What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
The Swiss and Crypto! - Business Psychology:
Wellness After 50 - Business Tools:
Improve How You use Your iPhone - Executive Fitness:
No More Hangovers? - Spirits & Cuisine:
Wild Boar & Italian Cuisine - Travel:
Unpack in 10 Seconds Flat - Corb7 International Services:
Business Listings

International Business

The Swiss Friendly Approach to Crypto!
Swiss-friendly approach on Crypto regulationsSwitzerland is ranked number one of the top ten European countries for starting a blockchain company due to its friendly regulation environment and supportive startup ecosystem with world-class service providers. It is rapidly emerging as a crypto paradise, supported by its banking skills, low-tax-system, elite universities and Switzerland as brand itself, which has attracted a large variety of foreign cryptocurrency and blockchain startups. In Switzerland cryptocurrencies and exchanges are legal, and the country has adopted a remarkably progressive stance towards cryptocurrency regulations. The long-term policy regarding crypto-currencies on the part of the Swiss Financial Market Authority and its clarification of many aspects related to their business makes Switzerland one of the best places worldwide to launch an ICO.
Crypto valley in Zug

The Swiss city Zug in central Switzerland, also known as Crypto valley, is one of the most crypto-friendly cities in the world. Perfectly positioned to get the most out of the decentralized, stable and predictable Swiss political system and its unique business environment, Zug is incomparable for an uncomplicated and pragmatic implementation of business ideas with world-class infrastructure. Zug offers a solid basis for global growth due to its business-friendly philosophy and the openness and easy accessibility of its authorities with short communication channels. With its low-tax-system, pro-business environment and fantastic quality of life Zug has attracted numerous multinationals, creating an international and cosmopolitan culture with an easy access to powerful global networks.

International Business
Business Psychology

Wellness After 50!
Reaching one's fiftieth birthday in optimal health is an accomplishment to be proud of. The hard work required to be healthy in midlife includes adhering to a nutritious diet and exercising regularly. Once individuals cross the threshold and enter their 50s, they can look to some additional strategies to maintain their physical and mental well-being for decades to come.· Get a pet. Many people 50 and older qualify as "empty nesters," a term applied to adults whose children have grown up and moved out of their homes. Some empty nesters experience a phenomenon known as "empty nest syndrome," which the Mayo Clinic notes can be marked by feelings of sadness or loss. Pets can help people over 50 with no children at home overcome feelings linked to empty nest syndrome. In 2018, the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging found that 86 percent of pet owners felt their pets make them feel loved while 73 percent said their pets provided a sense of purpose. Pets also can ensure individuals over 50 stay physically active and provide opportunities to connect with other people.
· Prioritize learning. Whether it's taking music lessons, going back to school or mastering a new hobby, learning has a profound effect on aging brains. For example, a recent study published in the journal Psychological Science found that memory function is improved by engagement in demanding everyday tasks. That study reported that people who learned new skills experienced greater memory improvement than people who only socialized or participated in activities that were not as cognitively engaging.
· Make an effort to improve balance. Various factors contribute to a decline in balance as adults age. For example, a decline in muscle mass that begins when people are in their 30s is a normal part of aging. Over time, that natural decline affects strength and agility. Balance exercises can be a valuable component of a fitness regimen that help individuals reduce their risk for falling as they advance through their 50s and into their 60s and 70s. That's a significant benefit, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one out of every three adults age 65 and older experiences a fall each year, and as many as 30 percent of those falls lead to serious injury.
· Embrace your inner socialite. Socialization is important for people of all ages, including individuals 50 and over. A 2017 study from researchers at Michigan State found that valuing friendships was a strong predictor of health and happiness among older adults. Opportunities to socialize with friends may increase as people navigate their 50s and children move out or become more independent. Individuals can take advantage of opportunities to socialize whenever possible.
Various strategies can help people maintain mental and physical wellness as they make their way through their 50s and beyond.

International Business
Business Tools

How to Organize Apps on Your iPhone!
If you are like us, we get frustrated with the apps on our iPhone and often wonder why there is a need for three pages of functions. In the above video, a few quick easy suggestions are offered to help you organize your apps and thus make better use of the small computer that is your phone.

Executive Fitness

No More Hangovers?
Available in over 4,000 stores nationwide, including Amazon online, Magic Bullet Nutritional Detox Drink promises to replenish your liver and thus stop bad hangovers when you “go big.” We have not tried it yet, but something is apparently working because reported sales have grown 50 percent month-over-month since October 2018 in select retailers.

Spirits & Cuisine
Wild Boar & Italian Cuisine!
I am not sure what could be more pleasant on a summer evening than having a glass of wine (or two) while listening to jazz and cooking Italian cuisine. If there is something, well, I have not found it, and that is exactly what I did last Thursday.
With all due respect, to my vegetarian friends, I enjoy trying to be as authentic as possible and wild boar was our effort that night. It is also a delicious staple to many Italian diets and not easily found in the United States. While doing research for this section, however, we discovered a ranch in Texas which we will certainly use again.
Broken Arrow Ranch is located in the Texas Hill Country and is a producer of high-quality free-range venison, antelope and wild boar meat. These animals are truly wild – not farm or pen-raised. Since they feed on natural grasses and other similar vegetation it produces an all-natural meat of the highest quality which is also provided to many a fine-dining restaurant across the country. We were very impressed by Broken Arrow. That particular night we used their Italian wild boar sausage to stuff red peppers with brown rice and onion resulting in a very sweet version of a classic dish - pretty much a perfect entrée. We hope you will have the opportunity to enjoy their service too.
Broken Arrow Ranch
Please Click Here


Unpack in 10 Seconds Flat!
We tripped over this video last week and thought this such a cool travel idea that we had to share it! It is so simple but makes total sense. Apparently, you really can unpack as quickly as you can unzip your bag and stay organized. RISE Gear makes it possible.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
For Information regarding future opportunities please contact our office and schedule a complimentary consultation.
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or Email: contact@corb7.com