What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Updates on the Swiss Light Banking License - Business Psychology:
Language of Success - Offshore Perspective:
Buy Bitcoin at ATMs - Business Etiquette:
Email Etiquette - Executive Fitness:
Explore the Benefits of HIIT - International Spirits & Cuisine:
Lobster Delivered to Your Front Door - Leisure & Style:
How to Choose the Perfect Sunglasses - Travel:
Unpack Pack in 10 Seconds Flat! - Corb7 International Services:
New Swiss Trust Company for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note
Updates on the Swiss Light Banking License
To boost innovative financial companies, the Swiss parliament has simplified the regulatory requirements for Fintech companies which accepts public deposits. This regulatory simplification, which was implemented on January 1, 2019, allows for a “Swiss Light Banking License”. The regulatory change will greatly reduce the financial requirements for FinTech companies that accept public deposits.Under previous regulation, the operations of many FinTech companies often fell within the scope of the Swiss Banking Act and therefore required a full Swiss banking license from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This Class One Swiss Banking License carries a substantial financial and organizational obligation, and has an onerous licensing process, which has kept many companies out of the Swiss market. For that specific reason, the Swiss Federal Council and Swiss Parliament created a legal framework for FinTech companies.
The new regulations include a “sandbox exemption”, that allows FinTech companies to engage in certain activities which under the previous rules would have triggered the need for a banking license. In general. these companies may accept deposits up to a maximum of CHF 100 million without a full banking license, so long as such assets are not invested or interest bearing.
Two years after this new legislation was put in place it continues to gain popularity with start-ups.
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International Business
Business Psychology

Language of Success
by Toni Delos Santos90% Mental
When we are communicating there are all types of language that we can use. We could use powerful language, bad language, or politically correct language. These can all be effective given the situation. It has been determined by experts that 93% of all communication is non-verbal. Our initial feeling about a person will come from the way we read their body language. When you board a plane and first sit down, you can tell right away if the person sitting next you is going to be chatty or keep to themselves. As you are approaching the seat and a person has their head down and arms crossed, you will pick up on the fact that they are not open for conversation. We all make judgments on people based on their body language.
According to Alex Todorov at Princeton, seventy percent of gubernatorial races and U.S. Senate outcomes can be predicted by judgements made in one second of looking at a political candidate’s face. The way we carry ourselves can have a big impact on getting hired for a job, recruited to a D1 school to play a sport, or even get invited to attend a social gathering. I am sure that we have all been around the person that “wears everything on their sleeve!” The minute they walk into the office, you will immediately know what kind of day they are having. If they are having a bad day, it can suck the energy out of the room.
Our bodies are designed to regulate our hormones based on what is needed. When we encounter danger or a stressful situation, cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland. On the flip side of that, when we feel powerful and confident, our body produces more testosterone. A powerful leader will have higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way, we could make this happen? Science has shown that we can produce these results based on our body language. When we feel powerful, we automatically show it in our body language. However, when we do not feel powerful or confident, we will also convey that through our body language. The great news is that we can consciously use our body language to produce the powerful and dominant feeling that we want to have when presenting to a group, closing a big deal, or pitching to a home run hitter!
I want you to do a quick 10 second experiment:
- Sit in a chair with your elbows on your knees and your head down for 5 seconds.
- Now, sit up tall shoulders back and smile for 5 seconds.
I am willing to bet that in 5 seconds you went from being tired and maybe feeling a little down to having energy and feeling happy. Whenever my kids are grumpy, I always tell them to smile because it is literally impossible to be in a bad mood when you are smiling! Wonder Woman has the signature pose of standing tall with her chest out and hands on her hips. This is one of the power poses that will open you up to have that powerful feeling. Usain Bolt, one of the greatest sprinters of all time would raise his hands in victory when he won a race. This is another pose that will set you up for success.
Amy Cuddy, Social Psychologist and body language expert says, “Don’t fake it until you make it, fake it until you become it.”

International Business
Offshore Perspective

Buy Bitcoin at ATMs!
Not so long ago, blockchain currency was seen exotic and a far-fetched concept. Even with the pandemic, however, blockchain continues to flourish in Switzerland. The Canton of Zug, which has been nicknamed the silicon valley of cryptocurrency, is trending upward this year and offers tremendous opportunities. Below we offer a link to a recently published and important article plus an entertaining video (above) which gives some basic insight to Zug and the attractive business atmosphere it offers. Let's face it, Cryptocurrency is here to stay and a business tool you will need to be aware of and potentially use.
Crypto in Switzerland

International Business
Business Etiquette

Politely Nudge an Email Response
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Sometimes it’s necessary to nudge a response from someone, particularly in the case of email. We are all busy, with lots of information coming at us at what feels like a constant, rapid pace. When certain messages aren’t handled immediately, it is far too easy to let them sink unnoticed back in your inbox. Especially when new emails are coming through, demanding your attention!
However, when a well-intended nudge crosses the line into what feels like a push or a shove, the boundaries of “polite” have been crossed. No longer is the shield of courtesy in place. Things can begin to feel rude.
We definitely want to avoid this edgy experience. But on email the bind is there, as you really do want a person to respond to you. It’s only a guessing game when it comes to knowing why the recipient of your message hasn’t responded and it’s not polite to ask why you haven’t gotten a response.
While You Wait
As you walk the tightrope of waiting for someone to respond to your email and deciding if you should nudge a response, your mind may play with various scenarios of following up or how you will react when you finally hear from the person.
In order to remain in polite territory, keep the following suggestions in mind:
- Keep your emotions in check.
- Don’t accuse or insinuate impoliteness.
- Evaluate whether you are trying to correct the person for putting you out of sorts.
- Reassess all the possible reasons your email has gone untended: over-full inbox, opened and slipped into opened mail, person has been away from email, and so on.
- Make a note to yourself that if you haven’t heard by a certain date, you will reach out.
When that time comes, assess whether you want to respond. Some things may be better left alone.
We’re always sensing the waters of “polite” to know where and when to put the oar in. Whether you choose to be subtle or direct when you nudge a response from someone, always intend to be respectful. Even if your gesture is not read that way, you’re in an easy line for a quick apology.
Next, decide if you should send a new email or if you should forward the previous message chain with your response request. This will depend on the importance and type of the information in the message chain.
Forwarding your previously sent email:
- “Hi John, I’m wondering if there is anything I can do to help with this form.”
- “Hello Kelly, I hope this doesn’t feel like I’m rushing you. What do you think about this plan?”
- “Hey, good morning, Charlie! This is just a little nudge to say that we should get to solving this soon. Looking forward to it.”
- “Mary, this probably slipped into opened mail. Curious what you think. How should we proceed?”
After the salutation when sending a new email:
- “Regarding the Johnson offer, may we consider a deadline? I'm available if you'd like to speak by phone."
- “What are your thoughts about our upcoming meeting on Wednesday?"
- “I am reaching out and hoping all is well. We haven't been in touch.”
- “Just wondering if you received the invitation to our party this week. Please let me know if you and Charles can come. We sure hope so!”
It helps me to remember that when I get an email, the guideline is to respond within the first twenty-four hours. My response may be that I intend to respond later, but at least the person with whom I am corresponding knows that they are a priority, “John, I received your email and will get back to you this week after I have a chance to work on our proposal.”
We are all busy people and things slip away from us. This is why it is completely appropriate to nudge a response from someone. The key is to do so etiquette-fully, keeping kindness and respect at the forefront of your reminder.

Executive Fitness

Explore the Benefits of HIIT
Many new programs are available at fitness centers that allow fitness-minded individuals to test their mettle. Recently, one of the more popular fitness regimens is HIIT, and it's probably available at a fitness center near you.
HIIT is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training. The American College of Sports Medicine says HIIT held steady among the top fitness trends for 2018. The crux of HIIT is sustained, intense exercise followed by active recovery periods. WebMD says that HIIT can be used with any type of cardio workout, including rowing, jumping rope, stair climbing, and more. Many gyms also build programs around HIIT that may include "boot camp" workouts that utilize equipment or body weight exercises to burn calories.
A typical HIIT training sessions lasts about 30 minutes. Workouts are performed at 80 to 90 percent of a person's maximal heart rate, which is the number of times the heart will beat in a minute without overexerting itself. Recovery periods are not entirely rest. They tend to be shorter than active periods, and come in at around 40 to 50 percent of the maximal heart rate. The workout will alternate between the working and recovery periods.
HIIT workouts can be effective at boosting metabolism and helping people burn calories faster. They also help to develop physical endurance. The science behind the workouts has to do with EPOC, or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. The fitness lifestyle resource Daily Burn says that HIIT will help burn more fat and calories than regular steady workouts because EPOC\0x2008 is an oxygen shortage in the body that occurs during the intense portions of the HIIT workouts. During recovery, the body will ask for more oxygen, creating an afterburn and a metabolic disturbance. The fitness guide Fitness Blender states that the intense training will result in the body burning calories at a higher rate for up to 48 to 72 hours after exercising.
People may see greater results by doing HIIT workouts three times a week for half of the duration than they would if they were performing more typical workouts more frequently. For those whose schedules are already jam-packed, HIIT can be a more efficient way of exercising.
HIIT requires a strong baseline fitness level, so beginners or those who have been out of the gym for some time are urged to start slowly. Also, since HIIT causes high demand on the heart and respiratory systems, so it's essential to discuss the regimen with a doctor to find out if HIIT is a smart choice depending on your medical history.
Those considering participating in HIIT workouts are urged to discuss the possibilities with a knowledgeable trainer at a neighborhood gym.

International Spirits & Cuisine

Lobster Delivered to Your Front Door
There may be no better lobster than what you can get in Maine. Now it is available to be delivered to your front door. Lobster Gram had been in service since 1987, delivering Grade A Maine lobsters to anywhere in the United States. They come shipped and ready to cook in a variety of packages. Our favorite is the 4 – five-ounce tail bundle which we love to grill outdoors as a perfect complement to a steak dinner – flawless surf and turf.
Lobster Gram
Click Here to Order

Leisure & Style

How to Choose the Perfect Sunglasses
Sunscreen is essential to protect skin against potential sun damage, but what about keeping the eyes safe from the sun? Are the eyes vulnerable to significant sun-related damage as well?
According to the Calvert Ophthalmology Center, ultraviolet rays from the sun can contribute to various eye problems. These can range from temporary vision loss to macular degeneration. When spending time in the sun, it's vital that individuals take steps to protect their eyes. One of the ways to do just that is to wear sunglasses.
All sunglasses are not created equal. Quality sunglasses protect the eyes from UV rays, reduce eyestrain in bright conditions and protect the eyes from flying debris. Here's how to find the right pair of sunglasses for you.
· Check the UV rating. Sunglasses should block 100 percent of both UVA and UVB rays. UV rays can contribute to cataracts and even destroy the retina, which is the lining at the back of the eyes. In addition, UV light can cause changes in the cells of the eyes that may produce discomfort or even lead to cancer. Make sure the label indicates that the sunglasses protect against UVA and UVB rays.
· Wear large sunglasses. The more coverage from sunglasses the better. The American Optometric Association advises that oversized or wraparound sunglasses are best, as they can cut down on the UV rays entering the eye from the side.
· Don't be fooled by dark lenses. Dark lenses do not necessarily block more UV rays than light-colored lenses. It is important to look at the label to see the UV rating.
· Select functional sunglasses. The sporting goods experts at REI state that certain sunglasses are specifically designed for certain activities. Sport sunglasses, for example are designed for running, biking and hiking. They're lightweight and fit tightly so they stay on while exercising. Their frame and lens materials also may be more impact-resistant than casual sunglasses. Glacier glasses are sport sunglasses that protect the eyes from intense light at high altitudes and against reflections from snow.
· Know the functions of polarized lenses. Polarization helps reduce glare coming off of reflective surfaces, such as water. Note that polarization will not offer more protection from the sun, but it makes engaging in certain activities more comfortable.
· Recognize that the color of lenses also helps. In addition to polarization, the color of lenses can affect how much visible light reaches the eyes and affects clarity. Brown, gray and green are ideal for everyday use and most outdoor activities. Light colors like rose, yellow and amber are good in low to moderate light conditions. They can improve the visibility of objects and make surroundings seem brighter.
Shop smart when selecting sunglasses to keep eyes healthy and comfortable.

Unpack in 10 Seconds Flat!
As we all start to travel again, we thought this such a cool travel idea that we had to share it. It is so simple but makes total sense. Apparently, you really can unpack as quickly as you can unzip your bag and stay organized. RISE Gear makes it possible.
Business Services
Business Acquisitions
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[Additional Opportunities in Europe & US Currently available]