What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
You Will Get Sued - Business Psychology:
The Power of Laughter - Cross-Border Business:
Two Noteworthy Swiss Organizations - Business Etiquette:
Commonsense Etiquette - Fitness & Health:
How Your Body Changes with Age - Spirits & Cuisine:
Nutritional Benefits of Chicken - Leisure:
Tips for Taking Stunning Pics! - Travel:
Great Global Breweries to Visit - Corb7 Funding Service:
Any Project, Any Where! - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Discover How to Take Your Business to the Next Level

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
You Will Get Sued!
"This Epidemic Continues its Global Path"- “Suing for damages has become both a huge industry and a tremendous drag on American industry’s ability to compete.” ----- Forbes Magazine
- "Plastic surgeons are being named in numerous lawsuits. One Texas malpractice insurer states that current premiums are running between US $20,000 - 80,000 and will likely jump 20% again.” ----- The Economist
- “Every year in America, individuals and businesses spend more than $80 billion on direct litigation costs and higher insurance premiums. When indirect costs are included, the costs may add up to a figure in excess of $300 billion.” ----- President’s Council on Competitiveness .
Reaching epidemic proportions, statistics now show that US citizens have a one in four chance of being sued during their lifetime. This trend extends far beyond the United States, and successful individuals are being targeted in any number of jurisdictions worldwide.
The advances of modern society have caused our lives to move at a faster pace than ever before, mostly due to the computer age and instinct access to information via the Internet. For many, this may not only be disheartening but precarious. Wealth, fame, and business success are just a few factors that can make an individual a target for unwarranted probes by those who are less than scrupulous.
Entrepreneurs Beware!
Business owners and professionals are the most likely to be sued; moreover, included in that grouping are physicians, plastic surgeons, stockbrokers, law enforcement officials and real estate developers. Governing rules of civil procedures have been liberalized; consequentially, legislators have made the process of taking legal action much easier than ever before. Results can be devastating, and products such as liability insurance are rarely enough to cover all eventualities. Traditional approaches to asset protection, such as utilizing a corporate veil to limit shareholder liability, is, likewise, seldom good enough. For instance, most liability insurance policies do not cover some of the most common reasons for civil litigation. Frequently excluded are sexual harassment, wrongful termination, negligence or any type of punitive damages. In addition, policy limits are often severely under the multimillion-dollar judgments being handed down. As a result, the use of offshore vehicles has been brought into the forefront of asset protection and financial planning.
Greatest Risk to Wealth
Not too long ago a fascinating piece of writing appeared in Forbes Magazine with the premise being that litigation is a much greater threat to American wealth than taxes. According to the article, this is due to American citizens being exposed to an infinite amount of liability through an overworked system of litigation. Thus, high-net worth individuals are putting “unlimited assets” at risk. This article goes on to state that “contrary to the popular vision of offshore banking, the true purpose of offshore accounts and corporate structures for many wealthy clients is to protect a lifetime of earnings and savings not from being taxed, but from being wiped out in a major lawsuit, say, a medical malpractice or a class-action securities litigation against an executive.”
Often, the measure of an attorney’s skill is their ability to construct a theory of liability, which will connect a remote and seemingly innocent deep pocket to a particular case. Consequently, an individual’s innocence has little to do with whether they will be targeted. Early on and during the normal course of business, an attorney will do a financial investigation directed at the potential target of the litigation. Information that you might rightfully consider confidential can easily be found during this discovery period. To that end, numerous investigative services are in the litigator’s toolkit. For a nominal investment, your future adversary will have obtained a profile of your financial well-being. This comprehensive sketch will likely include: your bank accounts, brokerage accounts, property ownership, collectibles, credit rating, business holdings, etc.
Working on behalf of their plaintiff, most attorneys file civil judgments on a contingency basis. For that reason, these lawyers will only get paid if they can get a settlement or win the suit. As such, they are not interested in pursuing “judgment proof” defendants. Regarding asset protection, therefore, the old saying still rings true … “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." The key is to lower your discoverable financial profile ahead of time or to place expensive and time-consuming hurdles in the path of frivolous filings.
Why We Like Switzerland
If you are a regular reader of this periodical then it is obvious that we like Switzerland as a potential solution to this problem. US civil litigation is not readily recognized in Switzerland, which makes moving your assets offshore a strong strategy. Accordingly, by transferring a portion of your assets to a privately held Swiss Trust Company, you have effectively made yourself a much smaller target. Once put into place these steps may place your assets well out of harm’s way.
In the rare event, a plaintiff should wish to follow you, they may find it a very expensive and distasteful experience. For example, the plaintiff would first need to know where the assets are being held. Then they would need to retain a local attorney within that specific country – in this case Switzerland. This would be at a considerable expense inasmuch pro-business jurisdictions like Switzerland tend to have an absence of barristers willing to work on a contingency fee. Furthermore, since frivolous lawsuits are not looked upon favorably, it would be incumbent upon that attorney to convince a local court to hear the case. Even if that can be accomplished, the case will likely be dismissed should it be proven that assets were transferred prior to the suit being filed. The wicked battle awaiting a plaintiff offshore often results in either a settlement on the defendant’s terms or the suit being dropped altogether. We call that a win!
You Must Plan Ahead!
The best and safest time to create an asset protection strategy is before there are any potential creditors. If you wait until a lawsuit is pending there is a substantial risk that a court will find any transfer of assets an attempt to defraud. At that point, there are serious consequences. A perceived attempt to defraud a creditor would likely result in the setting aside of any transfer. Important side note: please keep in mind that you will probably still have tax obligations from your country of citizenship. For the most part, offshore planning has become a “tax neutral” event for individuals. This is especially true as we have seen an increase in jurisdictions moving toward the world income tax model.
The occurrence of frivolous lawsuits is at an all-time high and most likely will only continue to grow. Now more than ever, it is essential to protect your assets from the risk of being wiped out in a potential lawsuit. As litigation is at this time considered a greater threat to wealth than taxes, it is your responsibility to protect yourself. No one else will. For nearly two decades, the use of the Swiss Trust Company vehicle has become a significant aspect of modern asset protection planning tactics for wealthy individuals and their families. Done legally and ethically, transferring your assets to an offshore entity can dramatically “tip the scales” in your favor.
Please consult with your professional advisors before undertaking any asset protection strategy.

International Business
Business Psychology

The Power of Laughter
A good chuckle protects your workday.
A good joke can liven up any social engagement, but the value of humor goes well beyond breaking the ice at parties and other get-togethers. According to the Cleveland Clinic, laughter can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to lower heart rate and help people breathe more easily. Given such benefits, it's no surprise that laughter has been linked to a host of medical benefits, including stress relief and improved heart health.
Various professionals have studied the clinical benefits of laughter, including Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan at Loma Linda University in California. Here is what these experts say in regard to the benefits of a few good belly laughs.
Boosts immune system
A recent study titled "The Laughter Prescription" and published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that the amount of laughter a person experiences is related to the immune system's ability to fight off infections, among other benefits. The study references additional research that indicated spontaneous (not forced) laughter boosts the immune system by increasing natural killer (NK) cell activity. Levels were measured after participants watched a one-hour humorous video. NK cells are lymphocytes with a unique ability to kill a broad spectrum of cancerous and virus-infected cells, according to the National Institutes of Health. Laughing out loud improves immune system function and increases heart rate and oxygen levels.
Lowers blood pressure
Individuals who laugh often have lower blood pressure than those who laugh less often. Lower blood pressure reduces the risk for stroke and heart attack.
Helps heal the brain
Laughing can help reverse symptoms of grief or depression by increasing the pleasure-enhancing neurochemicals in the brain, according to the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. A good laugh also may help people recovering from chronic illnesses by helping to alleviate fear and anxiety that could otherwise preoccupy the mind.
Suppresses stress hormones
Drs. Berk and Tan found that the stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol decrease following laughter. Laughter may help people feel less stressed and overwhelmed.
Provides a small body workout
Hearty laughter can exercise the diaphragm, contract the abdominals and even work the shoulders and muscles in the face. Laughter also gets the heart pumping at a rate that burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking slowly.
Provides natural pain relief
Research suggests that laughter decreases inflammation that may contribute to pain. Researchers at the University of Maryland found that laughing also increases blood flow, which may help to reduce pain as well.
Finding ways to laugh more is an easy and fun way to improve overall health.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Two Noteworthy Swiss Organizations
Professional Swiss Organizations.-------
If you are considering the acquisition of a Swiss Trust Company for 2023 then you might want to consider membership to these organizations after gaining ownership. Below are two professional organizations based in Switzerland that we wanted to bring to your attention.
SATC - The Swiss Association of Trust Companies
(established 2007)
SATC link
STEP - Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
(established 1992)
STEP link

International Business
Business Etiquette
Commonsense Etiquette
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
I’ve been re-reading a delightful book written by Eleanor Roosevelt in 1962 titled Book of Common-Sense Etiquette, in which she says:
“Etiquette is not just a matter of knowing how a lunch or dinner should be served, or what the “proper” behavior is in this or that situation. There are many correct ways of behaving in almost any situation, and many proper ways of doing those things for which there are precise rules in formal etiquette books. Yet the formal rules always have had a signal usefulness, and are worthy of respectful attentions, and even though we have renounced some of them, we ought not to belittle this impulse that brought them into being, for it is the very essence of man’s desire to achieve self-respect and dignity.”
Common sense must speak to the rules of etiquette such that good manners end up prevailing.
Developing Good Manners
As children, we instinctively fed ourselves hand to mouth. But when we were taught to use a spoon and fork, ask for an item to be passed to us, and learned that others also would like items passed to them, practical knowledge melded into a social sense that can only develop through experience with other people.
When a child learns to say “Please” and “Thank you,” and smiles at the other person when he says it, he is not only learning manners but also adding to his bank of social knowledge. Manners are a combination of recognition of others and specific know-how. The guiding codes are the rules of etiquette.
Each of us try to act with sound judgment and aim for sensible action in all that we do. Etiquette serves in gaining the practical knowledge that we apply to our ever-changing social and professional situations. It helps us live reasonably and kindly, and desiring it is commonsensical.
Many things we do in the spirit of courtesy and in line with common sense every day:
- Opening and holding doors for others.
- Reciprocating the sharing of dinner with those who invite you to their table.
- Extending verbal courtesies such as “It’s my pleasure,” “Please,” “Thank you,” and “May I?” when interacting with other people.
- Insisting that children need to help with dinner and chores as a regular part of learning to coexist within a family.
- Returning phone calls and emails within a short period of time.
Regardless of your line of work, courtesy and civility are basic to professional conduct.
- Take ownership for the level of work produced.
- Cooperate with colleagues and management.
- Prove dependable and trustworthy and show up on time.
- Give the benefit of doubt.
- Look for the positives and aim for the bright side, taking the proverbial “high road” at every turn.
- Never announce something really important in a text message.
- Keep your focus on where you are, who you are with and why you are there.
- Being clear and concise shows respect for the people with whom you are communicating.
- Actively listen with intention of finding value in what others say.
- Keep the Golden Rule active, doing to others what you would have them do and be with you.
Aiming to be respectful in all of our interactions and following through by keeping our word and taking responsibility for our own behavior develops strength of character. Doing what we know ultimately works is common sense.

Fitness & Health

How the Body Changes with Age
Help your body function at every age.------
Aging is an inevitable component of life. Young children often cannot wait until they get older because of the freedoms that seemingly come with being more mature. On the flip side, adults often wish they were young again. Time waits for no person, and with aging comes many changes, many of which manifest physically.
The following are some components of healthy aging that go beyond graying hair and wrinkling skin.
Bones, joints and muscles
According to the Mayo Clinic, with age bones may become thinner and more fragile. Joints will lose their flexibility, while muscles lose mass and strength, endurance and flexibility. These changes may be accompanied by a loss of stability that can result in balance issues or falls. It's common for the body frame to shrink, and a person may lose a few inches from his or her height.
A doctor may suggest a bone-density test or supplementation with calcium and vitamin D to keep bones as strong as possible. Physical activity that includes strength training can help keep muscles strong and flexible.
Body fat
As muscle mass diminishes, body fat can increase. The Merck Manual indicates that, by age 75, the percentage of body fat typically doubles compared with what it was during young adulthood. The distribution of fat also changes, which can adjust the shape of the torso.
Organs in the body also age, and cells begin to die off, making those organs work less efficiently. The heart is one such organ that changes with age. It pumps more than 2.5 million beats during one's lifetime. As a person gets older, blood vessels lose their elasticity, and the heart has to work harder to circulate blood throughout the body, reports Johnson Memorial Health. Exercise can help keep the heart as strong as possible.
Urinary tract and kidneys
The kidneys become smaller as a person ages, which means they may not be able to filter urine as effectively. Urinary incontinence may occur due to hormonal changes or because of an enlarged prostate. Furthermore, the bladder may become less elastic, leading to an urge to urinate more frequently.
Memory and thinking
Older adults experience changes to the brain as they age. Minor effects on memory or thinking skills are common and not usually cause for worry. Staying mentally active by reading, playing word games and engaging in hobbies can help. Following a routine and making lists (as multi-tasking may become challenging) are some additional ways to address memory issues.
These are just some of the changes that can come with aging. Generally speaking, exercising, using the brain and adhering to a balanced, healthy diet can help keep the body functioning well into one's golden years.

Spirits & Cuisine

Benefits of Chicken Can it help with blood pressure?-------
Few foods may be as versatile as chicken. There is seemingly no end to the ways to cook and serve chicken, which is even an integral component in soups used to combat the common cold.
The taste of chicken is enough to compel people across the globe to include it in their diets. However, chicken also packs a nutritional punch, and recognition of its many benefits may compel health-conscious individuals to consume even more chicken going forward.
Chicken helps build a stronger body
Chicken helps build strong muscles and bones. Amino acids are vital to building muscle tissue, and fans of chicken should be happy to learn that chicken is a great source of amino acids. Amino acids produce protein, which is why chicken is considered an excellent source of protein. In fact, data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates that a 100 gram serving of chicken contains as much as 32 grams of protein.
Chicken can help to control blood pressure
High blood pressure can increase risk for a host of negative health outcomes, including heart attack and stroke. Chicken is one of a handful of protein sources that can help to lower blood pressure. One animal study from researchers in Japan found that collagen, which is a protein found in chicken legs, helps to lower blood pressure. In addition, the Harvard Medical School notes that consuming at least two servings of chicken per week can help people maintain a healthy blood pressure.
Chicken and cholesterol
Another feather in chicken's cap is its status as an alternative to foods such as beef, lamb and pork. Chicken contains less saturated fat and cholesterol than red meat, which includes both lamb and pork. High cholesterol can increase a person's risk for heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis, among other harmful conditions. So choosing a heart-healthy red meat alternative like chicken can help individuals lower their cholesterol and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Does it matter how chicken is cooked?
How chicken is cooked affects how beneficial it can be to people who consume it. The American Heart Association notes that grilling, broiling or roasting chicken may increase the likelihood that people will develop high blood pressure. The AHA notes that research presented at its Epidemiology and Prevention | Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions 2018 indicated the risk of developing high blood pressure was 17 percent higher in people who grilled, broiled or roasted chicken more than 15 times per month compared to those who did so less than four times per month. So the less often chicken is cooked in such ways, the better for people looking to capitalize on the nutritional benefits of chicken. It's also best to avoid frying chicken, as during the frying process foods absorb saturated fat, trans fats and cholesterol, thus negating any health benefits the poultry may otherwise provide.
The versatility of chicken is perhaps only surpassed by the many unique nutritional benefits this wildly popular food provides when cooking it in certain ways.


Tips for Taking Stunning Pics
How to take great nature pictures.-------
Exploring the great outdoors is a rewarding way to bear witness to the majesty of nature. Nature frequently presents awe-inspiring vistas that can take individuals' breath away. Some nature lovers are content to bask in the moment and set the scene to memory. Others may want a more permanent way to commemorate the view.
Amateur photographers eager to capture the majesty of the great outdoors can practice their picture-taking skills. According to the photography tips and technique experts at Picture Correct, many factors are involved in taking nature photographs. These tips can help anyone take stunning nature photos.
· Invest in quality gear. The right photography gear makes it much easier to take great photos. Lenses are very important for capturing shots. Macro lenses are designed for insects and flowers. Wide-angle lenses help snap landscapes. Telephoto lenses can focus on animals without having to get too close.
· Take the foreground into consideration. When you find an inspiring landscape to photograph, skip the empty landscapes and think about zeroing in on something interesting in the foreground. This can be a particularly attractive flower in front of a vast field, or even a rusty watering can left out in a row of crops. Items in the foreground impart interest in the photo.
· Consider depth of field. Sometimes you will have no control over the busy background an interesting subject is in front of in a planned photograph. A shallow depth of field achieved with a wide aperture can blur a background and separate the subject from that background, according to Shotkit, a photography and gear authority. Some post-production work also can be done to blur backgrounds in apps like Lightroom or through Photoshop.
· Zoom in and crop subjects. Smaller pictures can be just as compelling as larger ones. Zoom in on the bark on a tree, the skin of a lizard or the wings of an insect. Closer looks at what is hiding in plain sight in nature can lead to compelling pictures. Zoom in and think about a macro lens, which will magnify even the tiniest details.
· Study what you want to capture. The best photographers do their research. If you want to grab a great photo of an egret by the water's edge, spend time watching these birds in their habitat and learning their behaviors. This might help you predict when to snap the best photo.
· Use light wisely. The photography resource Expert Photography recommends taking photos primarily during the golden hours. These are right after sunrise and just before sunset. The light during these times of day has a softer, hazy quality that will illuminate subjects evenly and less harshly than midday, when shadows also may pose challenges. Taking photos during these times also means fewer people around and a better chance that wildlife will be out and about.
Nature photography is wildly popular and there are many ways for amateur photographers to make their photos pop.


Great Global Breweries to Visit
A beer drinker's travel guide.-------
The beer business is booming. According to IBISWorld, a market research leader that provides business information on thousands of industries across the globe, revenue for the global beer manufacturing industry recently reached $208 billion.
People the world over love their beer. For people who love both beer and traveling, the chance to visit a brewery or two on their next overseas trip might be too good to pass up. The following are a handful of breweries that travelers might want to visit the next time they go globetrotting.
· Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland: Ireland is a popular tourist destination, and many who have visited Ireland would insist that no trip to the Emerald Isle is complete without spending some time at the Guinness Storehouse. Located in Dublin, the brewery welcomes visitors, who are treated to a tour of the facility and a lesson on the correct way to pour one of the world's most popular, and arguably most iconic, stouts. Before leaving the brewery, visitors are urged to visit the facility's Gravity Bar, a rooftop bar where visitors can hoist a pint and take in the 360° views of Dublin.
· De Halve Maan, Bruges, Belgium: Belgian beers have developed a global following, and the De Halve Maan brewery in the medieval city of Bruges is a must-visit for any beer lover. True beer lovers might prefer the brewery's XL Tour, a small-group visit that includes a tasting in the brewery's cellar.
· Kiuchi Brewery, Ibariki, Japan: Kiuchi has been brewing sake for nearly 200 years. However, the Kiuchi Brewery began brewing beer in the mid-1990s, and in 2008 opened its Nukada Brewery to meet a growing global demand for its beer, including the popular Hitachino Nest, a true craft beer that should not be missed by any beer lover visiting Japan.
· Ste·ji Brewery, Ste·ji, Iceland: Iceland has become a popular tourist destination in recent years, particularly among North Americans. Beer lovers traveling to Iceland won't be disappointed by visiting the Ste·ji Brewery, which is located in the country's awe-inspiring west coast region of Borgarfjordur. Visitors can enjoy many Ste·ji beers in the brewery's tasting room, and those with the stomach to do so might be able to sip the controversial Whale beer, which is produced with whale testicle smoked in sheep dung.
Travelers with a taste for beer can find unique breweries no matter where their travels take them.

Business Services
Business Tools
Worldwide Funding!
Cutting-edge ideas.-------
Any Project, Any Where!
We have solutions.
When Others Say No, We Have Solutions!
Traditional project funding route has been drying up. Banks are not lending; projects don't have the required credit or valuations and are coming out of a very difficult period in our history of business.
We are pleased to bring to your attention a service that could provide a lifeline to your business. Through our associates, we arrange financing for companies who cannot obtain adequate bank financing.
We have solutions.
Worldwide Business Funding!
Funding $10 million plus!
Client Profile:
Any company or group that is unable to secure commercial financing through traditional sources particularly if funding needs are immediate.
The ideal client will have committed 20% of their own funds to the project and will be looking to fund 80% or less. Clients can be located anywhere in the world. As a starting point please tell us how much funding you are looking for, if you meet the general terms described above and where you are located.
For a Complimentary Consultation:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com

Business Services
Take Your Business to the Next Level!
Corb7 International
"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
Imagine Your Own Zurich Based European Hub!
The World's Premier Business Location.
The Swiss Trust Company Business Model
Strategic Benefits:
Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection
- Asset Protection: Obtain a safe haven for either your personal or corporate wealth
- Profit: Acquire ownership of a “Non-Banking Financial Entity” in a major financial center
- Privacy: Lower your financial profile and protect yourself from identity theft
- Gain Control: Avoid cumbersome red-tape in which will improve efficiency
- Potential Exit Strategy: Roll existing business into a STC and then list on an exchange
- Portfolio Management: Manage portfolios of Real Estate or Securities
Why Us?
We understand that you have choices when it comes to implementing a cross-border strategy. At Corb7, we are committed to the disciplined pursuit of international entrepreneurial endeavors. As a client, you will benefit from our insistence upon organized, professional and above all ethical guidance. Ultimately, you will receive advice that is straightforward and technically sound while developing strategic relationships with premier financial networks and advisors. Therefore, we would like to offer you the following macro reasons to consider us for your Swiss Trust Company acquisition.
Pricing – saving you money: No hidden fees are what you can expect from us along with fair pricing. This separates us apart from competitors who quote a low initial price but literally add-on tens of thousands in additional costs.
Turnkey – saving you time: Three days start to finish resulting in fast and efficient transfer of ownership.
Experience – peace of mind: While competitors come and go, no one can offer you more experience. We have been involved with the successful implementation of Swiss Trust Company strategies for more than 25 years. Not one of our clients has ever had a transfer of ownership problem. We take pride in our straightforward approach. Therefore, you and your associates are guaranteed that the company is in good standing and without issue.
FATCA & OECD Compliant – peace of mind: Our associates in Zurich will make sure that every Swiss Trust Company client is compliant and current on all filings. No one else will offer you this critical function.
Publications – trustworthiness: Straight answers to your questions. A review of our website, blog, newsletters, and previous publications – including our magazine & book – reveal our knowledge and longevity. The quality and quantity of these writings show our dedication to both our readership and clients.
Top Reasons to Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2023!
Please note that additional licensing may be required depending upon new ownership’s business objectives and activities.
2. US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. Also applies to similar industries.
3. Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
4. South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. Also applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
5. Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.
6. Internet Based Business Owners: Enhance corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
7. Import Industry & Shipping Industry: Control transactions more efficiently and establish true corresponding bank relationships.
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Email: contact@corb7.com
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