What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Welcome to a New Contributor - Business Psychology:
Creating a Winning Team! - Offshore Perspective:
Will American Wealth Leave? - Business Tools:
Bitcoin Available at ATMs - Executive Fitness:
Healthy Snack Ideas - International Spirits & Cuisine:
Wild Boar Italian Stuffed Peppers - Leisure & Style:
How to Choose the Right Sunglasses - Travel:
Unpack in 10 Seconds Flat! - Corb7 International Services:
The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneurship is nothing without inspiration. Over the years, I have had the rare opportunity to meet and talk with some very well-known and thought-provoking personalities - from basketball great Bill Russell to racing legend Mario Andretti. It has always been our contention that the self-discipline required to succeed in one area is transferable to the other. That is one reason that I am very happy to welcome and acknowledge a new contributor to our newsletter. Ms. Toni Delos Santos. Toni is a experienced Sport Psychology Coach who has a demonstrated history of working in the sports industry with athletes of all levels. Please checkout her website and perhaps order her book!90percentmental.com

International Business
Business Psychology

Creating a Winning Team!
by Toni Delos Santos90% Mental
In the sports world, coaching athletes and teams require a lot more than the coach’s ability to be able to find the other team’s weaknesses and strategize the best game plan to defeat their opponent. Having the right game plan is essential for victory, however, without the buy-in from the players, the strategy is only as good as the execution. The effort that the players put in all starts with the type of environment that their coach has created and the ability to effectively communicate.
In business, managers face the similar challenges with their employees and to get optimum performance and effort, the leadership that they provide will determine their overall success. Like athletes, employees each have their own individual goals that can only be met if the overall team or company is successful. It all starts with the type of culture that you create within the work force and in line with your core values. The values must be authentic as they relate to your management style and model the professional behavior you expect from your employees. Some questions to consider when creating a productive environment include:
- Do they respect and trust you?
- Do you talk to them or talk at them?
- Do they feel valued as an employee?
- Do they have the freedom share ideas?
- Do you know their individual goals within the company?
It is human nature to buy items from someone you like, respect and trust. When a manager takes the time to get to know the people on his/her team, he will better understand what motivates them. When employees feel that they are valued and heard it gives them a sense of being an important part of the company. Employees are usually the ones that have the most contact with the customers and will often have valuable feedback from the field. When their ideas are heard, they take more ownership and pride in the company.
After you have created this positive culture, the key to any good relationship is the ability to effectively communicate. In our brain we have a left hemisphere and a right hemisphere that communicate with each other by sharing information. We each have a dominant hemisphere in which we first process information. Being aware of which side your employee processes information, or lead with first, is a helpful tool to understand the best way to communicate and motivate them.
If you are wondering which is your primary hemisphere, meaning which hemisphere you process information in first, do the following exercise: - First, clasp your hands together with your fingers intertwined and notice which thumb is on top. Now, re-clasp your hands, interlacing your fingers this time by putting the opposite thumb on top. Notice how awkward it feels.
- If your left thumb is on top, you are a right brain lead, which means that you learn by seeing the big picture and then filling in the details.
- If your right thumb is on top, you are a left-brain lead, which means you like to have the details first and then you get the big picture.
Example of a right brain lead:
- Invitation: “Want to go to a concert on Friday night?”
- Response: “Yes, that sounds really fun!” Overall big picture, no details needed.
Example of a left-brain lead:
- Invitation: “Want to go to a concert Friday night?”
- Response: “Where is the concert? Who is performing? What time is the concert?” There are no details provided, which are needed before this person can feel safe agreeing.
This is a fun exercise to do with your employees and it will also give you good insight on how to best communicate with them depending on if they lead with the left or right hemisphere. Remember that an employee that is a left-brain lead will be more productive and motivated to work toward the goal when they have the instructions first on how to get there. An employee that is a right-brain lead needs to see the vision to motivate themselves and then fills in what it is going to take to get there.
Whether you are coaching a sports team or managing a business, you now have some tools that you can use to create a winning environment. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to motivate a team of individuals to work together, respect each other’s talent, enjoy the journey, and achieve success!

International Business
Offshore Perspective

Will American Wealth Leave?
Not A Captive Audience
A concept that never seems to be honestly discussed is the mobility of wealth.
The affluent are almost always extremely well traveled. Thus, the concept of moving and living in another country is likely to have been something they have flirted with or have done. With the Presidential election concluded, there is a dirty little secret that is never discussed. Will American wealth leave if the Federal Government moves dramatically closer to socialism?
United States citizens face worldwide income tax, so just moving offshore would not be enough but renouncing citizenship and becoming an expatriate while a dramatic move could be on the table for many. We already have domestic examples of population exits from heavily tax locations like New York and California to the lower taxed States of Florida and Texas. On the global scale, wealth has been leaving jurisdictions like Hong Kong because of political uncertainty for decades. None other that the Rolling Stones left the United Kingdom for tax reasons many years ago.
- In 1988, the Rolling Stones explained why they left England to Washington Post writer, Richard Harrington, for his article entitled “Stone Free." “In 1971, we were forced to decide courtesy of the British government - live in England and (because of high taxes) not be able to afford another set of guitar strings or move and keep the band together. Hence, the album “Exile on Main Street”.
It may be surprising to discover that taxes date back more than 5,000 years. As early as 3,000 B.C., ancient Egypt taxed its citizens. Within their system, the Pharaoh empowered scribes, who were enormously powerful tax collectors. It was not uncommon to find scenes depicting the scribe’s often ruthless actions in Egyptian drawings.
Virtually, every society that has ever existed established a tax system. It is also unfortunate that - throughout the course of history - cruelty and terror have frequently been linked to the collection of these same taxes. Thus, the desire by individuals throughout the ages to avoid tyrannical behavior forged a predictable and common mindset. To protect their wealth and freedom, people have historically gone to great lengths to seek refuge in havens.
If you consider that many of current proposals on the table are not only to dramatically raise tax on income but also to go after existing wealth, it seems a little unrealistic to expect those targeted to just sit back and take it. When the rich are driven out by the overreach of the taxman, it leaves a smaller tax base and someone will need to make up the difference. The outcome is always the same. Rising tax rates and an increase in currency controls by one government invariably result in another country opening its doors wider to foreign investment.
Here are a few interesting links on the subject of expatriation:
Best Countries for US Expats
Renouncing US Citizenship
* Please note we do not provide tax advice nor are we endorsing any specific service. These links are provided for information purposes only.

International Business
Business Tools

Buy Bitcoin at ATMs in Switzerland!
Not so long ago, blockchain currency was seen exotic and a far-fetched concept. Even with the pandemic, however, blockchain continues to flourish in Switzerland. The Canton of Zug, which has been nicknamed the silicon valley of cryptocurrency, is trending upward this year and offers tremendous opportunities. Below we offer a link to a recently published and important article plus an entertaining video (above) which gives some basic insight to Zug and the attractive business atmosphere it offers. Let's face it, Cryptocurrency is here to stay and a business tool you will need to be aware of and potentially use.
Crypto in Switzerland

Executive Fitness

Healthy Snack Ideas!
Who hasn't been spending more time at home lately? Many families have perfected the balance of managing a household in which kids may be engaged in virtual learning while Mom and Dad are putting in a full day's work from the home office. At several points during the day, families need to recharge. Having nutritious snacking choices on hand can tame hunger in a healthy way.
Plan and shop
Start with a plan and then head to the store with a shopping list in hand. You will be less likely to purchase unhealthy options on impulse if you stick to a shopping list.
Balance prepackaged and homemade
Homemade snacks are advantageous because you can customize ingredients to account for allergies or other needs. But commercially produced snacks are very convenient because they're ready to eat right out of the package. According to Good Housekeeping, many food manufacturers have been stepping up their games and offering tasty and healthy nonperishable foods. Just be sure to read labels, paying attention to sodium and sugar content and other pertinent nutritional information.
When choosing snacks, pick a few different options that appeal to savory, salty and sweet cravings. Portion out these snacks so the temptation for overindulgence is limited.
Choose among the healthiest options
Stock the pantry and refrigerator with an array of healthy snacking options.
· Nuts and their butters: Nuts are nutritional powerhouses that provide filling protein, fiber, healthy fats, and many different vitamins and minerals. Nuts can be ground at home and made into spreads and dips.
· Popcorn: Plain, air-popped popcorn is full of fiber, making it a filling snack. Without toppings like butter, popcorn can be low in calories.
· Fruit: Fresh fruit, frozen fruit, fruit purees, and dried fruit are must-haves. Place a bowl of fresh fruit in reach of kids so it can be their first snacking choice. Frozen fruit can be transformed into simple smoothies. Dried fruit keeps longer, and is a great addition to trail mixes. Cups of applesauce can easily be grabbed and satisfy sweet cravings.
· Sliced vegetables: When preparing meals, slice vegetables, including carrots, celery, cucumbers, and sweet peppers. Later they can be dunked into homemade dips for an easy treat.
· Hummus: Speaking of dips, hummus is filling and tasty. Made from nutrient-dense chick peas, hummus can be enhanced with different flavors, from garlic to ginger to even chocolate for a dessert variety.
· Whole-grain chips: Opt for whole-grain chips that blend a variety of grains into the mix. Avoid products with hydrogenated oils.
Healthy snacking is possible when families think ahead and know what to look for at the grocery store.

International Spirits & Cuisine

Wild Boar & Italian Cuisine
I am not sure what could be more pleasant on a spring evening than having a glass of wine (or two) while listening to jazz and cooking Italian cuisine. If there is something, well, I have not found it, and that is exactly what I did last weekend.
With all due respect, to my vegetarian friends, I enjoy trying to be as authentic as possible and wild boar was our effort that night. It is also a delicious staple to many Italian diets and not easily found in the United States. While doing research for this section, however, we discovered a ranch in Texas which we will certainly use again.
Broken Arrow Ranch is located in the Texas Hill Country and is a producer of high-quality free-range venison, antelope and wild boar meat. These animals are truly wild – not farm or pen-raised. Since they feed on natural grasses and other similar vegetation it produces an all-natural meat of the highest quality which is also provided to many a fine-dining restaurant across the country. We were very impressed by Broken Arrow. That particular night we used their Italian wild boar sausage to stuff red peppers with brown rice and onion resulting in a very sweet version of a classic dish - pretty much a perfect entrée. We hope you will have the opportunity to enjoy their service too.
Broken Arrow Ranch
Please Click Here

Leisure & Style

How to Choose the Right Sunglasses!
Sunscreen is essential to protect skin against potential sun damage, but what about keeping the eyes safe from the sun? Are the eyes vulnerable to significant sun-related damage as well?
According to the Calvert Ophthalmology Center, ultraviolet rays from the sun can contribute to various eye problems. These can range from temporary vision loss to macular degeneration. When spending time in the sun, it's vital that individuals take steps to protect their eyes. One of the ways to do just that is to wear sunglasses.
All sunglasses are not created equal. Quality sunglasses protect the eyes from UV rays, reduce eyestrain in bright conditions and protect the eyes from flying debris. Here's how to find the right pair of sunglasses for you.
· Check the UV rating. Sunglasses should block 100 percent of both UVA and UVB rays. UV rays can contribute to cataracts and even destroy the retina, which is the lining at the back of the eyes. In addition, UV light can cause changes in the cells of the eyes that may produce discomfort or even lead to cancer. Make sure the label indicates that the sunglasses protect against UVA and UVB rays.
· Wear large sunglasses. The more coverage from sunglasses the better. The American Optometric Association advises that oversized or wraparound sunglasses are best, as they can cut down on the UV rays entering the eye from the side.
· Don't be fooled by dark lenses. Dark lenses do not necessarily block more UV rays than light-colored lenses. It is important to look at the label to see the UV rating.
· Select functional sunglasses. The sporting goods experts at REI state that certain sunglasses are specifically designed for certain activities. Sport sunglasses, for example are designed for running, biking and hiking. They're lightweight and fit tightly so they stay on while exercising. Their frame and lens materials also may be more impact-resistant than casual sunglasses. Glacier glasses are sport sunglasses that protect the eyes from intense light at high altitudes and against reflections from snow.
· Know the functions of polarized lenses. Polarization helps reduce glare coming off of reflective surfaces, such as water. Note that polarization will not offer more protection from the sun, but it makes engaging in certain activities more comfortable.
· Recognize that the color of lenses also helps. In addition to polarization, the color of lenses can affect how much visible light reaches the eyes and affects clarity. Brown, gray and green are ideal for everyday use and most outdoor activities. Light colors like rose, yellow and amber are good in low to moderate light conditions. They can improve the visibility of objects and make surroundings seem brighter.
Shop smart when selecting sunglasses to keep eyes healthy and comfortable.

Unpack in 10 Seconds Flat!
As we all anxiously await the ability to travel again, we tripped over this video last week and thought this such a cool travel idea that we had to share it! It is so simple but makes total sense. Apparently, you really can unpack as quickly as you can unzip your bag and stay organized. RISE Gear makes it possible.
Business Services
Free E-Book
"The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership"
Jeffrey H. Corbett
About the Author:
It is our mission to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy as well as make a Swiss Trust Company acquisition possible for you within the shortest possible period of time. Offering more than 25 years of hands-on personal experience, the management of Corb7 International has guided more clients to successful endeavors with Swiss Trust Companies than any other alternative source.
This operational and management experience has allowed Jeffrey Corbett to develop a keen understanding for how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies or inefficient networks resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, the Corb7 Strategic Development Solution was created by him. This in-depth approach allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. An advocate for bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.