What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Will American Wealth Leave?
- Business Psychology:
Improve Your Ability to Focus
- Cross-Border Business:
The Silicon Valley of Crypto
- Business Etiquette:
Help Others Feel Comfortable
- Fitness & Health:
Five Top Supplements for Aging Skin
- Spirits & Cuisine:
The Latest Study on Alcohol & Health!
- Leisure:
Advantages of RV Camping
- Travel:
Tips for Traveling with Your Dog
- Corb7 Funding Service:
Worldwide Funding Starting at $10 million
- Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Vintage US Companies for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Will American Wealth Leave?
What once seemed farfetched might happen.
Not A Captive Audience
A concept that never seems to be honestly discussed is the mobility of wealth.
The affluent are almost always extremely well traveled. Thus, the concept of moving and living in another country is likely to have been something they have flirted with or have done. With yet another Presidential election on the horizon, there is a dirty little secret that is never discussed. Will American wealth leave if the Federal Government moves dramatically closer to socialism?
United States citizens face worldwide income tax, so just moving offshore would not be enough but renouncing citizenship and becoming an expatriate while a far more dramatic move could be on the table for many. We already have domestic examples of population exits from heavily tax locations like New York and California to the lower taxed States of Florida and Texas. On the global scale, wealth has been leaving jurisdictions like Hong Kong because of political uncertainty for decades. None other that the Rolling Stones left the United Kingdom for tax reasons many years ago.
It may be surprising to discover that taxes date back more than 5,000 years. As early as 3,000 B.C., ancient Egypt taxed its citizens. Within their system, the Pharaoh empowered scribes, who were enormously powerful tax collectors. It was not uncommon to find scenes depicting the scribe’s often ruthless actions in Egyptian drawings.
Virtually, every society that has ever existed established a tax system. It is also unfortunate that - throughout the course of history - cruelty and terror have frequently been linked to the collection of these same taxes. Thus, the desire by individuals throughout the ages to avoid tyrannical behavior forged a predictable and common mindset. To protect their wealth and freedom, people have historically gone to great lengths to seek refuge in havens.
If you consider that many of current proposals on the table are not only to dramatically raise tax on income but also to go after existing wealth, it seems a little unrealistic to expect those targeted to just sit back and take it. When the rich are driven out by the overreach of the taxman, it leaves a smaller tax base and someone will need to make up the difference. The outcome is always the same. Rising tax rates and an increase in currency controls by one government invariably result in another country opening its doors wider to foreign investment.
Here are a few interesting links on the subject of expatriation:
Best Countries for US Expats
Renouncing US Citizenship
If this seems farfetched, it was just a few short years ago that the "Green New Deal" was laughed at by many. We live in interesting times. Please note we do not provide tax advice nor are we endorsing any specific service. The links above are provided for information purposes only.

International Business
Business Psychology

Improve Your Ability to Focus
How to protect against distractions.
Distractions have never been harder to resist. According to Deloitte's "2022 Connectivity and Mobile Trends Survey" (third edition), the average household in the United States now has a total of 22 connected devices. Things are a little less connected in Canada, where a J.D. Power survey of television service subscribers found that the average household has about 10 devices.
The prevalence and accessibility of devices can make it difficult to focus, but tablets, smartphones and other technologies are not the only culprits that can compromise the ability to concentrate. Harvard Medical School notes that underlying medical conditions, the side effects of medication and excessive alcohol consumption can each make it harder to focus. That's a significant detriment, as an ability to focus can help individuals be more efficient and perform better at work and in school.
Each individual is different, so efforts to improve focus might require a little trial and error until a person finds what works for them. In the meantime, the following are some effective strategies that can help people sharpen their focus and reap all the rewards that a heightened ability to concentrate has to offer.
· Turn notifications off. Notifications are a bigger distraction than people may realize. A 2015 study from researchers at Florida State University found that simply hearing the ping of a notification was as distracting as taking a phone call. Individuals may find the idea of answering as little as 20 or more phone calls per day unrealistic, but researchers have found that the average smartphone user receives around 80 push notifications per day. Such constant inflow of notifications is detrimental to smartphone users' ability to focus. Turning notifications off while in school or during the workday can help people avoid this seemingly endless stream of distractions, thus improving focus.
· Establish a distraction-free workspace. A survey from McKinsey & Company found that, after the acute phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, 58 percent of employed respondents have the option to work from home for all or part of the week. Remote working may be more convenient, but it also can compromise workers' focus in ways that are unique to working from home. For example, professionals' children cannot stroll into their offices when they aren't working from home, nor are distractions like television within arm's length in a traditional office setting. Professionals who are finding it hard to focus when working from home can do more to make their home offices distraction-free. Make your home a television-free zone during traditional working hours and remove a television or non-work tablet from your office so you aren't tempted to watch a show or a sporting event when you're supposed to be working.
· Adopt a healthier lifestyle. The experts at Harvard Medical School note that many aspects of a healthy lifestyle can help people focus better. Researchers have discovered a direct link between exercise and a person's ability to pay attention, noting that exercise increases the availability of brain chemicals that reduce stress and improve sleep, among other things. Less stress and a good night's rest can make it easier to focus.
An ability to focus pays myriad dividends. Individuals can try various strategies to improve their concentration skills and reap the rewards that such improvement provides.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

The Silicon Valley of Crypto
Zug, Switzerland.-------
No place in the world offers a more sophisticated infrastructure for crypto than Switzerland. The Canton of Zug, which has been nicknamed the silicon valley of cryptocurrency, is trending upward this year and offers tremendous opportunities. Within a ten minute video the above presentation offers you all you need to know.

International Business
Business Etiquette

Help Others Feel Comfortable
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
We work on social skills and social wellness skills all our lives. These competencies facilitate communication and interaction in our many environments and in our relationships. Being a good listener, being empathetic, and being kind make personal and workplace relationships stronger.
The Comfort Factor
Naturally, we want to be accepted and appreciated and we want to be comforted when we are down. As does everyone! Aiming to be our best self in all situations calls each of us differently and yet people everywhere know that having good social skills can help us comfortably navigate social situations and can help others be comfortable in our company, too.
People feel good socially when they…
- Feel acknowledged and listened to.
- Hear their name spoken.
- See a smile on someone’s face when being addressed.
- Feel as if their views are being acknowledged.
- Are around people who have an open mind and aren’t critical of others.
- Can be with people who are consistent in who they are, yet respectful of others who might hold different views. And, if they sense disrespect, can respectfully exit the conversation.
Knowing what makes you feel most comfortable when navigating our world will help you help others feel more comfortable. Every interaction you have with another person is an opportunity to practice your social skills and mindfully employ those that are most helpful to others.
Lining up your social skills habits with the intention to make people comfortable in your presence will give consistency to the way you interact in any situation.
Some personal habits to put into practice:
- Actively, mindfully listen to the person you are with.
- Say the person’s name while in conversation and smile.
- Mindfully work to hear what is being said and what is important to the other person.
- Test yourself: Am I trying to be the center of attention or am I being curious?
- Don’t let your politics overtake your views of the humanness of the person whom you are with.
Making your body language friendly helps others feel comfortable in your company. Relax your body and look interested. Maintain a positive posture by standing or sitting erect with shoulders back, looking forward toward the person you are communicating with.
A friendly face always puts others at ease. Make yours appear this way by keeping your facial muscles relaxed. Having your lips curved into a slight smile and eyes alert will provide a friendly appearance. Make your smile more pronounced when you greet someone, answer the phone, or even type a text message. This practice lets your smile go to your brain, giving it the corresponding message that you are cheerful and friendly.
When others view you as a kind and helpful person, they feel more at ease and can relax within the situation. Your comfort with yourself can have a magical effect in helping others to feel good that they are there with you whatever the occasion is.

Fitness & Health

Five Top Supplements for Aging Skin
by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
While using quality skin care products is essential for maintaining the integrity of our skin as we age, there are a few extra little steps that help with the aging process from the inside out. These are 5 simple yet very effective supplements you can add to your daily routine that will lead to a healthier and more supple you!
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple Cider Vinegar helps to alkalize your body and supports your immune system, and gut health. A healthy gut means less chances of skin eruptions, breakouts, and inflammation. It also helps to normalize the Ph balance of your skin and is full of naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acids.
Apple cider vinegar can be used both topically diluted with a bit of water as a toner, and taken as a supplement by adding a teaspoon to some juice in the morning. You will want to opt for an organic version that contains the "mother" which is the cloudy looking substance at the bottom of the bottle for maximum potency.
Most of us know that zinc is a go-to remedy during "cold and flu season" because it's been shown to lessen the severity and duration of bugs, but did you know it's also amazing for your skin? It is! Zinc is a trace mineral that we often don't get enough of because our food sources are so depleted of it. Zinc is considered a powerhouse for our skin because it helps to protect it from free radical damage, and protects its lipid layers and fibroblasts, which are the cells that produce collagen.
If your body is depleted of zinc, then it won't be producing collagen at optimal levels, which leads to premature wrinkles. Our skin also depends on zinc for new cell production and turnover. Since zinc is so great for the immune system, it also helps ward off inflammation which in turn can help reduce acne flare-ups.
Collagen Peptides:
Collagen peptides benefit and strengthen your hair, skin, and nails, promote skin elasticity, reduce joint pain and degeneration, boost your muscle mass, metabolism, and energy output, and improve your liver health amongst many other things.
Our bodies all produce collagen, but as we age that production slows down which leads to a whole slew of things like sagging skin, wrinkles, joint pain, and loss of muscle mass. Supplementing with a high quality collagen peptide powder, or even drinking bone broth will help your body retain its youthful integrity.
Evening Primrose Oil
Primrose oil is packed full of Omega-6 fatty acids, and Vitamins A and C, all of which are necessary components for healthy skin. When taken orally, this oil moisturizes your skin from the inside out and feeds it with its amazing fatty acids. As a matter of fact, primrose oil has been used to treat rough skin, wrinkles, and acne for centuries and was once considered "the King's Cure-All" because of its healing properties.
Resveratrol is arguably one of the most potent anti-aging compounds found in nature. It contains high amounts of polyphenol which is akin to an antibiotic produced by plants when they are under stress and which they use to protect themselves.
The science behind this supplement says that our skin can benefit from this in a very similar way. Resveratrol helps protect our skin from external stressors like free radicals, and UV rays, and has the potential to repair damage that has already occurred. If you prefer your Resveratrol in liquid form, try a glass of Malbec...it is said to contain the highest reserves of polyphenols....and, well, tastes pretty good too!

Spirits & Cuisine

Alcohol & Health!
The latest study.-------
The subject of alcohol and its effects on overall health is complex. Alcohol figures prominently at many social functions and even in situations where individuals are operating in a professional capacity, such as at business dinners or conferences. As a result, many adults find it hard to avoid alcohol, even if they have concerns regarding its potential effects on their short- and long-term health.
The issue of alcohol and overall health has garnered additional attention in recent years thanks in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital utilized data from a national survey of adults in the United States and found that excessive drinking increased by 21 percent during the pandemic. Those researchers, whose findings were published in the journal Hepatology, estimated that a one-year increase in alcohol consumption during the pandemic will result in 8,000 additional deaths from alcohol-related liver disease.
Such research highlights the link between alcohol consumption and overall health. Individuals interested in learning more about recent research into that link can consider the following information.
· According to the Dietary Guidelines for America, which are jointly developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health & Human Services, emerging evidence indicates that even drinking within the recommended limits for alcohol consumptions can increase the overall risk of death from various causes. Such causes include various types of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
· The notion that moderate consumption of alcohol can have protective health benefits is increasingly being questioned. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that various studies have suggested it's impossible to determine if improved health outcomes among moderate drinkers are due to moderate alcohol consumption or other differences in behaviors or genetics between people who drink moderately and people who don't.
· A 2022 study of binge drinking published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that binge drinking increases the risk of experiencing alcohol-related harm in the short-term and in the future. The CDC defines binge drinking as consuming five or more drinks on an occasion for men or four or more drinks on an occasion for women.
The link between alcohol and overall health is significant. Individuals concerned about their alcohol consumption are urged to speak with their physicians. Individuals in need of immediate help in the U.S. can contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration helpline 24/7/365 at 1.800.662.HELP (4357). In Canada, individuals can contact Wellness Together Canada 24/7/365 at 1.866.585.0445.


Advantages of RV Camping
Chase the weather and save money.-------
Individuals who are approaching retirement or those who already have said goodbye to the working world may find they are ready to make some life changes. Travel is something many older adults enjoy when they have much more free time to see the sights.
Recreational vehicles are great ways for people to get out and about. An RV is more than just a way to get around; for many people it becomes a lifestyle. According to the RV Industry Association, about 10 million American households own RVs.
There have been more RVs on the road in recent years, and there are now more facilities to accommodate them. RVIA says there are now roughly 18,000 campgrounds around the country, and certain facilities are pushing to improve and upgrade campgrounds in national parks and on federal lands.
Individuals considering if the RV lifestyle is for them can refer to this list of RVing benefits.
· Inexpensive travel: RVers may be attracted by the idea of low-cost travel that doesn't involve hotels and airfare and greatly reduces their reliance on restaurants while traveling. RVs can be rented for roughly $100 to $500 per day, and RV parks usually run between $35 and $50 per night, according to Allianz Travel Insurance. To keep the costs down even more, certain truck stops, big box retailers, churches, hotels, movie theaters, casinos, rest stops and other roadside locations will allow free overnight parking. Just verify before staying to avoid being ticketed.
· Freedom to come and go: When traveling in an RV, there are no set check-in-/check-out times to follow or boarding times to meet. RV travel can be strictly on your schedule.
· Plenty of help: Others who have embraced the RV lifestyle tend to be very friendly and ready to make new acquaintances at campgrounds and other stops. Those with more experience may be willing to share their expertise and pitch in to offer tips for better excursions.
· Creature comforts: People who vacation or choose to live in their RVs tend to keep familiar items and essentials on hand. Those can include preferred linens, clothing, toiletries, books, games, and more. When taking such items along, there's no need to pack and unpack much for any trip.
· Follow the weather: RVers can pick up and follow the jet stream. If 70-degree days are your thing, then follow those temperatures coast-to-coast. If you like skiing or snowboarding, you can head to colder climates.
· Downsize: The RVIA says that RVs are available across a wide range of price points. So if the idea is to trade in a stationary house for an RV, you may be able to do so for as little as $6,000 to as much as $500,000.
The RV lifestyle may attract soon-to-be retirees. There are various advantages to getting on board.


Tips for Traveling with Your Dog
Bring your puppy along for the trip.-------
According to a AAA/Best Western survey, 85 percent of dog owners travel with their dogs. The most popular vacations to let pooches tag along include going to the beach, camping and hiking. As a greater number of people are engaging in more activities with their pets, businesses in the travel and hospitality sector are taking notice and have become more accommodating to four-legged guests. However, there's still plenty to learn when taking a dog along as a travel companion. Explore these dog travel tips.
· Invest in a crate. Even if the dog does not need a crate at home, it's best to have one for travel. Crates often are required for airline travel and can keep dogs safer in cars. Many hotels also require that dogs be crated in the rooms to keep them out of trouble and prevent damage. A crate should be large enough that the dog can stand, turn and lie down, according to the American Kennel Club.
· Carry copies of pet-related documents. It's important to prove that the dog is healthy and current on vaccinations. Officials may ask to see documentation when traveling abroad. Some travelers also may want to investigate pet passports. The USA does not require a pet passport, but the European Union pioneered pet passports to enable animals to move more freely throughout its member nations.
· Plan a short excursion first. If you have never traveled with a dog before, make the first trip a short one, such as an overnight or two-day stay. This way, if the trip turns into a fiasco, checkout isn't a week away. Shorter trips also help people figure out what works and what will need to change the next time.
· Expect some fees. Most hotels charge a fee for doggy clients. A fee of $25 to $50 is pretty standard. There also may be a designated pet floor to minimize the chances that guests without pets will be forced to interact with animals.
· Normal behavior may go out the window. A dog who is calm at home may be out of sorts while traveling. It's not uncommon for a dog unphased by people at home to suddenly be anxious and bark at sounds in a hotel hallway.
· Look into pet-friendly restaurants. Smarter Travel says that some hotels won't allow a guest to keep the dog alone in the room. That means meal time can be tricky. Find restaurants nearby that allow pets. Many that have outdoor seating may enable a leashed pet to stay near the seating perimeter.
· Bring water from home. When packing food, pack a few gallons of water as well, even though it can be cumbersome. Some dogs with delicate digestive systems may be upset by drinking the local water. A case of diarrhea is compounded further by having to make it into an elevator and outside the hotel in time.
· Tire the dog out. Exercised dogs tend to be well-behaved dogs. Make time to go on long walks, visit a dog park or engage in other activities that will make the pup tired so it's less likely to cause problems at the hotel.
Learn the ropes of traveling with a dog to increase the opportunities for having lots of fun with Fido in tow.

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Cutting-edge ideas.-------
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