What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Welcome to a New Contributor & Wine Expert - Business Psychology:
Stress Less and Enjoy the Journey - Offshore Perspective:
Americans are Welcome in Switzerland - Business Etiquette:
Business Casual vs. Professional Dress - Executive Fitness:
How Do Smart Mirrors Work? - International Spirits & Cuisine:
Special Invitation to Our Readership - Leisure & Style:
The History of the Necktie - Travel:
How to Pack Refresher - Corb7 International Services:
New Listings

International Business
Editor's Note

It is my sincere honor and privilege to welcome Michelle Mandro as a contributor to our publication. Michelle is Founder & President of Wine Country Women of Napa, best selling author and podcast host. She has worked in the wine industry for more than fifteen years, beginning as the executive director of the American Institute of Wine & Food, a national association started by Robert Mondavi and Julia Child. Michelle’s experience includes working for wineries, corporate America with two Fortune 500 companies, and in television news at the CBS and NBC affiliates in Louisville, Kentucky. Michelle splits her time between California and Kentucky.
Wine Country Woman is a luxury lifestyle and entertainment brand delivering authentic wine country experiences through insiders’ access to women, lifestyle books, specialty products, curated events, and electronic and broadcast media. She has been kind enough to make a special offer exclusive to our readership which can be found below.
Please checkout her website and join me in welcoming her.
Wine Country Women

International Business
Business Psychology

Stress Less and Enjoy the Journey
by Toni Delos Santos90% Mental
"To Really Be Free, You Need to Be Free in The Mind."
-Alexander Loutsis
In today’s fast-paced society getting everything done can be quite challenging. There are so many demands placed on us between work, family, individual goals, and social life. There never seems to be enough hours in the day and trying to excel in each area seems virtually impossible. When we feel overwhelmed it leads to that feeling of being anxious and stressed.
There are four types of stress:
- Survival Stress- You may have heard the phrase "fight or flight. When you are afraid that someone or something may physically hurt you, your body naturally responds with a burst of energy so that you will be better able to survive the dangerous situation (fight) or escape it all together (flight).
- Internal Stress - Have you ever caught yourself worrying about things you cannot control or worrying about something that could go wrong?
- Environmental Stress - This is a response to things around you that cause stress, such as noise, crowding, and pressure to meet deadlines.
- Fatigue and Overwork - This kind of stress builds up over a long time and can take a hard toll on your body. It can be caused by not knowing how to manage your time well or how to take time out for rest and relaxation.
- Fixed Times- work, meetings travel
- Prioritize your list of things to do and estimate how long it will take you to do each one.
- Do your least favorite task first.
- Schedule your social media time
- Schedule your workouts
- Schedule family events and social time
We tend to get so caught up in being busy and getting things done, we do not enjoy the details of our life! Creating good habits will make our life easier and give us more free time relax and enjoy doing what we love. Enjoy the journey!
To Really Be Free, You Need to Be Free in The Mind.

International Business
Offshore Perspective

Americans are Welcome in Switzerland
by Anne Liebgott, Founder
AW Switzerland
Americans Welcome
Since the United States is the world's largest national economy, it is understandable that US investors think that it is fine to hold all of their investments within US borders in US dollars. Over-weighting investments in their home country is understandable, but a home-bias isn't optimal.
While the American stock market has been incredibly strong, and by some definitions qualifies for having the longest bull market in history, it hasn’t always been that way and it's unlikely to maintain that streak forever. It’s impossible to predict what will happen with the US stock market going forward, but, historically, US stocks have also seen long periods of under-performance compared to international stocks.
Owning an US-centric portfolio can lead to sub-optimal risk-adjusted returns. According to best practices in portfolio management the volatility of an investment portfolio is reduced by adding international diversification to the overall wealth strategy. Global diversification helps to mitigate the risk of local downturns while capitalizing on growth over the long term.
Considering that world's equity assets make up over 50% of invested assets versus the US' 43%, it makes sense to include a good portion of diversified international assets in a portfolio to reduce the risk of over-weighting one particular country.
What percentage of an American investor's portfolio should be invested internationally? Some advisors will claim that 50% is fitting, while others suggest anywhere between 5 and 30%. Beginners may choose a smaller percentage, others more comfortable with going global up to 30% or more.
True international diversification means that a portfolio will never be the portfolio with the highest returns, but it will also generally be better equipped to handle local crises and downturns. Appropriately designed, an internationally-diversified portfolio not only helps to avoid the risk of local downturns, but also to capitalize on global growth over the long term.
Holding some emerging market mutual funds at a local bank, even in other currencies, is not true international diversification. Going to another jurisdiction outside of the United States, to other non-American financial institutions, holding other foreign investments and other currencies is the real thing when it comes to effective risk diversification. Engaging a wealth manager with in-depth international experience and a global outlook with a different perspective than a local investment adviser leads to true international diversification.
US financial professionals for the most part, understandably focus on the US market, American financial institutions and US dollar investments. However, to achieve greater resiliency for an overall portfolio through international diversification, a global-oriented wealth manager will target different investments than a domestic advisor. Holding a portion of a portfolio in a bank outside of the American banking system provides institutional risk diversification and greater flexibility. Currency diversification provides a hedge against a falling US dollar. The prudent investor shouldn't walk around blindfolded but should prepare for bumps which may arise along their home-market roads.
Where to Go? Welcome to Switzerland!
With the turbulence of the past left behind, Switzerland remains the global leader for cross border private wealth management with a world share of over 25%, of which about half is from investors abroad.
The highest level of economic and political stability, neutrality, high-quality services and extensive expertise and experience is Switzerland's claim to fame for its long-term success as a leading, innovative financial center. Especially during times of crisis and increasing volatility, the world's wealthy turn to Switzerland as a safe haven for their assets. Recently, Switzerland has been named the world's most resilient country best able to handle the pandemic crisis and it's aftermath.
The Swiss traditions of reliability, continuity and excellence and a high regard for privacy and discretion in an increasingly transparent world are qualities appreciated by astute international investors concerned about the preservation of their assets.
Switzerland: Perhaps the safest place for assets
in an increasingly unsafe world!
Swiss wealth managers registered as an Investment Adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States focus on providing US tax-compliant wealth management services to US persons domiciled in the United States and abroad.
Providing services, giving advice, telephone calls, correspondence and personal meetings with clients, or promotional activities for potential clients and strategic agreements with US business partners are allowed without restrictions. US reporting requirements are also clear and the necessary, accurate documents are provided in a timely manner to fulfill reporting requirements and tax obligations.
Americans are welcome!
A relationship can easily be established with a Swiss SEC-registered wealth manager and an internationally-diversified portfolio held with a Swiss bank that welcomes American clients can be set up without leaving home. The Swiss wealth manager of choice handles every step of the way.
Swiss SEC-registered wealth managers range from larger, bank-associated firms to the US-focused entities of Swiss private banks as well as smaller and more personal independent wealth management boutiques. Minimum amounts of investment start at USD 100,000, USD 250,000, USD 500,000 or 1 mn or more depending on the individual wealth manager. While travel to the US to meet with clients and advisers was regularly on the program, it is on hold at the moment. Nevertheless, Swiss wealth managers are up-to-date with online meetings and conferences and Switzerland is never more than a phone call or click away.
Swiss SEC-registered investment advisors are also happy to collaborate with American financial professionals and other advisors in co-counseling their clients to develop an internationally-diversified portfolio to complement a US-based portfolio already in place.
Finding a suitable Swiss SEC-registered wealth manager is easy. The Swiss platform, AW★SWITZERLAND lists them all, in an easy-to-access manner, individually, alphabetically and regionally.
Getting the touch and feel of a wealth manager of choice before an initial contact by comfortably and efficiently browsing through their listings with access to their websites, SEC registrations, ADV Part 2 and Part 3 brochures with information on company size, assets under management, minimum amounts of investment, strategies, fees etc. makes doing the homework and narrowing down the wealth manager of choice easy. An initial email or conversation will start the process.

International Business
Business Etiquette

Business Casual vs. Professional Dress
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
The 21st century work world has brought about unique "professional" looks to many businesses and organizations. Though this look is considered a little too casual for the traditional standards in law, finance and other professional services, it still gets the job done.
Business casual, as the look is known, threw a wrench in some work environments. But questions remain the same: Is it professional enough? Will you be taken seriously? Can it be worn in executive suites?
In the period of pandemic, when virtual conferencing is by necessity in vogue, the same questions apply. With less of you being viewed, what you choose to wear is vital in making a first impression.
Dressing Down in a Professional Environment
At a not-too-long-ago in-person professional conference, I attended as the guest of a speaker.
What expectations did I hold for myself?
- Avoid crashing the scene by wearing shorts and flip-flops - even though the event is at a beach resort.
- Wear something comfortable, that I like, and dressed down to a business casual level indicating that I am off-duty, but am welcomed as a sit-in participant.
This is an example of when blending in is called for, but because I was not fully participating, I would not be required to dress at the level of those who are.
Respect for the participants, the occasion, or the profession, asks that you dress tastefully. Nothing too-short, too tight, too low cut or too flashy will keep you from being a distraction to the real reasons you are there. Men keep the shirt buttoned appropriately for the occasion.
Category lines between professional and casual blur easily. But tasteful is always in style. Mark your own setting by creating default outfits that keep you appropriate in any setting.
Business Casual Basics
When choosing your default outfit components, keep in mind that they should fit well, be comfortable, and give you confidence.
A woman's business casual wardrobe may include:
- Slacks or dressy pants
- Tailored skirts that reach the top of the knees
- Long- or medium-sleeved solid or soft-print blouses that aren’t too revealing (tucked in or not)
- Sweaters or light jackets
- Dress shoes or low boots (closed-toe shoes are always a good choice)
- Modest accessories, including scarves
A man's business casual wardrobe may include:
- Slacks, khakis
- Collared shirts, or polo-style shirts, sweaters
- Optional tie
- Dressy shoes
During and post-pandemic, for virtual and video business meetings, I advise full torso dressing. You may unexpectedly need to stand up and pajama bottoms might be shocking to others present at these meetings.
Business Professional Attire
Building on your business casual wardrobe above, you can add elements to create a professional wardrobe.
For women, this may include:
- Skirt or pant suits in black, gray, and blue
- A blazer or jacket with coordinated skirts/pants
- Shirts and blouses to be tucked in
- Classic dresses with jackets
- Minimal jewelry
- Hosiery
- Close-toed shoes
- Quality leather bag
For men, this may include:
- Suits in black, gray, and blue
- Suit pants with jacket or blazer
- Button-down or firm-collared dress shirt
- Tie
- Dress shoes
Coming to Terms with Casual
As casual seeps into the working world, remember that making a positive impression can be affected by the unintended consequences of less-than-thought-through self-presentation.
Sandals, short pants, swing skirts, and sleeveless or revealing tops send different messages when you are at play or at work. Jeans also belong in the casual section of your wardrobe.
Sure, there are some items that will fit into both the work and play categories, but choose these wisely. For many people, it's helpful to compartmentalize your wardrobe items to prevent casual from creeping in too far.
If you’re thinking about ratcheting up your image in your own eyes, here are some suggestions:
- Separate your clothes into defined sections of work and play.
- Have a throw-away fest and let things go! (My guess is that you really won’t miss them.)
- Think “outside the peer” box and imagine yourself setting a new standard.
Wardrobe etiquette will help you feel more comfortable and confident. And feeling better about yourself is always a goal!
Whether business casual or professional, when you're confident, "put together", and can exude a level of comfort with yourself, people like and trust you more - two characteristics everyone needs when building business relationships!

Executive Fitness

How do Smart Mirrors Work?
Digital smart mirrors, sometimes referred to as interactive fitness displays, are among the latest technology to hit the home fitness market.
Home gyms have long been a coveted addition for fitness enthusiasts. Many homeowners do not have the space to install the assortment of equipment that makes for a great workout. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people looked to transform spaces in their homes and sought innovative ways to exercise at home.
Digital smart mirrors, sometimes referred to as interactive fitness displays, are among the latest technology to hit the home fitness market. These mirrors are fully functioning exercise studios right in the comfort of home, but unlike other pieces of workout equipment, fitness mirrors look just like a regular mirror when they're not engaged. That means they can hang in any room without distracting from the decor.
How do they work?
The equipment works differently depending on the chosen product. Units can range in price from $1,500 to $2,000, and a subscription to a fitness account is necessary. This provides access to either recorded or live-streamed fitness trainers. These trainers are often certified individuals from the country's top studios. The trainers will have access to information subscribers enter and will be able to provide motivation and live feedback based on fitness metrics - as well as what they see live.
In addition to the instructors, some mirrors come with expertly curated playlists that complement specific workouts.
Other features and technology
Depending on the unit, the fitness mirror may sync with a Bluetooth-enabled fitness watch or tracker to provide real time heart rate and other measurable data. Keep in mind that the mirrors use integrative cameras to provide feedback on performance. Some may rely on advanced motion-capture technology to protect privacy more effectively.
In addition to the interactive mirror, other smart fitness systems have gear built right into the devices. This can include electromagnetic weights to deliver resistance when "smart" handles or a bar are connected to the wall-mounted machine. The brand Tonal also has a spotter mode, to assist with heavy lifting. Other tech-driven fitness equipment includes interactive treadmills and stationary bikes from manufacturers like Peloton.
Streamlined, tech-heavy fitness devices are revolutionizing home gyms. With some up-front investment, these devices may pay for themselves with improved health and reduced reliance on potentially costly club memberships.

International Spirits & Cuisine

Bubbles & Rose'
Wine Country Women LLC a luxury lifestyle and entertainment brand is launching a brand new annual signature event, ‘Bubbles & Rose’ on June 11th and 12th with three experiences: Vintage Sparkling Wine Dinner, Rosé Brunch, and Tasting Event. All held in the most refined Sonoma County location -- the newly-opened, luxurious Montage Healdsburg. Enjoy incredible sparkling and rosé wines and meet some of the women featured in the best-selling ‘Wine Country Women’ book series. Taste their premium wines while indulging in the finest of California cuisine, with inventive flavors and hints of French flare which will delight your senses.
Here is a buyout offer just for our readers.
Join Wine Country Women founder Michelle Mandro and Domaine Carneros CEO Remi Cohen for a Vintage Sparkling Wine Dinner at the Hazel Hill restaurant. Twelve guests will make memories to last a lifetime when they attend a reception and multi-course wine dinner filled with fabulous flavors and surprises. Enjoy an authentic wine country experience with lively conversation, an autographed limited-edition book and the opportunity to order wines. It all takes place while seated at Michelle’s favorite table at the Oak Room, surrounded by glass walls pulling nature’s scenic beauty into the warmth of the environment.
Offered Friday, June 11th at 6:30pm – Buyout the one-of-kind-experience for $7,500. (Offer available until Thursday, May 13 or until purchased.)
Wine Country Women hyper link: Click Here
Vintage Sparkling Wine Dinner hyper link: Click Here

Leisure & Style

The History of the Necktie
The necktie got its name 300 years ago, but fashion experts and historians say that ties have been in existence for thousands of years
The necktie got its name 300 years ago, but fashion experts and historians say that ties have been in existence for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptian pharaohs wore broad ties adorned with precious gems. However, it is believed that the ties worn today trace their origins to 17th century Europe and the Thirty Years' War. During this deadly conflict, King Louis XIII employed Croatian mercenaries who wore cloth around their necks as part of their uniforms. King Louis so liked the look that he made these types of ties a part of the attire worn at royal functions. To pay homage to the Croatian soldiers, the tie was dubbed "La Cravate." The British later put their own spin on ties and the ascot was born. Through the years, different ties and styles of knots were invented. Toward the end of 1919, neckties closely resembled the ties people wear today.


How to Pack Refresher
As summer approaches and people once again begin looking forward to vacations, it shouldn't be surprising if people who have stayed home throughout the pandemic forget about some travel-related necessities. A refresher course may benefit travelers in regard to one of these tasks in particular: packing.
According to Trip Advisor, most major airlines charge between $30 and $35 for a first checked bag, and those costs go up by $10 to $20 for each additional bag. So it's easy to see why it's such a savvy move to find ways to pack more efficiently.
· Create a packing list. Just like shoppers know how much more effectively they shop for groceries with a list in hand, veteran travelers know using a list when packing ensures they're less likely to forget must-have travel items. Think about the activities you've planned and each member of the family, and make a list of the items each person needs. Check off items as you pack.
· Invest in packing cubes. Specially designed packing cubes group similar items together in a suitcase. So shirts can go in one, pajamas in the other and so on. Then simply grab the cube needed when on vacation.
· Consider rolling clothes. Rather than folding clothes and placing them in a suitcase, roll them. It's generally understood that rolling prevents creasing and clothing takes up less space. It also enables you to see items more readily in the suitcase.
· Pack heavy items first. Put the heaviest items on the bottom of the suitcase closest to the rolling wheels. This distributes the weight accordingly and makes the suitcase easier to roll. Another option is to wear your heaviest item on the flight, such as those bulky hiking boots. This can lighten the load on flights that charge overages for heavy luggage.
· Segregate carry-on belongings. Use plastic zip-top bags or small packing cubes to separate key items in the carry-on. This way you can easily reach your earbuds for the flight or grab those passports and other IDs without hassle.
· Bring a laundry bag. Whether it's an actual laundry bag or a kitchen trash bag, have a way to corral your dirty clothes for the trip back. Stash a fresh dryer sheet in the bag to mask the smell of soiled clothes. Plastic bags also can store wet swimsuits for the trip home.
· Use every bit of space. Employ the Russian nesting doll concept when packing. Store socks inside of shoes, tuck underwear inside of bra cups, and use a belt to help keep a collar on a shirt in the right shape.
Packing for a trip takes finesse. With some handy hacks, all travelers can perfect their packing techniques.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions

Corb7 International
"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
Vintage United States Corporations for Sale:
* 11-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 2010
State of Arizona
Price: $24,500
* 21-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 2000
State of Florida
Price: $38,800
* 113-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1908
State of Nevada
Price: $218,800
Shelf corporations in the United States have many profound business purposes. They are frequently used for holding personal or business assets. Another common purpose for the creation of a shelf corporation is as a turn-key business package that can later be sold to someone who wants to start and operate a company without going through the effort to form a new one. Others might benefit who may not qualify for a bank loan, line of credit, or government contract because they or their existing company does not have the required credit scores or a two to five year established business history. By purchasing a shelf corporation, an entrepreneur now instantly owns an established company that has been “in business” for several years without debts or liabilities.
For Non-U.S. citizens, owning a shelf corporation in the United States may enhance privacy and open new markets. Since the United States is not a participant in the OECD Common Reporting Standards, it is often looked upon as a privacy haven for non-citizens looking to invest here. The Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”), was created by the OECD in 2014 pursuant to a meeting of the G-20 nations in Australia and calls for the automatic exchange of financial account information between agreeing jurisdictions.
* Supporting Articles:
Financial Times Article
The World's Largest Tax Haven
United States Not Participant in CRS
Call: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office) or
Email: contact@corb7.com
[Additional Opportunities in Europe & US Available]