What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Simple Question About Glasgow 2021 - Business Psychology:
Building a Growth Mindset - Cross-Border Business:
Most Frequently Asked Questions - Business Tools:
Film & TV Funding - Business Etiquette:
Good Conversation Relies on Etiquette - Executive Fitness:
Gratitude for Body, Mind, Soul - Spirits & Cuisine:
Rustic Bread from San Francisco - Leisure:
What is Plaid Friday? - Lifestyle & Travel:
Travel Tips for Thanksgiving 2021 - Corb7 International Services:
$20,000 Saving on a Swiss Trust Company
International Business
Editor's Note
A Simple Question About Glasgow 2021
The United Nations 2021 Glasgow Conference on Climate Change will end this Friday in Scotland. Also known as COP26, it is the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference. There certainly has been a lot of media coverage and controversy surrounding the event which brings me to my question.
Why is controlling the world’s population seemingly never discussed?
According to multiple sources, the world’s population now stands at 7.9 billion people with over half residing in China and India. It took all of human history for the world’s population to reach one billion around the year 1800. The second billion was achieved in 130 years (1930), the third billion in 30 years (1960), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987). Even with growth seemingly flat at the moment, conservative estimates have the world’s population at 9 billion by 2037.
Doesn’t it seem a little strange that if the purpose of this conference is to save the planet that this should at least be seriously discussed? I am not suggesting a drastic and divisive debate over abortion. That would tread on religious beliefs and go nowhere. Nevertheless, it just seems reasonable to have some discussion over planning births and making it a priority prior to some suggesting a total economic upheaval.
Common sense would dictate that a smaller number of people would mean fewer natural resources being used and thus a cleaner planet. Just asking … was Glasgow 2021 real or just virtue signaling?
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International Business
Business Psychology
Building a Growth Mindset
by Toni Delos Santos
90% Mental
"There is no reality, only perception. Identify the filters through which you view the world - Dr. Phil
The One of the main skills that separate champions from the rest of the pack is their ability to perform under pressure. It starts with the belief that they can be the best in their sport. Where does this belief come from? Is it true that certain people are just born champions and leaders?
The answer to the first question is, it comes from the stories that they tell themselves about themselves. People are all born with different strengths; however, champions and leaders do not have a gene that determines their success in sports or life. What they do possess is the mindset that if they put in the work there are no limits to what they can accomplish. According to Carol Dwek, author of the best-selling book, Mindset, she states “People with a fixed mindset — those who believe that abilities are fixed — are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset — those who believe that abilities can be developed.”
Having the knowledge that if you have a growth mindset your chances of excelling in all areas of your life are higher, I am sure we would all choose to have the growth mindset! The challenge is knowing how to achieve it. There are specific tools that I am going to share with you on the best way to turn a fixed mindset about a particular skill set into a growth mindset.
- Recognize the belief that is holding you back- I am not good at presenting to a large group so I will not be able to move up in my company.
- Take action-I will learn the techniques and skills that other people use so I can become comfortable and engaging when I am presenting to large group.
- Reflect- think back to skills that you became good at by practicing.
We form our belief system by our past experiences and how we choose to interpret them. It is harder to get out of our comfort zone and fail before we succeed. The only way we will continue to grow is to challenge ourselves to work hard at improving. We also tend to become complacent when we think we are naturally good at something. If we do not work as hard to keep improving on that skill, before you know it, someone else that is putting in the time will take over your position.
I challenge you to take a moment to think about some of the fixed mindset stories that you can start acting on and turn them into areas that you can work on to improve.
International Business
Cross-Border Business
The Swiss Trust Company Owner
Most Frequently Asked Questions
- Question: Why own a Trust Company? The most common reasons are to gain more control over your business interests and/or to open new avenues of profit. For wealthy families it is often to establish a nest egg in an environment that promotes asset protection. It is, therefore, a captive entity that offers Profit and Asset Protection.
- Question: Do Swiss Trust Companies come with a SWIFT membership? No. And if anyone suggests otherwise that should be a red flag to you. You can certainly apply for membership as a new owner but it is a long and expensive process and there will be no guarantee of acceptance. Frankly, the Trust Company should work perfectly fine on its own with quality administration.
- Question: Are there any Tax Benefits? No. This is not a tax shelter and should not be viewed as such. Corporate tax can be structure to be minimized in Switzerland but worldwide income tax is becoming the norm and profits will likely pass through to your personal obligations. We would always suggest that you consult with your professional adviser.
- Question: What is the legal basis for a Swiss Trust Company? A common mistake is to look at Swiss Trust Companies through an Anglo-American perspective which often causes confusion. Switzerland has a long history of fiduciary agreements and the companies which manage those covenants. A Swiss Trust Company, therefore, is an entity mainly serving as a trustee and regulated by Swiss tax law. Your business plan should always be vetted by a reputable Swiss Administrator prior to implementation.
International Business
Business Tools
Business Funding for Film & TV
Unique Funding Opportunity for American Film & TV Industry!
- Available in United States Only
- No Excessive Sex or Violence
- Borrower must Contribute 20% in Cash or Bankable LOC
- Minimum Funding Amount $1 Million, No Maximum
For Details: Call: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office) or Email: contact@corb7.com
International Business
Business Etiquette

Good Conversation Relies on Etiquette
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Who wouldn’t desire to be thought of as an interesting person? Much of this characteristic depends on how you engage others in conversation.
Are you sending “I’m listening” signals?
Communicating is different than conversing. We’re communicating something all of the time -- whether intentional, noticed by others, or not. With words or silence, facial expressions, gestures, posture, stance. Communication can be intentional, but not necessarily. It is sometimes unintended. Conversation is intentional.
Communication as a whole doesn’t depend on etiquette. But being a good conversationalist does.
The Most Important Part
A great conversation requires courteous back and forth. This back-and-forth exchange is dependent upon intentional listening.
The Golden Rule of conversational listening is that you listen to appreciate.
Steps for finding appreciation:
- Take in what is actually being spoken.
- Listen to tone and not just words, being observant of body language as well.
- Re-state key points of what the conversant has said.
- Respond with an appreciative point. "Harold, I heard you say that your mother has been unable to travel due to virus concerns, but is she able to stay in touch with her friends otherwise?"
Not only does this practice keep you mindful of showing kindness, but you’ll also automatically think of clarifying questions to ask that help keep the conversation going and keep the focus on the values being communicated.
However, we are all guilty of letting our minds wander or finding ourselves genuinely uninterested in what someone is saying. In these situations, you miss portions of dialogue and can easily get caught not following along.
You can detect when you’re only half-listening if:
- You can’t recall the person’s name or worried that you don’t recall it.
- You don’t have a context for what the person is saying.
- You’re thinking of something else or what you want to say when he stops talking.
- You couldn’t re-phrase or re-state what the person just said.
- You aren’t aware that your plate is the only one near full!
- You’re judging yourself in thinking that you don’t have anything intelligent to say.
If any of these things are happening, do your best to pull yourself back into the present with your conversation partner.
Mindfulness grows with intentional practice, and this is the key component in being etiquette-fully aiming to be a good conversationalist.
Every Good Conversationalist Knows Small Talk
What is often underestimated in conversation? Small talk!
Small talk is the bridge between you and another person. The beauty of it is that it’s commitment-free.
Here’s how it works:
- You see someone in your vicinity and, whether you know that person or not, think of something you have or may have in common.
- You then mention that thing in common.
- Depending on the response, you may ask a follow-up question.
- Depending on that response and the situation at hand, you may ask another question to keep the conversation going or excuse yourself and take your leave.
It takes some practice, but it’s the perfect way to meet new people, engage someone you’ve wanted to talk with, and establish common ground.
Keep it Positive
Sometimes what stands out are differences, yet always looking for the common ground is a pillar of being a good conversationalist.
If you give the other person the benefit of the doubt, and even elevate his intentions in your mind, it can yield a delightful conversation.
Conversation is not about debate. Debate has its place in life, and while we all hope to be able to communicate our ideas in a straightforward and logical way, a one-on-one chat is not necessarily the ideal forum for conflicting perspectives.
Keep your words, expressions, and mannerisms positive. And if a conflicting idea or perspective is brought up, show respect for the person expressing it – even though you are not obligated to agree.
Being a good conversationalist is not an end state. It requires consistent and never-ending practice. But a default to positivity, respect, and kindness will earn you the reputation of being one.
Executive Fitness
Gratitude & Introspection for Body, Mind, Soul
by Nancy Hovde
Life Empowerment Coach
"Being grateful allows more inspiration & wisdom into your soul & more abundance into your life."
~ Nancy Hovde
There is so much to love about the Fall season. The cool, crisp early morning and evening temperatures are such a welcome after the sweltering Summer heat. And then there are things to crave, such as the pumpkin spice beverages and recipes. Fall brings us things to embrace, like wearing cozy, warm sweaters and boots. Maybe you can sense the energy change in the air (outdoors) as well as a change in mood (inside/within). Depending on how in-tune you are to your body/mind, you may or may not notice the subtle changes that are going on within, during this seasonal transition. Outside, the leaves are falling, the air is getting cooler, and days are shorter. Life outdoors begins to decline and we find ourselves turning inward, reconnecting with the body/mind/soul and all we've experienced this year. Harvest season has arrived.
Physical: The body needs Nurturing. Have you ever noticed that you tend to sleep more during the Fall and even into Winter? The body often craves more sleep during the Fall months. In a study from Harvard Medical School, results showed that most people sleep more in October - roughly 2.7 hours more per day - than any other month of the year. The study also found that it is the quality and deepness of your sleep that can suffer and that some people report feeling groggier during the day. This is because the shorter days (and depending on where you live, often more rainier days) and so your eyes are not exposed to as much bright sunlight as they were in Summertime. The technical term for sleeping too much is "hypersomnia". Most of us are very familiar with insomnia. Hypersomnia is the opposite of insomnia. Basically, when ultraviolet light hits your retinas, a chemical reaction takes place in your brain that firms up your circadian sleep rhythms. This helps to be certain your sleep will be more sound at night and you will feel energized during the day. Personally, I LOVE sleep! Quality sleep, deep restful sleep. I believe sleep is the BEST medicine when feeling illness, mentally blocked or on the verge of "burnt out" or from vigorous exercising and needing recovery. I have always been a strong advocate in giving your body what it needs. If you feel you need sleep, sleep. If you feel you need an afternoon shut-eye for 20 min, knowing that this reprieve will help you awake feeling more refreshed and able to focus even better, go for it! That being said, it is best to have your vitamin D levels checked by your physician. See, the sun doesn't just set or reset your sleep cycle, when the sun hits your skin, it also helps to fortify your Vitamin D levels. And in the Fall season (and even more so in Winter) the lack of sunlight could mean that your Vitamin D is getting depleted. And this can leave you feeling fatigued, research has shown this to be the case by a study in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Tip: Research studies show that it is always best to maintain a consistent sleep regimen and stick to a sleep schedule of the same bedtime and wake up time, even on weekends. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual. Exercising daily helps. Evaluate your bedroom and be sure it is as dark as possible as well as quiet and comfortable temperature (between 60 and 67 degrees fahrenheit). And lastly, be sure to sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress and pillows.
Mental: The Mind needs reflection time for Gratitude. Make some time to reflect on all you've created this year - your personal accomplishments and triumphs. Be sure to celebrate your achievements. Did you recently complete a course of study? Finish a major project? Write a book? Finally declutter your garage or closets? Maybe you landed a new job or got married. Whatever the accomplishment, big or small, bless it, honor it and celebrate the achievement. And for those days that may not have gone as planned, this time of season demands that we look inward, and find those little, simple things we feel deeply grateful for - Even when we might be going through a tough time or having a challenging day. Perhaps you've had a recent loss or major disappointment. Sometimes something may leave your world to clear the path and helps you to open your eyes and really discover (or rediscover) your intentions or purpose for this lifetime. Your grief, your loss, your disappointment, could be that you are meant to assist others who need to process their loss or disappointment so they can truly live a life filled with love, wellness and fulfillment. Reflect and find more reasons to be grateful, appreciative and giving thanks for the simple things, especially during trying situations - You might just be surprised to find that it really is the little, simplest things that bring true contentment, inner peace and more love within.
Tip: Each morning or at the end of each day, list 3 to 5 things you are grateful for. On some days, it might be those amazing accomplishments or some miracle happened. Many days might consist of those little, simple things. Starting the day with gratitude is something I like to practice on a daily basis. I find it gets my day started with embracing a day with gratitude. And there are evenings, as I am drifting off to sleep and recall the day and how grateful I am for something that happened that day. This can be done for what works best for you. Give each one a try. Maybe you will find you begin to practice both on a daily basis.
Spirit: The Soul needs Introspection. I have always felt that the Fall Season whispers something very deep. There is something internal and very personal happening that seems to take place during the Fall season. A necessary transition of sorts. This is a good time to contemplate what might need to change or "die off" within you in order to embrace newness, new life that will grow into next year's harvests. During the Fall season, we are organizing, reflecting and preparing ourselves to be reborn with the new year ahead of us. This is a great time of turning inward and we can discover and explore ourselves and our dreams. Autumn can be a very ideal time for manifesting. Letting go of what no longer serves you. Perhaps you've experienced some life lessons. Accept any disappointments or failures as life lessons. Release judgment about them and realize how much you've learned and continue to grow through life emotionally, physically and spiritually. Look back, learn and move on. We can let go of outdated ideas, attitudes and beliefs that no longer serve us. We can use this time to process all that has happened to us - positive and negative experiences. Choose to keep what is most meaningful and let the rest fall away, like leaves falling from a tree. It is important to understand that all feelings we have are aspects of ourselves and we should honor those feelings. Emotions such as joy, sadness, wistful or wishful all make up the parts that create a human being. Feel whatever you are experiencing, this can strengthen and empower you into accepting and understanding life lessons and experiences. Embrace and allow the Fall season to pull you inward, reflect, process and prepare for another round of rebirth.
Tip: The Fall Season has always been a time that has felt to me like a time to set some new intentions. The norm is that January, the first month of each year, is to have resolutions. This has some benefits but for myself, something about September onward, as we move into the Fall season, I've felt a shift within of letting go of what's not working and creating new intentions. Maybe this has something to do with when school starts each year - a new grade or course of study, a fresh start. So, take a look back to January, those resolutions you either thought about or actually moved forward with and now, in September, what is actually taking place? What's working? What's not? Reflect, refine and reset some new intentions by letting go of what's not working and creating room for new manifestations.
~Warmest blessings for a special Fall Season filled with good health, business success and gratitude!
Spirits & Cuisine
Rustic Stuffing Bread from Boudin of San Francisco
Boudin Bakery at Fisher Man's Warf in San Francisco is a classic destination. If you have been there you likely can smell the aroma as you read this. We recently came across this promotion for "Rustic Stuffing Bread" from there for Thanksgiving and thought it was a nature for our newsletter. Boudin's French Bakery was established in 1849 as San Francisco's population swelled to 20,000. In the coming years, Boudin bread would be home-delivered by horse-drawn wagon. Customers added a nail to their front door and the baker would slam the loaf onto the nail, thus announcing the bread had arrived.
Please see below. We order one for the upcoming holiday.
Shopping & Plaid Friday
Black Friday is right around the corner but have you heard of Plaid Friday?
What better ways to celebrate the diversity, uniqueness and creativity of independent, local businesses than by supporting them during the busiest shopping season of the year?
Plaid Friday was conceptualized in Oakland, Calif., several years ago in an effort to encourage holiday shoppers to slow down and shop locally at small businesses rather than partake in the frenzy of the traditional Black Friday rush at big box retailers. Similarly, Small Business Saturday® was founded by American Express in 2010 as a community-centric day to support local businesses. Small Business Saturday was the catalyst for the generalized Shop Small® movement, which encourages consumers to patronize small businesses.
Local businesses are at the heart of their communities. In a 2015 survey by the Urban and Land Institute, researchers found that more than half of respondents said they wanted a neighborhood where they wouldn't need a car very often. More than 40 percent specifically noted the desirability of local shopping and entertaining as main features. A neighborhood with a Main Street or thriving local shopping hub can be a big draw. Consumers make these neighborhoods a reality.
Every time they grab a coffee from a local café, purchase a piece of artwork from a neighborhood artist or dine at a family-run restaurant, shoppers are supporting local business owners and strengthening their communities. Here are some ways to make shopping small a priority this holiday season.
· Take inventory of Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday sales by keeping up on local social media. Build holiday shopping lists around the offerings at local businesses.
· Dine out at local restaurants or shop smaller food merchants.
· Visit a local tree farm. When decorating for the holidays, support the farm or local nursery that grows Christmas trees and makes their own wreaths and garlands.
· Keep your money in your community at a local bank or credit union rather than a large national bank. Local banks may have special promotions to boost savings for holiday gifting.
The holiday season is the perfect time to support small, local businesses.
Lifestyle & Travel
Travel Tips for Thanksgiving 2021
Thanksgiving is on the horizon, and that's welcome news to people who can't wait to celebrate the holiday season with their loved ones. Though millions of people stayed home for Thanksgiving in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rising vaccination rates suggest the holiday travel season will be back in full swing this November.
Uncertainty spurred by the Delta variant may compel some people to stay home or delay making holiday travel plans. However, a recent survey from the vacation rental site Evolve found that 32 percent of travelers were not factoring the Delta variant into their travel plans at all. In addition, just under 47 percent of the more than 5,000 travelers surveyed months in advance of the holiday season indicated they would not consider canceling their trips until much closer to their departures. That data points to what could be a very unpredictable and busy holiday travel season.
With that unpredictability in mind, prospective travelers can consider these tips as they make plans to travel this Thanksgiving.
· Recognize the travel timeline might be different. The successful rollout of three COVID-19 vaccines has allowed life to return to some semblance of normalcy, but millions of professionals are still working from home full-time. Remote working has afforded people more flexibility in regard to when they can travel this Thanksgiving. The online travel and bookings experts at Priceline reported in September that the busiest travel day for Thanksgiving at that point was Monday, November 15. That's a week and a half prior to Thanksgiving. A return to in person learning may limit families' ability to travel so early, but travelers who can work remotely and don't have to take school into consideration should recognize that the travel timeline has changed. That could make booking early flights more difficult and expensive than it used to be.
· Pack light. Travelers who intend to fly this Thanksgiving may want to avoid checking any luggage. Baggage fees can be expensive, but many airlines also have been forced to confront new issues that hadn't been a problem in the past. For example, in June American Airlines was forced to cancel hundreds of flights due to pandemic-related staffing shortages. Staffing shortages can lead to confusion and last-minute cancellations, which may increase the likelihood that travelers' luggage is lost or temporarily misplaced. By packing just a carry-on bag, travelers can ensure they have everything they need when they arrive at their destination.
· Check the weather forecast. Extreme weather has become the norm as the effects of climate change continue to become more apparent. Late November has not traditionally been a stormy season in many parts of North America, but it's still important that travelers stay abreast of the weather forecasts on and around Thanksgiving. Knowledge of the forecast may spur travelers who are driving to change their travel dates so they aren't caught in storms. Those who intend to fly may not have such flexibility, but it still pays to know the forecast. If a storm is coming, air travelers can give themselves extra time to get to the airport or even book rooms at airport hotels so they won't have to drive to the airport during a storm.
The 2021 Thanksgiving weekend figures to be both busy and unique.
Business Services
Business Acquisitions
Swiss Trust Company Acquisition & Great Opportunity with $20,000 Savings
Do to Special Circumstances we are able to offer you this opportunity.
This is time sensitive and for the right individual or company, this could be an outstanding opportunity aimed at business planning for 2021, 2022 and beyond with outstanding savings.
Here is a synopsis of the immediate opportunity:
2000 Swiss Trust Company:
* 21-years-old with full authority - turnkey
* Year Incorporated: 2000
* Place of Incorporation: Zug, Switzerland
* Corresponding Bank Relationship: Client’s Choice
* Acquisition Investment: USD $87,800 Now $67,800
* Excellent administration with a prestigious law firm located in Zurich
* Administration first year fees included in acquisition price
* Initial legal retainer also included
* Administration also has SRO license which is large benefit to meet AML & KYC
Please contact us at your earliest if you have an interest.
For Details: Call: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
or Email: contact@corb7.com