What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
May Comes in with a Bang - Business Psychology:
Yoga is Good Business - Cross-Border Business:
Captive Insurance - Business Etiquette:
Why Flowers for Mother's Day - Fitness & Health:
Bentonite Clay: Nature's Secret to Health and Beauty - Spirits & Cuisine:
The Perfect Mint Julep - Leisure:
What is Cinco de Mayo? - Travel:
All You Need to Know about 2023 Kentucky Derby! - Corb7 Funding Service:
Real Estate Development Funding - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Swiss Trust Companies & US Companies for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note
Entrepreneur & Author
May Comes in with a Bang!
Three events within two weeks.
Business news both on the international and domestic front is extremely intense. So as investors in the United States gear up for the Federal Reserve’s policy decision, and earnings from major companies, we thought it an excellent opportunity to lighten it up a little.
Cinco de Mayo, the Derby & Mother's Day!
Within the next two weeks, we will experience a triple-header as these three events take place: Cinco de Mayo, The Kentucky Derby and Mother's Day. Personally, the Kentucky Derby is always a favorite. We were lucky enough to go twice and it does not disappoint. We provide a complete synopsis of everything you need to know below in our Travel Section.
Cinco de Mayo has become a pseudo holiday in the United States and most are not sure why. In our Leisure Section we explain.
Mothers Day falls on different days in different countries depending on their history and their set traditions for celebrating mothers. In any case it is celebrated around the world as a way to honor the women who gave us life. in the United States, it will be celebrate on May 14th this year. In our Etiquette Section, Candace Smith explains why you should give flowers on this and any occasion.
Hope this is a great month for all of us.

International Business
Business Psychology

Yoga is Good Business
Great for improving your concentration & relaxation.
Are you ready for warrior pose? Have you engaged in downward dog today? You no doubt understand these questions if you have an even cursory knowledge of yoga.
Yoga is an ancient, ascetic Hindu discipline comprised of controlled breathing, body positions and meditation. The goal of yoga is to attain a deep state of tranquility and spiritual insight. While people may be quick to associate yoga with popular poses, it's the complete package of breathing and reflection that does wonderful things for the mind and body.
Johns Hopkins Medicine says yoga can benefit people of all ages. It can help the healthy, but also can be utilized to treat people recovering from illness or surgery or those living with a chronic condition. While the scientific research into yoga's health benefits is preliminary and not extensive, certain trends have emerged.
1. Improves flexibility: According to Yoga Journal, even the lowest intensity styles of yoga have been shown to increase flexibility. Yoga is especially helpful for adults ages 65 and older, helping to slow age-related loss of flexibility.
2. Brain boost: Gray matter in the brain can diminish as people get older. However, according to a study funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, there is no relationship between gray matter and age among yoga practitioners. In fact, yoga participants showed increased volume in certain brain regions commensurate with the number of years of yoga experience and practice,.
3. Back pain relief: Yoga poses can help alleviate pain in various regions of the body, notably the lower back. The American College of Physicians recommends yoga as a first-line treatment for chronic lower back pain.
4. Alleviate joint pain: Johns Hopkins Medicine says gentle yoga can alleviate some of the discomfort of arthritis, particularly tender, swollen joints.
5. Improved mental health: A recent meta-analysis of 23 interventions looking at yoga to alleviate depressive symptoms overwhelmingly indicated yoga can be an effective alternative treatment for major depressive disorder. MDD is thought to be one of the most common mental health disorders in the world.
6. Reduced inflammation: A study published in 2018 in Biological Research for Nursing determined yoga is a viable intervention to reduce inflammation across a multitude of chronic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, Crohn's disease, and cancer.
In addition to these health benefits, yoga can help tame stress, reduce pain, improve quality of sleep, and even boost immunity. Individuals are urged to start gradually in basic level yoga classes and slowly increase intensity as they grow more comfortable.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Captive Insurance
Singapore Conference.-------
Registration is open for the International Insurance Society (IIS) 2023 Global Insurance Forum November 5–7 at the Hilton Singapore Orchard in Singapore.
The theme of this year's IIS forum is "Accelerating the Value of Insurance," and the event will examine such themes as the rise of Asian economies, capital market innovations for insurers, the impact of artificial intelligence, and managing an uncertain future. This year's gathering will be the first time since 2019 that the IIS forum will take place in person.
Topics included in the agenda for this year's forum include "Insurance Transformation: Resetting the Agenda"; "Unlocking the Promise of Asia"; "Insurers' Strategies to Enhance Sustainability"; "Improving Health Outcomes with Digital Connectivity"; "Impact of Artificial Intelligence"; and "Cybersecurity and Insuring World Trade."
For more information about the 2023 IIS Global Insurance Forum:
Visit the IIS website.

International Business
Business Etiquette
Flowers for Mother's Day (or Any Occasion)
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
Mothers Day falls on different days in different countries depending on their history and their set traditions for celebrating mothers. In any case it is celebrated around the world as a way to honor the women who gave us life. in the United States, it will be celebrate on May 14th this year.
Since ancient times, the act of giving flowers has conveyed a special meaning. Whether used as a show of respect, appreciation, romantic love, friendship, or condolences, flowers provide a message for those who receive them in a language all their own.
Etiquette-ful Flowers
Etiquette encourages us to show kindness and consideration as often as possible. Flowers provide one method for doing this.
- Saying thank you. Flowers are a wonderful accompaniment to a thank-you note.
- Sending good thoughts. Sending flowers with a note of encouragement, get well wishes, condolences, wishing good luck, or just to let someone know you are thinking of them will be a bright moment in any day.
- Welcome. A new neighbor, roommate, office colleague, or someone who has moved away will appreciate a welcome floral arrangement to help them adjust to a new environment.
- A thoughtful gift. Bringing flowers to someone’s home when you’ve been invited for dinner, or as a gift for a special occasion is always appreciated.
Research studies reveal that around 89% of people feel special when receiving flowers. This high percentage is the very reason the floral business is consistently booming. And no wonder – flowers are and always have been a gift based on emotion.
Whether or not you have difficulty expressing your feelings, giving flowers to help relay the message you want to send is a good idea.
In Victorian times, types and colors of flowers were used to send very specific messages. From friendship to infidelity, there was a flower for every occasion. These days, that specificity is not so intact, though roses still tend to imply a more romantic interest, particularly red roses.
If the object of your affection is not a fan of roses, but you still want to convey a message of romance, an arrangement of red and pink blooms should do the trick.
If romance is not what you choose to communicate, send an arrangement that has a mix of colorful flowers, especially if roses are included.
Etiquette Guidelines for Giving Flowers
Though giving flowers is relatively easy whether you have them delivered or deliver them yourself, there are considerations to give thought to. You might use the following checklist before placing your order for an arrangement.
- Does the person have any allergies that might prevent them from enjoying your choice of flower?
- If you are having a floral arrangement delivered, did you include a note letting the receiver know who it is from? Sure, secret admirer gifts are fun, but they can backfire sometimes.
- Do you know the person’s preference on color or type of favorite flower? Instead of a bouquet of stems, would they prefer a potted plant instead?
- Will the type of arrangement you are sending relay the message intended? This is also where an enclosed card can be useful.
When sending flowers to someone for the first time, you can use the occasion to find out their preferences for future gift-giving. Just make sure you remember what their favorite flower is!
But most importantly, for any occasion or no occasion, you can almost never go wrong when giving flowers.

Fitness & Health

Bentonite Clay: Nature's Secret to Health & Beauty
by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
It never ceases to amaze that some of the best ways to address common health and beauty concerns can come from the simplest of nature’s ingredients. A perfect example of this is Bentonite Clay.
Bentonite clay is a naturally occurring compound that comes from volcanic ash and is also known as Montmorillonite. When used on the skin, it helps to detoxify the offending area and draws out impurities which helps speed up the healing process. Bentonite clay works so well that it can even be used to effectively draw out splinters from the skin.
Simply place a paste of the clay mixed with water over the splinter and put a bandage over it for approximately an hour. The splinter will be drawn to the surface by the clay and can then be removed painlessly. Anyone with kids will love this...because removing splinters from a child the regular way can be traumatizing (to the parent!).
Bentonite clay can also be used to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Sprinkling it on top of toothpaste, or using it on its own, will help draw out bacteria and helps heal inflammation of the gums.
When mixed with clove essential oil, it can help reduce painful swelling due to gingivitis and toothaches. This clay has also been used and suggested for tooth remineralization protocols.
Due to its ability to draw out impurities so well, bentonite clay is also often used for detox baths. Adding half a cup to your bathwater will help pull toxins from your skin leaving it soft and thoroughly cleansed.
Food grade bentonite clay can also be used as a colon cleanse and to treat digestive issues like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, gas, and bloating.
Whether you are looking to improve your skin, boost your immune system, or support your digestive health, bentonite clay is a safe and effective solution that can holistically help you achieve those goals. Worth adding to your self-care routine? Absolutely!

Spirits & Cuisine

The Perfect Mint Julep
Just in time for the Derby this weekend!-------
Mint Juleps are the official drink of the Kentucky Derby. Since the 149th Run for the Roses is Saturday we thought you might enjoy this video which provides a great recipe.


What is Cinco de Mayo?
The May 5th celebration is this Friday.-------
Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday celebrated by millions of people each year. Oddly enough, the majority of those people live in the United States instead of Mexico.
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Battle of Puebla, during which he Mexican Army overcame significant obstacles to defeat the French Army under the direction of General Ignacio Zaragoza. On May 5, 1862, an attacking French Army battled against Mexican forces that were roughly half the size of their opponents. Despite that decided disadvantage, the Mexican Army won the battle. Mexican forces would ultimately be defeated by the French a year later, but that same year witnessed the first celebrations of Cinco de Mayo in California, where Mexican miners celebrated the heroic efforts of their countrymen a year prior. Curiously, those 1863 celebrations would prove to be a harbinger of things to come, as Cinco de Mayo eventually became a more prominent holiday in the United States than it did in Mexico.
The only major celebrations of Cinco de Mayo in Mexico, where the day is a holiday but not considered a significant one (banks and government offices remain open), take place in Puebla, though the neighboring state of Veracruz also treats the day with a greater degree of significance than elsewhere in Mexico.
Historical reenactments of the battle and parades are part of celebrations in Puebla. Celebrations in the United States are considerable, as many people, including those with no ancestral ties to Mexico, look forward to May 5 as an opportunity to celebrate Mexican culture and food as well as the many traditions that make Mexico such a unique and special place. Cinco de Mayo celebrations in the United States bear some resemblance to the country's St. Patrick's Day celebrations. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, though many American St. Patrick's Day celebrants have no connection to Ireland or the Catholic Church. Rather, the day has become an opportunity for people from various backgrounds to celebrate Irish culture, much like Cinco de Mayo marks a chance to celebrate Mexican culture.

The Kentucky Derby
This Saturday marks the 149th run for the roses..-------
Few sporting events are shrouded in history and tradition as much as the Kentucky Derby. Billed as the "the fastest two minutes in sports," the Derby began in 1875 and is celebrated each year on the first Sunday in May.
Many horse racing fans make entire weekends out of the Derby, planning their celebrations months in advance of the race. Churchill Downs has a regular capacity of 165,000, including general admission tickets. A
For those who cannot travel to Churchill Downs and attend the race in person, viewing parties are available all over the globe.
The pageantry surrounding the Kentucky Derby is well documented, but the following are a few interesting tidbits about the famed "Run for the Roses®."
· The Kentucky Derby began when Meriwether Lewis Clark traveled to Europe and attended the Epsom Derby in England. Clark was inspired to create a similar horse racing event in America.
· 2023 marks the 149th running of the race.
· Each year, roughly 120,000 mint juleps are consumed at Churchill Downs. The mint julep is the traditional drink of the Derby, and it is made with Kentucky bourbon, simple syrup, mint, crushed ice, and powdered sugar. Please see our Cuisine Section for the perfect mint julep recipe.
· Secretariat is the fastest horse in Derby history, crossing the finish line in less than two minutes.
· There have been 19 winning horses in Kentucky Derby history whose names begin with the letter "S".
· On Derby Day, the infield at Churchill Downs typically hosts 80,000 celebrants.
· The Kentucky Derby race track is 1and 1/4 miles, which has been the standard since 1896. The first Derby races were slightly longer, at 1 and 1/2 miles.
· Male horses win the race more often than females. Of the 40 fillies to compete throughout Derby history, only three have won.
· Elegantly dressed women donning over-the-top hats usually grace Churchill Downs for the race. Many begin planning their styles and securing their hats weeks in advance.
· The best finish for a female jockey at the Derby was fifth place. Rosie Napravnik finished fifth while riding Mylute in 2013.
· "The Run for the Roses" refers to the red rose blanket that will be draped over the winner of the Derby.
The 2023 Kentucky Derby will air on this Saturday, May 6th with coverage from Churchill beginning at noon ET on NBC. Coverage is also available to stream live on NBCSports.com, the NBC Sports app and Peacock. Post time for the 2023 Kentucky Derby is set for approximately 6:57 p.m. ET. Riders-up will be approximately 6:30 ET.
Current odds list Forte is the 5-2 favorite in the 2023 Kentucky Derby odds, while Tapit Trice is 5-1 and Angel of Empire is 8-1. Last year, as you may recall Rich Strike won as a longshot at 80-1
Post positions for the 2023 Kentucky Derby were drawn on Monday afternoon, triggering the annual debate among bettors as to which horses drew well.
Here is the field:
1) Hit Show 2) Verifying 3) Two Phil's 4) Confidence Game 5) Tapit Trice 6) Kingsbarns 7) Reincarnate 8) Mage 9) Skinner 10) Practical Move 11) Disarm 12) Jace's Road 13) Sun Thunder 14) Sun Thunder 15) Forte 16) Raise Cain 17) Derma Sotogake 18) Rocket Can 19) Lord Miles 20) Continuar
Hope you can enjoy the Kentucky Derby this weekend!
Kentucky Derby 2023

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Cutting-edge ideas.-------
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Business Services
Business Acquisitions for Sale
Corb7 International
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