What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
The Dutch are Working from Home - Business Psychology:
How to Heal from the Pandemic - Cross-Border Business:
What it is like to Work in Switzerland - Offshore Perspective:
Understanding STCs in 60 Seconds - Business Etiquette:
Moral Support vs. Material Support - Executive Fitness:
Beware of Overuse Injuries - Spirits & Cuisine:
Effects of Alcohol on Mind & Body - Leisure:
Build an Amazing Wardrobe this Weekend! - Travel:
Travel in Comfort & Style - Corb7 International Services:
New Commercial Construction Funding

International Business
Editor's Note

The Dutch are Working from Home!
Because of the pandemic, working from home has become one of the hottest business discussions. Well, the Dutch are about to make a major step in the Netherlands, proposing legislation to establish work-from-home as a legal right. This would make the Netherlands one of the first countries to grant remote working flexibility by law. The ramifications of this move will be interesting to watch as some countries might see in necessary to respond in order to stay competitive.
Here is the story:
Dutch parliament makes working from home a legal right

International Business
Business Psychology

How to Heal from the Pandemic
Perhaps no event in recent history affected the mental health of more people across the globe than the COVID-19 pandemic. Research published in late 2021 in the medical journal The Lancet indicated that cases of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders increased by more than 25 percent worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the world emerges from the pandemic and governments across the globe gradually implement measures designed to make coexisting with COVID-19 less restrictive, mental health professionals recognize that individuals may need help recovering from the prolonged stress and trauma brought about by the pandemic. Mental Health America, an organization committed to promoting mental health as a critical component of overall wellness, recommend various strategies to help individuals move forward in the aftermath of the pandemic.
· Recognize that recovery can't be rushed. MHA urges individuals to give themselves time to adjust, noting that it will take time before a sense of safety and security returns. That means it could be awhile before individuals feel like themselves again, and that's not only acceptable, but normal.
· Ask for help. The pandemic was proof that it's impossible to go it alone through difficult situations, so individuals should not hesitate to rely on loved ones as they recover. MHA notes that social support is crucial when healing from trauma and touts the value of sharing one's story. Such sharing enables individuals to process their thoughts and feelings.
· Embrace healthy behaviors. During the pandemic, many individuals, even those devoted to healthy living prior to 2020, found it difficult to continue engaging in behaviors and activities that promoted their overall health. Embracing these behaviors, which can include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting sufficient sleep, improves individuals' ability to cope with stress. Re-establishing old routines also can return a sense of structure to daily life that might have gone missing over the last two years.
· Seek professional health care help if necessary. MHA urges individuals who are putting in the work but still struggling to contact a health care professional. Hundreds of millions of people across the globe have had to confront issues affecting their mental health since the start of the pandemic, and health care professionals are prepared and ready to help individuals overcome those issues as the world returns to normalcy.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

What it's Like to Work in Switzerland
I have often wondered why my great-grandfather immigrated from a beautiful Swiss village to the United States. This is an outstanding video which offers a historic perspective on how Switzerland developed from a poor agricultural country to an international financial center and a major player on the world stage. Also, if you have ever wondered what would be like to live and work there now, this presentation is for you. Only nine minutes long, we think you will enjoy it.

International Business
Offshore Perspective

Understanding STCs in 60 Seconds!
Through A Swiss Trust Company (STC) is a very valuable and unique business tool, which can be flexible yet meet specific objectives. Historically, the STC has been most valuable to international entrepreneurs who need to:
Move investment capital faster
to take advantage of growth opportunities resulting in increased profit.
Exercise more control over capital transactions
in order to reduce third party fees thus creating savings.
Establish a major European beachhead
to protect funds from political instability and consolidate global business interest.
Alternative to captive bank ownership
which can be a very long and expensive process to successfully complete.
Because of success in their respective fields, our client’s business interests and personal interests are often intertwined. To that end, owning a Swiss Trust Company also offers the additional individual benefits of asset protection and estate planning possibilities.
Swiss-friendly approach on Crypto regulations
Switzerland is ranked number one of top ten European countries for starting a blockchain company due to its friendly regulation environment and supportive startup ecosystem with world-class service providers. It is rapidly emerging as a crypto paradise, supported by its banking skills, low-tax-system, elite universities and Switzerland as brand itself which has attracted a large variety of foreign cryptocurrency and blockchain startups. In Switzerland cryptocurrencies and exchanges are legal, and the country has adopted a remarkably progressive stance towards cryptocurrency regulations. The long-term policy regarding crypto-currencies on the part of the Swiss Financial Market Authority and its clarification of many aspects related to their business makes Switzerland one of the best places worldwide to launch an ICO.
Crypto valley in Zug
The Swiss city Zug in central Switzerland, also known as Crypto valley, is one of the most crypto-friendly cities in the world. Perfectly positioned to get the most out of the decentralized, stable and predictable Swiss political system and its unique business environment, Zug is incomparable for an uncomplicated and pragmatic implementation of business ideas with world-class infrastructure. Zug offers a solid basis for global growth due to its business-friendly philosophy and the openness and easy accessibility of its authorities with short communication channels. With its low-tax-system, pro-business environment and fantastic quality of life Zug has attracted numerous multinationals, creating an international and cosmopolitan culture with an easy access to powerful global networks.
Swiss Trust company as perfect support for US-investors in engaging in business activities related to Crypto
The Swiss Trust company is one of the best known and respected vehicles in the business world. Swiss Trust companies can easily function as a holding entity and a flagship structure for any company and investment. They provide administrators with an excellent level of discretion and security and maintain a great number of types of assets, including shares, commodities, real estate properties, fixed income assets and cash. This flexibility combined with discretion, privacy and prestige makes the Swiss Trust company the perfect business vehicle for US-investors in engaging in business activities related to Crypto, such as ICO, participation and investing in ICO or crypto assets, acting as escrow agent or fiduciary in crypt assets related transactions.

International Business
Business Etiquette

Moral Support vs. Material Support
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
One of the most important gifts we receive as social beings is moral support from family, friends, and colleagues.
Whether you’re experiencing a challenge in your personal life, working towards an achievement, or dealing with a work issue, kind words or an offer of help give you strength to move forward.
As humans, we depend on each other. And while material support can be critical in the short-term, the feelings of worthiness and acceptance you receive when someone chooses to encourage you or stand with you in a situation will last a lifetime.
Material support is a necessity. Difficult times can drop in on anyone and when this happens, help is appreciated. During COVID-19 times many people are reaching out to help others materially, in forms such as shopping for another, bringing food, or providing financial assistance directly.
Whatever you provide is certainly a stabilizing factor in the midst of a hardship. Which is why the feeling of security created from knowing that someone was there to meet a need, is actually a form of moral support.
Your generosities communicate your caring. Isn’t the fact that we matter something we all want to know?
When you give moral support, you help encourage a person, family, or group in whatever crisis or unhealthy state of being they are in. When confidence is brightened, a sense of hope returns and morale increases. As the general sense of well-being restores, solution and progress become possible.
When you believe in the work of a person, group, or positive cause, you can offer support by standing with them and advocating for them. Speaking up for someone is a way of saying you believe they are doing the right things or are on the right track. When a person has lost a work position, reminding them of their qualifications is confirming.
Even in situations when you may be limited in providing any type of support, simply showing kindness and observing the etiquette-ful rules of courtesy and respect could be just the boost a family member, friend, or colleague needs to move towards the next best thing.
While it really does boil down to showing courtesy and respect, an offer of assistance requires sensitivity. You want to avoid being condescending or intrusive.
But at the same time, you want the person to know that you are there and can be depended upon to help see him or her through the difficulty being faced.
Here are some etiquette-ful tips that may help you meet this criteria:
- Listen without prying.
- When initiating an approach to help, simply ask if anything is up. The person may reply, “Why do you ask?” allowing you to lead into the conversation. “Destiny, I noticed you haven't been posting on social media, so I'm reaching out to see if you need anything.”
- If someone indicates having a conversation would be nice, arrange to meet-up for a virtual coffee break, or if the local coffee shop is now open, you might decide to meet there.
- When making an impromptu telephone call, ask if it is a good time to talk.
- Depending on the level and type of relationship you have, what constitutes “moral support” may vary.
- Make the conversation moments count by being mindful, present, and relaxed.
- Unless you are specifically asked, do not give advice.
If you feel someone may be in trouble or have a need, do not ignore your hunch. Many people will not ask for help. Unfortunately, by holding back, you could be keeping that person from receiving needed support. A little kindness will go a long way.

Executive Fitness

Beware of Overuse Injuries
Momentum can be a valuable asset as people pursue their fitness goals. Once a fitness routine picks up steam and begins to produce results, the resulting momentum can make it easier for individuals to fully commit to exercise and ultimately achieve, if not exceed, their initial goals.
A successful fitness regimen includes various components, not the least of which is sufficient rest. As individuals gain momentum and inch closer to their fitness goals, it can be tempting to skip off days. But rest is vital, allowing the body to recover and thus reducing athletes' risk for various injuries, including overuse injuries.
What is an overuse injury?
All physical activities carry a certain measure of risk. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts suffer injuries each day that have nothing to do with overuse. Such injuries often aren't preventable, but overuse injuries are. According to the Mayo Clinic, overuse injuries are caused by repetitive trauma. These injuries affect muscles or joints, and may be caused by training errors or mistakes with technique. Training errors include exercising for too long or doing too much of a certain activity. The resulting strain caused by overuse leads to injury. One common example of a technique error that can cause an overuse injury is improper form when performing strength training exercises. That's one reason why it's vital for anyone beginning a new fitness regimen to consult with a coach or personal trainer prior to starting. Coaches and personal trainers can illustrate proper techniques when using strength training equipment or lifting free weights. Such instruction can greatly reduce athletes' risk for overuse injuries.
Can other factors contribute to overuse injuries?
Athletes should know that overuse injuries are not always a result of errors with their training or technique. A 2014 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine noted that certain intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors can increase athletes' risk for overuse injuries. Intrinsic risk factors for overuse injury include misalignment issues, leg length discrepancy, muscle imbalance, muscle weakness, and body composition. Adults and parents of young athletes should discuss fitness regimens with their physicians or children's pediatricians prior to beginning a routine. Such a discussion may uncover intrinsic risk factors athletes are unaware they have.
Extrinsic risk factors for overuse injuries include surfaces; equipment, including shoes; environmental conditions; and nutrition. Athletes can act as their own watchdogs to prevent overuse injuries caused by extrinsic factors, examining equipment and playing surfaces to ensure they're functional and safe, and eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet.
Overuse injuries are almost always preventable. Though it can be hard to take a break from an exercise routine that's producing results, rest is integral to a successful fitness regimen.

Spirits & Cuisine

Effects of Alcohol on Mind & Body
Having a drink when enjoying a good meal or attending a party is a part of socializing with friends for billions of people across the globe. Many of those people safely consume alcohol without ever experiencing negative side effects. However, anyone who consumes alcohol or intends to can benefit from learning about the potential effects of alcohol on their minds and bodies.
Public health agencies like the United States Department of Agriculture, via its "Dietary Guidelines for America 2020-2025," note that adults who choose to drink should limit that drinking to moderate alcohol consumption, which equates to two drinks or less in a single day for men and one drink or less in a single day for women. But consuming alcohol can affect the mind and body in various ways.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism notes that alcohol interferes with the communication pathways in the brain. Those interferences can alter a person's mood and change his or her behavior, potentially making it harder to think clearly or move with coordination. The American Addiction Centers notes that short-term effects of alcohol consumption on the mind may include a loss of critical judgment, potentially affecting a person's ability to make sound decisions.
So long as nothing goes wrong, it's easy to write off a night of excessive drinking as essentially harmless. However, the NIAAA notes that drinking too much on a single night can contribute to significant heart problems like cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, stroke, and high blood pressure. Those problems also are associated with drinking a lot over a long period of time.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine notes that pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that occurs when digestive enzymes begin digesting the pancreas itself. Chronic pancreatitis does not heal or improve and worsens over time. Heavy alcohol use is the most common cause of pancreatitis, as the NIAAA notes that alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that ultimately lead to the disease.
Many people who consume alcohol are aware of its potential to harm their liver. Such damage is most often associated with heavy drinking, which can contribute to diseases and conditions including fibrosis, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, and steatosis, or fatty liver disease.
The NIAAA notes that there is consensus within the scientific community in regard to an association between consuming alcohol and various types of cancer. For example, alcohol consumption is considered a major risk factor for certain head and neck cancers and is associated with a modestly increased risk of cancers of the colon and rectum.
It's possible to consume alcohol responsibly. However, adults who choose to do so should first recognize the potential effects that alcohol can have on their minds and bodies.


Build an Amazing Wardrobe this Weekend!
Style seekers can rest assured that it's possible to build stylish wardrobes without going broke.
Books should not be judged by their covers, but appearances do make a difference in people's perceptions of others. That is why job seekers wear professional attire to job interviews and why weddings are made even more special when they become black tie affairs.
Wardrobe influencers model an ongoing rotation of designer looks. The latest designer looks may not be within everyone's budget, even for those who routinely update their wardrobes. The average adult between the ages of 35 and 44 spends $209 per month on clothing, according to Credit Donkey, and the average family spends $1,800 per year on clothing. Style seekers can rest assured that it's possible to build stylish wardrobes without going broke.
· Make a list of essential pieces. Certain wardrobe items, particularly office essentials, are staples. A crisp white shirt, a well-fitted blazer, black trousers, a sheath dress, a tailored suit, and some classic jeans are all worthy of inclusion in your closet. When you know which items to update, you can shop sales until your list is checked off.
· Shop discount retailers. Certain stores sell discounted, overstocked items from department stores or other retailers. Others fill the racks with last season's finds. Even if these offerings are not completely current, many are still trendy. In addition, such stores frequently feature popular manufacturers and designer items.
· Browse consignment shops. Consignment stores can be found in towns all over the country and online. For example, The Real is a luxury consignment sales outlet for preowned designer items that are authenticated by experts. Many of these items are very gently used and still have a lot of life in them.
· Invest in tailoring. Any piece can be made to look more expensive when properly fitted. Moderately priced items can tailored to individuals' bodies can look like designer clothes.
· Purchase one or two statement pieces. When indulging on a statement piece, choose items that will stand the test of time. A quality handbag or pair of shoes can be a splurge, provided they are well made and durable.
· Consider "cost per wear." The wardrobe resource What to Wear suggests asking yourself questions like: "Will I wear this multiple times?" or "Is this item driven by a fleeting trend?" or "Will this go with items in my closet?" These considerations will make it easier to determine if a particular item is worthy of your hard-earned dollars.
A great closet is not built overnight, but a budget-friendly wardrobe can be built by shopping the right stores and making a list of priorities.

Lifestyle & Travel

Travel in Comfort & Style
Have you heard of Pasko travel clothes? Well, if you haven't and you travel, it may well be worth your time to explore. Everyone knows what a pain it is to juggle items through airport security. It can become very easy to loose something of importance. Plus, looking stylish and being comfortable for a long-haul flight can often seem at odds. Pasko Travel Clothes has stepped in to solve both problems with style and comfortable clothes that have secure zippered pockets in all the right places. We are huge fans and always travel wearing Pasko. You may want to give it a look.

Business Services
Business Funding
New Commercial Construction Funding
Through our associates, we arrange Senior and Sub-debt financing for companies worldwide who cannot obtain adequate bank financing.Our business associates act as an international clearinghouse, representing several hundred non- traditional money sources that are specifically geared to fund troubled or growing companies. These are generally non-bank lenders that provide financing to companies who CANNOT obtain adequate capital to further develop or maintain their business.
The particulars of any new funding request will be reviewed by focusing on the borrower’s geographic location, loan size, industry type, collateral (if any), mix of collateral, historical cash flows, credit profile, etc. in order to identify lenders who can fulfill the specific requirements of the borrower. We do not earn a closing fee unless the client is satisfied and has accepted the financing we have arranged.
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If you have an interest the next step would be for us to have a free 10 minute conversation.
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or Email: contact@corb7.com