What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Inflation Proof Investment - Business Psychology:
Connection Between Appearance & Self-Esteem - Cross-Border Business:
Aruba - Offshore Perspective:
The Templeton Effect - Business Etiquette:
Choosing What to Wear for Any Occasion - Executive Fitness:
H.I.I.T. Workouts Explained - Spirits & Cuisine:
Best Potato Chip Ever! - Leisure:
Great Summer Hobby Ideas - Lifestyle & Travel:
How to be Safe on a Summer Motorcycle Trip - Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Companies Immediately Available

International Business
Editor's Note

Inflation Proof Investment!
Want a conservative investment that will keep pace with inflation?
How about an investment that is exempt from State and local taxes if you are a US citizen?
Then the Series I Savings Bond issued from the US government might be of interest to you. No, it is not like the old Series EE Savings Bonds that some nice adult might have gifted you when you were a child. This is a bond that the interest rate adjusts along with inflation. With a maturity period of 30 years, it cannot be cashed in within the first 12 months of purchase, but if you hold the bond for five years or more there is no penalty. Throw in the State and local tax exemption which should be of particular interest to high-tax states like California, and you may have a winner.
Here is an excellent video for more detail:

International Business
Business Psychology

Appearance & Self-Esteem
Mental health experts say that a person's thoughts about their appearance can affect how that person feels about their entire self and therefore the level of success achieved.
Body image is defined as how people feel about the way they look. The Office on Women's Health says a healthy body image makes a person feels comfortable in his or her body, while a negative body image can put a person at higher risk of depression and eating disorders. Mental health experts say that a person's thoughts about his or her appearance can affect how that person feels about himself or herself, which can affect self-esteem. A positive body image can result in high levels of self-esteem, fostering confidence and inspiring an individual to prioritize self-care. Conversely, a negative body image can result in lower self-esteem. Harsh criticism of oneself may lead to antisocial behavior or even disregard for one's personal health. Fostering a positive body image and increasing self-esteem can involve a few strategies. Inner-Body Research, a home health company, offers these tips:
· Avoid comparisons to social media and magazine images.
· Focus on the positive aspects of yourself, but learn to love every part of your body.
· Maintain a healthy routine, promoting physical and mental well-being.
· Set realistic expectations.
· Participate in activities you enjoy and surround yourself with supportive people.
If necessary, working with a therapist also can help improve body image and self-esteem.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Aruba is one of the four countries that form the Kingdom of the Netherlands, along with the Netherlands, Curacao and Sint Maarten. The citizens of these countries are all Dutch nationals.
Location: Southern Caribbean Sea, 19 miles from Venezuela mainland.
Capital City: Oranjstad
Population: 116,576 (2019)
Language Spoken: Dutch, Papiamento, English and Spanish are also spoken.
International Time: EST + 1 hour
Airline Service: American, Delta, United, JetBlue, Southwest, Spirit, KLM, TUI Netherlands, Avianca, Wingo, Copa Airlines
Currency: Arubin Florin Af 1.8 = US$1
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Economy: The country has a small open economy dominated by the service sector. Tourism, financial, hospitality, business, and petroleum are among the major service industries. The services sector contributes over 60% to Aruba's economy.
Tax Treaty with United States: Yes
Additional Notes: Aruba’s robust economy has kept unemployment low but often a workforce shortage problem necessitates the importation of foreign workers.
The Aruba Effect

International Business
Offshore Perspective
The Templeton Effect!
Almost any initial discussion of offshore business and structuring starts with the question – is it legal?The answer is always the same – yes.
Every country in the world needs to compete for Direct Foreign Investment and impeding international commerce invariably has dire consequences that even the most ardent bureaucrat can understand. Often, the follow-up query will be more specific if the individual is contemplating establishing an offshore corporate structure. The question is usually something along the lines of; well, if I establish a offshore licensed financial entity can I solicit for business domestically?
Again, the answer is always the same – no.
One of the best examples of how to mirror an onshore strategy with an offshore and thus legally have a presence in both marketplaces is the Templeton Group. The founder, John Templeton was an investor and mutual fund pioneer who became a billionaire by promoting global diversification through his funds. .For more information click here. To this day, the Franklin Templeton Group frequently mirrors an onshore fund strategy (within the US) with an offshore fund often established in the Bahamas which offers more lenient regulatory environment.

International Business
Business Etiquette

Choosing What to Wear for Any Occasion
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
Have you ever wished for a check-off sheet for choosing what to wear on any given day? Many of us have become used to “top-dressing,” that is, looking professional or stylish from the waist up as we attend video conferences from home.
But with the launch back into the physical world where a complete outfit is more appropriate, choosing clothing items that fit various situations feels like a whole new challenge.
Sizing Up the Occasion
When you receive an invitation to a gathering, or you are visiting a client and know what the expected dress code is, deciding what to wear is no big deal. You’ve probably seen these people many times and know what you’ll wear before the event is posted on your calendar.
But if there is no specific dress code, and you’re entering unfamiliar territory, it’s best to research as much as you can and answer the following questions:
- What is expected and fitting at this event?
- Will my choice “blend” with others?
- Is what I am wearing tasteful for this affair? (A short, sassy skirt is great for a party, but not for a wedding. A bright, stand-out jacket should be sidelined for a solemn event.)
- Will I feel comfortable?
The information you gain from your research process may not always yield the perfect outfit, but it will at least land you on the middle ground.
Choosing What to Wear
One suggestion for always having the right outfit for any occasion is to find one dress or one suit that you can adjust for casual to dressy depending on how you accessorize it. For example, a dress made of a light material with which you can wear sandals or heels, add a jacket for a more professional look, festive jewelry, or a scarf for a night out, or minimal accessories for a first date.
Choose a suit that can be worn with or without a jacket and with or without a tie. You can also adjust the level of casual to dressy with your choice of shoes.
Having one piece that you can wear for most occasions keeps your wardrobe simple and will help a great deal when the inevitable “what should I wear?” question arises.
The Importance of Caring About Your Appearance
Making an effort with your appearance is applicable whether you are going out for a quick coffee or attending a formal gala. The outfit may vary, but the care and attention you give it should not.
How you dress expresses much about who you are, even when you might tend to default to “it shouldn’t matter.” Even the most casual outfit enhances your look when it is clean, unwrinkled, has all the necessary buttons and clasps, and fits you well.
People form impressions that you have no control over within the first few seconds of seeing you from any angle. Whether you are attending a gathering to look for a date, a mate, or a job, it is important that you be aware of the impression others may form about you from the way you are dressed.
Having a signature outfit or outfits that will carry you through various occasions makes deciding what to wear so much easier. And it saves you a lot of stress as well.
Wearing something appropriate for the occasion demonstrates that you are sensitive to the need for common courtesy and your respect for the occasion, the organizers and the people who attend.

Executive Fitness

H.I.I.T. Workouts Explained
Insufficient time to exercise often is the biggest obstacle for individuals looking to get in shape. There is no denying that life is busy, but it's not impossible to find time to exercise, particularly when people engage in high intensity interval training, or H.I.I.T.
H.I.I.T. incorporates effective movements in a 30-minute exercise routine. The American College of Sports Medicine says that H.I.I.T. has commanded a top spot on popular fitness trends lists since 2014. H.I.I.T. combines resistance training with aerobic exercises to produce a complete workout.
How does H.I.I.T. work?
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says H.I.I.T. is a rigorous workout of interval training. It features several rounds that alternate between high-intensity movements followed by shorter periods of lower-intensity exercises. This format enables the workout to increase the heart rate to at least 80 percent of a person's maximum. H.I.I.T. programs are based on interval training first introduced in the 1950s to improve performance of elite Olympic athletes.
Examples of H.I.I.T. workouts
A person can use H.I.I.T. with any type of cardiovascular workout, whether stair climbing, rowing, running, or jumping rope. Higher intensity portions include working harder than one is used to for spurts of 30 seconds to three minutes, according to WebMD. The times of "rest" aren't completely rest, just lower intensity. The progress of the workout alternates accordingly. Most people quickly increase their heart rates and work up a sweat, which helps them lose weight and boost metabolism. The post-workout bonus includes burning calories for roughly two hours following an H.I.I.T. regimen.
Different types of H.I.I.T.
There are two different types of H.I.I.T. Regular H.I.I.T. is recommended for the general public or average gym user. There also is a more intense version, called S.I.T, which stands for Sprint Interval Training. S.I.T is especially intense, so it should only be performed by people who are already well-conditioned, according to Nuffield Health.
Who can benefit from H.I.I.T.?
Just about anyone medically cleared can utilize H.I.I.T. Since it is vigorous aerobic exercise, individuals must assess their physical condition and health before beginning. The main reason to use H.I.I.T. is to enjoy a time-efficient workout and vary the pace to stay engaged. H.I.I.T. can be done at home or at the gym. In fact, many gyms have specialized H.I.I.T. classes in their group class offerings.
H.I.I.T. has become a popular way to get in shape by packing high-intensity movements into a short period of time.

Spirits & Cuisine

Best Potato Chip Ever!
From St. Louis, Missouri The Billy Goat Chip Company may produce the best chips you’ll ever taste! We certainly have become fans of their product. If you share our weakness for potato chips, then this is the product for you. Great website and easy to order online too...
The Billy Goat Chip Company
3136 Watson Road
Saint Louis MO 63139
United States
Phone: 1-314-353-4628
Their Story
To Order Click Here


Great Summer Hobby Ideas!
The relaxing nature of summer makes it the perfect season to revisit old hobbies or pick up new ones. Hobbies can run the gamut from the complex to the simple, but when choosing a habit to pick up this summer, individuals may want to look to these somewhat relaxing endeavors that are tailor-made for warm days and nights.
· Reading: Individuals who have long wanted to read more should know that they're not alone. A 2019 survey commissioned by the reading subscription service Scribd and conducted by The Harris Poll found that 35 percent of respondents wished they could read more. Finding time to read more may be difficult during spring, summer and fall, when parents must contend with their own hectic schedules as well as their children's. Even individuals without children or empty nesters may find it difficult to carve out time to read in a typical day. But people who aspire to read more can take a book to the beach or out on the deck on a warm afternoon or evening. Leave the smartphone inside so you can relax and read distraction-free.
· Gardening: Gardening is another hobby that coordinates well with a summertime vibe. Gardening gets people outdoors, giving them a chance to soak up some summer sun and engage in an activity that's rewarding but not too physically demanding. One of the biggest attractions of gardening is that it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. That makes it an ideal hobby for busy families to enjoy together when their schedules slow down in the summer. It's also a great way for adults to spend quality time with aging parents.
· Photography: Summer seascapes and landscapes are awe-inspiring, making this an ideal time of year to take up photography. Novices can begin by utilizing their smartphone cameras to take snapshots of local landscapes. Once the skill of pointing and clicking has been honed, amateur photogs can graduate to more expensive and precise cameras.
· Sailing/boating: Though it might involve a little more physical activity than reading, sailing and/or boating is an ideal summertime activity. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that nearly 40 percent of the United States population lives in a coastal area, making boating and sailing an accessible hobby for a significant percentage of Americans. Even those who live far away from the ocean undoubtedly live close to a river or lake. What better way to enjoy warm summer afternoons than on a boat?
The best summertime hobbies are often those that help people take the relaxing nature of summer to the next level.

Lifestyle & Travel

How to Be Safe on a Motorcycle Trip
Many people are drawn to motorcycles because of the intensity and excitement riding provides. Motorcycles are fun and routinely draw attention from other motorists.
What motorcycles add in terms of speed and excitement, they may lose in safety, especially when compared to cars and trucks. The National Transportation Safety Board says motorcycle riders and their passengers have the highest risk of fatal injury among all motor vehicle users. Per mile traveled, motorcyclist fatalities occur nearly 28 times as often as passenger vehicle occupant fatalities in traffic crashes.
Thankfully, the risks associated with riding motorcycles can be reduced with some simple safety precautions.
Motorcycle riders can improve the barrier between themselves and the road with the proper gear. Quality leather jackets and pants, helmets, gloves, and nonskid boots can protect the body from severe injuries.
Improve visibility
Reflective tape added to clothing can help motorcyclists become more visible to other drivers; otherwise, wear bright clothing colors. Also, riding with others as a group increases visibility.
Familiarize yourself with the bike
Motorcycle riders are not advised to take an unfamiliar bike into busy traffic. If the bike has never been ridden before, become familiar with its handling and responsiveness in a controlled area that isn't full of traffic before taking it on the open road.
Stay out of blind spots
Consumer Reports says roughly two-thirds of all motorcycle accidents are caused by a car driver violating a motorcycle rider's right of way. Motorcycle riders should never assume a driver sees them. Staying out of blind spots and steering clear of turning vehicles can help.
Adjust for weather
Riding in the rain or in other difficult conditions is more risky since the roads are slippery. Slow down or keep the bike at home in inclement weather.
Remove distractions
Stow cell phones away so your attention is not drawn away from the road.
Remain sober and alert
Don't ride while under the influence of alcohol or drugs (including over-the-counter if they cause drowsiness). Also, do not drive while drowsy, as it is just as dangerous as driving while intoxicated.
Be aware of obstacles
Motorcyclists need to be very careful about road obstacles, more so than other drivers. This includes uneven road surfaces, fallen branches, oil slicks, and/or wet spots. ConsumerSafety.org says a motorcycle has less contact with the road than a car, making it more likely to skid out of control or throw a rider from the bike.
Motorcycle riders need to be more cautious on the road because they are at increased risk for injury. Keep the rubber side down and enjoy any trips you might take this summer!
Click Here to Rent a Bike

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