What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Memorial Day Facts - Business Psychology:
In Search of Sleep - Cross-Border Business:
A U.S. Endorsed Offshore Tax Shelter - Business Etiquette:
The Importance of Etiquette in a Civil Society - Fitness & Health:
Fulvic Acid Benefits for Optimal Health - Spirits & Cuisine:
The Perfect Grilled Hamburger - Leisure:
Memorial Day in the United States - Travel:
How to Beat the Crowds this Holiday - Corb7 Funding Service:
Real Estate Development Funding - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
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International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Memorial Day in the US
"Taking place every year on the last Monday in May."
Despite tracing its origins to the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, Memorial Day did not become an official federal holiday until 1971, more than a century after the war ended. We thought Memorial Day would a great time to learn more about the various branches of the U.S. military and their differences.
The U.S. Department of Defense notes that the Army is the largest and oldest service in the country's military. The Army provides the ground forces that protect the United States. Members of the Army are trained to defeat enemy ground forces and to seize and control enemy lands and resources. Army also are trained to control and interact with the general population in countries where members are stationed.
Marine Corps.
It might surprise some to learn that the Marine Corps. is a component of the Department of the Navy. That's one reason why maintains amphibious and ground units for contingency and combat operations. The Marine Corps. is divided into four groups: the operating forces that fight; the headquarters for leadership; the supporting establishment that provides logistical support; and the Marine Corps. Reserve.
The Navy protects America at sea. Despite its massive land mass, the United States is a maritime nation, which underscores how important a strong Navy is to the safety of the country and its residents. The Navy works alongside American allies and partners to keep the seas open and free.
Air Force
The Air Force has five core missions: air superiority; global strike; rapid global mobility; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and command and control. The Air Force defends the country and its residents in air, space and cyberspace and is capable of delivering forces anywhere in the world within hours.
Space Force
The existence of the Space Force may come as a surprise to many Americans. Organized under the Department of the Air Force and established in 2019, this branch of the military organizes, trains and equips space forces in order to protect the interest of America and its allies in space.
Coast Guard
During peacetime, the Coast Guard is part of the Department of Homeland Security. In times of war, it operates under the Navy. The Coast Guard provides law and maritime safety enforcement as well as environmental protection. In addition to promoting national security, border security and economic prosperity in the maritime environment, the Coast Guard saves those in peril on the sea.
National Guard
The National Guard is comprised of the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. The National Guard has a diverse array of responsibilities that range from supporting combat missions to responding during domestic emergencies to assisting in humanitarian efforts and more.
The U.S. military is made up various branches, each with its own unique missions and responsibilities. Memorial Day marks the perfect occasion to celebrate the many individuals who have served and continue to serve in the U.S. military.

International Business
Business Psychology

In Search of Sleep
Here are a few ideas.
Sleep is critical to our ability to perform.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, certain foods may help people fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly while others may compromise a person's ability to enjoy a restful night's sleep. In lieu of white bread, refined pastas and sugar-laden baked goods, all of which can reduce serotonin levels, the NSF recommends whole grains. The buildup of serotonin in the brain during periods of wakefulness can contribute to the onset of sleep later in the day. If serotonin levels in their brains are disturbed, then people may experience difficulty falling asleep. The NSF also recommends almonds and walnuts, which contain melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate the sleep/wake cycles. In addition, foods that are high in lean protein that contain the amino acid tryptophan also may increase the production of serotonin, potentially contributing to a restful night's sleep.
For More Ideas to Improve Your Sleep:

International Business
Cross-Border Business

A U.S. Endorsed Offshore Tax Shelter
What was a FISK?-------
One of the more interesting offshore entities was the FISK. This controversial structure was designed as a US endorsed tax shelter and well worth a look back.
As a matter of official policy, the United States welcomes foreign investment; very few restrictions are placed on such investment and usually only as a matter of national security. As a rule of thumb, the export of goods and the importing of currency are encouraged, while conversely, the importing of goods and exporting of currency are discouraged. “Foreign Sales Corporations” also known as “Fisks” or “FSCs” reflected that perspective.
FSCs were a tax incentive authorized under the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 and manifested in the Internal Revenue Code. Few were aware that they existed, but Foreign Sales Corporations remained recognized and endorsed by the U.S. Commerce Department. As of January 1, 1985, U.S. exporters of products, architectural services and engineering services could qualify for a substantial tax benefit. Congress created the program to give a tax break to companies that export or lease manufactured goods that are at least 50 percent made in America. To employ this program, a manufacturer had to establish an International Business Corporation in one of 35 approved offshore jurisdictions. The IBC or offshore corporation would be empowered to have a bank account and conduct annual meetings. Tax savings ensue with the culmination of an overseas sale, and the benefits could amount to tens of thousands of dollars per year.
The United States has a history of enacting legislation to provide export encouragement or industrial incentives. Tax deferrals or exemptions have been granted to corporations that meet established guidelines. In addition, there are numerous other incentives that have been put in place by the United States government to attract foreign investment. This is commonplace throughout the world. These “tax holidays” are believed to create new jobs within the country and increase exports.
The FISK business model which is now defunct was one in a series of measures designed to support U.S. exporters. It followed on from domestic international sales corporations (DISCS) and was replaced by the Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Act (ETI) in 2000. All of these were successively challenged in—and found to be non-compliant. After much fighting between the United States and the European Union, the issue was taken to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in1999. Eventually, the FISK business model faded away. Nonetheless, it provides an interesting look into the world of “endorsed” tax shelters and tax havens.

International Business
Business Etiquette
The Importance of Etiquette in a Civil Society
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
Statesmanship are the quality characteristics of personhood and leadership that many would like to see alive and well in today’s public world.
Judith Martin, aka Miss Manners, once asked, “Are there no revolutionaries who can get this right? What would it take to make people realize that a decent standard of behavior is worth fighting for; it requires an ongoing struggle and consent of the governed. “
Ms. Martin also reminds us that the Founding Fathers of our country lay the foundations of egalitarian etiquette. “Although the results are not widely known, many of the Founding Fathers wrote about etiquette. Their successors in the noble cause of using etiquette to express empathy, individual freedom, social mobility, and the dignity of labor, have included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Eleanor Roosevelt.”
Within the conversations in our society regarding how to lead people to better behavior at all levels of government, as well as in professional, social, and religious organizations, the word “etiquette” doesn't come to the fore often enough. It should, though.
Why Etiquette is so Important
Etiquette helps us govern our thoughts and actions. It helps us realize that we need to consider ways to defuse the language of our views, bringing them into the range of reasonableness and out of rudeness. It helps us temper our free speech. It serves as a mirror of other people’s feelings.
In short, etiquette helps us tap into empathy. The question that I use most often in my etiquette teachings is, “What is it like to be on the other side of me?” When we can place ourselves in a scenario to feel what another person may be feeling, our words and actions automatically become more respectful.
Respect is the hallmark of a civil society.
Marks of Kindness
When respect is turned into action, it becomes kindness. It exists at the heart of the most basic etiquette guidelines, which is what makes them timeless:
- Remembering polite acknowledgments, “Please,” “Thank you,” “How Kind,” “My pleasure.”
- Being punctual is realizing the importance of others’ time.
- Being sensitive to how others wish to be addressed.
- Greeting others with friendly eye contact and kind words.
- Responding when addressed.
- Reaching back in reply to communication – physical or digital.
- Exercising patience when waiting your turn.
- Holding doors for others, letting others go first.
- Friendly and honest hospitality, welcoming others into conversation.
- Full attendance in conversation.
It’s really up to each of us to be representatives of our own best behavior, as individuals participating in a free and civil society. As former President George Washington offers as his first “Rule of Civility”, “Every action done in company, ought to be with some sign of respect, to those that are present.” To take that point further, former President Theodore Roosevelt said, “Politeness is a sign of dignity, not subservience.”
The legacy of true statesmen, kind leaders, and respectful citizens is a community or society that works together for good. What legacy will you choose to leave our world?

Fitness & Health

Fulvic Acid Benefits for Optimal Health
Numerous anti-aging benefits.
Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
With so many wonderful supplements on the market for health and wellness, it’s easy to overlook one of the least common, but perhaps most impressive ones…Fulvic Acid. Fulvic Acid (FA) is considered a nutrition booster and is derived from organic compounds found in soil, rocks, and sediment. It's produced when plant matter decomposes releasing millions of beneficial bacteria.
Because it is an active chemical compound, when we take FA it allows us to better absorb nutrients like fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants. This in turn gives our bodies the ability to really take in what's important from our foods and supplements while at the same time slowing down the aging process due to the fact that it allows us to better use the antioxidants we consume.
Along with anti-aging properties and the ability to help us get the most bang out of our diets, FA has also been attributed to better brain and gut health. Studies have shown that FA has nutraceutical and antioxidant compounds that bolster cognitive health and protect against cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s. It also contains silica, trace minerals, electrolytes, probiotics, and prebiotics all of which help restore the gut microbiome and increase metabolic function allowing for better digestion and a strengthened immune system.
As if that weren't enough, FA has also been used for natural chelation therapy as it naturally binds and breaks down toxins and metals that accumulate in our bodies due to environmental, medical, and even food exposures. Once FA comes into contact with metals it helps them become more water soluble, enabling our bodies to better discard them. The natural occurring carboxylates and phenolates found in FA and other humic acids also help regulate the metals we are exposed to including iron and copper.
Also, because FA is such a rich source of electrolytes and antioxidants, it allows our bodies to naturally slow down the aging process as well as raise energy levels, ward off free radical damage, and reduce inflammation. Research has also shown that FA improves cellular and muscular function, and helps your cells absorb the amount of minerals they need while discarding what they don't by working as an ion transmitter. On a historical level, FA has been used to treat skin disorders ranging from eczema to bug bites, and fungal infections.
How can you take FA? Probably the easiest and most effectively absorbed method would be liquid drops. Be warned that the taste is unpleasant, but adding a dropperful to orange or pineapple juice as a quick health-shot makes it a lot more palatable. A quick bitter drink that just may keep you from swallowing some bitter pills in the future!

Spirits & Cuisine

The Perfect Grilled Hamburger
A few ideas for you BBQ.-------
For many in the United States, Memorial Day weekend signifies the unofficial beginning of summer. Outdoor grilling is an activity that is universally enjoyed through the summer. As such, we offer the video above which is from Gordon Ramsay and definitely one of our favorites on the subject making the perfect burger. As usual, he does not disappoint while grilling away in his Beverly Hills backyard.
Hamburgers are a staple at backyard barbecues. Though burgers are a relatively simple food, mastering the technique to grill burgers is no small feat, as there is more to great grilled burgers than simply firing up the grill and dropping down a patty.
· Choose fresh ground beef that has a decent percentage of fat. The fat-to-lean meat ratio should be around 20 percent fat to 80 percent meat. Spend a little more to get freshly ground meat that has not been previously frozen.
· Don't overwork the burgers with a lot of handling. This will warm up the fat in the burger, which causes it to emulsify and could make the meat rubbery.
· Reconsider adding a lot of herbs, spices or add-ins to the burgers, as such items can detract from the flavor of the meat. Extra herbs and spices also may require extra mixing, which can lead over handling.
· Push a dimple into the top of the burger, which will help prevent the burger from expanding upward and out while cooking and rounding out in the process. The dimple will keep the top of the burger flat, which facilitates easy topping.
· Make sure the grill is hot. Burgers do well with high heat and will cook relatively quickly.
· Resist the urge to push down on the patty with your spatula. This will cause the juices to spill out and may result in a dry, tough burger.
· Let burgers rest before serving. This lets the juices redistribute throughout and makes for a moist and tasty first bite
and enjoy!


Memorial Day in the United States
A holiday to remember.-------
Memorial Day has a rich history and one that's worth revisiting as the nation prepares to honor the sacrifices made by its military personnel over the centuries.
· Freed slaves played a role in the establishment of Memorial Day. The American Civil War is the deadliest military conflict in American history, as the Union and the Confederacy each suffered more than 800,000 casualties by the time the war ended in 1865. According to History.com, as the war drew to a close, hundreds of Union soldiers who were being held as prisoners of war died and were buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp in South Carolina. After the Confederate surrender, more than 1,000 now-freed slaves honored those recently deceased Union soldiers during a ceremony in which they sang hymns and distributed flowers. The ceremony was dedicated to the fallen soldiers and served as a precursor to what is now celebrated as Memorial Day.
· Confederate soldiers were honored, too. Confederate losses during the Civil War outnumbered Union losses, and those losses were not forgotten by southerners who survived the war. History.com notes that, in 1866, the Georgia-based Ladies Memorial Association, one of many similar organizations to arise in the aftermath of the war, pushed for a day to honor fallen Confederate soldiers. In fact, these efforts are believed to have influenced General John A. Logan. In 1868, General Logan, a Civil War veteran who was then serving as commander-in-chief of a group of Union veterans, ordered the decoration of Union graves with flowers on May 30. The day would ultimately be known as "Memorial Day."
· It took a long time for Memorial Day to become a federal holiday. Despite tracing its origins to the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, Memorial Day did not become an official federal holiday until 1971, more than a century after the war ended. This is the same year the holiday was officially designated as taking place on the last Monday in May. The designation has periodically drawn the ire of veterans and military supporters who suggest it is now more widely seen as the unofficial beginning to summer and not a day in which the sacrifices of fallen U.S. soldiers are honored to the extent that they should be.
· Debate exists about which town has the longest history of celebrating Memorial Day. A handful of towns claim to be the first celebrants of Memorial Day. That debate figures to continue in perpetuity, but History.com notes that Waterloo, New York, was officially recognized by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson as the birthplace of Memorial Day in 1966. Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and Rochester, Wisconsin are some other towns that claim to have celebrated Memorial Day since the mid-1860s.
Memorial Day has a rich history that highlights the importance of honoring the men and women who have given their lives while in service of the United States military.

How to Beat the Crowds this Holiday
Summer travel starts this weekend.-------
Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial beginning of summer in the United States, and this year the roads figure to be as busy as ever.
Data from AAA Travel indicated that more than 37 million people traveled 50 miles or more over Memorial Day weekend in 2022. That figure is likely to grow in 2023 as millions more individuals are ready to travel.
Travelers concerned about the prospect of sitting in traffic jams this Memorial Day weekend can heed these tips to ensure their weekends are more fun than frustrating.
· Avoid peak travel times. The easiest way to find yourself stuck in Memorial Day traffic is to hit the road during peak travel times. Many people have embraced the "leave early" trend to holiday weekend travel, so the roads may be busier than drivers would expect on Thursday afternoon and evening. If it's possible, drivers can hit the road prior to 3 p.m. Thursday. If work and kids' school schedules make that impossible, delay your departure until late Thursday night or before the sun rises on Friday morning. Late at night or very early in the morning might not make for the most accommodating travel time, but roads tend to be the least congested at these times.
· Expect the trip to take longer than planned. Delays are possible, if unlikely, even if you travel during off-peak hours. Recognition of that can make traffic jams or flight delays a little easier to manage. Parents can prepare kids for delays by letting them know in advance that some setbacks are possible. Build expected delays into your itinerary so you aren't stressing out about missing anything. If travelers luck out and experience no delays, then the weekend begins that much sooner.
· Do your part. If you're traveling by air, confirm everything you'll need to get through security and onto the plane as quickly as possible. Make sure passports and other forms of identification are current. Pack bags wisely so there are no surprises at check-in time. The more details you tend to in advance of your departure, the less stressful your travel day will be.
· Consider a local destination. Another way to beat the crowds is to avoid joining them. The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration estimates that roughly 40 percent of the American population lives in coastal communities. That means more than 120 million Americans can drive to coastal areas without having to traverse potentially congested highways and interstates. Stay local for busy travel weekends like Memorial Day and reserve longer trips for other times of the year when fewer people are on the road.
Memorial Day travel is historically heavy. Savvy vacationers can employ various strategies to avoid the crowds this year.

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