What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Fake News Hurts Business - Business Psychology:
How to Mentally Approach Retirement - Cross-Border Business:
Why Own a Captive Insurance Company? - Business Etiquette:
The Challenges of Working from Home - Fitness & Health:
Cheers to Horsetail Tee - Spirits & Cuisine:
Know Your Sake - Leisure:
Human Foods Your Pets Need to Avoid - Travel:
How to Learn a New Language - Corb7 Funding Service:
Real Estate Development Funding - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Free E-Book

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Fake News Hurts Business
"We almost occupy different realities because we have a splintered media"
- Former President Barack Obama 5/16/23
Special Council Durham's report released this week is clearly critical of FBI (others) while media outlets report it completely differently.
Turn on any news broadcast and it seems like all you will hear are cries of fake news or a daily pronouncement that the world is coming to an end. We have become a society of extremes, and the once cherished middle ground has been obliterated. Recently, I heard the perfect description used by a television pundit when he termed the current circus we are watching as an “apocalyptic hamster wheel.” It certainly does not seem far-fetched to believe business is likely to be hurt if we do not get some return to civil order.
Tribal Civil War
Not so long ago in the United States, virtually every city had two major newspapers, several local television stations (plus radio stations) for current event reports and the three major networks (ABC, CBS and NBC) which people relied on for their national and international news. Then in 1980, the 24-hour news network CNN broke ground and established itself as a force. For approximately 20 years, it seemed like everyone somewhat respectfully coexisted. With the advent of the Internet and the eventual development of social media, however, all hell has broken loose. Gone is the illusion of objectivity and news is now commoditized, often existing as little more than cheerleaders and propaganda machines. Essentially, the media – to remain competitive - has sold its objectivity to become foot soldiers for whatever side they advocate. There is no such thing anymore as a neutral broadcasting.
Thus, the social media phenomena changed news, politics and business forever and not for the better. The consumer, of course, is more informed than ever before but are we receiving quality information or just junk food for the mind? Perhaps even more ominous, social media has been weaponized and ridicules behavior from fringe characters has become common. We have become desensitized to this element, and a social media mob mentality now exists, which overreacts with outrage at the slightest incident. This newfound power to establish “crowds” can bring out base and childish behaviors. To be so easily offended is to tip your hand as being simple and narrow minded, nevertheless, it can also be dangerous for all of us. To use an American baseball term, we are left with no one calling balls and strikes – everyone is simply rooting for their team.
Politics and the media have a tremendous effect on business and an objective media would be an extremely stabilizing force for all us. It would hold politicians accountable. For example, the current push towards socialism – a system that has virtually never worked but appeals to the good nature of man – is especially troubling and not being thoroughly examined. Again, not so long ago the policies being proposed would have been appalling to most everyone. The Genie, nevertheless, is out of the proverbial bottle and where this will end is anyone’s guess. One thing is for sure; however, both business and wealth are very portable. If pandering politicians start hiking punitive tax to extreme levels, you will see both quickly exit for more favorable ground leaving little left behind. Perhaps then the level heads will return to having a dominant influence.

International Business
Business Psychology

How to Mentally Approach Retirement
Stay active.
If asked to describe how they envision retirement, many professionals might reference travel, time spent with grandchildren and various recreational pursuits. Few, if any, would mention cognitive decline. However, cognitive decline poses a significant threat to aging men and women, especially during retirement.
Researchers have long since recognized that certain cognitive abilities begin to decline with advanced age, even among elderly individuals who are healthy. However, despite that decline, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that dementias like Alzheimer's disease are not an inevitable part of aging. In fact, the CDC estimates that as many as 40 percent of dementia cases may be prevented or delayed. In addition, the CDC reports that it's not uncommon for routine memory, skills and knowledge to stabilize or even improve as the brain ages.
That's good news for retirees who want to spend their post-work life pursuing their passions and hobbies. Individuals also can embrace some strategies to stay mentally sharp in retirement.
· Consider delaying retirement. Even if early retirement is a dream, it might be better to work a little longer than you had planned. A 2021 study published in the journal SSM - Population Health found that postponed retirement is beneficial to cognitive function for all genders, races/ethnicities, educational levels, and professional status. The study reported that individuals who waited until age 67 to retire experienced less cognitive decline than those who retired prior to turning 67.
· Make exercise part of your retirement routine. A lack of structure may seem enticing to individuals who have spent decades working. However, many retirees find that little structure loses it appeal quickly after calling it quits. When creating a new routine in retirement, include regular exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic, studies indicate that people who are physically active are less likely to experience a decline in their mental function. So daily exercise not only gives retirees something to do, but also benefits their brains.
· Enroll in an adult education course. A 2014 study published in the journal JAMA Neurology examined the association between lifetime intellectual enrichment and cognitive decline in the older population. The study's authors found that higher levels of late-life cognitive activity were associated with higher levels of cognition. The study's authors concluded that lifetime intellectual enrichment might delay the onset of cognitive impairment. Retirees can look into adult learning programs at local colleges and universities to see if anything piques their interest.
Retirement can be everything professionals hope it will be, especially for those who make a concerted effort to maintain optimal cognitive function after they call it a career.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Why Own A Captive Insurance Company? Lower costs & gain more control.
A captive is defined as an insurance company established in an offshore jurisdiction, created and controlled by either a parent company or professional association through which their own risk is insured. Those insured risks are frequently re-insured through a large multinational carrier.
The cost of insurance represents a considerable expense for most businesses. In recent years, premiums have skyrocketed leading many professionals to explore creative cost reduction strategies. One imaginative – yet proven – strategy is the use of wholly-owned subsidiaries to meet insurance needs which can control or even cut expenditures. Captives can be established to self-insure part or all of property loss, product liability, work compensation, malpractice and virtually any other coverage. Consequently, the driving force behind the move to offshore captive insurance extends virtually across all industries including, but not limited to: medical malpractice, workers compensation, manufacturing, financial, energy-related, and real estate developers, just to name a few. Over 350 of the Fortune 500 companies in the United States have insurance captives. As a result, Captive Insurance Companies have become a growing and significant sector of the global insurance industry.
1. Instances when insurance cannot be purchased from commercial insurance companies for a business risk. In many instances companies within an industry form a joint captive insurance company for that reason.
2. In very specific cases, premiums paid to a captive insurance company may be deductible as a business expense for tax purposes according to the Internal Revenue Service. It is important to note that the IRS has established very strict guidelines to qualify for tax benefits and the use of a professional is critical. The rule of thumb is that the insurance company will need to be adequately capitalized and offer sufficient third party (non-related) insurance to qualify.
3. Insurance can be obtained through the international reinsurance market at a more favorable premium with higher limits of coverage.
4. Investment returns can be obtained directly on its invested capital.

International Business
Business Etiquette
The Challenges of Working from Home
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
When you work from home, finding balance can feel nearly impossible. Especially when we hear a lot about the importance of work/life balance and the challenges of achieving it.
Unless you live alone, you probably experience many interruptions during your work time. Or perhaps you find yourself multi-tasking - juggling work tasks, household tasks, and responding to the questions, requests, and conversations of the people you live with.
Finding any semblance of balance in a work-from-home environment requires courtesy, respect for space and priorities, and a willingness to compromise when needed.
As more and more people telecommute or do freelance work from home, the biggest concern is interruption. My husband recently shared with me that when he works from home, he feels a need to advocate for quiet work time. Apparently, not being accustomed to having him home during the day, I unknowingly interrupt him with my cheerful chattiness.
This is common when family members or roommates keep different schedules. The person not working at the moment may disrupt the work of the other by playing music or the television loudly, blurting out a question, or entertaining visitors.
Interruptions are bound to happen, but the only way to keep them at a minimum is to establish boundaries and ask that they be respected.
Household Etiquette
One or more household members working from home means that courtesy and compromise must be employed there. The bottom line is: good etiquette will go a long way!
Some household or home office boundaries to establish may be:
- What spaces are shared? Does a schedule need to be worked out?
- What’s not shared? Do you each have separate office spaces?
- When is it okay to interrupt the other person? When is it okay to walk into the other’s workspace unannounced?
- Is there an understanding of how household responsibilities are shared during working hours?
- When one of you is “off duty” work-wise, is there agreement on when “home time” is?
- Do you have a user-friendly way of sharing schedule information, one that minimizes the need for "I'm working" reminders?
- Could you build time in your schedule to check up on how things are going for the other person? A common "lunch hour"?
- If annoyance arises, do you have an agreement to avoid negative or interruptive language?
Using the magic words of “Please,” “Thank you,” “Good luck” “Thumbs up!” “You’re welcome, anytime!” are the validating and encouraging words we sometimes need to hear the most. While these words are always etiquette-ful, they can be even more meaningful when you work from home and can't be present with others who are also there.
"Work from Home" Still Means "Work"
“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence intelligent planning and focused effort. – Paul J. Meyer
When you're at home, the doorbell rings, the dog needs to be walked, children need to be fed, the sink is leaking, the volume of the television is quite loud, and yet you are supposed to be working - and productive.
Each of these distraction factors drive home the need for household courtesy. Agreements must be made and understood among everyone who lives in your home - even the dog. Communicating your needs and offering compromises are the best ways to maintain peace in your combined work-home lifestyle.
Frustrations are bound to occur. Understanding priorities and the importance that each person places on the workloads at hand is vital for minimizing tensions.
It is possible to be productive in your work, while sharing your home with others. Asking for respect for your job and the time you give to it, while showing respect for those with whom you live, will bring value to your shared worlds of life and work.

Fitness & Health

Cheers to Horsetail Tee
The benefits are many.
Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
It’s pretty common knowledge that Mother Nature provides us with many wonderful herbs and plants that can help support our bodies in a variety of ways. What can be daunting is figuring out what works for what and why. In today’s post we’ll be discussing one small herb, which when made into tea, can help you achieve healthier hair, nails, skin, and give your overall wellness a serious boost.
Horsetail (equisetum arvense) is a plant that was used for medicinal purposes by the Ancient Romans and Greeks, so it comes with a pretty decent track record. It was used by them mainly for kidney, bladder, and lung health. In China it's been used for centuries to treat inflammation, and fevers, while in Ayurvedic medicine, horsetail is used to nourish brain cells and tissue.
The common denominator amongst these cultures' uses of horsetail has been that hair, skin, and nails benefitted from consistent use. The reason for this? Horsetail contains high amounts of bio available silica which is a compound studied and proven to strengthen hair and nails as well as promotes healthy circulation. It also contains selenium and cysteine which are also known to promote hair follicle health.
As if that weren’t good enough, horsetail also contains chromium, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, Vitamins A,B,C, E, tannins, flavonoids, and phytosterols. A veritable cup of health...and with some raw honey...delicious too!
So what does this cornucopiaof minerals and goodness mean for me...and you? Yes, the hair and the nails will look better, but there’s also the benefit of stronger bones, accelerated tissue repair, regeneration of connective tissue and collagen fibers, urinary tract health, kidney support, respiratory health promotion, strengthening of blood vessels, optimal circulation and digestive health, and so much more.
Amazing that one little herb, one little cup of tea, can bring so much health! Oh, and if you use the tea bags topically, it helps soothe irritated skin and can reduce swollen eyelids and styes.
It is important to add,that horsetail tea is contraindicated for women and young children because it does contain small traces of nicotine. In no way is this like smoking a cigarette, and it is not harmful or addicting, but not enough research has been done on expecting mothers or young kids, and, as with anything, ask your health care practitioner if this or any other holistic remedy might be contraindicated with any medications you may currently be taking.
So, if you are in the market for stronger hair and nails, or a cup of tea that is full of health promoting compounds, then horsetail might just need to end up on your grocery list. Happy sipping!

Spirits & Cuisine

Know Your Sake!
Ancient Philosophers recognized benefits.-------
WAS-OBB-EE. WAS-OBB-EE! Do you remember the 1999
Budweiser commercial when they played with the word (correctly spelled) wasabi? Click here if you don’t Budweiser-Wasabi
Of course, recently, Budweiser created a self-inflicted wound, with its woke Bud Lite commercial. Approximately five weeks after the debacle, sales are still down 17% from same time last year. The stock, perhaps surprisingly, (BUD on NYSE) has rebounded back up to $60 per share off the 52-week high of $67.09 but certainly not near its low of $44.51.
In any case, beer commercials in the United States are part of American sporting culture. And nothing like a beer commercial to give mass exposure to that "green stuff' the Japanese use as a spice. If you are not familiar with Wasabi, it is an olive colored seasoning and should be approached with caution. It is hot! Chances are, however, that you are familiar since eating sushi is no longer considered one of those "things" for crazy Californians. And nothing accompanies sushi better than sake.
Sake is defined in Webster's dictionary as "a Japanese alcoholic beverage of fermented rice usually served hot." Well, that might work as a partial definition, and certainly represents the American understanding, but it is thought to be much more. Important fermentation distinctions would cause purists to debate the association with wine. In addition, since rice is used as a raw material and the result is a negligible sugar content, many consider it a drink option for diabetics. Actually, the word sake itself is generic term defined by law as any beverage containing at least one percent alcohol. In 1973, the Central Brewers' Association attempted to further define sake and started to use the designation of Nihonshu which means Japanese sake. The term seishu, loosely meaning refined sake, has also been used. In most circles today, it is universally accepted just to say sake. By the way, the word sake is pronounced sock - KAY, not sock-key.
Sake has been known throughout the ages. Originally, sake was most likely used to celebrate rice harvests. Over the centuries, various political and processing influences have resulted in many changes. Today's sake probably tastes little like the product of the past. Contemporary sushi restaurants will usually have a house brand, which is served hot and unless you have more refined tastes. Trying a chilled brand is a little more adventuresome and can be a nice change in the summer months. If, however, you do have a sophisticated palette, consider what was recommended by a fine sushi restaurant that we discovered years ago in, of all places, Las Vegas at the Luxor Hotel. Hamada of Japan, recommends two premium sakes: Kurosawa Kimoto (Very Dry) for around $36 a bottle, Kurosawa Dai-ginjo (Very Dry) for approximately $136 a bottle.
In closing, consider for a moment the following affirmation. It is believed that ancient philosophers found the camaraderie developed through conversation while drinking alcohol, especially sake, to be a good thing. I didn't realize that my Irish lineage and Asian culture had so much in common


Human Foods Your Pets Need to Avoid
Be careful with those treats.
There is nothing like the unconditional love from a pet. Well-meaning pet owners may pamper their pets, and many believe giving treats of human food is the ultimate indulgence for their animals. However, these individuals may be unwittingly exposing their beloved pets to health problems by feeding them the wrong foods.
The Humane Society of the United States warns that even foods that are considered good for people can be very dangerous for pets. This may even include common fruits and vegetables. Each Year, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center receives more than 167,000 calls related to pet exposure to toxic substances. The top three reasons for pet poisoning included consumption of prescription and over-the-counter drugs (45,616 calls); ingestion of insecticides (29,020 calls); and eating human food (17,453 calls). Many people are unaware that certain foods present a hazard to their pets' health.
Although any food not specifically designed for cats and dogs can affect the digestive system, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea or intestinal distress, the following foods are particularly problematic for companion animals.
· Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages can cause liver and brain damage because it has the same effects on pets as it does on people - it just takes far less alcohol to negatively affect pets than it does humans. Just a little alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system depression, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma, and even death.
· Chocolate: The toxic component of chocolate is theobromine. It's present in all types of chocolate, but more so in dark varieties and baking chocolate. At its worst, chocolate can cause an abnormal heart rhythm, seizures and death.
· Dairy products: Cats pictured lapping up bowls of milk is a misrepresentation of what they should be consuming. Many cats and even some dogs are lactose intolerant. Eating dairy products can cause digestive upset and may lead to food allergies and discomfort.
· Fat trimmings, raw meat, raw eggs and raw fish: Each of these can cause vomiting, diarrhea or a painful condition called pancreatitis (from excessive fat). Plus, there is a risk of salmonella or E. coli associated with these foods.
· Grapes and raisins: Cats may shy away from them, but dogs can suffer acute kidney failure from these fruits.
· Macadamia nuts: According to WebMD, dogs shouldn't eat macadamia nuts or foods that contain them because they can be fatal. As few as six raw or roasted macadamias can make dogs seriously ill. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and rapid heart rate.
· Sweetened candy: Candies, gums, toothpaste, and any product containing "xylitol" can cause more insulin to circulate through a pet's body, making blood sugar drop. That can result in liver failure and loss of coordination.
Foods that people consume should not be shared with pets unless they have been recommended by a veterinarian. Even then, human food should be sparingly shared.


How to Learn a New Language
A valuable skill for business & pleasure.-------
Those who harbor a desire to order croissants at a Paris café, converse with a fisherman in a port off the coast of Greece or understand their guide when touring Tibetan ruins may need to learn a new language.
A Gallup Poll indicates that around 25 percent of Americans can speak a language other than English well enough to hold a conversation. Younger Americans are far more likely than older age groups to be bilingual. Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the United States after English. In Canada, the rate of bilingualism is 17.5 percent. Statistics Canada points out that the lack of growth in bilingualism outside Quebec occurred as the non-Francophone immigrant population was growing and the proportion of students in French-as-a-second-language (FSL) programs was shrinking.
Data from Quora points out that countries like Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Nigeria are the most linguistically diverse. That is likely due to the various languages and dialects spoken within the country, and not necessarily residents' desire to learn a second or third language.
Learning a new language is beneficial in various ways. International travel can be easier for those who speak the languages native to the countries they plan to visit. Knowing a foreign language can help remove barriers and creates positive attitudes about other cultures. Career prospects may also improve for those who speak multiple languages. Furthermore, foreign languages can lead to a greater appreciation of art, cuisine and film.
Learning a new language can be challenging. However, there are many strategies to make the process easier.
· Get motivated. Having a viable reason to learn a new language can make you more motivated. This may include getting to know a person better or landing a new job.
· Use your gadgets to your advantage. Switch the language function on your devices so that you are immersed in foreign language on a regular basis. This will help you familiarize yourself with common words that will become more recognizable through repetition.
· Rely on software or an app. Duolingo, Rosetta Stone and Anki are just a few applications that teach foreign languages in various formats.
· Watch movies. Turn on subtitles and watch foreign films, learning words and pronunciation as you go.
· Travel as much as possible. Immersing yourself in a culture and language can make learning easier and quicker. Visit countries that speak the language you're attempting to learn.
· Practice daily. Set aside time to practice each day. Use a combination of learning strategies, including writing things down, to help language stick

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Swiss Trust Companies
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