What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Ireland will pay you $92,000! - Business Psychology:
Why Consider a Business Coach - Cross-Border Business:
Why Own a Swiss TRust Company in 2023? - Business Etiquette:
When Personalities Threaten the Family - Fitness & Health:
What to do when Migraines Strike - Spirits & Cuisine:
Do You Know Mustard is Good for You? - Leisure:
Read a Book for Your Mental Health! - Travel:
Fly Fishing in Montana - Corb7 Funding Service:
How to Monetize Inground Assets! - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Why Us?
International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
JeffCorbett.comIreland will pay you $92,000!
They always seem to be on the cutting-edge!
The Irish government has recognized the importance of supporting remote island and preserving their communities. Starting July 1st, the Irish government’s ambitious plans to rejuvenate sparsely populated islands dotted along its coast will be implemented as the next step.
The “Our Living Islands” scheme offers grants up to $92,000 to those willing to move to its remote islands and refurbish empty or neglected buildings into fully functional homes. Once the grant is issued, the money can only be used for redecoration, installing heating and insulation and structural improvements. To be eligible for the grant, properties must have been constructed before 1993 and been left vacant for at least two years.
Our Living Islands
International Business
Business Psychology

Why Consider a Business Coach
“If you blame, your life goes into pain.
If you change, you can have an extraordinary life” – Tony Robbins
Business coaches assist entrepreneurs respond more effectively to change. Even high performers may reach greater success as they engage with new opportunities for growth, at both a professional and personal level. With a business coach you gain a trusted advisor who will help put things in perspective, help you see the blind spots and serve as a compass. It is a growth field and perhaps one you might want to consider employing.
3 Questions that Determine Your Life
What Drives Your Decisions
International Business
Cross-Border Business

Why Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2023
Still the World's Premier Business Haven.
Swiss Trust Companies, also known as Swiss Trusts or Swiss Fiduciary Companies, are business entities that provide fiduciary services and operate under the laws and regulations of Switzerland. These companies specialize in offering trust and estate planning services, asset protection, wealth management, and other financial services to individuals, families, and businesses.
Switzerland has a long-standing reputation for its financial sector, known for its stability, privacy, and expertise in managing wealth. Swiss Trust Companies benefit from this reputation and the country's robust legal framework, which provides a favorable environment for trust and fiduciary services.
The primary purpose of a Swiss Trust Company is to act as a trustee or fiduciary on behalf of their clients. This involves holding and managing assets, administering trusts, and executing various financial transactions as per the client's instructions. Swiss Trust Companies are known for their professionalism, discretion, and adherence to strict codes of conduct and regulations.
It's important to note that Swiss Trust Companies are subject to regulation and supervision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) to ensure compliance with the country's legal and financial requirements. This includes rigorous due diligence procedures for client onboarding, anti-money laundering measures, and reporting obligations.
Top Reasons to Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2023!
Please note that additional licensing may be required depending upon new ownership’s business objectives and activities.
1. Eastern European Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
2.US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. Also applies to similar industries.
3. Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. Also applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.
6. Internet Based Business Owners: Enhance corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
7. Import Industry & Shipping Industry: Control transactions more efficiently and establish true corresponding bank relationships.
International Business
Business Etiquette

When Personalities Threaten the Family
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
Families are a mixed bag of personalities and learning to live with personality differences is a challenge each family member faces. Patterns of interaction develop over time, and it might be said that family units develop personalities, too.
But sometimes personality differences drive a wedge in a family unit. Taking on the leadership role to improve family relationships is an honorable intention. Acknowledging straightaway that every family member is unique in temperament, special, and living within their own set of challenges can go a long way in putting your positive foot down in situations of family discord.
Positives of Awareness of Personality Differences
Taking a tally of the positive things about having different personalities within the family can offer a rock to stand on when the family is in a sea of disharmony. It is important to give specific recognition to these strengths when they are viewed negatively by some relatives.
- “Marion, we all value the fact that you don’t mince words when asked to tell the truth as you see it. Maybe here and now, Tom thinks you are being a little blunt. Am I right Tom?”
- “Dad, you always hold firm with the “No” position whenever a family squabble comes up and overall, this steadies our family boat. You may sense some pushback right now, but we are all aiming for a reasonable solution. Can you trust us on this?”
- “Martin, of course you have every right to feel upset with what you call, ‘The same old, ‘No!’ Yet, you are known in our family as being sympathetic and understanding when anyone has a personal problem. I think Mom might be thinking that you aren’t understanding why she is saying “No,” right now.”
When identified, the strengths reveal negative sides, but can be offset when others’ strengths are kept in mind.
Call for a Family Meeting Time
As a practitioner of etiquette-fulness, you no doubt are a pleasant person to be around, and others are drawn to your magnetic force of kindness. Using this in your leadership role for the well-being of the family can quell the tide of discord. For the sake of long-run peace, this must happen when tempers have died down.
- Insist on a family meeting with all members present and in firm listening agreement with each person for the sake of fairness. Each person must agree:
- Not to interrupt another person.
- Not to prohibit expression of opinion or belief. - Make a collective list of every member’s strengths by asking each person to acknowledge what they see as personal strengths.
- Then, with the collective list of all the family members’ collective strengths, brainstorm how each strength has a negative side.
- “Four people in our family have the strength of wanting to know “Why?” What is the negative side of having to know why?”
- “Three members have the strength of persistence. What are the negative aspects of being a persistent person? - The last phase of this family meeting is to draw up a list of the ways the whole family can increase the ways in which they can exhibit what being civil and kind to one another might look like. Possible answers are…
- Fewer family squabbles.
- Better cooperation.
- More sharing of responsibilities.
- Less complaining and bossing.
- More inclusion by appreciating differences.
- Demonstrating respect for each other.
Having agreement that family life can be improved henceforth with understanding, good manners and etiquette-fulness can be ever-remembered with the referenceable notes from the family meetings.
Regardless of personality differences, accepting that mistakes will happen and that we all, deep down, want everyone to succeed in being the best people they can be, will go a long way in improving family ties.
Fitness & Health

What to do when Migraines Strike
They can be debilitating!
Headaches may be a common nuisance, but that doesn't mean they share common characteristics. For example, migraine sufferers may attest that these headaches can be much harder to endure than others.
The health and wellness resource Healthline says a migraine is a neurological condition that typically causes painful headaches which are accompanied by other symptoms, such as sensitivity to smell, touch, light, and sound. Migraines also may produce numbness or tingling, visual auras and nausea/vomiting.
The American Migraine Foundation advises that migraine attacks feature distinct phases. Recognition and understanding of these phases can help to manage headaches more effectively. Some of the earliest signs of migraine include fatigue, blurred vision, auras, and other prodrome symptoms unique to people's migraine histories. These conditions can occur anywhere from a few hours to a few days before a migraine attack. It is important to note that symptoms may not occur with every migraine, nor will early symptoms always result in migraines.
Identifying potential migraine symptoms early may help a person reduce the severity of a migraine. Typically, the migraine headache stage can last for several hours or up to three days, says the AMF. People identify migraine pain as pulsating, throbbing, pounding, perforating, and debilitating. Some have compared it to having an ice pick inserted into the head. The Mayo Clinic notes that these steps may help to reduce the severity of migraine symptoms.
· Find a calm environment away from stressors and the bustle of everyday life.
· Relax in a dark, quiet room as light and sound can exacerbate migraine pain.
· Small amounts of caffeine can relieve migraine pain in the earliest stages and enhance the effects of common OTC pain medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Sip small amounts of caffeinated soda, tea or coffee. Don't overdo it, as that can lead to caffeine withdrawal headaches.
· Try to get steady, uninterrupted sleep each night. Poor sleep may trigger a migraine. If you have difficulty sleeping, listen to soothing music, establish a bedtime routine, go to bed and wake up at the same times each day (even on weekends), and exercise regularly. Speak with a health care provider if sleeplessness is chronic.
· Eat a healthy, balanced diet at regular intervals. Fasting may contribute to migraine onset. Avoid foods such as aged cheese, alcohol and chocolate if they trigger your migraines.
· Try to manage stress in any way you can, which may include time management and simplifying your life. Delegate to others if you're taking on too much.
· Journal when migraine symptoms come on so you can determine if there is a trigger.
Migraine headaches can interrupt life and prove debilitating. Finding relief takes patience. If home remedies do not suffice, people can speak to their doctors about possible medical therapies.
Spirits & Cuisine

Do You Know that Mustard is Good for You ?
Mustard is a must-have at barbecues but it also have nutritional value.
Mustard is a must-have at backyard barbecues, and that status as a summertime staple makes it easy to overlook the nutritive properties of this popular condiment.
A review published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that mustard seeds can protect against oxidative stress and inflammation. That's because mustard seeds contain glucosinolates, which are antioxidants that are converted during processing into isothiocyanates, which are responsible for the protection against oxidative stress and inflammation. Yellow mustard also contains a significant amount of selenium, which offers antioxidant properties. In addition, a recent review in the journal Radiation Oncology found that selenium may help individuals lower their risk for cancer.

Read a Book for Your Mental Health!
Maybe find some shade and a good book this weekend.
Millions of people across the globe enjoy curling up with a good book. Though entertainment value might be the force behind books' popularity, the benefits of reading on long-term cognitive health provide another great reason to read. In a 2020 study published in the journal International Psychogeriatrics, researchers reported that people age 64 and older with higher reading frequencies had a reduced risk of cognitive decline.
It's important to note that reading also may help improve mental and physical health. With so much to gain from reading, now is a great time to embrace those book clubs, resolve to read more and explore how picking up a good book may be just what the doctor ordered.
Reduces stress
Immersing yourself in a story requires focus and concentration. According to researchers at the University of Sussex, it took just six minutes of reading for study participants to experience slower heart rates and reduced muscle tension.
Stress is one of the biggest threats to overall health, as the stress hormone cortisol can lead to inflammation in the body that may impede the immune system, according to Piedmont Health. Finding ways to reduce stress, including through activities like reading, is a win for anyone who wants to improve his or her health.
Impacts longevity
According to the 2016 study, "A chapter a day: Association of book reading with longevity," by Bavishi A, Slade M.D., reading exerts its influence on longevity by strengthening the mind. Reading positively impacts the way the brain creates synapses, optimizing neurological function. It also expands vocabulary, and helps with memory.
Changes the brain
A 2014 study published in Neuroreport determined reading involves a complex system of signaling and networking in the brain. As one's ability to read matures, these networks become stronger and more sophisticated. MRI scans found that brain connectivity increased throughout studied reading periods and for days afterward.
Increases empathy
Through literary fiction, readers are exposed to the situations, feelings and beliefs of others. This can help a person develop a greater ability to empathize with others, according to Healthiline.
Helps improve sleep
Reading is an effective way to wind down and relax before going to bed. It can be a positive nighttime ritual, provided one reads a paper book or utilizes an e-reader that is not backlit, as bright lights from digital devices may hinder sleep quality. In fact, doctors at the Mayo Clinic often suggest reading as part of a regular sleep routine.
Reduces depressive feelings
Individuals diagnosed with depression may feel isolated and estranged from other people. Books may reduce those feelings by helping a person temporarily escape his or her world into another. Also, books can serve as a common ground through which conversations over shared interests can begin with others.
Reading has many positive health benefits, which is why resolving to read more can be beneficial.

Fly Fishing in Montana
The Complete Fly Fisher Outfitter & Lodge.
Much like golf, fly fishing is a sport where business contacts can be made, deals discussed, and most importantly lifelong friendships developed. It demands much practice and a skill level not required by other more relaxed types of fishing. Perhaps that is why it frequently attracts “A” personality types.
Fly fishing, moreover, has a rich and storied history that dates back thousands of years. The origins of fly fishing can be traced to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Macedonia, and Rome, where people used various methods to imitate insects and catch fish.
One of the earliest recorded mentions of fly fishing comes from ancient Rome, where a Roman author named Claudius Aelianus described Macedonian anglers using artificial flies to catch fish. Thus, the practice of mimicking a fly drifting on the top of the water began to gain popularity in second century Rome.
Today, fly fishing has become a popular recreational activity enjoyed by people around the world. It has evolved into various forms, including freshwater and saltwater fly fishing, and attracts anglers who appreciate the challenge, artistry, and connection with nature that fly fishing offers. Movies like the 1992 film “A River Runs Through it” directed by Robert Redford and starring Brad Pitt have drawn even more attention to the sport.
Movie Clip
Montana is synonymous with world-class fly fishing. Recently, I had the opportunity to again experience this wonderful part of the United States. Just a short 40-minute drive from Butte airport is an outfitter called the “Complete Fly Fisher” which offers an incredible fishing experience on the Big Hole River and near the Wise River. This lodge/outfitter delivers guided float fishing (on three-person rafts) and first-class dining at the beginning and the end of each day. Brown, Rainbow and Brook trout are likely to be caught during a typical day, and all fishing is catch and release. My personal best was a 20-inch Brown (see picture) but maybe you can do better.
The Big Hole River has been called, “The Last Best River.” It’s one of the greatest dry fly-fishing rivers found anywhere in the world. The angling opportunities are diverse and divine. Every conceivable angling circumstance and water type associated with fly fishing for trout are found on the Big Hole. With five species of game fish, the river is unique among trout streams in the lower 48.
Our group spent five days fishing the rivers and my last day offer something that I had never seen before when our guide threw a white fish to a bald eagle after whistling to get its attention. The eagle swooped down and caught the fish in midair. You can only experience this type of majestic nature in Montana.
I highly recommend this outfitter which is extremely well run by the new General Managers Matt & Sarah Cornette. Both are additionally skilled as fish guides and Matt is also an accomplished musician who jumped in one evening and played banjo for the Blue Grass group called “The Timber Rattlers.” The entertainment was an outstanding addition to an evening sunset and our typical gathering around the firepit to end a day of fishing and gourmet meal.
The Complete Fly Fisher
The Timber Rattlers
Sunset Performance of The Timber Rattlers
Business Services
Business Tools

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Cutting-edge ideas.-------
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Traditional project funding route has been drying up. Banks are not lending; projects don't have the required credit or valuations and are coming out of a very difficult period in our history of business. If you have inground assets with a minimum valuation of 100 M we can help.
For a Complimentary Consultation:
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Email: contact@corb7.com

Business Services
Why Us?
Corb7 International"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
We will Save you Time & Money!

Swiss Trust Company Acquisitions
We understand that you have choices when it comes to implementing a cross-border strategy. At Corb7, we are committed to the disciplined pursuit of international entrepreneurial endeavors. As a client, you will benefit from our insistence upon organized, professional and above all ethical guidance. Ultimately, you will receive advice that is straightforward and technically sound while developing strategic relationships with premier financial networks and advisors. Therefore, we would like to offer you the following macro reasons to consider us for your Swiss Trust Company acquisition.
Pricing – saving you money: No hidden fees are what you can expect from us along with fair pricing. This separates us apart from competitors who quote a low initial price but literally add-on tens of thousands in additional costs.
Turnkey – saving you time: Three days start to finish resulting in fast and efficient transfer of ownership.
Experience – peace of mind: While competitors come and go, no one can offer you more experience. We have been involved with the successful implementation of Swiss Trust Company strategies for more than 25 years. Not one of our clients has ever had a transfer of ownership problem. We take pride in our straightforward approach. Therefore, you and your associates are guaranteed that the company is in good standing and without issue.
FATCA & OECD Compliant – peace of mind: Our associates in Zurich will make sure that every Swiss Trust Company client is compliant and current on all filings. No one else will offer you this critical function.
Publications – trustworthiness: Straight answers to your questions. A review of our website, blog, newsletters, and previous publications – including our magazine & book – reveal our knowledge and longevity. The quality and quantity of these writings show our dedication to both our readership and clients.
For a Complimentary Consultation:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
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