What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Switzerland and Cryptocurrency - Business Tools:
Top Reasons to Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2019 - Business Psychology:
Critical Thinking - Executive Fitness:
How to Live Longer & Better - International Spirits & Cuisine:
Human Foods that Your Pets Need to Avoid - Living & Traveling Offshore:
How to Learn a New Language - Corb7 International Services:
New Swiss Trust Company Opportunities
- Feature:
International Business
Switzerland the Silicon Valley of Crypto!
We recently came across this 90 second video produced by the Financial Times that gives a great explanation of Switzerland and its importance to the rise of cryptocurrency. We thought it important enough to feature and bring to your attention. Hope you enjoy!
International Business
Business Tools
Top 9 Reasons to Own a STC in 2019!
1) Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of a bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.
2) Internet-Based Business Owners: Enhance the corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
3) Import Industry & Shipping Industry: Control transactions more efficiently and establish true corresponding bank relationships.
4) Eastern European Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
5) South Korean Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
6) US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. It furthermore, applies to similar industries.
7) Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via a mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
8) South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. It furthermore, applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
9) Cryptocurrency: Zug, Switzerland is quickly becoming the World’s Center for Cryptocurrency. For those interested in this marketplace, a Swiss Trust Company is the perfect business model to implement strategies.
International Business
Business Psychology

Clear & Present … Critical Thinking
by Jeff Corbett
Monday was laundry day. At the start of every new week, you did your washing and ironing. That’s the way it was. On a bright and sunny day, if your clothes were not hanging by clothespins outside, a neighbor would likely call over and see if you were ill. After all, it’s Monday and that is what you did. Good, bad or indifferent we loved our habits. It was a simpler time, and those days are gone. My early childhood, spent growing up in Pittsburgh during the 1970′s was not “Leave it to Beaver” the iconic T.V. show but on the other hand, it certainly wasn’t “Beverly Hills Housewives” either. The world has changed. Times are radically different but are we? Or, do most of us, as Henry David Thoreau once said, “lead lives of quiet desperation”? Is it our conditioned fate to drone on with personal rituals and our own “virtual” laundry days without ever questioning why?
Jaywalking Through Life
Any fan of late-night television will recognize the Tonight Show, and a segment entitled Jaywalking that was done with the former host Jay Leno. It is an uneasy humor which hits the viewer as contestants attempt to answer simple questions and fail in the most amazing ways. The segment often resembles a train crash – you want to turn away – but it is simply impossible not to watch. Maybe we aren’t smarter than a fifth grader. Nothing in pop culture points to the failure of our educational system better than this simple comedy skit. Individuals who otherwise appear intelligent, frequently educators themselves, fail to summon up fundamental knowledge that should have been obtained through rote learning long ago. Is this lack of awareness some sort of deep social-psychological conditioning? Perhaps we are bombarded with so much information daily that we have become the opposite of Pavlov’s dog and prefer not to respond at all. No matter the reason for its existence, this collective lack of thought we are willing to demonstrate throughout our lives surely creates opportunities for those who are desirous to manipulate it.
Every single day, public relations firms, governments and special-interest groups pound away at us through the media. Content that was once considered editorial is now frequently advertorial. Reported news is opinion. You cannot avoid it. Virtually everything that is printed, photographed or videotaped can be manipulated to influence decisions. Therefore, we have a choice to make. We can passively accept what is fed through these outlets as fact or understand that yellow journalism really does exist and question the validity of everything presented to us. In ancient Latin, there is a phrase “Qui tacet consentit” which means “silence implies consent.” Jaywalk through this valley at your own peril.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to steer clear of quick judgment and question what is presented as factual. It is not a step by step process that can be memorized but rather a skill that is honed with time and use. This invaluable discipline can function in every aspect of life to solve problems and make quality choices. American academic great, William Graham Sumner, thought that “men educated in it (critical thinking) cannot be stampeded by stump orators.” Advocates of critical thinking have frequently stated that “education should teach how to think and not what to think.” It might be time to for us to expand that argument to include the instruction to think. By definition, an international entrepreneur or even just an advocate of a wide-reaching lifestyle, must think out of the box. No matter your political leanings, the current times demand no less.
Executive Fitness
Longevity: How to Live Better & Longer
Dr. Peter Attia discusses longevity with Joe Rogan. We found the discussion of fasting and training fascinating and hope you enjoy.
Spirits & Cuisine
Human Foods Your Pets Need to Avoid!
The revenue of the pet care industry is testament to the lengths people will go to ensure their pets are comfortable and receiving a high level of care. Well-meaning pet owners may pamper their pets, and many believe giving treats of human food is the ultimate indulgence for their animals. However, these individuals may be unwittingly exposing their beloved pets to health problems by feeding them the wrong foods.
The Humane Society of the United States warns that even foods that are considered good for people can be very dangerous for pets. This may even include common fruits and vegetables. In 2010, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center received more than 167,000 calls related to pet exposure to toxic substances. The top three reasons for pet poisoning included consumption of prescription and over-the-counter drugs (45,616 calls); ingestion of insecticides (29,020 calls); and eating human food (17,453 calls). Many people are unaware that certain foods present a hazard to their pets’ health.
Although any food not specifically designed for cats and dogs can affect the digestive system, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea or intestinal distress, the following foods are particularly problematic for companion animals.
· Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages can cause liver and brain damage because it has the same effects on pets as it does on people – it just takes far less alcohol to negatively affect pets than it does humans. Just a little alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system depression, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma, and even death.
· Chocolate: The toxic component of chocolate is theobromine. It’s present in all types of chocolate, but more so in dark varieties and baking chocolate. At its worst, chocolate can cause an abnormal heart rhythm, seizures and death.
· Dairy products: Cats pictured lapping up bowls of milk is a misrepresentation of what they should be consuming. Many cats and even some dogs are lactose intolerant. Eating dairy products can cause digestive upset and may lead to food allergies and discomfort.
· Fat trimmings, raw meat, raw eggs and raw fish: Each of these can cause vomiting, diarrhea or a painful condition called pancreatitis (from excessive fat). Plus, there is a risk of salmonella or E. coli associated with these foods.
· Grapes and raisins: Cats may shy away from them, but dogs can suffer acute kidney failure from these fruits.
· Macadamia nuts: According to WebMD, dogs shouldn’t eat macadamia nuts or foods that contain them because they can be fatal. As few as six raw or roasted macadamias can make dogs seriously ill. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and rapid heart rate.
· Sweetened candy: Candies, gums, toothpaste, and any product containing “xylitol” can cause more insulin to circulate through a pet’s body, making blood sugar drop. That can result in liver failure and loss of coordination.
Foods that people consume should not be shared with pets unless they have been recommended by a veterinarian. Even then, human food should be sparingly shared.
Living & Traveling Offshore
How to Learn a New Language!
Those who harbor a desire to order croissants at a Paris café, converse with a fisherman in a port off the coast of Greece or understand their guide when touring Tibetan ruins may need to learn a new language.
A Gallup Poll indicates that around 25 percent of Americans can speak a language other than English well enough to hold a conversation. Younger Americans are far more likely than older age groups to be bilingual. Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the United States after English. In Canada, the rate of bilingualism is 17.5 percent. Statistics Canada points out that, between 2001 and 2011, the lack of growth in bilingualism outside Quebec occurred as the non-Francophone immigrant population was growing and the proportion of students in French-as-a-second-language (FSL) programs was shrinking.
Data from Quora points out that countries like Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Nigeria are the most linguistically diverse. That is likely due to the various languages and dialects spoken within the country, and not necessarily residents’ desire to learn a second or third language.
Learning a new language is beneficial in various ways. International travel can be easier for those who speak the languages native to the countries they plan to visit. Knowing a foreign language can help remove barriers and creates positive attitudes about other cultures. Career prospects may also improve for those who speak multiple languages. Furthermore, foreign languages can lead to a greater appreciation of art, cuisine and film.
Learning a new language can be challenging. However, there are many strategies to make the process easier.
· Get motivated. Having a viable reason to learn a new language can make you more motivated. This may include getting to know a person better or landing a new job.
· Use your gadgets to your advantage. Switch the language function on your devices so that you are immersed in foreign language on a regular basis. This will help you familiarize yourself with common words that will become more recognizable through repetition.
· Rely on software or an app. Duolingo, Rosetta Stone and Anki are just a few applications that teach foreign languages in various formats.
· Watch movies. Turn on subtitles and watch foreign films, learning words and pronunciation as you go.
· Travel as much as possible. Immersing yourself in a culture and language can make learning easier and quicker. Visit countries that speak the language you’re attempting to learn.
· Practice daily. Set aside time to practice each day. Use a combination of learning strategies, including writing things down, to help language stick