What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
July 4th is a Big Deal - Business Psychology:
Creating the A-Team - Offshore Perspective:
What's Trending Offshore - Business Etiquette:
Setting a Formal Table - Executive Fitness:
Brain Health - International Spirits & Cuisine:
The History of American Hot Dogs - Leisure & Style:
Celebrating July 4th - Travel:
Luxury Travel - Corb7 International Services:
Business Listings Currently for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note

July 4th Will Be a Big Deal
John Adams, a staunch supporter of American independence and a representative for Boston at the First Continental Congress, felt that, after America gained independence from Great Britain, July 2nd was the correct date on which to celebrate American Independence Day. July 2nd was when the vote for independence took place. July 4, 1776 was when the Declaration of Independence was officially signed. Thereafter, Adams would reportedly decline invitations to appear at July 4th events in protest. In an interesting turn of events, July 4th would prove significant to Adams in another way. Both Adams and Thomas Jefferson, another key figure in American history, died on July 4, 1826, which marked the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
With all due respect to Mr. Adams, this year July 4th is a big deal. For many of us in the United States, it will represent more than America’s independence – which is always a huge day - but hopefully also freedom from the 2020 pandemic. This Sunday as I click on ESPN to watch Joey Chestnut defend his hot dog eating championship from Coney Island, and my wife starts final preparations for the party we are throwing; I will take a moment to remember. Even with all the tragedies we have all witnessed over the last 18-months, it is important to unplug, celebrate and participate in life. No matter where you reside in the world, I hope you are well and life is starting to return to normal.

International Business
Business Psychology

by Toni Delos Santos90% Mental
Creating an “A-Team” in sports or work requires talent, the ability to work to together as a team and you must have the respect of the team members to get the absolute best out of every player. If you were asked the question, “Who was the best coach or boss that you every had?” After answering the question, make a list of why you chose that person. Everyone is wired differently and there are many different motivational strategies that can bring out the best in a particular person.
A great boss is one who has the respect of the people they manage. It is easy for a boss to be a dictator because they do hold all the power. It can be a do as I say environment because I am controlling your future. Having to perform out of fear of being reprimanded or even fired is not going to bring out the best in people or create a positive place to work. Just because you are the boss does not automatically provide the respect of your team. Respecting the fact that the person is in a position of authority is much different than respecting the person.
Respect is earned by treating people with fairness and dignity. It does not require you to be everyone’s best friend to be on the list of best bosses! Developing an “A-Team” is about understanding what it takes to develop the talent that is on your team. As with a coach of an NBA team or a manager of your business department, people respond best when they have the freedom to add value to the team. This requires the following from their leader:
- Believing in them and their abilities
- Listening to ideas from team members.
- Giving praise and credit when it is due.
- Pushing them to learn and grow.
- Recognizing individuals for their effort and victories.
- Celebrate winning and assess the game.
After every game, win or lose, a team watches the film to see what they did well and what adjustments need to be made. If we learn to approach proposals and business with the same mindset, we could always be improving our presentations and learning skills from other teammates. Creating a true team atmosphere and pushing people to reach higher levels of accomplishments is what a great boss can do for his team. When someone is learning and improving, they will enjoy their work and it will keep them motivated to take on new projects. A leader that is confidence in their abilities and team will not feel threatened by smart and creative ideas that are not their own.
At the end of the day, a coach or boss that can create a positive work environment while having the respect of his team, will always develop the talent to win championships and prosper in a successful company!

International Business
Offshore Perspective

What's Trending Offshore
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International Business
Business Etiquette

Table Setting Etiquette
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Table setting etiquette is a system, evolved over time, that ensures an orderly meal.
It contains informative place settings that serve as maps, giving you a glimpse of the foods, you are about to enjoy. You know what you're being served and are prepared to eat it with the proper utensils.
A well-set table feels so orderly and comforting, you may not give much thought to it. Unless it's not there.
Disorder doesn't have the same appeal as order. What if you approached a table set like this?
General Table Setting Etiquette
- Knives (except for the butter knife) are always placed to the right of the plate.
- Forks (except for the oyster fork, which is placed to the right of the spoons) are always on the left.
- The dessert utensils are placed above the main plate, the spoon on the top, with its handle facing the right. The fork is placed under the spoon, with its handle facing the left of the place setting.
- Knife blades always face you and your plate. It may be considered offensive to point the blade at another diner.
- The bread plate is on the left side of your main plate, and glasses are on the right side.
- The water glass always goes above the knives. Wine and other glasses are placed in order of use, from the farthest right toward the inside of the place setting.
- Bread is not considered a course but, if served, use a bread plate and butter knife.
- A beverage is not considered a course, but certain wines may be served to match certain courses.
- Napkins are placed to the left of the forks or on the service plate.
- Avoid cluttering the place setting.
- Only place utensils to be used. For example, if you are serving ice cream for dessert, only the dessert spoon is necessary. You do not need to place a dessert fork as well.
- If you decorate using a centerpiece, make sure it is no higher than about seven inches so diners can still make eye contact with each other.
Place Setting Memory Tips
- When you read your place setting from left to right, you see BMW - Bread, Meal, Water.
- The acronym FOrKS helps you remember that: The Fork is on the left, O is for the plate in the center, then comes the Knife, and Spoon on the right.
- The fingers on your left hand form a 'b' and the fingers on your right hand form a 'd' to remind you that the bread is on your left, and your drink is on your right.

Executive Fitness

Brain Health
Cognitive decline is a condition that is often associated with aging, but even middle-aged people can experience memory loss or cognition issues. The video above is a Ted Talk from 2016 and one of the best I have personally come across when it comes to discussing prevention and placing the odds in your favor. Hope you have a chance to review and also read some more ideas below.
The Alzheimer's Association says that more than five million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. By 2050, that number could rise to as high as 16 million people. More than 747,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer's or another dementia, says the Canadian Alzheimer's Association.
Although there is no definitive way to prevent dementia, living a long, vibrant life may be possible by encouraging some healthy habits for the brain. It is never too late or too early to begin health and lifestyle changes.
Becoming more active can improve brain volume, reduce risk for dementia and improve thinking and memory skills. The journal Neurology found that older people who vigorously exercise performed better on cognitive tests than others of the same age, placing them at the equivalent of 10 years younger. Increased blood flow that occurs with physical activity may help generate new neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with learning and memory.
The Harvard Medical School says aerobic exercise may help improve brain tissue by improving blood flow and reducing the chances of injury to the brain from cholesterol buildup in blood vessels.
Quit smoking
The Alzheimer's Association indicates that evidence shows smoking increases the risk of cognitive decline. Smoking can impair blood flow to the brain and cause small strokes that may damage blood vessels.
Eat healthy foods
Foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels also are good for the brain. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish-based proteins, unsaturated fats, and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Neurologists state that, while research on diet and cognitive function is limited, diets, such as Mediterranean and Mediterranean-DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), may contribute to a lower risk of cognitive issues.
Consume caffeine
Caffeine may help boost memory performance and brain health. A Journal of Nutrition study found people ages 70 and older who consumed more caffeine scored better on tests of mental function than those who consumed less caffeine. Caffeine may help improve attention span, cognitive function and feelings of well-being. Information from Psychology Today also indicates caffeine may help in the storage of dopamine, which can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. In addition, compounds in cocoa and coffee beans may improve vascular health and help repair cellular damage due to high antioxidant levels.
Work the brain
Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can create new brain connections and more backup circuits, states Dr. Joel Salinas, a neurologist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. Working the brain through puzzles, reading and participating in social situations can stimulate the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a molecule essential for repairing brain cells and creating connections between them.
A good way to combine these lifestyle factors is to take an exercise class with friends, mixing the social, stimulation and exercise recommendations together.
Cognitive decline can come with aging, but through healthy habits, people can reduce their risk of memory loss and dementia.

International Spirits & Cuisine

The History of American Hot Dogs
Few foods may seem as American as hot dogs. However, hot dogs are derivative of European sausages.
Hot dogs are the yin to the hamburger's yang. Franks and burgers are a common pair at barbecues and ballparks, and rightfully so. Handheld, portable meals, they pack a convenient and flavorful punchy.
Few foods may seem as American as hot dogs. However, hot dogs are derivative of European sausages. This fact and more can shed light on the humble hot dog, which is sure to find its way to a grill near you this summer.
- Mental Floss says it's pretentious to consume a hot dog with utensils. Hot dog etiquette experts also insist adults should not top their hot dogs with ketchup, which they suggest is a topping strictly reserved for children.
- Hot dogs are often associated with New York City. However, hot dogs gained popularity across the country in the 20th century.
- Hot dogs are often called frankfurters. This refers to Frankfurt, Germany, where pork sausages similar to hot dogs are believed to have originated.
- Hot dogs were given their name by cartoonist Tad Dorgan. He observed a vendor selling "hot dachshund sausage dogs" during a baseball game at New York City's Polo Grounds. As legend has it, Dorgan couldn't spell the name of the dog, instead writing only "hot dogs." The name eventually caught on.
- Despite several jokes as well as speculation regarding what hot dogs contain, hot dogs are cured and cooked sausages that contain mainly pork, beef, chicken, and turkey. The meats come from the muscle of the animals. If a product contains organ meats, it must be declared on the packaging.
- In 1867, Charles Feltman made a cart with a stove on it, which he used to boil sausages. The cart also had compartments to keep buns fresh. Carts that sell hot dogs on the street are now seen in cities across the country.
- Hot dogs are a NASA-approved food for astronauts.
- While hot dogs are sold at many venues, data indicates that the popular convenience store chain 7-Eleven sells the most grilled hot dogs in North America, with 100 million sold annually.
- Relish, sauerkraut and even ketchup are popular hot dog toppings. But mustard is by far the most popular.
- Why are there typically 10 hot dogs per pack and only eight buns per bag? When hot dogs were first introduced, they were sold at varying quantities at the butcher shop. Hot dogs were eventually standardized to packages of 10, but buns are baked in clusters of four in popular pans designed to hold eight rolls.
Hot dogs are a summertime staple that have an interesting and extensive history.

Leisure & Style

Happy July 4th
The following are some interesting details about the origins of Independence Day and the celebrations that surround it.
Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate the birth of their nation and independence from Great Britain. This day marks the anniversary of the presentation and acceptance of the Declaration of Independence, signed 242 years ago on July 4, 1776.
The Declaration of Independence began as a letter to Britain's King George to explain why the Continental Congress was interested in declaring independence from Great Britain. The writing of the declaration began on July 2 and the final wording was established on July 4.
Independence Day is full of opportunities to celebrate and enjoy oneself. Parades, fireworks, parties, barbecues, and much more are part of the festivities.
Another way to commemorate Independence Day is to educate oneself about the many historical and entertaining facts that surround the day. The following are some interesting details about the origins of Independence Day and the celebrations that surround it.
- Although 56 people eventually signed the Declaration of Independence, only John Hancock signed the document on July 4, 1776. The rest added their names later on. John Hancock's signature is ornate and widely recognized. Putting your "John Hancock" on a document has become synonymous with the process of signing something.
- The Declaration of Independence was adopted while the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania Statehouse. That building is now known as Independence Hall.
- The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was 45. The youngest person to sign was Thomas Lynch, Jr., who was 27 when he signed the document. Benjamin Franklin, at age 70, was the oldest signee.
- John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were the only signees who went on to serve as presidents. Coincidentally, Jefferson and Adams both died on July 4, 1826, within hours of each other.
- Philadelphia is the birth place of much American history and is home to the Liberty Bell. Each Independence Day, the Liberty Bell is tapped (not rung, as the vibration would further damage the cracked bell) 13 times in honor of the original 13 American colonies.
- The original 13 American colonies were located all along the eastern seaboard. They include Virgina, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
- The stars on the original American flag were placed in a circle. This was so all of the colonies would be equally represented.
- Independence was gained in 1776, and the first celebration took place in Philadelphia four days later. The White House held its first Independence Day festivities in 1801.
- Benjamin Franklin proposed that the turkey be the national bird of the United States. However, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson overruled him, and the bald eagle became the national bird.
- The only copy of the engrossed and signed Declaration of Independence is in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
Independence Day is a time for hot dogs, ice cream and, of course, revisiting America's history.


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