What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
The Need for Critical Thinking - Business Psychology:
Stress Less and Enjoy the Journey - Offshore Perspective:
North Korean Defector Offers a View on Free Speech - Business Etiquette:
Business Casual vs. Professional Dress - Executive Fitness:
How Men can Benefit from Yoga - International Spirits & Cuisine:
Smoker Grills for Dad - Leisure & Style:
Cool Father's Day Gifts for the Modern Dad - Travel:
What Distinguishes Trip Insurance vs. Travel Insurance? - Corb7 International Services:
Business Listings Currently for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note

Clear and Present Critical Thinking
Monday was laundry day. At the start of every new week, you did your washing and ironing. That’s the way it was. On a bright and sunny day, if your clothes were not hanging by clothespins outside, a neighbor would likely call over and see if you were ill. After all, it’s Monday and that is what you did. Good, bad or indifferent we loved our habits. It was a simpler time, and those days are gone. My early childhood, spent growing up in Pittsburgh during the 1970′s was not "Leave it to Beaver" the iconic T.V. show but on the other hand, it certainly wasn’t "Beverly Hills Housewives" either. The world has changed. Times are radically different but are we? Or, do most of us, as Henry David Thoreau once said, “lead lives of quiet desperation”? Is it our conditioned fate to drone on with personal rituals and our own “virtual” laundry days without ever questioning why?Jaywalking Through Life
Any fan of late-night television will recognize the Tonight Show, and a segment entitled Jaywalking that was done with the former host Jay Leno. It is an uneasy humor which hits the viewer as contestants attempt to answer simple questions and fail in the most amazing ways. The segment often resembles a train crash – you want to turn away – but it is simply impossible not to watch. Maybe we aren’t smarter than a fifth grader. Nothing in pop culture points to the failure of our educational system better than this simple comedy skit. Individuals who otherwise appear intelligent, frequently educators themselves, fail to summon up fundamental knowledge that should have been obtained through rote learning long ago. Is this lack of awareness some sort of deep social-psychological conditioning? Perhaps we are bombarded with so much information daily that we have become the opposite of Pavlov’s dog and prefer not to respond at all. No matter the reason for its existence, this collective lack of thought we are willing to demonstrate throughout our lives surely creates opportunities for those who are desirous to manipulate it.
Every single day, public relations firms, governments and special-interest groups pound away at us through the media. Content that was once considered editorial is now frequently advertorial. Reported news is opinion. You cannot avoid it. Virtually everything that is printed, photographed or videotaped can be manipulated to influence decisions. Therefore, we have a choice to make. We can passively accept what is fed through these outlets as fact or understand that yellow journalism really does exist and question the validity of everything presented to us. In ancient Latin, there is a phrase “Qui tacet consentit” which means “silence implies consent." Jaywalk through this valley at your own peril.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to steer clear of quick judgment and question what is presented as factual. It is not a step by step process that can be memorized but rather a skill that is honed with time and use. This invaluable discipline can function in every aspect of life to solve problems and make quality choices. American academic great, William Graham Sumner, thought that “men educated in it (critical thinking) cannot be stampeded by stump orators.” Advocates of critical thinking have frequently stated that “education should teach how to think and not what to think.” It might be time to for us to expand that argument to include the instruction to think. By definition, an international entrepreneur or even just an advocate of a wide-reaching lifestyle, must think out of the box. No matter your political leanings, the current times demand no less.

International Business
Business Psychology

Stress Less and Enjoy the Journey
by Toni Delos Santos90% Mental
"To Really Be Free, You Need to Be Free in The Mind."
-Alexander Loutsis
In today’s fast-paced society getting everything done can be quite challenging. There are so many demands placed on us between work, family, individual goals, and social life. There never seems to be enough hours in the day and trying to excel in each area seems virtually impossible. When we feel overwhelmed it leads to that feeling of being anxious and stressed.
There are four types of stress:
- Survival Stress- You may have heard the phrase "fight or flight. When you are afraid that someone or something may physically hurt you, your body naturally responds with a burst of energy so that you will be better able to survive the dangerous situation (fight) or escape it all together (flight).
- Internal Stress - Have you ever caught yourself worrying about things you cannot control or worrying about something that could go wrong?
- Environmental Stress - This is a response to things around you that cause stress, such as noise, crowding, and pressure to meet deadlines.
- Fatigue and Overwork - This kind of stress builds up over a long time and can take a hard toll on your body. It can be caused by not knowing how to manage your time well or how to take time out for rest and relaxation.
- Fixed Times- work, meetings travel
- Prioritize your list of things to do and estimate how long it will take you to do each one.
- Do your least favorite task first.
- Schedule your social media time
- Schedule your workouts
- Schedule family events and social time
We tend to get so caught up in being busy and getting things done, we do not enjoy the details of our life! Creating good habits will make our life easier and give us more free time relax and enjoy doing what we love.
Enjoy the journey!

International Business
Offshore Perspective

Perspective on Free Speech
If you have not seen the above video please take a moment to review - it is well worth your time.
As a brief introduction, Ms. Yeonmi Park is a 27-year-old is a North Korean defector and political commentator whose family fled the economic policies of North Korea to China in 2007 and settled in South Korea in 2009, before moving to the United States in 2014. In this video she discusses Colombia University and woke censorship Ideology in the United States. Her shock at what she encountered as a student at university after risking her life to flee North Korea is an important warning.

International Business
Business Etiquette

Business Casual vs. Professional Dress
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
The 21st century work world has brought about unique "professional" looks to many businesses and organizations. Though this look is considered a little too casual for the traditional standards in law, finance and other professional services, it still gets the job done.
Business casual, as the look is known, threw a wrench in some work environments. But questions remain the same: Is it professional enough? Will you be taken seriously? Can it be worn in executive suites?
In the period of pandemic, when virtual conferencing is by necessity in vogue, the same questions apply. With less of you being viewed, what you choose to wear is vital in making a first impression.
Dressing Down in a Professional Environment
At a not-too-long-ago in-person professional conference, I attended as the guest of a speaker.
What expectations did I hold for myself?
- Avoid crashing the scene by wearing shorts and flip-flops - even though the event is at a beach resort.
- Wear something comfortable, that I like, and dressed down to a business casual level indicating that I am off-duty, but am welcomed as a sit-in participant.
This is an example of when blending in is called for, but because I was not fully participating, I would not be required to dress at the level of those who are.
Respect for the participants, the occasion, or the profession, asks that you dress tastefully. Nothing too-short, too tight, too low cut or too flashy will keep you from being a distraction to the real reasons you are there. Men keep the shirt buttoned appropriately for the occasion.
Category lines between professional and casual blur easily. But tasteful is always in style. Mark your own setting by creating default outfits that keep you appropriate in any setting.
Business Casual Basics
When choosing your default outfit components, keep in mind that they should fit well, be comfortable, and give you confidence.
A woman's business casual wardrobe may include:
- Slacks or dressy pants
- Tailored skirts that reach the top of the knees
- Long- or medium-sleeved solid or soft-print blouses that aren’t too revealing (tucked in or not)
- Sweaters or light jackets
- Dress shoes or low boots (closed-toe shoes are always a good choice)
- Modest accessories, including scarves
A man's business casual wardrobe may include:
- Slacks, khakis
- Collared shirts, or polo-style shirts, sweaters
- Optional tie
- Dressy shoes
During and post-pandemic, for virtual and video business meetings, I advise full torso dressing. You may unexpectedly need to stand up and pajama bottoms might be shocking to others present at these meetings.
Business Professional Attire
Building on your business casual wardrobe above, you can add elements to create a professional wardrobe.
For women, this may include:
- Skirt or pant suits in black, gray, and blue
- A blazer or jacket with coordinated skirts/pants
- Shirts and blouses to be tucked in
- Classic dresses with jackets
- Minimal jewelry
- Hosiery
- Close-toed shoes>
- Quality leather bag
For men, this may include:
- Suits in black, gray, and blue
- Suit pants with jacket or blazer
- Button-down or firm-collared dress shirt
- Tie
- Dress shoes
Coming to Terms with Casual
As casual seeps into the working world, remember that making a positive impression can be affected by the unintended consequences of less-than-thought-through self-presentation.
Sandals, short pants, swing skirts, and sleeveless or revealing tops send different messages when you are at play or at work. Jeans also belong in the casual section of your wardrobe.
Sure, there are some items that will fit into both the work and play categories, but choose these wisely. For many people, it's helpful to compartmentalize your wardrobe items to prevent casual from creeping in too far.
If you’re thinking about ratcheting up your image in your own eyes, here are some suggestions:
- Separate your clothes into defined sections of work and play.
- Have a throw-away fest and let things go! (My guess is that you really won’t miss them.)
- Think “outside the peer” box and imagine yourself setting a new standard.
Wardrobe etiquette will help you feel more comfortable and confident. And feeling better about yourself is always a goal!
Whether business casual or professional, when you're confident, "put together", and can exude a level of comfort with yourself, people like and trust you more - two characteristics everyone needs when building business relationships!

Executive Fitness

How Men Can Benefit from Yoga
The popularity of yoga has grown considerably in the 21st century. But while women have embraced yoga en masse, men have been more hesitant to do so.
A recent survey from Yoga Journal found that, among the 20 million yoga practitioners in the United States, only 18 percent were men. While those figures might have risen in recent years, anyone who has recently visited a yoga studio can attest that the participants in many classes remain overwhelmingly female. That's unfortunate for men, who could be benefiting from practicing yoga in myriad ways.
· Yoga can protect against muscle imbalances. Yoga requires various muscle groups to work together to perform certain exercises. This can reduce the risk of muscle imbalances that can develop when men design workout routines that target specific muscle groups.
· Yoga can improve flexibility. When performed correctly, various yoga exercises improve flexibility. For example, the big toe pose can help men and women lengthen and strengthen their hamstrings, while the downward facing dog pose stretches various areas of the body, including the shoulders, calves and arches. Yoga is not the only way for men to improve their flexibility, but it can be an effective supplement to exercise routines for men who routinely feel tight after traditional strength training sessions.
· Yoga can improve stamina. Numerous studies have indicated the positive effects yoga can have on muscle endurance. In 2005, researchers at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, found that the regular practice of Hatha yoga provided a significant boost to chest and abdominal strength and endurance. Such improved stamina can have a trickle-down effect on men who practice yoga and also adhere to strength training regimens and/or participate in competitive sports.
· Yoga can help men maintain healthy weights. The Harvard Medical School notes that researchers discovered that people who practiced yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week for at least four years gained less weight during middle adulthood than those who did not. That might be linked to additional research that found people who practiced yoga were more mindful eaters than those who did not, making them less likely to overeat, eat when sad or stressed or eat in response to certain cues, including the smell of food.Fewer men than women may practice yoga, but that does not mean men cannot benefit just as much from embracing this ancient practice.

International Spirits & Cuisine

Smoker Grills for Dad
Father's Day is a great time to show dads how much they're appreciated. That Father's Day occurs each June may not be a coincidence, as the end of spring and the start of summer is when many dads kick their grilling game into high gear.
Dads once had few options in regard to how cook their favorite foods outdoors. Thankfully, grills have emerged from their dark ages and entered what must be viewed as their very own renaissance period. A stroll through the outdoor cooking section of a local home improvement retailer will reveal an assortment of grills for sale, each with its own advantages.
In recent years, many outdoor cooking enthusiasts have taken to smoking, a "slow and low" way of cooking that aims to impart smoky flavors to anything from brisket to Thanksgiving turkeys. Foods cooked on a smoker are cooked at low temperatures for long periods of time. Smokers come in many varieties, which reflects their growing popularity. But that variety can make it especially difficult to determine which smoker to purchase, especially for people looking to surprise the special men in their life this Father's Day.
The following are some popular types of smokers that may delight dads this Father's Day.
- Kamado grills: Kamado is the Japanese word for "stove" or "cooking range. The Big Green Egg® is perhaps the most widely recognizable brand of Kamado grill on the market, though there are plenty of alternatives now available as well. Kamado grills employ vents at the top and bottom to control temperatures, as users can open and close these vents to maintain the appropriate temperatures. Charcoal, typically lump charcoal, is placed in the bottom of the grill and food and water pans are placed on grates above the fire. The oval shape of a Kamado grill directs the smoke and heat over the food, which helps to create the smoky flavor people love. Many people also use Kamado grills to cook more traditional backyard barbecue fare, like hot dogs and hamburgers, which does not require the slow and low method, and some even use theirs to bake desserts or cook pizzas.
- Drum smokers: Drum smokers won't offer the aesthetic appeal of Kamado grills, but some grilling fans like them because of the build-your-own kits that make the entire grilling experience more hands-on. Build-your-own drum smokers won't cost nearly as much as more expensive smokers, but Father's Day shoppers should make sure that Dad will enjoy building the smoker from scratch. Modifications to drum smokers that make it possible to cook with a water pan might be worthwhile, as cooking without such an accessory can make it easy to dry out foods.
- Electric smoker: Electric smokers may be an ideal choice for the father who loves the taste of smoked foods but doesn't want to spend all day worrying about temperatures and fiddling with vents. Electric smoker users can set the temperature, sometimes via their smartphones, and then spend the rest of their days as they please. A computer within the smoker controls the temperature throughout the day while wood and water pans at the bottom of the device impart a smoky flavor to Dad's favorite foods.
- Propane smoker: A propane smoker employs gas, typically propane, and utilizes a bottom burner and vents to cook foods placed in the cooking chamber. However, propane smokers do not produce smoke on their own, so users typically place wood chips near the burner for that signature smoky flavor. Much like with electric smokers, it tends to be easier to control temperatures with propane smokers than with Kamado grills or drum smokers.
Smokers are growing in popularity and can make for the perfect gift this Father's Day.

Leisure & Style

Cool Father's Dad Gifts for the Modern Dad
Father's Day is this Sunday in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. where it always falls on the third Sunday in June. The date when Father's Day is celebrated varies from country to country but is also celebrated in many other countries.
Father's Day is a chance for people to show the special men in their lives just how much they're loved. Though it was first celebrated on June 19, 1910, it was not until decades later that President Richard Nixon made honoring fathers a nationwide holiday in the United States.
While there are many different ways to honor dads, it has become customary to offer gifts and other tokens of affection. According to History.com, Americans now spend more than $1 billion each year on Father's Day gifts.
Many modern fathers are more involved in their children's lives and around the house than their own fathers were. Gifts that cater to today's well-rounded dads are sure to be appreciated.
· Cool duds: Modern dads are fashion-forward and might enjoy a piece of clothing or a gift card to their favorite retailer. If you know a store where Dad loves to shop, stop in for some inspiration.
· Pampering products: Mom is not the only one who likes to indulge in some pampering from time to time. Put together a carefully curated basket of men's grooming products, or purchase a set from a bath and body store like Lush.
· Fitness finds: If you haven't already gifted the special man in your life with a fitness tracker watch, now is the time to do so. Such a watch will tap into his love of gadgets and provide some utility as he tries to be as healthy as possible.
· Cookbooks: The stereotype that dads are hopeless in the kitchen has long since been refuted. Many men are top-notch home chefs and will appreciate some new recipes to try. Combine the cookbook with a new culinary tool, like a cast-iron skillet or a mandoline slicer, so he can try out his skills right away.
· Support the team: If Dad is a sports fan, find a baseball cap or a jersey of his favorite team/player. Many sports stores only carry inventory for local teams. If Dad supports a team in a different state or country, do your shopping online at a site like Fanatics.com.
· Craft beers: The craft beer movement has expanded exponentially in recent years. Visit with a local brewer and purchase bottles or growlers of a favorite brew. If you know the flavor profile that Dad favors, find a beer that suits that preference while also giving some new varieties so he can put together his own flight.
This Father's Day, delve deeper to find gifts that a dad will truly love - even if he seemingly has it all.


Trip Insurance vs. Travel Insurance
When planning to travel, would-be vacationers must make a host of decisions. Where to go, how to get there and where to stay tend to garner the bulk of travelers' attention. However, consumers also should pay ample attention to how to protect their travel investments in the event they cannot make the trip due to illness, injury or some other unforeseen consequence.
When researching how to protect themselves while traveling, consumers may discover a host of options. Trip insurance and travel insurance are two seemingly similar options that even veteran travelers may not fully understand. Each option may appear to be the same thing, but there are some notable differences between the two.
Trip insurance
According to Depart SmartTM, a nonprofit organization devoted to helping students travel abroad safely, trip insurance protects travelers from financial loss due to trip-related issues. Trip cancellations, interruptions or delays may be covered by trip insurance, which is designed to protect the purchases travelers make.
Travel insurance
Travel insurance protects people, not the purchases those people make. Depart SmartTM notes that travel insurance is often utilized to cover health-related expenses travelers encounter when visiting countries overseas. A travel insurance policy may be used to cover treatments for sickness, injuries or emergencies in foreign countries.
No two trip insurance or travel insurance policies are the same. As a result, would-be travelers should make sure they fully understand a policy, including what it covers and how much it costs, prior to purchasing it. Regardless of which option they ultimately choose, travelers would be wise to insure their next vacations so their finances are not jeopardized if accidents, injuries, emergencies, or other factors adversely affect their getaways.

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