What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Swiss Light Banking License - Business Psychology:
In Search of Sleep - Offshore Perspective:
Buying Bitcoin at ATMs - Business Etiquette:
Using Your Phone at the Dinner Table - Executive Fitness:
Avocados are Packed with Vitamins & Health - International Spirits & Cuisine:
Wine Ice Cream! - Leisure & Style:
How to Choose the Perfect Sunglasses - Travel:
Pack a Suitcase Like a Pro - Corb7 International Services:
New Swiss Trust Company for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note

Swiss Light Banking License
To boost innovative financial companies, the Swiss parliament has simplified the regulatory requirements for Fintech companies which accepts public deposits. This regulatory simplification, which was implemented on January 1, 2019, allows for a “Swiss Light Banking License”. The regulatory change will greatly reduce the financial requirements for FinTech companies that accept public deposits.Under previous regulation, the operations of many FinTech companies often fell within the scope of the Swiss Banking Act and therefore required a full Swiss banking license from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This Class One Swiss Banking License carries a substantial financial and organizational obligation, and has an onerous licensing process, which has kept many companies out of the Swiss market. For that specific reason, the Swiss Federal Council and Swiss Parliament created a legal framework for FinTech companies.
The new regulations include a “sandbox exemption”, that allows FinTech companies to engage in certain activities which under the previous rules would have triggered the need for a banking license. In general. these companies may accept deposits up to a maximum of CHF 100 million without a full banking license, so long as such assets are not invested or interest bearing.
Three years after this new legislation was put in place it continues to gain popularity with start-ups.
Related Article

International Business
Business Psychology

In Search of Sleep
Sleep is critical to our ability to perform. According to the National Sleep Foundation, certain foods may help people fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly while others may compromise a person's ability to enjoy a restful night and thus affect performance.In lieu of white bread, refined pastas and sugar-laden baked goods, all of which can reduce serotonin levels, the NSF recommends whole grains. The buildup of serotonin in the brain during periods of wakefulness can contribute to the onset of sleep later in the day. If serotonin levels in their brains are disturbed, then people may experience difficulty falling asleep. The NSF also recommends almonds and walnuts, which contain melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate the sleep/wake cycles. In addition, foods that are high in lean protein that contain the amino acid tryptophan also may increase the production of serotonin, potentially contributing to a restful night's sleep.

International Business
Offshore Perspective

Buying Bitcoin at ATMs
Not so long ago, blockchain currency was seen exotic and a far-fetched concept. Even with the pandemic, however, blockchain continues to flourish in Switzerland. The Canton of Zug, which has been nicknamed the silicon valley of cryptocurrency, is trending upward this year and offers tremendous opportunities.
Below we offer a link to a recently published and important article plus an entertaining video (above) which gives some basic insight to Zug and the attractive business atmosphere it offers. Let's face it, Cryptocurrency is here to stay and a business tool you will need to be aware of and potentially use.
Crypto in Switzerland

International Business
Business Etiquette

Using Your Phone at the Table
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Is it ever appropriate to use your phone at the table?
Eating alone is a solitary event, but dining is a social affair. When you are with family, friends, or business associates, you want to be there with your full attention.
Being in active conversation with others is one of the goals of an enjoyable dining experience. But that active conversation should include the humans with you, not the one on your phone.
Recently, a young man attending my class revealed that he thinks it is okay to text during a meal as long as it isn't a formal dinner. He explained that if you are with family, they know you and understand as long as you are focused enough to know when you should speak.
However, conversation isn't just about speaking; it is about listening and attending to the flow of dialogue.
Family dinners are a time to sit and talk with your loved ones, and exchange news of the day. Participating in that conversation means giving it your full attention, which involves active listening.
The Table Tells All
Have you noticed that table settings only include the tools necessary to assist you during dinner with others? There are plates, glasses, forks, knives, spoons, and napkins. Add humans and food, and you have a complete dining experience.
This is why the table etiquette rule is: No items other than those included in the table setting are appropriate on the dining table. Ergo, phones and other electronic devices should not make an appearance during a meal.
Exceptions to the Rule
If you must have your phone at the table, set it to silent mode and keep it out of sight.
For instance, you choose to attend a dinner party, but are expecting an important work call. Let your host know that you may have to step away for a moment to take a call. When you feel the vibrating phone in your pocket or jacket, excuse yourself and leave the table.
It is also important to note: if you are hosting a meal, you have a right to kindly ask that your guests not use phones during their time at your table.
Are Rules Evolving Concerning a Phone at the Table?
Maybe. The example above has become a common exception. And it is also becoming commonplace for a table discussion to resolve itself with a Google search from a smart phone. Or looking up a game score if everyone at the table is dying to know.
However, we need to tread carefully when it comes to allowing a phone at the table. While it can contribute to dinner conversation, a phone can also cause huge distractions with its message dings and social media alerts.
I much prefer the social engagement of lively conversation and consistent eye contact to the heads-down, non-verbal, eyes-on-screen silence that occurs when electronic engagement is allowed during meal times.

Executive Fitness

Avocados are Packed with Vitamins
Avocados are beloved by foodies, particularly those who enjoy guacamole. But flavor is not the only reason to love avocados, which the Cleveland Clinic notes are good sources of these nutrients and vitamins.
· Folate: Folate promotes normal cell function and tissue growth. The nutrition database of the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates that one-half of a raw avocado contains about one-fifth of the daily recommended amount of folate.
· Vitamin K-1: Researchers believe vitamin K-1 helps to maintain bone mineral density, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reports that vitamin K helps to produce four of the 13 proteins needed for blood clotting. Livestrong.com reports that one cup of mashed avocado contains as much as 40 percent of the daily recommended value of vitamin K.
· Potassium: Though bananas often are touted for their potassium, the Cleveland Clinic reports that avocados contain more of this heart-healthy essential mineral than bananas. Potassium helps to control blood pressure and promotes a healthy heart.
· Vitamin C: The health care experts at Cedars Sinai note that avocados are a great source of vitamin C. What's more, Cedars Sinai reports that avocados help the body absorb nutrients, allowing it to utilize them more effectively.
· Fiber: High fiber diets provide a host of benefits, as fiber helps to lower blood sugar and reduce bad cholesterol. Cedars Sinai estimates that one avocado contains around 10 grams of fiber, which is roughly half the recommended daily fiber intake for women and nearly one-third the recommended intake for men.
Despite their high nutrient content, avocados should be consumed in moderation. That's because the Cleveland Clinic notes that a single avocado can contain upward of 400 calories.

International Spirits & Cuisine

Wine Ice Cream
Who knew wine ice cream was a thing? Well, from upper state New York, Mercer’s Dairy offers you a unique experience. Wine flavored ice cream shipped to your front door which should help satisfy your inner sommelier during dessert. The downside? First because of the alcohol content you must be 21 years old to order. Secondly, you better be prepared to order a lot. Minimum order for shipment is 4 pints or 2 half gallons.
Company Website:
Click Here to Visit Site


How to Choose the Perfect Sunglasses
Sunscreen is essential to protect skin against potential sun damage, but what about keeping the eyes safe from the sun? Are the eyes vulnerable to significant sun-related damage as well?
According to the Calvert Ophthalmology Center, ultraviolet rays from the sun can contribute to various eye problems. These can range from temporary vision loss to macular degeneration. When spending time in the sun, it's vital that individuals take steps to protect their eyes. One of the ways to do just that is to wear sunglasses.
All sunglasses are not created equal. Quality sunglasses protect the eyes from UV rays, reduce eyestrain in bright conditions and protect the eyes from flying debris. Here's how to find the right pair of sunglasses for you.
· Check the UV rating. Sunglasses should block 100 percent of both UVA and UVB rays. UV rays can contribute to cataracts and even destroy the retina, which is the lining at the back of the eyes. In addition, UV light can cause changes in the cells of the eyes that may produce discomfort or even lead to cancer. Make sure the label indicates that the sunglasses protect against UVA and UVB rays.
· Wear large sunglasses. The more coverage from sunglasses the better. The American Optometric Association advises that oversized or wraparound sunglasses are best, as they can cut down on the UV rays entering the eye from the side.
· Don't be fooled by dark lenses. Dark lenses do not necessarily block more UV rays than light-colored lenses. It is important to look at the label to see the UV rating.
· Select functional sunglasses. The sporting goods experts at REI state that certain sunglasses are specifically designed for certain activities. Sport sunglasses, for example are designed for running, biking and hiking. They're lightweight and fit tightly so they stay on while exercising. Their frame and lens materials also may be more impact-resistant than casual sunglasses. Glacier glasses are sport sunglasses that protect the eyes from intense light at high altitudes and against reflections from snow.
· Know the functions of polarized lenses. Polarization helps reduce glare coming off of reflective surfaces, such as water. Note that polarization will not offer more protection from the sun, but it makes engaging in certain activities more comfortable.
· Recognize that the color of lenses also helps. In addition to polarization, the color of lenses can affect how much visible light reaches the eyes and affects clarity. Brown, gray and green are ideal for everyday use and most outdoor activities. Light colors like rose, yellow and amber are good in low to moderate light conditions. They can improve the visibility of objects and make surroundings seem brighter.
Shop smart when selecting sunglasses to keep eyes healthy and comfortable.

Lifestyle & Travel

Pack a Suitcase Like a Pro!
Travel and tourism has significantly increased for 2022 and is expected to continue this summer. That's great news for the businesses and workers who make their living in the tourism industry, and it's music to the ears of people itching to get out of the house and head off for parts unknown.Once a vacation destination is planned and the trip is booked, the next question travelers often ask themselves is what to bring? Certain trips may necessitate only a few essentials tossed into a tote bag, while other trips may require an extensive wardrobe.
Anyone who has wrestled with an overflowing suitcase knows that packing can sometimes be an arduous task. Narrowing down just what to bring can be time-consuming. Finally, getting all of those items into the suitcase, only to find they don't fit as expected, can be particularly aggravating. Couple the struggle of packing with increased baggage fees at airlines, and it's easy to see why packing is a part of travel that requires some forethought.
Following these time-tested tips for packing can ensure you spend less time wrestling your suitcase and more time planning your and enjoying your trip.
· Know baggage rules in advance. Flyers should contact their airline to learn their baggage rules. Many airlines place restrictions on the size of a carry-on bag and limit how many suitcases can be checked into cargo. Knowing the measurements you have to work with can make it easier to pack.
· Leave a lot at home. Many travelers view their belongings as security blankets and connections to home. Vacationers may try to plan for every weather scenario or situation, and that often leads to over packing. Pack three shirts for every pair of pants, skirt or shorts that you bring. Stick to basics that make you feel comfortable rather than flashy, statement-making pieces. Choose clothing that's easily mixed and matched. Don't forget at least one dressy ensemble for a night out.
· Choose the right fibers. Even if you prefer cotton and natural fibers, they can be heavier and take longer to dry. They're also more prone to wrinkling. Blends, including wrinkle-free synthetic fibers, won't weigh down a suitcase and won't look like they've been trampled on when you arrive at your destination.
· Rolling is a sound packing method. Rolling clothing not only takes up less space, but clothes that are rolled also are less prone to wrinkling. Rolling creates a flat foundation in the suitcase upon which you can build. Put larger, heavier clothes on the bottom near the wheels and lighter tops and undergarments on the top. This will help balance out the bag and prevent it from toppling when the bag is upright.
· Bundle clothes as well. Another way to take the work out of packing is to bundle outfits together. Place a pair of folded pants on the bottom and top with a shirt, underwear and socks, and roll them together for each day you will be traveling.
· Use shoes for storage. Place smaller items, such as socks, electronics chargers and toiletries, in your shoes. It's another way to save room in an already tight suitcase. Use twist ties or rubber bands to bundle cords to chargers and other devices so
they're tidy.
· Use handbags for cosmetics. Skip the cosmetics bag and use a second purse for cosmetics and jewelry. This gives you another option when going out on the town and helps you save space when packing.
· Investigate what is stocked at the hotel. Call your hotel before packing or visit them online to take inventory of what is included in your room, as there is no need packing a hair dryer if your room includes one. If you're traveling to a friend's house or family, chances are they have the toiletries you need. If you find you need something, you always can buy it at
your destination.
· Limit electronic gadgets. Vacations are meant to provide a break from your routine. Stick to one or two gadgets and leave the rest at home. There's bound to be plenty of other ways to pass the time while traveling.
- Consider using packing cubes for travel. A packing cube easily zips up and can be planned ahead for one or two days wear. They are inexpensive and very effective.

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Corb7 International"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"

* 40-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - SOLD
Established in the year 1982
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
* 36-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - SOLD
Established in the year 1986
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
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