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What you will find in this edition

    • Feature:
      What to Do After a Data Breach
    • Business Tools:
      Trick Out Your iPhone E-Signature!
    • Business Psychology:
      Healthy Ways to Handle Stress!
    • Executive Fitness:
      Know the Truth About Arthritis
    • International Spirits & Cuisine:
      Tips for Grilling Chicken
    • Living & Traveling Offshore:
      How to Use Your Cell Phone in Europe
    • Corb7 International Services:
      Learning Center

International Business


What to Do After a Data Breach

Data breaches are on the rise for both retailers and other businesses. Reports suggest breaches might have compromised the sensitive personal information of as many as 150 million Americans, or roughly half the adult population of the United States.

In the digital age, consumers are more vulnerable to such breaches than ever before. Data stolen as part of the now famous Equifax breach included names, social security numbers and birthdates, among other personal information. Consumers concerned about data breaches can take certain steps to determine if they have been compromised while also taking measures to safeguard themselves against future breaches.

When breaches happen

News of the Equifax breach understandably inspired panic among consumers, and future data breaches will be no different. Hackers who gain access to consumers’ personal information can steal identities, file false tax returns, take out loans in unsuspecting consumers’ names, and commit a host of other crimes that can negatively affect consumers’ credit ratings and compromise their ability to secure loans in the future. When a breach happens, consumers should do the following.

· Contact the agency that was affected. After acknowledging it had been breached, Equifax set up a website where consumers could find out if their information had been compromised by the breach. When using such websites, consumers should make sure they are using secure connections, as they will be asked to enter personal information.
Equifax Site
· Examine credit reports. Even if individuals’ personal information was not compromised, they can monitor their credit reports for suspicious activity. Many credit card companies now provide monthly credit report updates to cardholders. Individuals should monitor these to see if any new accounts have been opened without their knowledge. If ratings suddenly plummet despite relative inactivity from consumers, they should contact one of the major reporting agencies for a thorough report. Such reports are typically free once per year.

Future breaches

Breaches are seemingly inevitable in the digital age. Concerned consumers can take steps to protect themselves against future breaches.

· Continue monitoring credit reports. Individuals should take advantage of the monthly credit rating reports offered by their credit card companies even if no breaches have been reported. Hackers may sell consumers’ information, which thieves can then sit on for years before ultimately using to commit financial fraud. Routine monitoring can help consumers instantly address any suspicious activity before things spiral out of control.

· Place a fraud alert on all accounts. Fraud alerts warn creditors that individuals may have been compromised by past data breaches, forcing them to verify that credit or loan applicants are legitimate before they can open any new accounts or take out any loans.

· File taxes as early as possible. Criminals with access to consumers’ personal information can file false tax returns and steal their refunds before consumers even realize they have been victimized. File early, before thieves have had a chance to file false returns.

Consumer data breaches can affect every facet of consumers’ lives. Knowing what to do when such breaches occur and how to reduce their risk of being victimized can help consumers when the next breach occurs.

International Business

Business Tools

Trick Out Your E-Signature on Your iPhone!

Get  a new and cool look for your iPhone email and text signature!

International Business

  Business Psychology

Healthy Ways to Handle Stress!

Stress affects people of all ages. The symptoms of stress can be extremely unpleasant, as participants in a study released earlier this year by the Statistic Brain Research Institute and the American Institute of Stress who reported experiencing physical symptoms of stress admitted to feeling fatigue, headache, upset stomach, and muscle tension, among other things.

Among those who reported feeling physical symptoms of stress, 77 percent admitted to feeling those symptoms regularly, citing job pressure and money as the primary causes of their stress. How men and women handle stress can impact both their immediate and long-term health, as stress has been linked to a host of problems and ailments, including sleep dysfunction and heart disease. Many people cope with stress in unhealthy ways, which may only exacerbate the effects of stress on the body. Certain methods of handling stress may work for some people but not others, but the following are a few healthy ways to combat stress.

· Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption. Many adults turn to alcohol at the end of a stressful day, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that relying on alcohol to cope with stress may only create more problems down the road, and those problems will only increase your stress levels. In addition, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America notes that alcohol and caffeine can aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks.

· Rely on a support network. Coworkers, family and friends have stressful days, too, and such confidantes can help you handle stress in healthy ways. The ADAA recommends men and women dealing with stress let their support circle know how they can help relieve stress. Many people simply need to talk to someone after a stressful day, which can feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Let your support network know you’re there for them when they experience stress as well.

· Get daily exercise. Exercise pays a host of dividends, not the least of which is relieving stress. At the end of a stressful day, get some exercise instead of pouring yourself a drink or indulging in an unhealthy meal. When the body is physically active, the brain secretes endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that make you feel good. Regular exercise also helps you get a fuller, deeper sleep, which can be disrupted by stress.

· Eat a healthy diet. Diet also can affect how your body handles stress. Certain foods can tame stress. For example, oatmeal can boost levels of a calming chemical known as serotonin in your brain. That calming effect can make it easier to cope with stress. Other foods may help strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C, for instance, may help curb levels of stress hormones such as cortisol while simultaneously strengthening the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish such as salmon and tuna, may help prevent surges in stress hormones while also protecting against heart disease and depression, two serious conditions that studies have linked to elevated stress levels.

Healthy ways to handle stress can help men and women who are stressed out ensure that stress is not compromising both their immediate and long-term health.


Executive Fitness

Know the Truth About Arthritis

Arthritis affects hundreds of millions of people across the globe. The Arthritis Foundation® notes that more than 50 million adults in the United States have some type of arthritis, while the European League Against Rheumatism estimates that rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis affect more than 120 million people in the European Union. In Canada, the Canadian Community Health Survey found that 16 percent of Canadians age 15 and older were affected by arthritis.

The Arthritis Foundation notes that arthritis is not a single disease. In fact, the word “arthritis” is something of an umbrella term and an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. While these conditions may produce some common symptoms, such as swelling, pain and stiffness, learning to distinguish between some common types of arthritis can help men and women manage their conditions more effectively.


Osteoarthritis, which is sometimes referred to as “degenerative joint disease” or “OA,” is the most common chronic condition of the joints. The symptoms of OA vary depending on the joints that are affected, but pain and stiffness, especially first thing in the morning or after resting, are common. OA can affect the hips, knees, fingers, or feet, and those with OA may feel limited range of motion in their affected areas. Some with OA may hear clicking or cracking sounds when the affected joints bend, and pain associated with OA may be more intense after activity or toward the end of the day.

Inflammatory arthritis

Inflammatory arthritis occurs when the immune system, which can employ inflammation to fight infection and prevent disease, mistakenly attacks the joints with uncontrolled inflammation. Such a mistake can contribute to joint erosion and even organ damage. Psoriatic arthritis, which the Arthritis Foundation notes affects roughly 30 percent of people with psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis are two examples of inflammatory arthritis. Genetics and environmental factors, such as smoking, may trigger instances of inflammatory arthritis.

Infectious arthritis

Bacterium, a virus or a fungus that enters the joint may trigger inflammation and lead to infection arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation notes that the most common bacteria to cause infection arthritis is staphylococcous aureus, or staph. The majority of infectious arthritis cases occur after an infection somewhere else in the body travels through the bloodstream to the joint, though some infections may enter the joint directly through a puncture wound near the joint or during surgery near the joint. Intense swelling and pain, typically in a single joint, are the most common symptoms of infectious arthritis, which is most likely to affect the knee, though it can affect the hips, ankles and wrists. Some people with infection arthritis may also experience fever and chills.

Metabolic arthritis

The body produces uric acid to break down purines, a substance found in many foods and in human cells. But some people produce more uric acid than they need, which they then struggle to get rid of quickly. As a result, uric acid can build up. The Arthritis Foundation notes that this buildup can lead to the formation of needle-like crystals in the joints that cause sudden spikes of extreme pain.


Spirits & Cuisine

Tips for Grilling Chicken

Cooking food over an open flame tends to produce unique flavors. But some people may avoid grilling certain foods because of the perceived difficulty of creating that distinctive grilled flavor. One such food is chicken. Some people have difficulty grilling flavorful chicken, while others cannot put chicken over an open flame without over- or under cooking it. The following tips for grilling chicken can help poultry lovers grill flavorful chicken.

· Cook to the appropriate temperature. Many cooks have conducted the eyeball test when grilling chicken, removing chicken that appears cooked from their grills only to cut the chicken open and see it’s pink. Putting chicken that’s been sliced open back on the grill can compromise its flavor once it’s fully cooked. Guidelines established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommend cooking poultry, whether it’s whole chickens, turkeys, poultry parts, or duck and goose, to 165 F. Measure the internal temperature using a food thermometer, only removing the chicken once it’s reached 165 F.

· Employ two-zone cooking. Chicken cooks most evenly when grilled at a lower temperature. When the grill temperature is too high, the outside of the chicken may burn while the inside might still be pink. Grill chicken over a two-zone fire in which the heat source, whether it’s charcoal briquets or propane gas, is on one side of the grill. Once the outside of the chicken has crisped over, it can be moved to the cool side of the grill. Shut the lid and allow the inside of the chicken to reach the recommended temperature.

· Wait to apply barbecue sauce. Barbecued chicken is a favorite food to grill, but it’s important to apply barbecue sauce at the right time. Many barbecue sauces contain lots of sugar, which burns quickly over an open flame. That can give cooks the impression that their chicken is cooked, even if it needs significantly more time to reach the recommended temperature. Cooks should wait to apply barbecue sauce until right before the chicken is done cooking. This prevents the sauce from turning to char and ensures that the flavor of the barbecue sauce is preserved.

· Recognize not all chicken cooks at the same pace. Different parts of the chicken will cook more quickly than others. Chicken breasts may take the longest time to reach 165 F, while thighs might need only a few minutes to reach that temperature.


 Living & Traveling Offshore

How to Use Your Cell Phone While Traveling in Europe

International travel is critical for successful business relationships.  Here are a few quick tips on setting your cell phone while traveling overseas which will save you money.

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