What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Socialisms thru the Eyes of a 16-Year-Old
- Business Psychology:
Mental Benefits of Morning Workouts
- Cross-Border Business:
A Very Brave Woman
- Business Etiquette:
Business Casual vs. Professional Dress
- Fitness & Health:
How to Achieve Restful Slumber
- Spirits & Cuisine:
Eggs are Healthy Food
- Leisure:
Mother's Day Ideas
- Travel:
How to Avoid Travel Scams
Corb7 Funding Service:
Real Estate Development Funding
- Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Free E-Book

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Socialism thru the Eyes of a 16-Year-Old
A look back at the Berlin Wall.------
A 16-year-old young man once pleaded his parents for permission to go on a trip to Germany with his high school German class. The parents really didn’t have the extra cash and $350 dollars was a lot of money back in 1974. But they gave in, scratched up the funds and thus allowed the youth to experience 10 days in Europe. It would leave a lifelong impression on the young man. The young man was me.
Besides getting an education in German beer, it also exposed my classmates and me to the wonderful history and architecture of Bavaria. Through the eyes of a 16-year-old born and raised in Pittsburgh - Munich, the Autobahn, Neuschwanstein Castle to name just a few of the sights – Germany was an exotic and unbelievably beautiful place. Plus, they spoke the language that I was attempting to learn.
Then came the trip to Berlin. As you might recall, German had been split into two different countries in 1945– East and West - and Berlin sat at a far eastern point of Socialist East Germany. Therefore, for our group to travel from Munich to West Berlin, we needed to proceed up the autobahn and cross over to East Germany and traverse much of the eastern bloc country to reach our destination. It would be an experience not easily forgotten and the contrast between west and east could not have been starker.
West Germany was colorful and upbeat. Free expression and free speech found a home and flourish there after World War II. East Germany, on the other hand, was bleak and gray. Farmhouses were kept far from the freeway heading to Berlin to avoid interaction with westerners and the temptation to escape to the west. We of course, were harassed at the crossing into East Germany by guards who claimed someone in a red jacket on our bus had taken photographs within the restricted zone which we had been sternly warned about. Absolutely, no pictures were allowed in that area. There was no one with a red jacket on the bus and after about three hours sitting there, the guards had enjoyed themselves enough to allow us to proceed.
Berlin was not a fun place, totally different than Munich, and it was also split into east and west with the Soviets taking the eastern part of the city. Much of this huge urban location had been leveled during the Allied bombing raids of World War II, and the stress of the war could still be felt in the air thirty years later. From my perspective, the most memorable thing about Berlin was Checkpoint Charlie at the wall which we stood atop prior to visiting its museum. Plain and simple it was awful since it was a wall built – not to keep foreigners out – but exclusively to keep East Germany citizens in. So many had fled the horrors of socialism that they had to build a wall to keep them from escaping. The term Berlin Wall did not fully describe it. East Germany was a prison, and “The Wall” had guards with machine guns willing to fire on their fellow citizens in the blink of an eye. Go a little further from the physical wall and there were landmines, barbed-wire fences and abandoned builds so people would not jump off them into the west and freedom. The museum was a collection of stories representing successful and unsuccessful attempts to flee. Those who took the gamble to cross to the west and were caught died. To this day, I have a nondescript piece of concrete that no one would know what it is but me. It is a six-inch piece of the Berlin Wall.
Those images of East Germany and the Berlin Wall have never left me. Capitalism isn’t perfect, but no system is. Anyone promoting the benefits of socialism does not know history or is simply lying for self-gain.

Looking over The Berlin Wall circa 1974

International Business
Business Psychology

Mental Benefits of Morning Workouts
Exercise boosts metabolism.
The right time to exercise is a different time of day for everyone. But there is good reason to consider moving your workout to the morning.
The health experts at Healthline say that morning workouts are less vulnerable to distractions as phone calls and texts will typically take place later in the day. Piedmont Medical group says there are mental health benefits of exercise, including the secretion of neurotransmitters that promote mental clarity and improve attention span. Working out first thing in the morning can help you focus and take charge at work or in school soon after. Since exercise can boost metabolism, it starts the day out on a good foot, and may help you make healthier decisions throughout the day, including choosing more nutritious foods. Healthline also says that cortisol is a hormone that keeps you awake and alert. Cortisol increases in the morning, peaking around 8 a.m. Working out around this time may make workouts more efficient and effective.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

A Very Brave Woman!
Free Speech & the Culture Wars.-------
Ms. Yeonmi Park is a 27-year-old is a North Korean defector and political commentator whose family fled the economic policies of North Korea to China in 2007 and settled in South Korea in 2009, before moving to the United States in 2014. In this video she discusses Colombia University and woke censorship Ideology in the United States. Her shock at what she encountered as a student at university after risking her life to flee North Korea is an important warning.
If you have not seen the above video please take a moment to review - it is well worth your time.
"Even North Korea isn't this crazy"
- Defector Yeonmi Park on woke tyranny
Related Link:
Yeonmi Park

International Business
Business Etiquette
Business Casual vs. Professional Dress
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
The 21st century work world has brought about unique "professional" looks to many businesses and organizations. Though this look is considered a little too casual for the traditional standards in law, finance and other professional services, it still gets the job done.
Business casual, as the look is known, threw a wrench in some work environments. But questions remain the same: Is it professional enough? Will you be taken seriously? Can it be worn in executive suites?
In the period of pandemic, when virtual conferencing is by necessity in vogue, the same questions apply. With less of you being viewed, what you choose to wear is vital in making a first impression.
Dressing Down in a Professional Environment
At a not-too-long-ago in-person professional conference, I attended as the guest of a speaker.
What expectations did I hold for myself?
- Avoid crashing the scene by wearing shorts and flip-flops - even though the event is at a beach resort.
- Wear something comfortable, that I like, and dressed down to a business casual level indicating that I am off-duty, but am welcomed as a sit-in participant.
Respect for the participants, the occasion, or the profession, asks that you dress tastefully. Nothing too-short, too tight, too low cut or too flashy will keep you from being a distraction to the real reasons you are there. Men keep the shirt buttoned appropriately for the occasion.
Category lines between professional and casual blur easily. But tasteful is always in style. Mark your own setting by creating default outfits that keep you appropriate in any setting.
Business Casual Basics
When choosing your default outfit components, keep in mind that they should fit well, be comfortable, and give you confidence.
A woman's business casual wardrobe may include:
- Slacks or dressy pants
- Tailored skirts that reach the top of the knees
- Long- or medium-sleeved solid or soft-print blouses that aren’t too revealing (tucked in or not)
- Sweaters or light jackets
- Dress shoes or low boots (closed-toe shoes are always a good choice)
- Modest accessories, including scarves
- Slacks, khakis
- Collared shirts, or polo-style shirts, sweaters
- Optional tie
- Dressy shoes
Business Professional Attire
Building on your business casual wardrobe above, you can add elements to create a professional wardrobe.
For women, this may include:
- Skirt or pant suits in black, gray, and blue
- A blazer or jacket with coordinated skirts/pants
- Shirts and blouses to be tucked in
- Classic dresses with jackets
- Minimal jewelry
- Hosiery
- Close-toed shoes
- Quality leather bag
- Suits in black, gray, and blue
- Suit pants with jacket or blazer
- Button-down or firm-collared dress shirt
- Tie
- Dress shoes
As casual seeps into the working world, remember that making a positive impression can be affected by the unintended consequences of less-than-thought-through self-presentation.
Sandals, short pants, swing skirts, and sleeveless or revealing tops send different messages when you are at play or at work. Jeans also belong in the casual section of your wardrobe.
Sure, there are some items that will fit into both the work and play categories, but choose these wisely. For many people, it's helpful to compartmentalize your wardrobe items to prevent casual from creeping in too far.
If you’re thinking about ratcheting up your image in your own eyes, here are some suggestions:
- Separate your clothes into defined sections of work and play.
- Have a throw-away fest and let things go! (My guess is that you really won’t miss them.)
- Think “outside the peer” box and imagine yourself setting a new standard.
Wardrobe etiquette will help you feel more comfortable and confident. And feeling better about yourself is always a goal!
Whether business casual or professional, when you're confident, "put together", and can exude a level of comfort with yourself, people like and trust you more - two characteristics everyone needs when building business relationships!

Fitness & Health

How to Achieve Restful Slumber
The importance of sleep.
Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
When it comes to achieving ultimate health and wellness, one of the most essential things we can do is sleep well. That said, sleep tends to be elusive the older we get, which can have serious effects on our wellbeing. Let’s take a moment to discuss why having quality sleep is so important, and how we can ensure better slumber each and every night.
Sleep helps reduce stress. Stress can take a toll on our physical and mental health, and lack of sleep can increase stress levels, which can then cause a range of issues from skin problems to weight gain. Getting enough sleep can help reduce stress, leaving you feeling more relaxed and refreshed.
Sleep is crucial for cell repair and regeneration. While we sleep, our bodies work hard to repair and regenerate cells. This process is essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Without enough sleep, our bodies don't have the necessary time to complete these vital processes, leading to dull skin, brittle hair, and weak nails.
Sleep helps maintain a healthy weight. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, because when we're tired, we're more likely to reach for high-calorie snacks and skip exercise. Getting enough sleep also helps regulate hormones that control appetite and metabolism, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
Sleep improves memory and cognitive function. Sleep is essential for cognitive function and memory, because while we're catching zzz’s our brains consolidate memories and process information from the day. Lack of sleep can lead to memory problems and difficulty concentrating, but getting enough sleep can help improve these cognitive functions, leaving you feeling more alert and focused throughout the day.
Sleep boosts mood and energy. Getting enough sleep can help boost mood and energy levels, while lack of sleep can lead to irritability, fatigue, and even depression. Getting enough sleep can help regulate mood and leave you feeling more energized and ready to tackle the day.
Now that we know why we need better sleep, let’s cover a few ways you can achieve either more sleep or better sleep!
- Create a bedtime routine: Create a routine that allows you to slow down towards the end of the night which can include a relaxing bath, making a cup of stress-soothing tea (chamomile is great!), and turning on some soft music.
- Start using a magnesium supplement: Magnesium is a mineral that is essential to our health and helps ease stress and anxiety while promoting good sleep. Unfortunately, we don't get enough of it in our diets to make a difference. Taking a magnesium supplement or using a transdermal magnesium cream before bed can make a world of difference.
- Use a white noise machine: A white noise machine can help mask exterior sounds and allow you to sleep undisturbed from dusk ‘til dawn. There are also several downloadable apps that can be used for your phone or tablet with a wide range of white noise and soothing sounds which is perfect for travel.
- Try a weighted blanket: Studies have shown that weighted blankets can help people sleep better and longer. These were originally formulated for people with anxiety, and have the added benefit of promoting restful sleep.
- Take a calming natural supplement: Like magnesium, there are a few other all natural products you can try that haven been researched and shown to calm the alpha waves of your brain and your nervous system which, in turn, will promote a better quality of sleep. Two to consider are L-Theanine and Valerian Root.
- Use essential oils: Essential oils work at a cellular level to help you relax both mind and body. Some great oils to diffuse are lavender, valerian, chamomile, and frankincense. Making sure you use high quality is key, as you don't want to fill your sleeping space with chemicals.
-Eat pistachios before bed: Pistachios have a calming effect because they contain naturally occurring melatonin. One small handful of these nuts before bed help promote deep and restful sleep.
- Put down the phone and pick up a book: Enough studies have shown that looking at screens an hour before bed can disturb our sleep cycles and lessen the quality of our sleep. Try putting down your screens at least 20 minutes before your head hits the pillow and pick up a good old-fashioned paper book (which has beneficial effects on your cognitive function to boot!).

Spirits & Cuisine

Eggs are Healthy Food
Packed with nutrition.-------
Eggs take center stage in early spring, but they're more than just novelties to include in Easter celebrations.
· Eggs are nutritious. Eggs are loaded with vitamins A, D and B12 and the nutrient choline. They're also an excellent protein source in a small package. At 72 calories and packing six grams of protein, eggs can make for a great, filling meal at any time of day.
· Eggs boost brain health. The choline in eggs is a crucial nutrient for memory, mood and muscle control, according to the University of Missouri Health Care system. Choline also is essential in fetal brain development and can help prevent birth defects.
· Eggs don't always have to be refrigerated. In countries outside of the United States and Canada, eggs may not be refrigerated and do not have to be chilled. Also, outside of North America eggs are not washed prior to commercial production. However, according to the food resource, "The Kitchen", power-washing eggs removes a protective coating and makes the eggs porous and vulnerable to contamination. A synthetic coating is put on washed eggs.
· Shell color does not matter. The color of the eggshell doesn't indicate taste, nutritional value or even egg quality. The color of the eggshell reflects the breed of hen that laid the egg. Red-feathered hens tend to lay brown eggs, while hens with white features lay white eggs. Similarly, the shade of yolk is representative of what the chicken is eating. A dark, yellow yolk means the hen was probably fed green vegetables. Lighter yolks coordinate to corn and grain diets.
· All eggs are "hormone-free." The term "hormone-free" on egg cartons does not signify anything special. It's like advertising that snow is cold. The United States Food & Drug Administration banned the use of hormones in all poultry production in the 1950s. All eggs are hormone-free.
· Size and eggshell thickness indicates the age of the hen. Eggs come in different sizes, such as medium, large and jumbo. The age of the chicken determines the size, with older hens producing larger eggs. Age also affects shell thickness, with younger hens laying thicker-shelled eggs, says Eat This, Not That!
· Eggs won't hatch. Eggs sold for consumption are not fertilized. Hens that have laid them haven't mated.
· Many birds lay eggs. Kiwis lay the largest egg in relation to their body size of any species of bird in the world. However, the ostrich, emu and cassowary lay the biggest eggs.
· The sink or swim test can say a lot about an egg. Eggs become more porous as they age. You can tell if an egg is old by putting it in a glass of water. If it sinks, it is fresh. If it floats, it is an older egg.
Eggs get a lot of fanfare around Easter, and there's more than meets the eye to that carton of eggs in the refrigerator.


Mother's Day Ideas
This Sunday is Mother's Day in the U.S.-------
The unconditional love and undying patience moms exhibit as they raise their children is worthy of more than just a single day of appreciation in May. Moms do a lot for their families, and though that's something to celebrate every day, Mother's Day merits upping the ante in regard to showing Mom how much she's loved and appreciated.
This year, families can work together to ensure this Mother's Day is a day for Mom to relax and bask in all the extra attention she deserves.
· Serve breakfast in bed. Mom might be on breakfast detail on hectic weekday mornings, but Mother's Day marks the perfect time for spouses and kids to take over those responsibilities. This year, keep the cereal in the pantry and go the extra mile by preparing a homemade breakfast and serving it to Mom in bed. Present the meal with a small bouquet of flowers and some reading material and then let Mom eat in peace and quiet if she so prefers.
· Turn the en suite into a spa. Nothing complements a relaxing breakfast in bed better than a subsequent dip in Mom's own private spa. Transform the en suite or another bathroom into Mom's personal soaking space. Clean the bathtub, light some candles around the tub and bathroom, turn on some relaxing music, dim the lights, and then invite Mom in to soak in a freshly drawn hot bubble bath.
· Keep Mom out of the kitchen. Keep the relaxing vibe going by making sure Mom doesn't have to lift a finger in the kitchen. Make sure all the dishes are washed before Mom comes downstairs for the day and let her know you've already ordered lunch from a local restaurant. Even if Mom loves to cook, a day off from kitchen detail can make Mother's Day that much more relaxing.
· Book some time in the great outdoors. If the weather allows, visit a nearby park as a family and go for a walk. Nature has its own way of helping people relax, so some time outdoors in the spring air can keep the peaceful vibe going into the afternoon. If the family includes young children, choose a park with a playground so Mom can relax and watch the kids play from a nearby bench.
· Book a dinner reservation. It might require some advance booking, as Mother's Day reservations can be hard to come by, but a night at Mom's favorite restaurant can be the perfect conclusion to a relaxing day. If Mom's more of a homebody, whip up a homemade meal and let Mom relax with a glass of wine as you prepare a feast.
Mother's Day is the perfect time to plan a day of relaxation for mothers who do so much for their families throughout the year. Some simple planning can ensure Mom gets the R&R she deserves.


How to Avoid Travel Scams
Protect your holiday from disaster.-------
Traveling should be fun. If you are planning to travel either locally or internationally, scams can occur and if large enough they can ruin your plans. Here are a few scams to be aware of while traveling this summer.
Cab Scam - Know the going rate for cab rides and how to identify licensed providers especially when traveling abroad. Thus, avoid being overcharged by a disreputable cab driver or having your credit or debit card information stolen. London Taxi Scam
Free Stuff – this is very common in Europe. The perpetrator places a bracelet on your wrist or a hat on your head and then insists you pay for the item. When you refuse, they attempt to embarrass you by acting out. A quick solution is just by removing the item and walking away. Free Stuff Scam
Rental Scam - This occurs when you rent a car or a bike. When you return the vehicle, the merchant insists you pay for damages. This is an easy fix by always taking pictures of the car or bike before taking possession and making sure the merchant sees you doing so.
Pick Pockets – This can often occur when you are walking down the street and someone bumps into you and spills something on your clothes. While helping you clean up they proceed to pick your pocket. Europe Pick Pockets
Here are a few more:
10 Tourist Scams to Beware - AARP

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