What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Gasoline vs. EVs - Business Psychology:
Pros & Cons of Early Retirement - Cross-Border Business:
Doing Business in Barbados - Offshore Perspective:
Cayman Captive Insurance Forum 2022 - Business Etiquette:
Using a Professional & Effective Email Signature - Executive Fitness:
How to Overcome a Fitness Plateau - Spirits & Cuisine:
How to Make Grilling Healthier - Leisure:
Great Weekend Ideas - Travel:
How to Avoid Travel Scams this Summer - Corb7 International Services:
New Commercial Construction Funding

International Business
Editor's Note

Gasoline vs. EVs
Obviously, one of the hottest topics right now is the gasoline vs electric vehicle (EV) debate. We have been told in no uncertain terms that the world will end if we do not move immediately away from fossil fuels to renewables. There is no time for debate - just do it - and inflation is just a minor price to pay. At the center of this debate are automobiles. Before you accept what is being sold, it might be worth your time to invest 14 minutes into this video. Produced and written by Patrick Bet-david, PatrickBetDavid.com this video offers facts and insights to both sides of the agreement. It is simply the best synopsis we have come across.
Mr. Bet-David is an interesting entrepreneur and best-selling author. His YouTube Channel Valueetainment has 3.5 million subscribers. He was born in Tehran, Iran on 18 October 1978; he is of half Armenian and half Assyrian descent. His parents fled the Iran-Iraq War, and Bet-David and his family settled in the United States in 1988.
At the center of his video is a discussion regarding Diesel, Cobalt mining, Power Grid challenges and exactly how EVs are manufactured. We think you will find it a fascinating discussion.

International Business
Business Psychology

Pros & Cons of Early Retirement
Retirement is a milestone that is often the byproduct of decades of hard work. Though a growing number of working professionals have no intention of ever retiring, the vast majority of adults look forward to the day when they can call it a career.
The prospect of early retirement is enticing to millions of people. Though retiring early may seem like a no brainer for individuals in position to do so, a careful consideration of the pros and cons of early retirement can ensure people make the best decision.
Benefits of early retirement
For many people, early retirement is less about finding a beach to relax on and more about pivoting to a second career. In fact, a recent report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute indicated that 74 percent of workers plan to get a new job after they retire. In such instances, early retirement is often about turning a long-time passion into a second career. That can help adults achieve a lifelong dream, making it one of the better reasons to retire early.
Another advantage to retiring early is the chance to spend more quality time with family. One study from the American Psychological Association found that more than half of working professionals now check work emails after work hours, including on weekends. Forty-four percent even check their email while on vacation. Early retirement enables individuals to escape that round-the-clock career commitment, affording retirees a chance to spend more unfiltered quality time with the people they love most.
Retiring early also provides an opportunity to escape a daily grind that many people have indicated has become increasingly burdensome in recent years. The 2021 Work and Well-Being Survey from the American Psychological Association found that 79 percent of the roughly 1,500 adults surveyed had experienced work-related stress in the month prior to participating. Work is a leading cause of stress for many people, and stress has been linked to a host of health problems. Individuals who can retire early can benefit from less stress in their lives.
Disadvantages to retiring early
Retiring early can seem like a dream, but it could turn into a nightmare for people whose finances aren't as robust as they need to be to support a lengthy retirement. One report from the Boston College Center for Retirement Research found that around 50 percent of working families face a significant decline in their standard of living during retirement. Life expectancy has been on the rise in developed countries since 1900, so retiring too early carries some significant financial risk for people who have saved but not necessarily saved enough.
Retiring early also could make people more vulnerable to cognitive decline than they would be if they keep working. One study from researchers at Scotland's University of St. Andrews found that people who wait until age 67 to retire experience less cognitive decline than people who retire prior to turning 67.
Out-of-pocket medical costs are another significant disadvantage to retiring early. Employer-sponsored medical insurance tends to cost individuals less than private plans, which is a significant consideration for individuals at a point in their lives when they may need to visit doctors more often.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Barbados is known for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
Barbados is an eastern Caribbean island and an independent British Commonwealth nation. Bridgetown, the capital, is a cruise-ship port with colonial buildings and Nidhe Israel, a synagogue founded in 1654. Around the island are beaches, botanical gardens, the Harrison’s Cave formation, and 17th-century plantation houses like St. Nicholas Abbey. Local traditions include afternoon tea and cricket, the national sport.
Barbados is one of the most stable locations in the world for business. The island benefits from a long tradition of political and social stability, a highly-skilled and productive workforce, sophisticated international telecommunication services, and a superior infrastructure. The country's three main economic drivers are: tourism, the international business sector, and foreign direct-investment. These are supported in part by Barbados operating as a service-driven economy and an international business center.
Location: Eastern Caribbean
Capital City: Bridgetown
Population: 287,025 (2019)
Language Spoken: English
International Time: EST + 1 hour
Airline Service: Delta, US Airways, American, Caribbean Air, Air Canada
Currency: Barbados BDS$2 = US$1
Type of Government: Independent Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy
Main industries: Agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing and mining Tax Treaty: The Barbados-US tax treaty dates from 1984, and was accompanied by an exchange of tax information agreement.
OECD: Approved
Additional Notes: Offshore finance thrives due to time zone and educated workforce
5 Best Resorts in Barbados

International Business
Offshore Perspective
Cayman Captive Insurance Forum 2023
When: November 28th – 30th, 2023To Register or More Information Click Here
Come and join the largest gathering of captive owners and service providers at the world’s biggest captive insurance conference.
This year we meet at Grand Cayman’s world-famous Ritz-Carlton on November 28th – 30th, 2023 to share knowledge, expertise and best practice. The Forum will offer over 100 speakers representing cutting-edge industry thought leaders.
The Cayman Islands has, over the past four decades, established itself as a respected international financial center, providing finance structures that enable efficient global flow of capital, based on a platform of English Common Law, transparency, and strong infrastructure.
Use of Cayman structures, such as captive insurance companies, creates wealth everywhere, for example by enabling companies to provide lower cost insurance, or to insure against events that the commercial market considers uninsurable.
The Cayman Islands is committed to providing a stable, responsible and responsive business environment and does not condone money laundering, tax evasion or any other criminal activity. Cayman has not only complied with all international regulatory initiatives, becoming a standard- setter in its own right for the adaptation and implementation of programs designed to halt these types of activities, but has been and remains an active participant in the discussions around the development of these regulations.
Since 1979 when the Insurance Law was first passed in the Cayman Islands, this jurisdiction has become a major center for international insurance business. The Cayman Islands is the second largest domicile for captives and holds the number one position worldwide for healthcare captives.

International Business
Business Etiquette

Using a Professional & Effective Email Signature
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
Today's business emails are equivalent to the short letters of yesteryear, containing a salutation, body of clearly stated information, and a closing that often includes a signature line.
Your email signature leaves the reader with a friendly goodbye and methods to reach you. It provides just enough information to present you as a professional, without appearing desperate for future contact.
A Good Email Signature!
How much information is "just enough"?
Your Name
Position and/or Company Name
Optional: Physical Address
Telephone Number (one is sufficient, but two if necessary)
Email Address
Company website
Optional - social media sites you use most often
Optional - company tag line, call to action, or meaningful quote
The last items are optional because if you aren't very active on social media, it's probably best to skip offering this method as a way to connect. And if you are in a sales or marketing position, including a company tag line or call to action can get attention. Keep it short, but effective.
An email signature with the above information used appropriately may look like this fictional character's:
Danny Blendin
Account Manager, Kai-Med Associates
Phone: 423-689-2326
Email: danny.blendin@kaimedassociates.com
Web: www.kaimedassociates.com
What's wrong with this email signature?
Danny Blendin
Account Manager, Kai-Med Associates
4771 Spectrum Ave
Somewhere, US 87635
Office: 423-826-7381
Mobile: 423-689-2326
Fax: 423-826-7583
Email: danny.blendin@kaimedassociates.com
Web: www.kaimedassociates.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Kai-MedAssociates
Twitter: www.twitter.com/dannyatkaimed
Skype: dannyatkaimed
If you think there's far too much information that is difficult to read, you are correct. Sure, Danny is an account manager who wants to be available to his prospects and clients. But he's gone a little overboard here.
When deciding what contact methods to include in your signature, think about the most convenient ways to connect with you. Is a return email best? Are you usually available by phone? What methods do your clients prefer?
Your Closing Line:
The line just before your email signature is your closing line. It serves as a reminder of your good will, and should be congruent with your message. If your intended message is firm in tone, you wouldn't want to close with, "Cheers!"
Here are some professional-friendly closings to consider:
Best regards
Kind regards
Cordially or Cordially yours
Best wishes
All the best
The sign-off sentence to substitute should you think it’s time to assume more familiarity:
Have a great day!
Thank you!
Happy Holidays!
Enjoy your weekend!
Keep up the good work!
Appreciating you!
Looking forward to…
I hope this was helpful!
Feel free to contact me anytime.
Remain professional, always remembering that your recipient may have a different perception than you. Is your closing too chummy? Is the tone in line with the purpose of your email? How well do you know your recipient?
Know your own strengths and weaknesses. I am a friendly and outgoing person but a weakness is to lean too heavily into the "friendly" domain in professional communication. How about you?
Etiquette Always!
Courtesy and respect should be constant when doing business. A miscommunicated message filled with grammatical errors and misspelled words does not help you professionally. Always keep your message simple and direct, and proof for spelling and grammar.
Try and remain positive in tone regardless of the subject matter. If the issue is serious, it's probably best to communicate in person rather than in writing.

Executive Fitness

How to Overcome a Fitness Plateau
Each individual has his or her own fitness goals when beginning an exercise regimen. Perhaps the plan is to lose a set amount of weight or lift a certain amount of weight? Goals help people assess their workouts whether or not they are achieving the desired results.
At some point in just about everyone's fitness routine, it may seem like progress has stalled. Changes in the body may no longer be noticeable or the scale says the same weight each week. It's easy to grow discouraged when exercise gains plateau. But recognizing this phenomenon can help people get their workouts back on track.
What is a fitness plateau?
The exercise resource GymBet says a fitness plateau is a phase when the body adjusts to a workout routine and stops progressing further. The body has become accustomed to the stress and changes an exercise routine has put on it in order to grow muscles, reduce fat or improve in training.
What causes a plateau?
The human body is incredibly resilient and can adapt to the physical demands of a workout. That means a workout initially can produce noticeable results. But over time, the body will adapt and something that was challenging will become easier. As a result, a familiar and once effective workout will no longer produce the desired results. Some call this General Adaption Syndrome. Even though hitting a plateau may seem frustrating, it is a good sign that an individual is making progress in a fitness program.
How to overcome a plateau?
The American Heart Association says one way to overcome a plateau is to follow the F.I.T.T principle of exercise. This stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. Once a plateau has been reached, a person will have to change one or more components of F.I.T.T. to once again get desired results. That may mean increasing frequency and/or intensity, spending more time in an exercise session, or changing the type of workout. If the plateau involves a lack of weight loss, then tracking food for a week or two can show just how many calories are going in versus how many are expended. Often, hitting a plateau can be traced to dietary changes.
Banish boredom
Another factor in hitting fitness plateaus that people may not realize is mental motivation. An individual who is becoming bored in a workout may not put forth the same level of effort, and that can manifest itself in a lack of results. Modifying the workout or attending a new program can be a small trigger to reach a new fitness level.
A fitness plateau is something active people need to consider. Modifications can be made to get progress back on track.

Spirits & Cuisine

How to Make Grilling Healthier
Summer is synonymous with many things, including family vacations and relaxing days at the beach. For foodies, perhaps nothing evokes the spirit of summer more effectively than grilled foods.
Grilling is a beloved tradition, but it's not necessarily the healthiest way to eat. Traditional backyard barbecue fare like hot dogs and hamburgers likely won't make physicians' hearts flutter, but there are ways to enjoy the flavor of grilling without compromising a nutritious diet.
· Replace burgers and hot dogs with healthy proteins. The occasional hamburger or hot dog won't do much damage, but people who regularly grill should skip these summertime staples and replace them with healthy proteins. The American Heart Association reports that fish and skinless chicken breasts are healthy alternatives to hamburgers and hot dogs. Burger devotees can still enjoy their go-to grilled food, but replace ground beef with lean ground poultry, which contains less saturated fat than red meat.
· Avoid overdoing it. Most people have overindulged at a backyard barbecue at one point or another. The relaxed, party-like atmosphere of the backyard barbecue makes it easy to snack on chips and other unhealthy fare before moving on to burgers and hot dogs. Hosts can do guests a favor by replacing snacks and sides like chips and potato salad with healthier fare like celery, fruit salad or chickpea salad. Keep portions of grilled fare as close to a healthy size as possible. The AHA notes that a healthy portion of meat is around three ounces and no more than six ounces.
· Create a salt-free rub. There's no denying salt makes food more flavorful. But that flavor comes at a high cost. The health care experts Piedmont note that excessive amounts of salt can contribute to inflammation from fluid retention and increase a person's risk for hypertension, or high blood pressure. Salt may be a go-to for many grilling enthusiasts, but it doesn't have to be. A salt-free rub made with chili powder, garlic powder, paprika, and/or other spices is an effective and salt-free way to add flavor to meat, chicken and fish.
· Grill more vegetables. Grilled vegetables, whether they're part of kebabs or simply grilled alongside the main course, add significant flavor and provide all the health benefits of veggies cooked in more traditional ways. The AHA notes that coating vegetables in a healthy oil like olive oil makes it easy to grill them directly over an open flame without sticking. Cooking in this way imparts that signature smoky, grilled flavor to vegetables.
This summer, grilling can be as healthy as it is flavorful. All it takes is a few simple strategies to make the menu at your next backyard barbecue one any doctor would love.


Great Weekend Ideas!
Few things embody a summertime vibe better than a day spent soaking up the sun and enjoying a warm breeze in the great outdoors. Warm weather and generally dry conditions are one reason why summer is so popular among vacationers. Even individuals who can't get away on vacation this summer can still look to the weekend as a great time to hit the road or the friendly skies for weekend getaways.
Convenience and proximity are two selling points when choosing weekend getaway destinations. The following are some weekend getaway ideas that are tailor-made for summer fun.
· Take yourself out to the ballgame. The pandemic forced millions of baseball fans to stay home as their favorite team battled it out on the diamond. No fans were allowed during the shortened 2020 season, and the 2021 season began with many teams allowing only limited attendance. Some fans might not have felt comfortable returning to packed stadiums last summer. Now that attendance restrictions have been lifted, what better way to enjoy America's pastime than in person? Take a weekend to follow your favorite team on the road or visit a stadium you've never been to. Many ballparks are now surrounded by great restaurants and five-star hotels, making a ballpark trip an ideal way to experience a new city in style.
· Make it a water-based weekend. No matter where you live, a body of water is no doubt nearby. Though the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration indicates that roughly 40 percent of the United States population lives in a coastal region, oceans aren't the only places to find some sand and enjoy a warm summer breeze. Lakes and rivers are great places to relax, and getaway seekers can utilize sites like Airbnb and Vrbo to find short-term waterfront rentals.
· Soak up the city lights. Big cities tend to clear out on summer weekends, which can make this an ideal time to visit. City visitors won't have to contend with the sizable crowds that descend on metropolises in winter, when indoor entertainment is in high demand. That means savvy travelers also may find discounts on live theater and local concerts. It also won't be as difficult to book reservations at the latest culinary hotspots, particularly for travelers who book early.
· Hit the slopes (seriously). Skiing might be the furthest thing on people's minds in summer. However, skiing hotspots can make for the ideal summer getaways for individuals looking for a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Instead of traversing slopes on skis, visitors can hike their way through the mountains before retiring to their resort for a more laid back evening of relaxation.
There's no wrong way to get away. Summer travelers who don't have much time to escape can look to some unique weekend getaway ideas and enjoy a relaxing taste of something new.

Lifestyle & Travel

How to Avoid Travel Scams
Traveling should be fun. If you are planning to travel either locally or internationally, scams can occur and if large enough they can ruin your plans. Here are a few scams to be aware of while traveling this summer.
Cab Scam - Know the going rate for cab rides and how to identify licensed providers especially when traveling abroad. Thus, avoid being overcharged by a disreputable cab driver or having your credit or debit card information stolen. London Taxi Scam
Free Stuff – this is very common in Europe. The perpetrator places a bracelet on your wrist or a hat on your head and then insists you pay for the item. When you refuse, they attempt to embarrass you by acting out. A quick solution is just by removing the item and walking away. Free Stuff Scam
Rental Scam - This occurs when you rent a car or a bike. When you return the vehicle, the merchant insists you pay for damages. This is an easy fix by always taking pictures of the car or bike before taking possession and making sure the merchant sees you doing so.
Pick Pockets – This can often occur when you are walking down the street and someone bumps into you and spills something on your clothes. While helping you clean up they proceed to pick your pocket. Europe Pick Pockets
Here are a few more:
10 Tourist Scams to Beware - AARP

Business Services
Business Funding

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