What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
How to Live in Italy! - Business Psychology:
Why Consider a Business Coach - Cross-Border Business:
Latin America Forum 2022 - Business Etiquette:
Emailing Multiple Business Associates - Executive Fitness:
7 Common Fitness Mistakes to Avoid - Spirits & Cuisine:
Mustard is Good for You! - Leisure:
Binge-Watching "The Terminal List" - Travel:
Montana Fly Fishing - Corb7 International Services:
Currently Opportunities

International Business
Editor's Note

How to Live in Italy!
Italy has been in the news recently with the resignation of their Prime Minister Mario Draghi and a forthcoming election September 25th. We, however, have been interested in pending legislation which looks very interesting and potentially groundbreaking for more jurisdictions that this desirable relocation destination.
Many, many people would like to live in Italy for an extended period of time and now there might be an interesting option. Afterall, this country is famous worldwide for its amazing cuisine, historical landmarks, beautiful culture, and friendly locals. Remote workers may finally work and live there on a digital nomad visa for Italy! The Italian government is planning to launch a new visa to encourage foreigners to spend a year working remotely in the country. The decree was first introduced in January and voted into law on March 28, 2022.
For more information, click on the video below:

International Business
Business Psychology

Why Consider a Business Coach
Great Quote:“If you blame, your life goes into pain.
If you change, you can have an extraordinary life” – Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins.com: what-drives-your-decisions
Business coaches assist entrepreneurs respond more effectively to change. Even high performers may reach greater success as they engage with new opportunities for growth, at both a professional and personal level. With a business coach you gain a trusted advisor who will help put things in perspective, help you see the blind spots and serve as a compass. It is a growth field and perhaps one you might want to consider employing.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Latin America Forum 2022
September 8th
The International Investment Latin America Forum 2022 is a full day live event held in Miami designed to bring together some of the biggest names in the international cross-border advice world with some of the industry’s key product providers, to discuss the ever-evolving world of advice in the Latin American Region.
Registration is now open with a limited number of places available free of charge for advisory firms, brokers, fund selectors, investment professionals and all financial services industry and professional services companies operating within the Latin America region.
For More Information

International Business
Business Etiquette

Emailing Multiple Business Associates
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
When sending emails to two or more people, they should be directly involved in the subject at hand. A particular communication goal is to be achieved.
Organizational updates, project collaboration, and information to be shared are all reasons for including multiple people when sending emails. As with all forms of communication, consideration should be given to purpose, clarity, and tone.
The beginning of an email sets the tone of your message; from the subject line to the salutation and into the first paragraph.
The subject line, while brief, should be informational. Recipients should recognize that the email pertains to them. Simply by reading it, they determine the reason for your message and a potential level of importance.
The salutation will vary according to the purpose of the email and the relationship to recipients.
- If you meet colleagues with regularity or have pre-existing relationships, less formality works fine.
- If you are communicating with professional colleagues who are new, or you are new, or with one of two news agency representatives, keep your language formal. Regardless, all communication must be respectful of individuals and the group as a whole.
- “Dear (addressees)” followed by a colon, rather than a comma.
- You can use full names with job titles in a list format if this corresponds with the subject and desired outcome. Double check for accuracy.
- When addressing a group or organization members, the name of the group should be in the subject line. The salutation may or may not contain full names or job roles.
- Avoid punctuation that includes “and” before the last person is listed.
"Dr. John Rogers, Ms. Jody Talbert, Mr. Phill Vickery:"
- Include only people who will be directly involved with associated duties regarding a meeting’s purpose. For example, Ms. Jodi Williams may be cc’d if her skills are needed to distribute certain manuscripts by a certain time. Mr. Ben Cody may be needed to arrange catering.
- If someone is copied, they should know exactly why by the nature of the purpose.
- Do not cc persons who you just want to know are watching, who are extraneous to the conversation.
Sending emails to a group typically calls for responses sent to the group. But only if the response is relevant to everyone.
- A quick “thank you” for information shared does not need to be sent to everyone.
- Ensure that any messages sent to the group are not only relevant, but also considerate to everyone included.
Advice for Sending Emails in General
Written communication can be tricky depending on the subject or information you are attempting to convey. Some things to keep in mind for sending emails are:
- Edit all emails before sending for typos, misspelled words and incomplete sentences.
- Be concise, clear, and brief.
- Scrutinize your email tone of voice. Build in empathy.
- As email is not a chat but more of a letter format, don’t send choppy messages as you might in an instant message.
- Do not write anything you wouldn’t want to be read by everyone you know – and some people you don’t know. Electronic communications are never private!
The impressions you make when sending emails that bring together the right people for the purpose intended, with a tone of kindness and consideration for all, is bound to bring respect. As an email participant, your keen observance of the rules of communication that help get the purpose accomplished in the best amount of time without cluttering inboxes will enhance your role as a team player.

Executive Fitness

7 Common Fitness Mistakes to Avoid
It is important to follow appropriate guidance when pursuing fitness goals. However, with so much information available online, it can be challenging to sift through the advice and determine what is safe and effective and what is not.
Fitness enthusiasts may make certain mistakes along the way to achieving their goals. Recognizing which practices should be avoided can lower risk of injury and produce the desired results.
1. Skipping warm-up
Warm-ups are vital before a workout. They help muscles in the body become acclimated to exercise by gradually building up heart rate and muscle flexibility and endurance. A warm-up can include walking, biking or light repetitions of exercises.
2. Getting caught up in "low-fat" foods
It is important to eat a balanced diet that includes real, wholesome foods, according to Lucky 13 Fitness. Many people fill their carts with sugar-free desserts or fat-free items thinking this is healthy eating. When fat or sugar is removed, chemicals often replace these ingredients. Rather than embracing an extreme diet, focus on balance and moderation.
3. "Cheat days"
Some people operate under the assumption that the weekend or another less regimented day is an opportunity to let loose and stray from a diet and exercise regimen. This can be a mistake. A better approach is to find a routine that has enough balance so a person doesn't feel like he or she needs to go off the rails to indulge.
4. Using the "I'm busy" excuse
There is no such thing as being too busy to exercise. Making exercise a necessary part of a daily routine requires finding time for fitness. Individuals may need to squeeze in exercise in the early morning before work or school. If exercise seems to be getting in the way of family time, engage in a group workout with the kids or your spouse.
5. Pushing too hard
Many people exercise under the assumption that "more is more." Injuries can occur when one pushes too far in a workout, particularly if he or she is lifting more weight than his or her body can handle. It is essential to give the body some time off to recuperate. Rest helps to prevent injuries.
6. Making vague goals
Establishing fitness goals helps people reach markers that make it easy for them to gauge their success. Statements like "I want to lose weight" or "I want to get stronger" make it hard to measure progress, as they lack specificity. It is much better to make firm goals, such as specific pounds to lose or being able to lift a certain amount of weight by a predetermined date.
7. Hopping from program to program
It's tempting to try everything the gym or the fitness world has to offer. It is better to learn the basics and stick with a program for some time before moving on to another one; otherwise, you may never have enough time to master any routine.

Spirits & Cuisine

Mustard is Good for You!
Mustard is a must-have at backyard barbecues but it easy to overlook the nutritive properties.
Mustard is a must-have at backyard barbecues, and that status as a summertime staple makes it easy to overlook the nutritive properties of this popular condiment.
A review published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that mustard seeds can protect against oxidative stress and inflammation. That's because mustard seeds contain glucosinolates, which are antioxidants that are converted during processing into isothiocyanates, which are responsible for the protection against oxidative stress and inflammation. Yellow mustard also contains a significant amount of selenium, which offers antioxidant properties. In addition, a recent review in the journal Radiation Oncology found that selenium may help individuals lower their risk for cancer.


"The Terminal List"
Binge-watching has become a huge past time.
If you are looking for an action series this summer that is well-written we would suggest “the Terminal List” on Prime Video authored by a former Navy Seal, Jack Carr. Mr. Carr is a New York Times best selling author and has written five different books featuring his main character, James Reece. We first became aware of Jack Carr while watching him be interviewed by Joe Rogan on his podcast several years ago. He is a fascinating personality and if you like action mini-series with a dark twist “The Terminal List” is likely for you.
Rumor has it that Mr. Carr is currently at work on his sixth action novel due out next year.
Jack Carr on Joe Rogan
Jack Carr

Montana Fly Fishing
Montana is synonymous with world-class fly fishing. Recently, I had the opportunity to experience this wonderful part of the United States again. Just a short 40-minute drive from Butte airport is an outfitter called the “Complete Fly Fisher” which offers an incredible fishing experience on the Big Hole River and near the Wise River. This lodge/outfitter delivers guided float fishing (on three-person rafts) and first-class dining at the beginning and the end of each day. Brown, Rainbow and Brook trout are likely to be caught during a typical day, and all fishing is catch and release. My personal best was a 20-inch Brown (see picture) but maybe you can do better.The Big Hole River has been called, “The Last Best River.” It’s one of the greatest dry fly-fishing rivers found anywhere in the world. The angling opportunities are diverse and divine. Every conceivable angling circumstance and water type associated with fly fishing for trout are found on the Big Hole. With five species of game fish, the river is unique among trout streams in the lower 48.
We spent five days fishing the rivers and my last day offer something that I had never seen before when our guide threw a white fish to a bald eagle after whistling to get its attention. The eagle swooped down and caught the fish in midair. You can only experience this type of majestic nature in Montana.
The Complete Fly Fisher

Business Services
Corb7 International
"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
* 40-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - SOLD
Established in the year 1982
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
* 36-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - SOLD
Established in the year 1986
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
Contact us at: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
or Email: contact@corb7.com