What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
1917 - Another Russian War - Business Psychology:
How Self-Talk Works - Cross-Border Business:
Switzerland - Business Tools:
New Construction Funding - Business Etiquette:
Commonsense Etiquette - Executive Fitness:
Are Your Workouts Working? - Spirits & Cuisine:
German Food Delivered to Your Front Door! - Leisure:
A Fun Look at Umbrellas - Lifestyle & Travel:
Benefits of Using a Travel Agent - Corb7 International Services:
1982 Swiss Trust Company for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note
1917 - Another Russian War
The year was 1917, and the location was Latvia. It was a poor and mostly agrarian country in Northern Europe’s Baltic region bordered to the north by Estonia and to the south by Lithuania. My grandparents were children at the time. As the saying goes; “timing is everything,” and theirs could not have been much worse. The Bolshevik Revolution began in October of that year starting in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg). It was quickly followed by another civil war – later to be coined the Russian Revolution – and spread throughout the various countries doomed to become possessions of the Soviet Union. It would be bloody and last until 1922. My great-grandfather became a casualty when a local preacher turned him in as a dissident, and he was shot. Having personally witnessed the cold-blooded murder of his father, my grandfather would flee to the United States, leaving behind a world and relatives he would never see again. He met a woman, also of Latvian heritage, and together they started a new life in Western Pennsylvania.
Vladimir Lenin got his wish and rose to prominence, becoming Russia’s most powerful figure. The State was to become godlike. Human rights and the individual spirit were quashed. Citizens feared to whisper a word of opposition for Siberia or worse would be a likely punishment. The seeds of the KGB had been sown, and personal rights were altogether nonexistent.
Growing up I always thought it was kind of cool that part of my heritage was Irish and Swiss, but I was also ½ Latvian. Who had ever heard of Latvia? For the longest time, it didn’t even exist since it had been swallowed whole buy the former Soviet Union in much the same manner Russia is attempting to take Ukraine. My grandparents would not talk much of their homeland, which was likely the aftereffect of seeing firsthand what happens to those who speak out against a government. They would also not speak their language and when pressed, they would state – “we are in America; you speak English.” So, everything and everyone they knew was sacrificed for the promise of freedom. Once in the mid-1970’s my dad tried to find the lost Latvian relatives of his Mother and Father in-law by contacting the Russian Consulate in Washington DC. He was met with an abrupt answer – “we don’t do dat.” Over the years, the ignorance of youth subsided, and I learned to understand and be proud of my Eastern European heritage. Even so, most of it is lost, never to be found, which is common for descendants of immigrants of repressive regimes.
In the last few weeks, we have again witnessed good vs. evil. Because of the pure bravery of the Ukraine people, win or lose, Mr. Putin will have done nothing more than place his name forever alongside the likes of Stalin and Hitler. Let’s pray he loses, and God bless the people of the Ukraine.

International Business
Business Psychology

How Self-Talk Works
From the moment you were born everything that was said to you and everything you saw was recorded into your brain. That part of the brain that records this information does not know what is real or fiction.
Personal achievement and entrepreneurship is always intertwined with motivation and innovation. We are totally fascinated by the power of the subconscious mind. In the above video, Dr. Shad Helmstetter,- Ph-D and best-selling author of thirteen books in the field of personal growth – provides one of the best descriptions we have heard pertaining to the power of this tool. He also relates it to specifically to accomplishing goals and possible business application. We highly recommend this 7 minute video.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Switzerland - The World's Premier Haven
A Switzerland is often called “the world’s premier business haven” with its exceedingly friendly business culture and a world-class infrastructure second to none. One of the most important industries within Switzerland is the iconic banking sector. One-third of the world’s wealth resides in this tiny nation. Tradition, integrity, and trust are adjectives that all aptly describe this international business destination.
Though relatively small, Switzerland has only 8.1 million inhabitants - 16% of those living in Switzerland are foreign citizens, pointing to the cosmopolitan nature of the population - the World Economic Forum’s "Global Competitiveness Report" recently ranked Switzerland's economy as the most competitive in the world. While the four national languages of Switzerland are German, French, Italian and Romansch, most professionals speak working English. In addition, Switzerland is one of the oldest democracies in the world, established in 1848.
For the last thirty years, the Federal Executive has consisted of a coalition between the country's main political parties, assuring balance neutrality and free enterprise. This tiny landlocked country has been successfully competing in favor of Direct Foreign Investment for seemingly countless years. With a long-standing history of neutrality – it has not been in a state of war since 1815 – an iconic banking infrastructure has been developed. Even through the resent global economic crisis not one Swiss bank approached failure. There can be little doubt that the stability of the Swiss banking system and its financial institutions have contributed mightily to this country’s success. Controversies aside, the Swiss have become the world’s banker with a standing estimate that one-third of all current wealth resides here.
Several universal factors contribute to this relatively small nation's ability to compete on the global scale which enhances its reputation:
- Social peace and political stability
- A leading economy with currency and price stability
- Highly professional international banks that focus on privacy
- First-rate infrastructure
- High productivity combined with extraordinary product and service quality
- First-class and world-renowned universities and technical institutes
This week Switzerland made a virtually unprecedented move which further enhances its international standing by joining sanctions against Russia. This was done because it was the moral thing to do and at great financial sacrifice.
Supporting Article

International Business
Business Tools
New Construction Funding
We are pleased to bring to your attention a service that could provide a lifeline to your business. Through our associates, we can arrange financing for companies who cannot obtain adequate bank financing. Our proprietary associations and colleagues operate as an international clearinghouse, representing several hundred non-traditional money sources that are specifically geared to fund troubled or growing companies. These are generally non-bank lenders that provide financing to companies who cannot obtain adequate capital to further develop or maintain their businesses.Client Profile: Any company or group that is unable to secure commercial financing through traditional sources particularly if funding needs are immediate.
For Details:
Call Us Now: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com

International Business
Business Etiquette

Commonsense Etiquette
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
A I’ve been re-reading a delightful book written by Eleanor Roosevelt in 1962 titled Book of Common-Sense Etiquette, in which she says:
“Etiquette is not just a matter of knowing how a lunch or dinner should be served, or what the “proper” behavior is in this or that situation. There are many correct ways of behaving in almost any situation, and many proper ways of doing those things for which there are precise rules in formal etiquette books. Yet the formal rules always have had a signal usefulness, and are worthy of respectful attentions, and even though we have renounced some of them, we ought not to belittle this impulse that brought them into being, for it is the very essence of man’s desire to achieve self-respect and dignity.”
Common sense must speak to the rules of etiquette such that good manners end up prevailing.
Developing Good Manners
As children, we instinctively fed ourselves hand to mouth. But when we were taught to use a spoon and fork, ask for an item to be passed to us, and learned that others also would like items passed to them, practical knowledge melded into a social sense that can only develop through experience with other people.
When a child learns to say “Please” and “Thank you,” and smiles at the other person when he says it, he is not only learning manners but also adding to his bank of social knowledge. Manners are a combination of recognition of others and specific know-how. The guiding codes are the rules of etiquette.
Each of us try to act with sound judgment and aim for sensible action in all that we do. Etiquette serves in gaining the practical knowledge that we apply to our ever-changing social and professional situations. It helps us live reasonably and kindly, and desiring it is commonsensical.
Many things we do in the spirit of courtesy and in line with common sense every day:
- Opening and holding doors for others.
- Reciprocating the sharing of dinner with those who invite you to their table.
- Extending verbal courtesies such as “It’s my pleasure,” “Please,” “Thank you,” and “May I?” when interacting with other people.
- Insisting that children need to help with dinner and chores as a regular part of learning to coexist within a family.
- Returning phone calls and emails within a short period of time.
Regardless of your line of work, courtesy and civility are basic to professional conduct.
- Take ownership for the level of work produced.
- Cooperate with colleagues and management.
- Prove dependable and trustworthy and show up on time.
- Give the benefit of doubt.
- Look for the positives and aim for the bright side, taking the proverbial “high road” at every turn.
- Never announce something really important in a text message.
- Keep your focus on where you are, who you are with and why you are there.
- Being clear and concise shows respect for the people with whom you are communicating.
- Actively listen with intention of finding value in what others say.
- Keep the Golden Rule active, doing to others what you would have them do and be with you.
Aiming to be respectful in all of our interactions and following through by keeping our word and taking responsibility for our own behavior develops strength of character. Doing what we know ultimately works is common sense.

Executive Fitness

Are Your Workouts Working?
Obstacles are bound to appear as individuals embark on the road to getting healthier. Such obstacles come in many different forms, but one hurdle many individuals encounter is doubts about the effectiveness of their workout regimens.
Everyone would love to reap instant rewards from exercise, and immediate gratification is not necessarily elusive. For example, individuals who begin exercising may find their energy levels and attitudes have improved after their first workout. However, individuals who are exercising to lose weight may be discouraged if the scale doesn't immediately indicate they're shedding unwanted pounds. That's a significant obstacle to overcome, and it's one reason why so many health professionals urge patience and perseverance as individuals embark on their weight loss goals. Though it might not seem like much, industry professionals note that losing one to two pounds per week is a good sign that a workout routine is working.
The experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine note that weight loss is not the only way for individuals to determine if they're making progress toward their weight loss goals. The following are three additional metrics that individuals can look to as they try to chart their exercise progress.
1. Target heart rate: Before beginning an exercise regimen, individuals, especially those who have been living a sedentary lifestyle, should speak with their physicians to determine what their target heart rate should be. They can then measure their exercise progress by what they need to do to reach that progress. At the outset, individuals may not need to exercise as vigorously to reach their target rates, but as their bodies get healthier and grow more acclimated to exercise, they will need to work harder to reach their target heart rate. This makes target heart rate a good metric by which to measure exercise progress.
2. Repetitions: Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that repetitions are another reliable metric by which to measure exercise progress. The more repetitions individuals can do without straining, the stronger their muscles are becoming. Individuals should resist any urge to overdo it. The repetitions metric is only a useful measure of progress if individuals are capable of doing a rep without straining.
3. Body composition: This metric should come as no surprise. The more positively exercise affects the body, the more that will show in how the body looks. Johns Hopkins notes that fat loss, specifically around the waist, and muscle growth are two telltale signs that an exercise regimen is progressing.
It can be easy to obsess over results when beginning an exercise regimen. But remaining patient and persistent and utilizing certain metrics to measure progress can keep individuals on the path to getting fit.

Spirits & Cuisine

German Food Delivered to Your Front Door!
German food from Huntington Beach California? Yes, and it might just be the best sausage that you will ever throw on your grill! Straight from this area of Southern California, reasonably priced and a real treat, the best of Bavaria is available to you and can be at your doorstep within two days. Our favorite is without question the Kochers Weisswurst (literally means white sausage). The casing is so soft that it will melt in your mouth! Weisswurst is traditionally manufactured early in the morning and prepared to be eaten as a snack between breakfast and lunch. Often the Germans would enjoy it with a soft pretzel and mustard. In any case, this is just one of many options for some of the best German food you can find in the States.
7561 Center Ave. #49 A, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92647
Phone: 714-897-1470


A Fun Look at Umbrellas
Spring often means rain and once that occurs we all for reach the old standby - the umbrella. How many of us, however, know anything about the its origins?
Technology evolves with breakneck speed, and it is not too often that one can say he or she relies on something that has gone largely unchanged for centuries. But each time you reach for an umbrella, you're relying on an invention that's more than 4,000 years old.
Evidence suggests umbrellas originated in ancient Egypt and nearby Assyria. The earliest umbrellas or parasols were used to provide protection from the sun. These earliest umbrellas were made from palm leaves attached to sticks. According to UmbrellaHistory.net, umbrellas signified rank and nobles used the devices to keep their skin pale and untouched by the sun. In Assyria, only kings had the right to be protected by elaborate parasols.
Anyone who has been kept dry during a downpour because of umbrellas can thank the Chinese. The modern-day rain umbrella is a variation of waterproof parasols created in the 11th century BC. The earliest waterproof umbrellas were made of silk or paper that was waxed and lacquered for protection. Again, umbrellas signified a person of esteem, and the more elaborate the umbrella, the more important the person being protected by the device.
It wasn't until the 16th century that the umbrella became popularized in the western world, according to the history and invention site ThoughtCo. The word "umbrella" comes from the Latin root "umbra," meaning "shade." However, in the rainy climates of northern Europe, the waterproof umbrellas would be an asset for men and women hoping to stay dry. Persian traveler and writer Jonas Hanway popularized umbrellas through his own personal use, and men even called their umbrellas a "Hanway."
The British helped define the modern umbrella and even opened up the first shop devoted entirely to umbrellas. James Smith and Sons opened in 1830 in London, producing umbrellas made from wood or whalebone covered with alpaca or oiled canvas. Curved handles were made by hand and were genuine works of art.
Steel-ribbed umbrellas would come several years later. Collapsible umbrellas would not appear for roughly 100 years, when Hans Haupt's pocket umbrella and Bradford Phillips' modern folding mechanism in umbrellas were introduced.
Modern umbrellas continue to be perfected, with certain types folding outward rather than inward to keep errant drops at bay; umbrellas that cannot be flipped inside out; those that can withstand very strong winds; and umbrellas that open and shut easily with the push of a button. China still reigns supreme in regard to the production of umbrellas, just as it did all those centuries ago.

Lifestyle & Travel
Benefits of Using a Travel Agent
Thanks to the bevy of online booking sites just a few keystrokes away, many would-be vacationers have taken to planning their own vacations. But travel agents still provide valuable services that savvy travelers know can make the difference between an ordinary getaway and one travelers remember for the rest of their lives.
As tempted as travelers may be to book their own vacations, the following are a few of the many benefits of working with a travel agent when planning your next getaway.
· Experience: Many travelers want to explore foreign countries or cities they have never visited when going on vacation, and planning such excursions can be a daunting if not intimidating task. Many travel agents specialize in certain countries or regions of the world, and their experience can remove the stress and intimidation from planning an overseas adventure. Even travelers who are not leaving the country can benefit from the services of a travel agent who can share information gleaned from past clients about places to visit and places to avoid within a given city.
· Support: Travelers who book their own trips via online booking sites or other faceless agencies may have no one to look to for help should something go awry on their trip. But travel agents can be a go-to source should something go wrong with a reservation. Travel agents routinely work with hotel chains and touring groups, and they no doubt have already handled every type of problem travelers may encounter on their trips. That sense of support and security can help travelers rest easier should anything go wrong.
· Perks: Booking a trip yourself may seem like a great way to plan the most memorable vacation possible, but travel agents often have access to perks that travelers who go it alone are not privy to. Travel agents may be able to arrange for room or car rental upgrades at no additional cost or get their clients reservations at exclusive restaurants where travelers who go it alone will be shut out of. These perks can turn an ordinary trip into the best vacation of your life.
· Time: Planning your own vacation is a time-consuming process that can seem like a second job. If you want to go that route and still have a memorable vacation, you should expect to spend hours on end looking for the best deals and the must-see places to visit while simultaneously figuring out a plan to get from point A to point B to point C and so on. Travel agents plan such trips for a living and can speak to you about what you want out of a given trip before they spend the time necessary to tailor a getaway to suit your every need.
· Trends: Even if you do all of your own exhaustive research, travel agents will still likely know more about your potential destination than you will. That's because travel agents are plugged into the industry in ways that few, if any, outside the travel business can ever be plugged in. If you want a truly unique trip that's unlike any your friends or family members have ever taken, then lean on a travel agent who's in the know about the latest trendy hotels or luxury offerings at destinations across the globe.
Many people are tempted to plan and book their own vacations without ever consulting a travel agent. But travel agents are an invaluable resource for travelers who hope their next trip proves to be the vacation of a lifetime.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions

Think 7 Continents, Think a World of Opportunity
Video Presentation Offered Above
A Swiss Trust Company is a unique, focused model that allows discerning entrepreneurs to employ these strategies. Whether your motivation is Profit, Privacy or Asset Protection, we are about to introduce to you a totally unique business tool - Swiss Trust Company Ownership. No other business tool is like it, offering you the capability to conduct almost limitless transactions through a prestigious European financial center with the assistance of highly regarded professionals.
1) To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
Strategic Benefits:
- Asset Protection: Obtain a safe haven for either your personal or corporate wealth
- Profit: Acquire ownership of a “Non-Banking Financial Entity” in a major financial center
- Privacy: The ability to lower your financial profile and protect yourself from identity theft
- Gain Control: Avoid cumbersome red-tape in which will improve efficiency
- Potential Exit Strategy: Roll existing business into a STC and then listing on an exchange
- Portfolio Management: Manage portfolios of Real Estate or Securities
Additional Benefits Include:
- Political and Economic Stable Environment
- The Swiss Franc as an Independent Currency
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- Tools like joining an SRO, applying for a light FINMA Banking License
- Efficient Network of Swiss Banks including communications by SWIFT
- Business Friendly Location
The average client invests approximately $100,000 to acquire their company. Your outlay will increase with the age of the structure since older companies are more difficult to locate.
* Please note this is not a tax sheltered vehicle for United States citizens or any jurisdiction with worldwide tax obligations.
For Details:
Call Us Now: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com