What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Russia's Other War - Business Psychology:
How to keep your home office organized!
- Cross-Border Business:
Misleading Offers on the Internet
- Business Etiquette:
The Mannerly Business Lunch
- Fitness & Health:
Hydration is Key in the Summer Heat!
- Spirits & Cuisine:
How to Pick the Right Watermelon
- Leisure:
Notable Moments in MLB All Star History
- Travel:
Tame the Stress of Air Travel
- Corb7 Funding Service:
How to Monetize Inground Assets!
- Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Discover How to Take Your Business to the Next Level

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Russia's Other War!
The year was 1917, and the location was Latvia. It was a poor and mostly agrarian country in Northern Europe’s Baltic region bordered to the north by Estonia and to the south by Lithuania. My grandparents were children at the time. As the saying goes; “timing is everything,” and theirs could not have been much worse. The Bolshevik Revolution began in October of that year starting in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg). It was quickly followed by another civil war – later to be coined the Russian Revolution – and spread throughout the various countries doomed to become possessions of the Soviet Union. It would be bloody and last until 1922. My great-grandfather became a casualty when a local preacher turned him in as a dissident, and he was shot. Having personally witnessed the cold-blooded murder of his father, my grandfather would flee to the United States, leaving behind a world and relatives he would never see again. He met a woman, also of Latvian heritage, and together they started a new life in Western Pennsylvania.
Vladimir Lenin got his wish and rose to prominence, becoming Russia’s most powerful figure. The State was to become godlike. Human rights and the individual spirit were quashed. Citizens feared whispering a word of opposition for Siberia or worse would be a likely punishment. The seeds of the KGB had been sown, and personal rights were altogether nonexistent.
Growing up I always thought it was kind of cool that part of my heritage was Irish and Swiss, but I was also ½ Latvian. Who had ever heard of Latvia? For the longest time, it didn’t even exist since it had been swallowed whole buy the former Soviet Union in much the same manner Russia is attempting to take Ukraine. My grandparents would not talk much of their homeland, which was likely the aftereffect of seeing firsthand what happens to those who speak out against a government. They would also not speak their language and when pressed, they would state – “we are in America; you speak English.” So, everything and everyone they knew was sacrificed for the promise of freedom. Once in the mid-1970’s my dad tried to find the lost Latvian relatives of his Mother-in-law and Father-in-law by contacting the Russian Consulate in Washington DC. He was met with an abrupt answer – “we don’t do dat.” Over the years, the ignorance of youth subsided, and I learned to understand and be proud of my Eastern European heritage. Even so, most of it is lost, never to be found, which is common for descendants of immigrants of repressive regimes.
For more than a year now, we have again witnessed good vs. evil. Mr. Putin has placed his name forever alongside the likes of Stalin and Hitler. With talk of Ukraine joining NATO, hopefully, a peaceful resolution can be accomplished before this war escalates into something no reasonable person wants.

International Business
Business Psychology

How to keep Your Home Office Organized
An organized home office can increase productivity.
Remote working has become popular in recent years, but the "working-from-home" economy bloomed exponentially as the world was forced to confront the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Stanford economist Nicholas Bloom, as of summer 2020, 42 percent of the United States labor force was working from home full-time.
The need for home office spaces has increased as more people work from home. Many people have retrofitted various spaces around their homes into areas to get work done. More organized home work spaces can increase productivity. Individuals can follow these guidelines to create effective, organized home offices.
Begin with the desk
The desk is the primary spot where work will take place. The right desk accessories can provide visual appeal and also serve practical purposes. Have cups for holding pens and pencils, baskets and bins for larger items, and store whatever you can elsewhere so it does not lead to clutter on the desk. Store wireless printers in a cabinet or even on a bookshelf so it doesn't take up real estate on the desk.
Create a printing station
While you're moving that wireless printer elsewhere, designate a space to serve as the central printing hub. This way children who need to print assignments for school will know where to go as well. Printer supplies like extra ink cartridges and printer paper can be kept in decorative storage boxes nearby.
Increase your shelving
Shelving can help keep items organized and off the desk in home offices without closets or drawers. Look for shelves that blend in with decor but are sturdy enough to be functional.
Organize paperwork
Figure out a system that works for you to help tidy up papers you choose to save. While some papers can be scanned and stored as digital files, color-coded file folders can organize statements and other important documents. This makes it easy to find the folder you need when looking for certain documents.
Establish a charging station
Repurpose certain items, such as a desk organizer, into an easily accessible electronics charging station where phones and tablets can charge at one time.
Make essential binders
HGTV suggests making binders that can store the most important papers for easy access - even in an emergency. Set up a binder for automotive paperwork, including repair receipts, a medical binder where key medical records are kept, a binder for manuals for devices in the home, and one to store financial planning documents.
These organizational tips can help remedy common problems around a home office.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Swiss Trust Companies
Misleading offers on the internet.-------
Every week we get inquiries regarding misleading offers posted on other sites via the internet in reference to Swiss Trist Companies. After thirty years in this business space, if the following items were able to be part of a turnkey package without misleading a prospective client then obviously, we would have them contained within our offering.
These offers from other firms on the internet are nothing more than a sales pitch without value.
Bank Accounts:
Regarding Swiss Trust Companies with change of ownership, there has been some recent easing by Swiss Banks. An account is no longer automatically closed when ownership changes but rather suspended until the KYC compliance of the new owners has been successfully concluded. In any case, there really is no strategic advantage for new ownership to have an existing bank account since you will still need to go through the same protocols. Therefore, an existing account does not save you time, money, or the need to travel to meet with the bankers and your administrators. Consequently, just as an extra safety precaution, previous bank accounts are usually closed with our offerings, and new relations will need to be opened. Our Zurich based attorney helps our new clients open bank accounts for no additional fee.
FYI – There are many posts on the Internet that claim to have “already established” bank accounts for Swiss Trust Companies and that will transfer to the company. Because of the previously mentioned procedure, this is nothing more than a sale gimmick with no real value to you as a new owner
SROs are a professional designation and therefore cannot be held by a company but rather if needed, must be held by a “post holder” of the company. Again, when you see this on the internet it is nothing more than a sales gimmick.
The term SRO is an abbreviation for Self-Regulatory Organization. In Switzerland these organizations are subject to FINMA supervision and regulate the activities of financial intermediaries attached to them, including wealth managers according to Article 24 of the Swiss Money Laundering Act (MLA).
SROs are a professional designation and therefore cannot be held by a company but rather if needed must be held by a “post holder” of the company.
If you wish to offer services to “unrelated persons” via ownership of a Swiss Trust Company then you will need to gain membership to an SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization) professional designation and likely apply for additional licensing. This is a membership granted to an owner (or employee) of a Swiss Trust Company who has passed the introductory course prescribed by FINMA regarding KYC and AML.
The above information has been verified with our representatives in Zurich.

International Business
Business Etiquette
The Mannerly Business Lunch
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
A business lunch is a social occasion with a goal that is professional. Think of it as a networking event, but on a very small scale.
Minding your manners is also important when dining with clients, someone to whom you report, or potential employers. Since a business lunch is usually one-on-one or with a small group, a blatant faux pas may not go unnoticed.
Having said that, you also want to appear comfortable in this environment. Which is why practicing the tips I have for you here is essential.
When You Arrive
It's a good idea to find out if you are meeting your party in a lobby, waiting area, or at the table. Knowing what to expect on your arrival helps keep you relaxed.
If you are hosting the lunch, arrive early enough to be there to greet your guest. When you are shown to your table, indicate where you'd like your guest to sit and add a "Please, sit here." This takes some pressure off your guest and also gives you a "take charge" appearance.
If you are the guest at lunch, wait and watch for the right time to sit. Unless requested to sit first, give your host this option.
In business, there is no need to assist others with their chairs. This is one of the nuances separating business and certain social occasions.
If you have a bag or papers, keep them off the table. And please, never place your cell phone on the table! In fact, it should be turned off before you enter the restaurant.
Ordering at a Business Lunch
If you have the chance, it is a good practice to go online to view the restaurant's menu ahead of time. This keeps menu-studying at bay and preps you to order quickly when the time comes.
Unless your host indicates you should order first (which is the polite thing to do), don't jump in to order.
As a general rule, order a dish that is mid-range in price. And keep these restaurant ordering guidelines in mind so that you remain in line with what others order.
Business lunches aren't the time to be adventurous. Choose foods that aren't messy and don't involve using your fingers. After all, you are highly likely to be shaking hands at some point after eating and don't want to share your lunch this way.
Avoid ordering an alcoholic beverage. Even if others at the table order one, lunch is not the best time of day for cocktails when you are trying to give your best impression of yourself. Stick with water or another simple beverage.
Your Table Manners
- Knowing your most comfortable dining style is a good start.
- Remember to keep your hands and elbows off the table when there is food in front of you.
- Even though there may be a time constraint (the proverbial lunch hour), it's important to appear unhurried.
- Taking small bites solves many problems before they happen! Including having conversation that isn't awkward with pauses to cover your mouth or swallow while attention is on you.
- If you must use salt or pepper to season your food, do so only after tasting your meal to ensure the necessity.
- Don't be picky about your food or talk about diet or nutrition challenges. Avoid discussing things you don't like. This makes you appear negative.
- Avoid asking for a doggy bag or take-out box.
The Conversation
This is where social and business tend to collide. Anytime you dine with other professionals, it is understood there will be more socializing than in the office.
Small talk, table talk, is useful in these occasions. Just as you would for a networking event, have some friendly open-ended questions to present that will help start and continue the conversation. Refrain from discussing religion, politics, gossip, or anything sensitive or very personal.
Even though there is a point of business to discuss, let your host initiate that topic. This is another opportunity to appeared unhurried and relaxed.
Use your listening skills. Even though you may have other thoughts - especially if it is an interview lunch - don't interrupt others. Excuse yourself if you do, and let it go.
If the lunch is part of an interview, it is very important that you have some knowledge of the company. Keep some general company-focused questions in mind in case the conversation seems overly centered on you, or if you sense it is one-sided.
Avoid discussing negative or difficult subjects at lunch. If you are the guest, and a topic is brought up by your host that is inappropriate, try and change the subject or ask to have the discussion in the office in private. Aim to keep the conversation at a high level or courtesy and civility.
Ending the Meal
The end of a meal is typically signaled when the host places her napkin on the table. If you sense that time is coming, or when it arrives, close out and follow suit.
When you leave the table and are saying your good-byes, thank your host for the lunch or your guest for joining you. Mention something positive about your discussion and confirm any action items from your discussion.
As you leave, give yourself a virtual pat on the back. You remembered your table manners, kept the conversation upbeat, learned a thing or two, and made a good impression. When you get to your office, you will send a thank-you note to your host and will follow through on any agreements or actions as promised.
Good work!

Fitness & Health

Hydration is Key in Summer Heat!
It is critical to reduce risk of heat illness.------
Summer is a season to enjoy some fun in the sun, but it's imperative that people remember to take steps to reduce their risk for heat illness. Those measures should include efforts to hydrate and remain hydrated throughout the day.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that water will almost always help people remain hydrated even when they're working in the heat. But food also plays a vital role in preventing heat illness, as the CDC notes eating regular meals can help to replace the salt lost through sweat. It's also important that individuals avoid energy drinks and alcohol when spending time in the hot summer sun. Many energy drinks contain more caffeine than standard servings of coffee, tea and soft drinks, and excessive caffeine consumption can contribute to dehydration. The same can be said for alcohol, and the CDC reports that consuming alcohol within 24 hours of working in the heat can increase the risk of heat illness.

Spirits & Cuisine

How to Pick the Right Watermelon
The key is knowing how to pick a ripe one.-------
Watermelon is a summertime staple. Each summer, stores and farm stands have an abundance of watermelons on display, and many people feel no picnic or barbecue is complete without watermelon.
Watermelon is a refreshing option on hot days. It's ideal sliced and served, or can be included in fruit salads, smoothies or even "spiked" cocktails. The key to a tasty watermelon is knowing how to pick one that is ripe, while serving watermelon comes down to understanding some easy cutting strategies.
· Choose a watermelon that has a firm, symmetrical shape. Avoid melons with bumps, dents or cuts.
· Watermelons should be relatively heavy. They're 92 percent water, and that juiciness should be reflected in a substantial weight for the melon's size.
· Watermelon.org advises looking for a creamy yellow spot on the underside of the watermelon. This is called the "ground spot." It indicates where the melon sat on the ground and ripened in the sun. Once cut from the vine, a watermelon has about three to four weeks to be consumed.
· All parts of the watermelon are edible, including the seeds and rind. The rind can be pickled or cut up to use in stir-fry dishes.
When bringing watermelon to an event, it is a courtesy to bring it already sliced or cut up. This ensures the host or hostess does not have to tackle what can sometimes be a chore. Here are three techniques to cut a watermelon easily.
1. Cut both ends off of the watermelon.
2. Stand the watermelon on one sliced end. Use the knife to slice down and cut off the rind.
3. After removing the rind from all sides of the melon, cut into discs about 1/2-inch in thickness.
4. Then cut those discs into cubes.
1. Cut the watermelon in half lengthwise.
2. Take one cut half and place it cut-side down.
3. Cut the watermelon into slices.
4. Repeat for the other cut half.
1. Cut the watermelon as you would with the slices. Rather than leaving it in large slices, turn the watermelon and cut the same size slices in the opposite direction. This creates strips that are easy for kids to grab and maneuver.
2. Repeat with the other half of the watermelon in the same manner.


Notable Moments in MLB All Star History
A traditional summer event in the United States.-------
Major League Baseball's 93rd All-Star Game was played last night (Tuesday) at T-Mobile Park in Seattle. As such, we thought it a great time to look back at some interesting moments that have occurred during that game over the years.
Many do no t know that at one time there were actually two All-Star Games played each season from 1959 through 1962. The second game was added to raise money for the MLB players' pension funds, as well as other causes. The experiment was later abandoned on the grounds that having two games watered down the appeal of the event.
The first All-Star game in Major League Baseball was held on July 6, 1933, at Comiskey Park in Chicago. Since then, many a notable moment has marked the game known as the Midsummer Classic. This year's game will be played on July 11 at T-Mobile Park, which is the home of the Seattle Mariners. The game is sure to feature its fair share of great plays, and fans can watch to see if any of those match up with these memorable moments from past MLB All-Star games.
· July 8, 1941: The 1941 season is widely remembered for the exploits of New York Yankee Joe DiMaggio. DiMaggio's record-setting 56-game hitting streak during the 1941 season still stands, but that year's All-Star Game featured heroics from another Hall of Famer. The game had the first walk-off homerun in Midsummer Classic history thanks to Boston Red Sox great Ted Williams, whose three-run blast gave the American League a 7-5 win.
· July 9, 2002: It didn't take long for fans to be dazzled during the 2002 All-Star Game. With two outs in the bottom of the first inning, San Francisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds drove a ball that seemed destined to land beyond the wall in center field. But Minnesota Twins center fielder Torii Hunter had something else in mind, leaping at the wall to rob Bonds of a homerun. The catch remains one of the more memorable grabs in Midsummer Classic history.
· July 13, 1999: Future Hall of Famers combined to make the 1999 All-Star Game an instant classic, though several of those vaunted ballplayers may not remember the game too fondly. Pitching in front of his own fans at Fenway Park in Boston, Red Sox legend and future Hall of Famer Pedro Martinez struck out five of the six batters he faced. Among the victims of Pedro's dominance were Barry Larkin, Larry Walker and Jeff Bagwell, each of whom would ultimately be enshrined in Cooperstown.
· July 17, 1979: Strikeouts, homeruns and unbelievable catches might stand out in All-Star Game history, but in 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder Dave Parker made the game memorable thanks to his prolific arm. Parker earned the game's Most Valuable Player honor after throwing out Jim Rice at third base in the seventh inning and then taking it one step further an inning later, keeping the game tied with an incredible throw from deep right field to nab Brian Downing at home.
· July 13, 1971: Tape measure homeruns were a hallmark of the Hall of Fame career of Reggie Jackson. But in 1971 Reggie's career was still very much in its early stages. The 1971 Midsummer Classic was just the second of Jackson's 14 All-Star Game appearances, but it might have produced his most memorable Midsummer Classic moment when he hit a ball onto the roof of Tiger Stadium in Detroit. The ball traveled an estimated 520 feet, going so far that it was not even in the frame on the television broadcast by the time it officially departed the stadium.


Tame the Stress of Air Travel
Enjoy your vacation travel.-------
The excitement of an upcoming vacation can be eclipsed by the frustration and stress that sometimes results from air travel. While vacations are often intended to alleviate stress, the sheer task of getting to a destination can compromise that goal.
Traveling by air can be an ordeal for a variety of reasons. Busy airports can be challenging to navigate, especially when pressed for time. There's also the possibility of lost luggage and the anxiety that comes with going through TSA and potentially customs if you are flying internationally. Of course, some people are simply nervous about flying as well.
The good news for reluctant air travelers is that there are many ways to cut down on the stress surrounding flying.
· Enroll in TSA PreCheck. Individuals in the United States who are citizens, lawful permanent residents and U.S. nationals may be able to avoid the long lines at TSA by becoming members of PreCheck. For a fee that covers five years and after a background check, approval, fingerprinting and interview, PreCheck enables members to skip the removal of shoes and jackets as well as other TSA protocol. It is valid for domestic and international flights from more than 200 U.S.-based airports. Similarly, there is a Global Entry program to expedite the customs process.
· Weigh before you go. Paying extra for luggage is no fun. Measure luggage and put it on a scale before heading to the airport to make sure it does not exceed size and weight limits. Account for any souvenirs or items that you may bring home as well.
· Get a travel perks credit card. Certain credit cards enable you to earn not only points toward travel miles and discounted flights, but also some additional benefits. For example, you may be able to enjoy priority boarding if you are a cardholder or gain access to special member lounges while you wait for flights. These perks can go a long way toward making flying more comfortable.
· Skip the bag check. Pack light and only bring a carry-on bag to save time when the flight lands.
· Download the airline app. There's much to be said about technology, especially when it can streamline travel. Airline apps can be used to purchase tickets and have boarding passes available to be scanned at check-in. In addition, airline apps can keep you apprised of flight delays and boarding gates.
These are a few of the ways to reduce the stress of air travel.

Business Services
Business Tools
Asset Based Lending
Cutting-edge ideas.-------
Monetize Inground Assets!
Do you have unmined Assets & Minerals?
Gold, Diamonds, etc. ?
We have solutions.
Traditional project funding route has been drying up. Banks are not lending; projects don't have the required credit or valuations and are coming out of a very difficult period in our history of business. If you have inground assets with a minimum valuation of 100 M we can help.
For a Complimentary Consultation:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com

Business Services
Take Your Business to the Next Level!
Corb7 International
"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
Imagine Your Own Zurich Based European Hub!
The World's Premier Business Location.

The Swiss Trust Company Business Model
Strategic Benefits:Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection
- Asset Protection: Obtain a safe haven for either your personal or corporate wealth
- Profit: Acquire ownership of a “Non-Banking Financial Entity” in a major financial center
- Privacy: Lower your financial profile and protect yourself from identity theft
- Gain Control: Avoid cumbersome red-tape in which will improve efficiency
- Potential Exit Strategy: Roll existing business into a STC and then list on an exchange
- Portfolio Management: Manage portfolios of Real Estate or Securities
Why Us?
We understand that you have choices when it comes to implementing a cross-border strategy. At Corb7, we are committed to the disciplined pursuit of international entrepreneurial endeavors. As a client, you will benefit from our insistence upon organized, professional and above all ethical guidance. Ultimately, you will receive advice that is straightforward and technically sound while developing strategic relationships with premier financial networks and advisors. Therefore, we would like to offer you the following macro reasons to consider us for your Swiss Trust Company acquisition.
Pricing – saving you money: No hidden fees are what you can expect from us along with fair pricing. This separates us apart from competitors who quote a low initial price but literally add-on tens of thousands in additional costs.
Turnkey – saving you time: Three days start to finish resulting in fast and efficient transfer of ownership.
Experience – peace of mind: While competitors come and go, no one can offer you more experience. We have been involved with the successful implementation of Swiss Trust Company strategies for more than 25 years. Not one of our clients has ever had a transfer of ownership problem. We take pride in our straightforward approach. Therefore, you and your associates are guaranteed that the company is in good standing and without issue.
FATCA & OECD Compliant – peace of mind: Our associates in Zurich will make sure that every Swiss Trust Company client is compliant and current on all filings. No one else will offer you this critical function.
Publications – trustworthiness: Straight answers to your questions. A review of our website, blog, newsletters, and previous publications – including our magazine & book – reveal our knowledge and longevity. The quality and quantity of these writings show our dedication to both our readership and clients.
Top Reasons to Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2023!
Please note that additional licensing may be required depending upon new ownership’s business objectives and activities.
2. US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. Also applies to similar industries.
3. Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
4. South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. Also applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
5. Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.
6. Internet Based Business Owners: Enhance corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
7. Import Industry & Shipping Industry: Control transactions more efficiently and establish true corresponding bank relationships.
We will Save you Time & Money!
For a Complimentary Consultation & to Explore New Opportunities:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my new site: JeffCorbett.com