- Editor’s Note:
Good Business Reads during COVID-19 - Business Psychology:
Potential Medical Benefits of Meditation - Business Tools:
Vintage US Corporations – the Perfect Tool? - Executive Fitness:
Vitamin D and COVID-19! Could it Protect? - Spirits & Cuisine Delivered to Your Front Door:
Stemple Creek Ranch: Fifth Generation Owned and All Natural - Leisure:
Taking a Masterclass this Summer! - Corb7 International Services:
Business Listings for Sale & Free E-Book
International Business
Editor’s Note
Keeping a Positive Focus!
COVID-19 has changed our lives and no doubt this will be a time none of us ever forget. Entrepreneurship and international business is always intertwined with politics, personal motivation and government regulation but this is historic. Not to use a trite expression, but we will get through this and come out the other end. Nevertheless, on top of health challenges, economic strains, separation from loved ones, and the drone of negative news, it is a difficult time to remain focused on anything positive. We now live in a time when we don’t say “goodbye”, we now say”stay safe.” Therefore, we thought it a good time to review some all-time good reads for your consideration.
Now is the time to go beyond the “maybe someday dreams” and start making plans.
JFK: Elusive Hero
by Chris Matthews
It has not been a great year for the author, Mr. Chris Matthews but in any case this is still a good read. I’ve read a number of books on John F Kennedy over the years and this work ranks among the best – a very worthwhile addition to any library. Chris Matthews touches upon everything from the Cuban missile crisis – to the Berlin airlift – to JFK’s personal shortcomings. Chris Matthews has created a well-written and informative study of JFK’s life; a meaningful read no matter your personal political leanings during a presidential election year. It is also now available in paperback.
International Business
Business Psychology
Potential Medical Benefits of Meditation
Meditation has long been part of Eastern practices and recommended by alternative health practitioners. With the widespread adoption of yoga, breathing exercises and general mindfulness, meditation has become much more mainstream and something many traditional physicians now recommend to their patients.
According to the yoga equipment supply company Gaiam, meditation is an approach to training the mind that is similar to the way athletes train their bodies. Many meditation techniques exist, and the term meditation refers to an overall discipline rather than one specific activity. People who have been meditating for some time may be able to rest their brains for extended periods of time. Some may need to work up to it. Others practice focus-specific meditation, which makes them focus on a sensation or a particular object to tune out other distractions. Another option is open-monitoring meditation, which involves paying attention to all of one’s surroundings. Instead of reacting, you just notice things as they are.
The brand-building company Buffer says that meditation produces measurable changes in the brain. Modern technology like MRI scans show a decrease in beta waves during meditation. Those waves normally indicate that the brain is processing information. Meditation helps to slow or stop that processing.
Meditation has been long studied as a way to induce relaxation and help alleviate stress. In the 1970s, Herbert Benson, MD, a researcher at Harvard University Medical School, coined the term “relaxation response.” In Benson’s words, this is “an opposite, involuntary response that causes a reduction in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.” Meditation helps achieve that.
Meditation may produce many different health results. Some are immediate, and others are cumulative. Here are some changes a person may see:
· better focus while not meditating
· reduced anxiety
· lower blood pressure
· lower blood cortisol levels
· greater feelings of well-being
· reduced feelings of stress
· ability to cope better with challenging situations
· potential benefits on immune system function
Meditation is a skill someone learns with practice. It’s never too early or too late to learn how to meditate. Online courses and neighborhood studios can help people get on the road to wellness through meditation.
International Business
Business Tools
Vintage United States Corporations
Shelf corporations in the United States have many profound business purposes. They are frequently used for holding personal or business assets. Another common purpose for the creation of a shelf corporation is as a turn-key business package that can later be sold to someone who wants to start and operate a company without going through the effort to form a new one. Others might benefit who may not qualify for a bank loan, line of credit, or government contract because they or their existing company does not have the required credit scores or a two to five year established business history. By purchasing a shelf corporation, an entrepreneur now instantly owns an established company that has been “in business” for several years without debts or liabilities.
For Non-U.S. citizens, owning a shelf corporation in the United States may enhance privacy and open new markets. Since the United States is not a participant in the OECD Common Reporting Standards, it is often looked upon as a privacy haven for non-citizens looking to invest here. The Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”), was created by the OECD in 2014 pursuant to a meeting of the G-20 nations in Australia and calls for the automatic exchange of financial account information between agreeing jurisdictions. It should also be noted, however, that to open a bank account, Non-U.S. citizens will likely need to travel to the United States and meet with potential banks.
Therefore by owning a pre-established corporate entity, you are able to take advantage of the following benefits:
1- Instant availability & fast delivery
2- Show longevity of company filing
3- Immediately own a company with a filing history
4- Ready for immediate transfer as no stock is currently issued
5- May help when applying for contracts and financing
6- Privacy & Asset protection for Non-US Citizens
* Supporting Articles:
United States Not Participant in CRS
Executive Fitness
Vitamin D and COVID-19! Possible Prevention?
Recently, Joe Rogan during his podcast, which has a huge following, made national news when he suggested that he would leave California for Texas if they did not lessen restrictions in a logical and timely fashion. Last week, he also interviewed Dr. Rhonda Patrick FoundmyFitness.com who suggested that vitamin D might hold the answer to COVID-19 prevention. We found it intriguing and thus a video clip has been provided above.
Spirits & Cuisine Delivered to Your Front Door!

Stemple Creek Ranch
Family owned (5th generation) and operated, this Northern California ranch offers 100% grass fed beef, lamb or pork for direct purchase.
Stemple Creek Ranch
Tomales, Ca. 80022
Phone: 1-415-883-8253
The Masterclass and Business is Booming!
Whether or not the global economy opens back up soon, we will still be spending a lot of time at home this summer. Many are taking the opportunity to acquire or sharpen skills and Masterclass is a learning platform that is filling that void.
Personally, I have taken the cooking class taught by Gordon Ramsay but there are numerous classes on an array of subjects. You have the option of a one-time charge or an unlimited access fee. If you are looking to be product this summer while spending most of it at home it might be an option for your consideration.
Business Services
Business Acquisitions

* 35 Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1985
Price $54,800
Interested Parties Call: +1-310-415-3545
* 92 Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1928
Price $165,000
Interested Parties Call: +1-310-415-3545
* 46 Year-Old Swiss Trust Company
Established 1974
Place of Incorporation Zurich, Switzerland
Interested Parties Call for Details & Price: +1-310-415-3545
For Details on these listings, Explore Additional Opportunities or Complimentary Consultation:
Call: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Free E-Book

Asset Protection & Profit!
* Free E- Book: “The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership”
Click Here for Your Free Copy