with a friend or group – keep it mixed up, fun and interesting.
- Hiking – Can be very meditative to connect with nature, can be fun with a group or quality time spent with a friend.
- Walking – Indoors on a treadmill and mixing up the incline/intensity, walking outdoors in a park or on the beach, walking meditation, listening to a walking meditation.
- Rollerblade/roller skate – Listen to tunes by yourself or ask a friend to join you.
- Yoga – try a different style of Yoga each week. This could be through a class at your health club or finding a Yoga studio in your area. Another option might be to check out YouTube and try out different styles of Yoga; then join a yoga studio that focuses on the styles of Yoga that you connect with best.
- Bike ride - outside or for inside select an interval training session on the stationary bike. Spin classes offer a great workout for an indoor workout.
- Stairs – outdoors, or inside, set the stair machine on interval training or try setting the stair machine on the fat burning session to keep things mixed up.
- Pilates – Many gyms offer Pilates classes. You might also consider signing up with one of the Pilates studios in your community.
- Dance – a night out with friends dancing or take up a community dance course/lessons like salsa, line dancing, ballet, jazz to name just a few.
- Create your own workout using body sculpting, static resistance training and strength training – in a class, with a private trainer or by applying a mixture of exercises you discover while reading a health and fitness magazine or online fitness site.
- Martial Arts or Tai Chi – sometimes a gym or health club will offer these or a local studio. Some of these studios offer martial arts group classes. Often Tai Chi classes are held outdoors in a park or on the beach.
- Circuit Training indoors or outdoors. If outdoors, try a park or the beach and use the benches for step ups, lunges, push ups and use any stairs to climb – get creative, think, play, have fun! You could even include using a trampoline for rebounding in your backyard, which is really good for the lymphatic system. Use a jump rope in between sets of push-ups, crunches, lunges.
- Enjoy your favorite sport or activity – maybe it is golf with friends, a game of soccer, windsurfing, snow skiing, tennis or maybe you enjoy horseback riding or gardening.
- Hire a personal trainer to motivate and re-inspire you. Consider one-on-one, partner or small group fitness training.

Spirits & Cuisine
Unique Ways to Cook Thanksgiving Turkey
Thanksgiving is a beloved holiday. Families may have their own unique Thanksgiving traditions, but one staple of this kickoff to the holiday season is bound to make its way to Thanksgiving dinner tables no matter how unusual families' holiday celebrations may be: turkey.
Much effort goes into picking and preparing a Thanksgiving turkey. Depending on the size of the bird, turkeys can take many hours to cook. Thanksgiving celebrants are no doubt familiar with oven-roasted turkey, which is the most traditional way to cook turkey. But this year hosts who want to expand their horizons and think beyond the oven can consider two popular alternative methods to cooking a Thanksgiving turkey.
1. Deep frying
Deep frying is a popular way to prepare foods at outdoor events. For example, stroll through the parking lot on game day and you're liable to find football fans deep frying their favorite foods at their tailgate parties. Turkey can be deep fried and this method makes for an ideal option for hosts who want to enjoy the great outdoors while welcoming friends and loved ones to their homes. Deep frying imparts a juicy flavor that can be hard to replicate when roasting a turkey. Deep frying is a much faster way to cook a turkey than cooking it in the oven. However, deep frying also can be more dangerous, so it's imperative that cooks remain attentive when setting up the fryer and while the turkey is frying.
Where to deep fry the turkey also bears consideration. The turkey experts at Butterball® recommend deep frying the turkey outside on a flat surface that's far away from structures, including your home, garage, deck, etc.
The time required to deep fry a turkey will depend on the size of the bird, but experts note that it typically takes about 3 to 3.5 minutes per pound. Electric fryers may take significantly less time and they typically require less oil, so this is another option to consider. Many experts note that it's best to deep fry turkeys that are 15 lbs. or less, as the turkey will need to be completely submerged in oil when frying. In addition, turkeys larger than 15 lbs. may cook unevenly, which can affect flavor.
2. Smoking
Smoking has grown in popularity in recent years as grills that make this method possible have become more affordable. Smoking is a "low and slow" method of cooking, so this option is ideal for people who intend to be home all day on Thanksgiving and want to infuse their birds with a smoky flavor. However, even busy hosts can still consider smoking, as electric smokers now allow cooks to remotely control the temperatures in their grills. That's important, as smoking requires cooks to periodically check the temperature on their grills to ensure it has not dropped too low or risen too high.
Smoking a turkey typically requires maintaining a temperature between 225 and 250 F. Cooking times for smoked turkeys are typically around 30 minutes per pound, though it can take longer if the temperature is lower. Because of the extended cooking time, hosts may want to pick a turkey that weighs around 15 lbs., especially if they don't have much experience smoking.
This Thanksgiving, hosts can try something new by deep frying or smoking their turkeys.

How to Handle the Return of Black Friday
The holiday season figures to feel more familiar in 2021 than it did a year ago, when a global pandemic forced people to change how they celebrated and shopped. Though the pandemic is not yet in the rearview mirror, the rollout of a trio of effective vaccines should make it possible for millions of people to celebrate safely this holiday season.
A return to normalcy should be welcome news for local retailers, and Black Friday could start the beginning of a busy and lucrative holiday season. With a more normal holiday season on the horizon, shoppers may benefit from a refresher course on how to get the best Black Friday deals.
· Start early. Black Friday may not begin until the day after Thanksgiving, but savvy shoppers know that many retailers post or leak their sales well in advance of the big day. Various websites are devoted to helping consumers find the best Black Friday deals. Many such websites update their listings as retailers release more sales information. Consumers can bookmark Black Friday websites and then periodically visit them to learn about the latest deals.
· Comparison shop. Getting a head start on Black Friday shopping also affords shoppers a chance to comparison shop. PriceGrabber.com makes it easy to compare deals from a wide range of retailers on everything from appliances to furniture to pet supplies.
· Confirm when stores open. Many retailers abandoned midnight store openings on Black Friday a year ago. Such decisions were made to protect public health and they may remain in place in 2021. Though it might be a family tradition to visit a retailer in the wee small hours of the Black Friday morning, the pandemic has changed the holiday shopping landscape. So confirm when stores open and close before crawling out of bed in the dark this Black Friday.
· Utilize curbside pickup to avoid crowds. Shoppers who are still nervous about COVID-19 don't have to sit Black Friday out for the second year in a row. Various retailers started offering curbside pickup during the pandemic and that option has proven so popular that it's stuck around even after vaccines became widely available. Shoppers with unvaccinated children at home or those who simply want to avoid crowds can safely land great deals by opting for curbside pickup this Black Friday.
Black Friday figures to feel more normal in 2021 than it did a year ago. Consumers can capitalize on Black Friday sales by revisiting some old shopping strategies and embracing new ones as the 2021 holiday season begins.

Lifestyle & Travel

Travel Tips for Thanksgiving 2021
Thanksgiving is on the horizon, and that's welcome news to people who can't wait to celebrate the holiday season with their loved ones. Though millions of people stayed home for Thanksgiving in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rising vaccination rates suggest the holiday travel season will be back in full swing this November.
Uncertainty spurred by the Delta variant may compel some people to stay home or delay making holiday travel plans. However, a recent survey from the vacation rental site Evolve found that 32 percent of travelers were not factoring the Delta variant into their travel plans at all. In addition, just under 47 percent of the more than 5,000 travelers surveyed months in advance of the holiday season indicated they would not consider canceling their trips until much closer to their departures. That data points to what could be a very unpredictable and busy holiday travel season.
With that unpredictability in mind, prospective travelers can consider these tips as they make plans to travel this Thanksgiving.
· Recognize the travel timeline might be different. The successful rollout of three COVID-19 vaccines has allowed life to return to some semblance of normalcy, but millions of professionals are still working from home full-time. Remote working has afforded people more flexibility in regard to when they can travel this Thanksgiving. The online travel and bookings experts at Priceline reported in September that the busiest travel day for Thanksgiving at that point was Monday, November 15. That's a week and a half prior to Thanksgiving. A return to in person learning may limit families' ability to travel so early, but travelers who can work remotely and don't have to take school into consideration should recognize that the travel timeline has changed. That could make booking early flights more difficult and expensive than it used to be.
· Pack light. Travelers who intend to fly this Thanksgiving may want to avoid checking any luggage. Baggage fees can be expensive, but many airlines also have been forced to confront new issues that hadn't been a problem in the past. For example, in June American Airlines was forced to cancel hundreds of flights due to pandemic-related staffing shortages. Staffing shortages can lead to confusion and last-minute cancellations, which may increase the likelihood that travelers' luggage is lost or temporarily misplaced. By packing just a carry-on bag, travelers can ensure they have everything they need when they arrive at their destination.
· Check the weather forecast. Extreme weather has become the norm as the effects of climate change continue to become more apparent. Late November has not traditionally been a stormy season in many parts of North America, but it's still important that travelers stay abreast of the weather forecasts on and around Thanksgiving. Knowledge of the forecast may spur travelers who are driving to change their travel dates so they aren't caught in storms. Those who intend to fly may not have such flexibility, but it still pays to know the forecast. If a storm is coming, air travelers can give themselves extra time to get to the airport or even book rooms at airport hotels so they won't have to drive to the airport during a storm.
The 2021 Thanksgiving weekend figures to be both busy and unique.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions

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